The Autoblog Podcast


The Autoblog Podcast is one of the oldest and most-listened to automotive podcasts anywhere. The show features a rotating panel of editors and guests hosted by Editor-in-Chief Greg Migliore. The gloves come off and the lively discussion has everything from the most important news of the week to the best and worst cars we're driving. The show traditionally wraps with the popular Spend My Money segment. With nearly 700 episodes, the podcast is a must-listen for automotive enthusiasts everywhere.

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Recent Reviews
  • XxRich3alxX
    Uh, uh, uhhhh, um, uh
    Every other word is “Uh” from John. Podcast is great and very informative but let’s work on better vocabulary - could turn it into a drinking game he says it so much.
  • getitrightbud
    Why can’t I download new episodes on Apple podcasts? Is this the end of this informative podcast?
    What has happened to the podcasts? Os it now behind a pay gate or paywall. Are the Podcasts no longer free? What a pity. I always enjoy listening to this podcast
  • P. Munro
    Great show
    Would love to hear more
  • WallyDonegal
    Great content, um, needs some, um, coaching.
    Great show. Please help the one guy out….instead of,um, silent pauses he, um, chooses to use um, “um”. Multiple times per, um, sentence. Too distracting. Too bad - otherwise an awesome podcast. This makes is quite unlistenable. Bit of improvement and it’ll be great.
  • Ally J
    Drinking game
    Take a drink every time he says, “Let’s put it that way” or “if you will.” You’ll be sloshed by the end of the podcast. Maybe learn your verbal ticks so your show isn’t so hard to listen to.
  • racerwantaB
    Good content
    Good content but rambles on way too long on opinion’s. I find myself fast forwarding to the next topic. Case in point todays Mercedes SL review. It’s a lot of money for a four cylinder. I got it , move on
  • Steve in Bristow
    Where’s the podcast?
    What happened to episode #773 about the Hummer, etc.? Instead you posted the Demon episode twice.
  • RaynJrz
    Car enthusiast
    I’m not a gearhead but love new cars and technology. I found the autoblog podcast and now listen to it every weekend. Greg is a great host. He’s the guy you want to have a beer with. Calm demeanor. He makes me feel as if I’m in the room with him and his guest. Interesting take on the latest vehicles both gas and electric. I’m not a drinker but I’ve learned about ales and lagers as well.
  • # I love cars
    You know
    Tezzzzla. You know. If you will. Ummm. Umm. Uh. You know. We’ll spend your money.
  • Kawatwo
    It’s car news and reviews from Autoblog. What’s not to love.
    The editors are deep in the automotive industry so have access to lots of cars and news. I love the spend your money portion. I can do without beer talk though 😀
  • magnuswoodsguy
    “If you will” PLEASE stop saying that.
    Love the website, but I have to play this on 1.5x speed to make the mumble-y, “if you will,” and “like,” repetitive vocab sped up to normal conversational mode.
  • Loser hater
    Nice political jab
    “Rich’s distaste for spending g money on taxes” Screw you lefty fruit
  • berne1a
    Be Less Typical
    Overall the podcast has recovered from some darker days. Not to be a spoiler but these are stereotypical automotive journalists and it gets kind of tired. IOW they gripe about crossovers, how EVERYONE on the road except them can’t drive, and think every automaker should build AWD manual diesel wagons that nobody would ever buy. Oh, and complain if a car has upgraded wheels or pretty much any options. “Base cars FTW!”is the motto. These guys clearly spend zero time commuting in the real world. The main host sounds like he has a perpetually stuffy nose with a Canadian accent, but at least keeps it moving, the “if you will” aside. I believe the other host gets paid based on his use of the word ‘like’. “LIke, driving that car was, like, really fun. The engine, like, had a lot of, like, power and the seats were, like, really, like, comfortable”. The ‘spend my money’ segment always ends up with a recommendation for a Miata, GTI or random overrated Mazda model and should be avoided completely. Anyone who gushes over the derivative styling of a Volvo XC90 like these guys do, should be suspended from podcasting for a listener-determined amount of time.
