
Judaism #3

Unorthodox is the universe’s leading Jewish podcast, hosted by Stephanie Butnick, Liel Leibovitz, and Joshua Malina. Each week we bring you News of the Jews, interesting guests—one Jewish and one gentile—and so much more.

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Recent Reviews
  • La Manifesta
    A high point of my week
    UPDATE: I was sorry when Mark Oppenheimer stopped co-hosting, but absolutely delighted when Joshua Malina took his place. Besides admiring Josh as an actor, his podcast The West Wing Weekly was as good as a podcast is ever going to be. And if you look up "mensch" in the dictionary, there's his picture. I wish I could give Unorthodox more than five stars. It's one of podcasts I most look forward to each week. I'm not Jewish (either ethnically or religiously)—not religious in any way—but I enjoy and learn from each episode. Hosts Liel, Mark and Stephanie and producer Josh are individually and collectively fascinating and lively personalities, and genuinely good human beings. I've had the pleasure of meeting them at live Unorthodox events, and whenever they're appearing near me, I'll be there. Unorthodox is one of those podcasts you'll end up telling your friends about time and again. Give it a listen.
  • Ani Yehudi
    The one and only Josh.
    Not gonna lie, I went down Josh’s entire IMDB list and as I was never a fan of West Wing (cut me some slack, I was a teenager) I could not find a single role of his I can remember. That just means I know him solely for his part on the show. Keep it up and I hope you enjoy reading this. Jerome. PS Leil, next time you’re in DC, I hope to have more moonshine for you.
  • Bilas Peles
    Good to learn about Judaism from the inside
    Intelligent and engaged presenters who balance well between a Jewish and a Judaism-curious audience. Always enjoyable
  • izzyisascam
    An old friend
    While living in a small southern town and studying for conversion, Unorthodox played a huge role in filling in the cultural gaps that I so longed to understand. Not a Thursday goes by without me absorbing the latest episode. Thanks to ya’ll for adding so much joy to my Jewish life.
  • King Geoffrey Barathian
    Premiere Podcast
    This podcast is always entertaining as well as educational. It had provided me with many hours of entertainment and had been an excellent walking companion. I have recommended it to many!
  • Doc Miz
    Love it
    Interesting, inspiring, entertaining and educational. I started following after listening to “Gate Crashers”. Love the guests, stories, and hosts. So cool that Stephanie went to Duke-the college of my kids! So comforting during these difficult days. Keep it up.
  • Leah_in_BK
    Josh Malina? Really?
    Used to love this podcast. Liel Leibovitz is one of the best Jewish commentators out there. I don’t understand what possessed them to add Josh Malina as a co-host. He is an irrelevant actor and activist for the organization J-Street, which “mobilized” the Biden administration NOT to adopt the IHRA definition of antisemitism, claiming the definition would somehow “hurt Jews on college campuses.” Well, it’s post Oct 7th, and that (obviously) turned out to be dead wrong. I would love to listen to the show but can’t bring myself to support someone who aligns with the shameful, fake pro-Israel J-street.
  • Groveorange
    The most important podcast I listen to!
    So grateful for this pod, the wide variety of opinions it offers within a warm welcome community. This pod makes me think (even when I don’t want to) and laugh (even when I thought it wasn’t possible). Essential listening for all.
  • Rachel Leah Becker
    Thank you Unorthodox
    My mom turned me on to Unorthodox a week ago and I’ve listened to all the episodes since October 7. Thank you for this refreshing content. I really relate to the hosts and the guests on the show. I plan to continue listening!
  • Polina_bensira
    Informative and engaging
    I’ve been listening to Unorthodox for the past two years, and found it enlightening, thoughtful, and entertaining. I have laughed out loud when listening to conversations with comedians, and got teary eyed when the show guests shared emotional stories of personal triumph. The show does a good job presenting various view points on what it means to be Jewish, and connects Jews from different backgrounds. In these challenging times it’s become an important source of information about the war with in-depth discussions and analysis. Thank you for being wise and kind! תודה רבה! עם ישראל חי!
  • pcdish
    “What’s Happening” show
    The clearest, most concise coverage of the current crisis-exactly what I’ve been searching for. Tablet Mag quickly pulled together, so quickly, a group of commentators who had real knowledge and provided logical assessments of the situation. I greatly appreciate it.
