Motherhood Sessions

by Gimlet
Parenting #241

Being a mom is hard—everybody knows that. But usually we only hear about sleepless nights and diaper changes, not the profound identity shift that accompanies becoming a mother. Motherhood is a psychological big bang. And yet it’s rare to find emotionally honest conversations about it. On Gimlet Media’s Motherhood Sessions, Dr. Alexandra Sacks, a renowned reproductive psychiatrist, sits down with mothers and lets us listen in on conversations that are hard to have outside of a therapist’s office. Each episode features a woman struggling with some problem or question—from career uncertainty to sex to ambivalence about even being a mother—and she and Dr. Sacks work it through together.

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Recent Reviews
  • rG559
    Is this podcast returning?
    I’ve enjoyed listening to this podcast, but is there more episodes coming? I hope so.... It’s been interesting listening to other mothers express what some mothers only think, but don’t say.
  • mamakpdx
    Very pushy for parents to follow one strict way of parenting.
    In the episode talking to the couple about not having sex for two years, there’s quite a bit of shaming and quite honestly rude attitude towards this mother for wanting to breastfeed longer and co sleep. To all the moms that want to breastfeed longer than a year and want to co sleep: PLENTY OF PEOPLE DO IT AND STILL HAVE A HEALTHY SEX LIFE. please don’t let this woman make you feel ashamed for it. That’s really unfortunate.
  • coolmomatcoolmomdotcom
    Not Pro-Connection
    In many instances Dr. Sacks missed the mark. In one episode about a couple not having sex for two years she blames it on breastfeeding and bed sharing. We know this isn’t the reason because there are many who bed share and have more than one child! You can have sex on other places besides a bed?? Weird considering the research that she would recommend to stop breastfeeding and stop cosleeping which are two huuuge factors that contribute to the well being of a child. In another episode she talks about how she “had talked to 10 moms this week” and they all let their kids watch iPads so they could cook dinner. Again a huuuuge place she missed the mark. These moms were coming to her stressed out because they couldn’t get things done and she told them to continue something that would just keep repeating the cycle. Many studies have been done and when a child has something think for them instead of having to use their imagination when they are bored they slowly become less and less content! Aka moms feel they have to work to entertain the children becoming more and more stressed out.
  • inconvenient price
    Much needed
    As a mother I’ve enjoyed listening to this podcast. I find the stories relatable and just lets me know I’m not alone.
  • dd85💕
    I would love new episodes
    What happened to this podcast? I listened to all stories and loved it! I sometimes check, hoping to find new more episodes, but since March nothing was added.
  • yowheez
    I am 27 weeks along and this is helping me through the “I am going to ruin this small person inside of me” phase of pregnancy anxiety! We aren’t going to ruin these small people!
  • aquatic dog
    I want to love it. And I do keep listening but the vocal fry is making it exhausting more than enjoyable. The content is so important tho
  • nutritionbytamsin
    Great podcast!
    Love this podcast so much, great stories and insights from Dr Sacks
  • BethanyVG
    Hoping for new episodes
    Love this podcast and the rawness of moms and hearing what they experience. There’s no mask on and we’re able to hear the things that help us know we’re not alone. I hope this podcast resumes!
  • marbabes61
    Well the first episodes were interesting and insightful, but recent episodes
    The recent episodes (moms not there and blurred lines) what a bunch of entitled self involved drivel! Get some issues that matter!
  • Megan-F
    As a new mom this podcast has been incredible to listen to. Thanks to all the moms for sharing their stories!
  • MMClistener
    Very helpful especially for a new mom
    This podcast makes me feel like I am not alone. I really learn a lot from listening to the experiences that women share in this podcast. Thank you!
  • g.Maki
    Someone that gets it
    I love this! I feel like there is something for everyone on here. I here not only my own story being told by others, but also I get to hear what some of my friends are possibly going through. Still waiting to hear how to dealt with the Self righteous on mother in-law, that expects you to be here mirror image...I’m sure eventually it will come. Love it keep going!
  • Mrs. Moffett
    So relatable, but...
    Love the openness of these very brave women (and some men). I have been able to relate on so many levels. I struggle with the vocal fry. It can be so distracting that I miss her important points and advice. I think the content beats the sound quality, but I can see why some bail. Stay healthy all!
  • Furikake-chan
    Very relatable
    It’s intriguing to be able to listen in on what other mothers are going through in such a private way, in a therapist’s room. I love the calming voice of Dr.Alexandra Sacks as well as her supportive and realistic feedbacks. Thank you for making such great content!