  • WhyDoINeedANickNameUIdiots
    Uneven Show - Especially Lately
    I’ve been hot/cold with this podcast ever since the Dan Roth hosting days. Roth was irritating, but was definitely a car guy and called out bad cars & stupid moves by manufacturers and the government. It made the podcast relevant and interesting to listen too. Ever since he left, Autoblog podcast has turned into the reaffirmation hour - all cars, all design choices, all government mandates … nothing is ever really criticized. Cost of cars going through the roof? Oh well! Noticing that creature comfort bloat is ruining the fun & skill of driving, as well as driving up prices? Don’t come here for any critique - that’s just how it is! Don’t think cameras everywhere, your car being internet connected constantly (providing quite the mobile hacking target), & the government trying to put mandatory tracking/reporting laws in stimulus bills is proper or good? It will never even be mentioned at Autoblog! You will get more talk about the weather and beer - I’m not kidding - than anything substantive (meaning, more than ‘I really liked how it drives’) about car performance or the corporate/political/financial landscape surrounding the industry. This where I might be expected to say I miss Innes Ireland, Csaba Csere, or Brock Yates. But you don’t need to go that far back or to some other media outlet. I miss Chris Shunk, Zach Bowman (ESPECIALLY Bowman) and yes, even Dan Roth.
  • slapsh0t11
    “If you will”
    Lol the first review I saw here matches what I came here to say — drink every time you hear “if you will!” (And please stay away from your car keys)
  • MacMcAndrew
    Automotive Reviews from INTERIOR DECORATORS
    How about more technical analysis and minimal touch and fabric Interior reviews…
  • riah982
    Sorry but I’m tapping out
    Your use of the word “like” is borderline abusive. I do appreciate your show and all of the information you give about vehicles. Old, new, future. Whatever the case may be, the Autoblog podcast has always provided good information about vehicles. As of late though, I’m very distracted and lose the information given because I’m focused on how many times I hear the word “like”. It’s as if an ear worm is burrowing a hole into my brain. I do not have the ability to resist it, and for that reason I’m tapping out.
  • bigsherm771
    If you will….
    I counted at least 10 times the host Greg used the phrase “if you will” in the most recent episode. I will not.
  • lemontree2004
    Good content but bad presentation
    Get ready to hear none stop “yeah no” “you know” and “if you will”.
  • *****Mike*****
    Fun drinking game!
    Every time Greg says “if you will” DRINK!!!
  • I. F. Will
    If you will
    If you will stop saying if you will I may resubscribe.
  • mts2500
    If you could like stop saying like every other like word, it would like make you sound like less of a like idiot. I could not make through the first 20 minutes.
  • djejnyc
    Love this podcast!
    Greg and company really deliver a good hang. I always feel like I’m at a backyard BBQ, drink in hand, discussing cars with my buddies. I feel like loose format is so refreshing and authentic, not reading off a script. Keep it up!
  • F-150 Rich NJ
    Good content, but...
    The hosts (Greg) vocal ticks make it very difficult to listen to. “Like” “ummmm” “ahhhhh” is pretty much the entire show
  • Transfer my pics :(
    Needs new host and stop scratching mic
    Stop messing with mic/making extra noise. Hard to listen when all you can focus on is the scratching noises. AND PLEASE give the host position to someone else. Literally every other auto journalist other than Greg doesn’t ramble and is interesting/can carry a conversation normally. - no offense to Greg, I’m just sick of hearing umm and the fumbled conversations
  • plamry
    Good content
    Stop saying “if you will”!! Otherwise good content.
  • LDCohen*
    Great content & Information, a pleasure to listen to
    I listen to many auto related podcasts. Autoblog provides the best content. True informative Automotive review, interesting presentation. Simply a pleasure to listen. You have become my favorite. In October my wife and I are planning a 3 week, 4800 mile driving trip, you will definitely be at the top of our road going entertainment. Thanks LarryC
  • mgpags
    Generally entertaining
    Get rid of the “if you will” and “yeah, no”.
  • 1234xlfx
    So Boring
    This podcast has become opinonless advertising for the cars discussed. No objectivety used. Everything is great. Most of the podcast is random mumblings or backtracks on an original statement. Miss the days of Mr. Neff. Greg needs to go.
  • terpinator93
    Great podcast, except for...
    Love the podcast. Especially the “spend my money” segment. I want to be in the room to take part in the discussion. Only real downside is host Jeremy Korzeniewski’s constant “ums” and “uhs” in his delivery. It is almost unlistenable because it is so distracting, which is a shame because he is very knowledgeable.