  • The Global Wordsmith
    Long Distance Chavurah
    I’ve listened since the beginning and never miss a show. I’m especially happy with the addition of Joshua Malina. I love that the J crew keeps me up to date on the news of the Jews and connects me to my people while the military has our family living all over the world. I adore the community unorthodox provides via the podcast and Facebook group. Thank you!
  • marcelkatz7
    Enjoying every minute!
  • amysol28
    Elul Shows
    So enjoying this series! I’m loving this week’s show on all things Jewish food!!! 😋💙 I especially enjoyed your conversation with Jake Cohen! Chag Sameach! Fondly your faithful listener, Amy Solomon
  • Diana from Northbrook
    Awesome podcast
    The high holiday series of episodes was very inspiring, thank you for bringing the music of the holidays to lift up my spirit!
  • Nell Minow
    Smart, lively, and not just informative but illuminating
    I feel like Goldilocks. I have been looking for a podcast on Jewish topics that was not too reverent, not too secular, but just right, and here it is, a lively conversation on the issues of the day and the issues of the millennia (bugs in Roman artichokes? who knew?). I like the different perspectives of the three hosts and they always have fascinating Jewish and non-Jewish guests. The topics range from the most theological and liturgial to the most secular and contemporary and I very much appreciate the engagement on FB as well. I miss Mark, of course, but Josh is WONDERFUL, so smart and funny. I’ve been a fan since Sports Night. Mazel tov and toda raba!
  • DF689
    Enjoying this one, but not when they joke about the Holocaust
    After I received an email from Abby P. Linking her interview on JBS of the cast of Unorthodox, I emailed her to send me the link to pick up this podcast. **Note to producers and advertisers of Unorthodox it cannot be found by searching Apple Podcasts for “unorthodox” or “Tablet.”** The first episode I listed to was 7/20/2023 with Sarah Silverman. Most of the banter I did like, but there were five or so off putting jokes that referenced the Holocaust. Readers of this review: this not a reason to skip this podcast, just a note to the cast that many audience members will find this sort of joking off putting. (This from someone who left the theater during the Producers. It was offensive.) Liel seemed to realize he shouldn’t have drifted into a stupid Holocaust joke about the death march. S. Silverman also referenced the Holocaust. I’d have liked the hosts to redirect her. I wonder if other listeners were as uncomfortable as I was. I’m going back to Unholy podcast.
  • egor 's owner
    Daf yomi
    I have been reading and listening to take one. I love take one. It’s my morning listening to start the day. I keep thinking how this will go on for “7” years and will I be alive until then. I am one of your older listeners. Also I love unorthodox. It makes me laugh and learn new interesting info. Thanks so much for being on. Binnie Goldhirsch The mothership episode was your best show. It was so informative and moving. I am a grandmother now & still hoping my 4 granddaughters grow up and be able to take care of themselves. Thank you again for a great show 1. I Love gatecrashers 2. Read the article in the Wall Street Journal The Campaign Against Our Yeshives 9/16/22 It’s under Houses of Worship by Sheba Tauby It explains why they chose Yeshiva Learing & why it’s good for their children. 3. I love the podcast Binnie
  • Superg629
    Funny, informative, interesting, nostalgic and more !
    Unorthodox is by far one of my favorite podcasts. As an adult while I don’t miss school I miss learning. Between my years of Hebrew school, Camp Ramah & USY I was constantly infused with Jewish knowledge and feel like Unorthodox continues this for me in a fun & interesting way! Mark, Stephanie & Liel make my week
    Oh No!
    I can’t believe Mark is leaving! Thanks for the memories! It won’t be the same without you.
  • Rufus123456789
    I never an episode. Entertaining, fun and educational
    Once I fond the Unorthodox podcast I have never missed listening to it. As soon as a new episode airs I make time to listen.
  • sour cherry treetree tree tree
    The show never fails to make me smile.
    I enjoy connecting with my tribe, you keep me laughing. this is my go to show when I need to relax and smile. the intelligence is high, the repartee is clear. It makes me feel pride and connect with my people. They are all super smart and informed. I love Stephanie’s bubbly laugh and quick comebacks, Mark’s insights, and Liel’s insistence on being proud, and on sticking with being himself. He’s also super funny, as they all are. I like the consistent format, and I even sing along with an NOTJ Thank you, Jay bosses.
  • 0mikefink0
    they feel like family
    I love my J. Crew and the stories/news/pop culture/wisdom they share on a weekly basis. Hoping they make it to California for a future IRL event. Thanks for all that you do.