  • lochacha
    Binge listened
    And loved every moment! So insightful
  • RosiLivi
    Love this!
    Love this podcast, wish there were more episodes. Grateful for the women who share their stories, which are all so relatable.
  • nises_peaces
    Thank You
    Thank you all for sharing your stories so we can all learn.
  • Summerlaha
    Love it
    This is a great podcast. It spans a wide range of topics, and I love that it’s not too long. Eps are about 30 mins, which is great for this busy mom.
  • jmchunu
    Absolutely living for this podcast! So glad I found it. Covers such a huge range of motherhood experiences. Love listening to stories like mine but also stories that make me ask new questions and have interesting conversations with my mom. Just loving it all :)
  • MeiraKH
    I love this podcast!
    Every mother should know about it.
  • elli718
    Love this podcast so much!
    These are such important conversations and the questions Dr. Sacks asks are so, so valuable. I love that there is no beating around the bush and the stories just feel so honest, raw, and real. Please make more of these sessions available!!!
  • Littlemissmichi
    Love this podcast!! Perfect fit all moms
    I’m a new mom and began listening to this show recently. I absolutely love and appreciate all of the stories told because they are SO real and SO intimate. 10/10 stars for me. Thanks to all the women who shared their worlds as mothers.
  • Suzy Q F
    Top 5 Podcast for Me
    This podcast allows me to think critically about my emotions related to being a mom. It’s a nice way to reflect while I walk and listen. One note: the vocal fry is distracting. I love the content and care of your message, but once you hear the vocal fry, you can’t unhear it.
  • A West in CO
    My favorite podcast!
    An intimate look at the secret dark and scary parts of motherhood that no one talks about. I’ve related so deeply to many of the topics discussed on this podcast. It’s made me feel less alone in some of the struggles I’ve faced, and more aware and compassionate toward myself and other moms.
  • Caitwilliam
    Food for thought
  • zumneybanher
    Love it
    Love this podcast. I’m not a mom but it’s interesting to listen in on the joys and hardships of being a mother.
  • romeoBOMB-93
    My favorite
    This is my favorite podcast! Even if you read the synopsis and think to yourself, “I can’t relate to that.” listen anyway and I promise you’ll glean something beneficial from it. It truly surprises me that I love this podcast more than all the other ones I listen to. It might surprise you too.
  • Susie Snowflake16
    Great listen
    An interesting listen and good topics. I’m not a mom but I still enjoy hearing each episode.
  • Shwayne5
    Great therapy podcast
    Amazing hardships that these mothers endure. And the psychiatrist guides them through what it means to examine their lives and how they got where they are. And then judges them gently in the direction that will provide them the best outcome
  • Cranberryjuice
    Motherhood Sessions
    I really cannot get over Dr. Alexandra Sacks. I can’t get through a single episode because of her. She is not a good listener and is not a good therapist. On top of that, she is inauthentic, pretentious, and is trying too hard to put on a show. Otherwise, the topics are great and content to be gleaned from those topics rich. Dr. Sacks is not it.
  • Kml646
    Honest, spot on look at motherhood
    This is the best podcast for the upper middle class professional woman and mom. This describes The maxes our burnt out American mom and how we can improve our situation
  • Txdumont
    Great look at mom minds
    Dr Sacks is doing something new with these open therapy sessions with mothers: revealing the thoughts and feelings behind the facade of the mom who juggles it all with a smile on her face. I think it’s really important and frankly vital that these topics are being brought up and that we continue the conversations so as moms we stop feeling alone, wrong, different, etc. I wish it spoke a little bit more to a larger audience and less just preaching to the choir - as important as it is for us moms to hear it!
  • debyemane
    Love this show
    Both as a mom and therapist, I love this show. Talking about these issues, that I feel are universal, is healing. Motherhood can be very lonely at times, this podcast normalizes mom issues. I look forward to a session each week.
  • Ali_glin
    Always enjoy listening
  • Futureballad
    Not cut out for motherhood
    Though I actively pursued becoming a mother, though much later than most women, I identify with Anne. I sense deep insecurities and anxiety from her own immigrant upbringing that simultaneously didn’t appeal to her yet she idolized her own mother’s hard work and self sacrifice. It’s hard to come to terms with the modern world, where it’s much easier on us and our kids, and the much harder time our own mothers had. I love this podcast so much. Every single episode is worth listening to multiple times.
  • Sarah CV
    Honest talk about motherhood
    This podcast is for the mom that wants honest talk about motherhood and all it’s challenges.