  • sopkevhrs22
    Srop with the likeing
  • Marlboroman9882
    Good show, problematic sponsor
    I really enjoy hearing these guys discuss cars. My problem is they’re sponsored by an anti-gay group (Salvation Army). If they had a different sponsor I’d give it 5 stars.
  • ddanania
    My favorite podcast
    I really dislike how many times “super” gets used but the show is top notch and my favorite by far.
  • irrirating
    You know, like, umm
    Good info. But I can’t continue to listen it is so distracting. No I don’t know!
  • Ape-x
    Informative but very annoying
    The host and his compadres obviously don’t care to improve their presentation of this podcast. As many previous reviewers have stated, the ridiculous overuse of “like” and “you know” along with all the “umms and ahhs” ruins the experience. I challenge Editor-In-Chief and host Greg Migliore to instruct his staff to include this verbal flatulence in their writings on If it enhances the spoken message, then why not the written?
  • MrTravs
    Very entertaining.
    Get great industry news and rumors. The guys do an excellent job to help folks decide how to spend your hard earned money. If you’re interested in cars, then you should give this a listen.
  • jampro57
    Mid Engine Corvette. My Pontiac Fiero(s)
    Great podcast! 1988 Pontiac shelved the Fiero - it’s best year. I owned 3 Fieros. 85 2m4 auto 86 GT standard 87 SE 2.8 auto One rumored reason why GM killed the Fiero? Chevy wants to build a Mid Engine Corvette that long ago.
  • Salsa meng
    Good podcast!
    Only complaint is the guys say “like” waay too much...listen to it, every 5th word is “like” and the host who is the “green” guy went on a rant about capitalism...please I don’t want to hear your politics bro, there’s plenty of political podcasts, stick to cars!
  • Yzsutty
    Great but too much “I don’t know”
    I enjoy the conversation by the well-informed crew, but the constant use of filler phrases like “I don’t know” can make the podcast tedious.
  • jay986357
    Needs some improvement
    I really like autoblog but man it is tough listening to you guys. Not sure who it is but one of you sounds like you have a sinus infection and can’t breathe through your nose. Its painful to listen too. On top of that there are so much “uh” “ums” like...etc. I feel like this should be rehearsed more to have a more fluid delivery.
  • gxva
    Much less “likes”
    Would expect more specifics; weight, torque, performance, etc. Also, would appreciate less “likes”.
  • 9876543210!
    No more “Like”
    Please stop saying “Like!!!”
  • Libertyburro
    Green, green, green
    If you enjoy being lectured on the evils of the internal combustion engine and what an primitive idiot you are for enjoying a vehicle powered by one, then this is the podcast for you girlfriend. Real men need not apply. And say “yeah” more. Awful.
  • bigmac 38
    You know
    I’m sorry, I’ve tried to listen for a while now but I can’t get past the host saying “you know” over and over. The information they give is good, but hearing you know over and over drives me insane. Could use the podcast for a drinking game, everyone would be smashed in the first five minutes.
  • 8252ipod
    Yearning for the Autoblog of years gone by
    This used to be one of the best Auto podcast around. Funny host with edgy, honest comments. It's now a politically laced work with the tone of PBS. Greg M is knowledgeable and has quality comments but he needs a better supporting cast.
  • Pam Landee
    More polish, less personality
    I listened to this podcast years ago, and really enjoyed the old cast. Then, quite suddenly, it changed with a full overhaul. Dan Roth was the spirit of this show. Grumpy, opinionated, and sometimes verging on inappropriate, the show was just more fun back then.
  • Brown Trucker
    Like, you know, it’s okay.
    As far as an automotive podcast, there seems to be good info. As far as a “like, you know” drinking game, if you can make it through half the show, you need to get help.
  • HiHoNumNum
    Just OK
    Nice topics and good audio quality but not ready for prime time podcasting. Slow, with long pauses between sentences and phrases, not one of the best automotive podcasts. One of this guy’s “main concerns about the new Miata” is that it may be overpowered. Wow, that’s not the insightful commentary I was hoping to hear.
  • 11128476594626
    Love that they are back
    Not sure why they took a break, but man I am glad they are back. My favorite automotive podcast.
  • kashman jets
    Very good podcast
    Hi, I’d like to thank the crew for a very mature, fun, and informative podcast. Jeffrey
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