  • KaroonMaroon
    A bit irreverent, really informative and totally enjoyable!
  • ah gkkb
    Love this podcast!
    Best podcast ever! I love listening every week. Phenomenal work.
  • Lew the Moose
    You don’t have to be Jewish to enjoy it. Hosts are very good at explaining all the concepts discussed.
  • Michele from NJ
    Love this podcast!
    I look forward to listening every Friday, while I am making my Shabbos dinner! Mark, Liel and Stephanie are the best! Super interviews, interesting and very current topics and the dynamics between the 3 of them and the rest of the staff is dynamic. Thanks for keeping me company each week!
  • Teachlynns
    Something for everyone
    I don’t think it matters where on the Jewish spectrum you are, or even if you’re Jewish at all. This is for everyone: religious or secular. They have a Jew and a gentile guest of the week. They cover spirituality, academics, culture, and much more. I always learn something.
  • JHAM1178
    ‏לשון הרע - Lacking journalistic integrity- I DO NOT recommend
    I listened to the Unorthodox podcast and was disappointed with its lack of journalistic integrity. The group spread lies and Lashon hara without interviewing both sides fairly and failed to do adequate research on the Seattle Sephardic orthodox community. While the podcast claimed that both synagogues were declining since the 90s, the truth is that they are now trending up again. They declined due to poor leadership now, both synagogues have strong, vibrant boards, and very smart educated presidents who are doing both great job growing both EB & SBH. The issue is not that the synagogues are dying, but rather that Seward Park as a whole is facing housing and economic challenges. Both synagogues have plenty of members who live outside of the Seward Park community . Furthermore, both synagogues have plenty of money in reserves and decently-sized endowments, which were not mentioned in the podcast. This makes the institutions financially stable and unlikely to go anywhere anytime soon. It's essential to consider all aspects of a community before making assumptions or spreading misinformation. Unfortunately, this podcast failed to do so. Therefore, I cannot recommend this podcast as their journalism is not truthful, and they spread lies and lashon harrah.
  • World Famous O'zee
    I truly love this show and all of the messy, thoughtful debates that go with it.
  • Jews do Sail
    The Connection
    Can’t remember how I tripped onto Unorthodox. But I’m so glad I did. I moved to CA, in 1963, from a small town in Ohio, with a moderately small Jewish community. Today that community is essentially non-existent. There were about 10 kids my age most were B’nai Mitzvah’d and all were Confirmed. The camaraderie with these kids, our adventures with NFTY - visiting other Jewish communities in the tri-state area, then culminating those experiences at Jew Camp in Zionsville Indiana was the best Jewish connection ever. Your podcast brings me the same feeling of community I had back in Ohio without having to live there! Plus, today I get to live in the beautiful Bay Area. Thank You – Thank You – Thank You- Stephanie, Mark, Liel, Josh, Robert, and Quin Alan Bay Area
  • Mac1218
    Makes my week. Every week.
    These guys are the best. I’m embarrassed to be such a shill, but if you want a laugh, a touch of Jewyness, some current events, and some grounding with what’s important, tune in every week. If nothing else, Liel makes me LOL every week. There’s no one more clever on a podcast!
  • MrsBloom21
    Fun and funny and entertaining
    I look forward to every new episode.
  • SpryMomDC
    The GOAT of Jewish Podcasts
    Thank you Mark, Stephanie and Liel! We’re more informed as Jews, and have more fun as Jews, because of Unorthodox. Keep up the great work!
  • Statia Honey B.
    Quintessential Jewish Podcast
    Unorthodox is a must listen. The “Jew of the week” and a “gentile of the week” interviews have taught me so much and exposed me to some phenomenal work. For example, Mark just interviewed African American Jewish writer and culinary historian, Michael Twitty. What is a culinary historian?!?! I know now!
  • Rabbitdoj
    Loyal listener
    My favorite podcast. I look forward to listening each week. You give me license to practice my Judaism in my own idiosyncratic way.
  • station35
    You gotta laugh
    Funny and smart. And Jewish, which is the infusion I need living in Wasp-ville.
  • Sgtgwen
    Fantastic podcast over the years
    This review is long overdue. I’ve been listening for several years to UnOrthodox and every Thursday feels like a book club/wine night/fieldtrip/ great conversation with some of my smartest friends. I’ve grown to know and love these three and their very different personalities and talents as well as the mastermind crew behind the show. Thanks for 100s and 100s of thought-provoking episodes.