  • JanellO222
    Coparenting with your ex
    This episode brought me to tears. I felt each ache and sorrow of ending a long and hard relationship with someone who I loved and had a child with. I resonate with difficulty in navigating relationship feelings apart from navigating expectations in parenting- it’s so hard. This woman’s story was similar to my own and helped me feel less alone, but also helped me name my feelings and my struggles in co parenting and single parenting. This podcast is one of my favorites- there are so many different beautiful layers of motherhood. I think Dr. Alexandra Sacks ability to nurture and help these women is so special.
  • cathyanne1948
    Alternative Universes
    I know this same feeling. I call it the “search for the me of me who never grew to be” phenomenon. I too was adopted in 1948, in the US but was lied to about my adoption, a family secret that caused great trauma in the adoptive family, and birth family when I found them, all the way through to now, I am 71. I understand!
  • styledlifebyp
    Little Black Girl like me
    Omg !! I love this one ! It hits home for me having a bi racial baby girl . She’s over a year now but I can really relate to her concern and pain. It’s hard to live in a world where this conversation is still happening . But it take strong parents to help guide their children to have their families through these discussions!
  • Chelsie F
    Motherhood sessions
    I was never the type to really listen to radio cast or podcasts but one day I was interested in finding one about motherhood and the struggles I go through on a every day to see if others relate, and I came across this one & it’s the absolute best! I love this podcast. They talk so in depth about many things that go unheard, or is not really spoken about such as if it’s okay to be happy with only one child or the struggle of not really liking motherhood, or even just postpartum. They go over what could cause a lot of the trauma and stress we go through on a day to day, and it really just helps the healing soul, at least for me. I give it 5 stars and I don’t normally do reviews!
  • CALMTogether
    Competent, kind and insightful!
    Dr. Sacks offers thoughtful and insightful support and wisdom to these mamas coming from a variety of backgrounds with a variety of issues. So grateful for this podcast and her work!
  • TNbravojunkie
    Powerful podcast for mothers!
    This podcast is so incredibly raw and uplifting. Each episode I begin thinking I can’t relate to the specific story and by the end I’m in tears so touched by the common threads of motherhood. I am so thankful for Dr. Alexandra Sacks’ incredibly important work. She has been a beacon of light for me as I navigate new motherhood.
  • lilarose0614
    Favorite motherhood podcast !!!
  • mamakayrv
    Essential Postpartum Listening
    This podcast provides a window into so many postpartum struggles. I appreciate the variety of topics and honest conversations about what happens after pregnancy.
  • nfalcn
    Thoughtful and compelling
    As a mom of two young babes, I love this unique angle of seeing inside people’s lives and the challenges and hardships that parenting can bring with it. Listening into therapy sessions as people work it out with Dr. Sacks really is so special, vulnerable and intimate. I look forward to each episode.
  • Emhecho
    Something every new or senior mom should listen too
    Finding Dr. Sacks work came at a crucial time in my parenthood journey. My anxiety with my first child never faded with time it seemed to snow ball after having a second child. I felt abnormal and horrible with my many intrusive thoughts. It was so crippling that I felt so much fear of losing my first child ....that I wouldn’t leave the house unless my husband was with or it was must. After reading your book and listening to your podcasts my anxiety has softened and I’m able to control most of my negative thoughts. And to know that it’s normal and *gasp* okay to experience some level of anxiety with parenthood. Also ...becoming a mother isn’t as innate as society makes it appear. Thank you for everything Dr.Sacks
  • kellymitchem
    Came across the podcast recently and I love it. It’s so personal to me as a mother and as someone who frequently struggles with everything that entails. It brings out so much emotion to get to listen to others share their own personal stories and experiences in such a deep and honest way.
  • Marlene A Ramirez
    One of the BEST mom podcasts!
    I absolutely love listening to these sessions about real moms going through some REAL tough situations. Some I can relate to and some I can’t fathom the thought of having to go through. Dr. Alexandra Sacks does such a great job at guiding all of us moms through those struggles.
  • Billian28
    Mom’s group via podcast
    All the benefits of a mom’s group without leaving your living room. I think the host is very knowledgeable and I like her academic perspective. I think the sessions could benefit from being a bit longer and more therapeutic but overall, the take aways from the show are great. I hope the show keeps growing, digs deeper and covers more topics. It helps to hear others going through a similar experience. The one episode I didn’t like was the one about the kid with a genetic disorder. It just seems so ableist. I hope the host will cover disability again from a place of empowerment and acceptance.
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