    I have been listening for over a year now. What a joy it is to hear our culture celebrated and elevated! Keep it coming.
  • Eve 🌺
    Fun and casual listen!
    Really enjoy listening to the show! Especially News of The Jews but sometimes the way the show completely disregards Jewish law can be bothersome.
  • darthporgus
    My favorite podcast
    Literally the best thing I listen to all week.
  • Farmer Grossman
    Good podcasts for road
    Me and my son almost always listen to these podcasts on our way to hockey games. By the way, Liel, Jews play hockey too especially in the DC metro area. Love news for the Jews. Most interviews are really interesting especially those with armin rosin, my former student. However, could you stop interviewing Hollywood types-most aren't the most interesting people. Please interview the Jewish farmer network if possible. Keep up the great podcasts, Marc Grossman Rockville MD
  • Brockhh
    Five stars
    I started listening to Unorthodox in 2017 or so. I was dating a yid and as a culturally-Catholic agnostic from the Midwest I was looking for insight into the secret sauce that was so important to my boo. 6 years later I’m still listening. It’s no longer my only connection to the tribe (I’ve since converted and married said boo), Mark, Stephanie, and Liel feel like my distant relatives that I check in with once a week. The nuances that they espouse in their conversations help me feel at home on days when I feel too progressive for my modern orthodox affiliation, and when I feel more frum than my unaffiliated friends. especially lovely while making Shabbat food.
  • abq70
    Wonderful addiction
    I became addicted to these amazing co hosts when I found the podcast early in the pandemic. I have discovered so many authors, books, organizations and heard the kind of interesting information and views that I have never before come upon. I am indebted to these folks for keeping me going and even smiling during these troubled times. I am grateful to them all for their humor, wisdom and insights. Our long car trips are not complete until we listen to many episodes of Unorthodox. This is my opportunity to thank you all for your integrity and friendship. It is a joy to hear you week after week. Ellen Light. Albuquerque NM
  • bklyn2sf
    Best part of the week
    I have been listening to this podcast for years and always look forward to each new episode. The discussions and topics are always lively, interesting, and informative. The three hosts have delightful discourse, each expressing their own distinct perspectives shared with respect and humor.
  • Phillybuzi1
    Excellent, but
    I absolutely love this podcast. As the other reviewers state, it truly makes one proud to be a Jew. The diversity of topics, the creativity of the producers, the honesty are superior. There is one major problem - the overuse of fillers…like…um…like…like…like… I know that others have remarked on this and it has been downplayed and ridiculed. However, these unnecessary verbal interjections jar me from listening to the truly outstanding content. Please, editors, do some sound editing. Hosts, please just PAUSE instead of ‘filling’ with these disturbing interjections.
  • Wayfaring Woozle
    Top-notch podcast!
    Three kind, smart, funny humans talking about important and interesting things. What’s not to like?
  • A.E. Coleman
    They got me through the pandemic.
    I was turned onto this show by Rabbi Vered Harris of Temple B’nai Israel when I asked if she had any recommendations for Jewish podcasts. I’d been taking classes and attending services, trying to decide whether to convert or not when covid shut everything down. This podcast, with its weekly dose of humor, info, interviews, regular segments, community, and personality, kept me sane during the worst of toilet-paper-hoarding lockdown. The dynamic between the hosts (and the occasional crew members who speak up) is perfect. I love the banter, their distinct personalities, and the conversation that ranges from reverent to irreverent, from ludic to profound. While I’m a professor myself, I would have enjoyed taking a class from Mark, who is well spoken, thoughtful, and has managed to make me reconsider of my dismissal of corduroy. I enjoy disagreeing (and even agreeing!) with Liel who is a philosopher in bear’s clothing. Stephanie is a gift to the show who balances out the other two and keeps them from devolving into nostalgic old grumps bemoaning “the world today.” The show is intelligent without taking itself too seriously, and it has a wonderful Facebook group that is well managed and fun to participate in. Even though I’ve not converted, I’m delighted to be a listener of this show and can’t recommend it highly enough. ❤️
  • Babs NYC
    Not Jewish, but I love this podcast!
    Funny, timely and interesting stories, guests and hosts.
  • Ruth5b
    Love this podcast
    As an orthodox jew I was pleasantly surprised to find how well rounded this podcast is. I look forward every week to your podcast. You always bring a smile to my face and help me connect to the entire jewish community. I love the serious as well as the playful discussions. Keep up the great work
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