Loveline with Amber Rose

by Audacy

Dr Chris is a sex and body positive social justice psychotherapist andauthor. This doctor encourages authenticity, especially with sex and dating,and never shames or attempts to fit people into a neat little box. Radicaland accessible, he works to undo misinformation while also pushing us to bebetter versions of ourselves. He is the Director of Clinical Education forThe Sexual Health Alliance (SHA), and frequent co host on “The Doctors”tv show. He previously hosted WE tv’s “Sex Box”and Logo tv’s “BadSex”. He is published in various professional journals and top magazines,and has been featured on The Today Show, VICE, CNN, HLN, OWN, Nightline, DrDrew and in Newsweek, New York Times, Daily Beast, Mens Health, Cosmo, andNational Geographic.

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Recent Reviews
  • serabeeee
    LoveLine Raised Mme
    Since Adam and Dr Dru, Chris and MUVA, Dr Chris on the solo tip -always reminds me to live and let live and see the beauty in all healthy and healing humans
  • ynfhgdsu
    She needs to come back to podcasting please.
    I wish i was listening to podcasts 2019 and sooner i just started during 2020. Love Amber Roses’ voice and vulnerability.
  • StageLeftDanny
    I remember finding out everything from the old Loveline and am happy it’s back. Not the same old good show but I am satisfied with what we have.
  • gingerbread2489
    I love this podcast I love amber and dr Chris personality. They almost make you feel like your kickin it with them haha. Love you guys hope more is posted soon!!
  • lanified
    Junior junior junior junior junior junior college
    Call it what you like, just don’t call it Loveline.
  • LessCouchOn
    Dear Amber,
    You have a nice body. -Les Couchon- 💄🐷🍒👠
  • Darchrow
    gay af
    this is trash without Dr Drew
  • Beauty 1987
    Love Line
    Love it,Love Line Podcast is the Amber and Dr.Chris are Magenta!!!!!!
    I love this podcast!
    Love you Amber! Seriously this podcast was and is so informational
  • Jessar1525
    Baby come back!
    Is the show coming back??? I miss amber and Chris soooooo much! I need my fix please
  • MCVasquez23
    Modern and empowering
    I hope this podcast comes back! Haven’t had a new episode in a while. So addictive.
  • brgilmore
    What happened??
    I absolutely love the podcast. But you guys used to post almost every week and now it’s sometimes once a month. Miss the podcast. Hope it comes back☹️
  • Walrus Clacker
    Walrus Clacker
    LOVE LOVE LOVE this podcast. One of my favorites. Amber is hilarious and open and Dr Chris is her perfect counterpart. Keep up the great work. Loyal listener
  • nddhdjjsjd
    A disgrace.
    A far cry from the original Loveline. Not educational at all. Redundant. Boring. Vapid. Zero substance. No comedy. The callers are so are literally stupid. They all sound uneducated. I’m sure Dr. Drew and Adam/Mike are rolling their eyes at what the show has become. Amber and Chris are doing a horrible job. Also, I hate how she says she’s from Philly about 100 times in EVERY episode.
  • Magaly N.
    You guys keep it real! Love hearing all your conversations!! ❤️
  • Samantha Jeffrey
    I love dr Chris
    Great feel good podcast and I’ve learned a lot. Super affirming view of sexuality
  • VannieMARIE
  • Ryan amazing
    Not going to go to this website for this podcast!
  • rochelle p
    Love it!
    They keep the talk raw and real! Love how open they are and the advice they give :) Constantly entertaining and fun.
  • sebek01
    I enjoy this podcast very much. Keep it up
  • handsomewilliam77
    Room for improvement
    Love this show! EXCEPT when Amber is drunk or they talk politics. Which, unfortunately is increasing. But, when the show runs the classic loveline format- it's always great!
  • Klizett
    Amber Rose and Dr. Chris are incredible!
    I got this podcast recommend by a friend and its truly amazing. I started listening from newer episodes to the older episodes and I can see great improvement. Dr. Chris knowledge on sex and relationships is incredible and I'm learning so much. Amber Rose feminism and personal experiences bring so much to the podcast. And love how they are so sex positive I hope loveline stays with these two for a very long time
  • CruzanK
    Love this podcast!
  • Rachele Costa
    Pleased Listener
    Listening to them each week is both entertaining and educational. Keep up the good work! Love both Amber and Chris!
  • minxnyc
    I listen every week!
    This is one of the few shows I listen to every week. And I'm amused by the fact Amber's sex life is so vanilla while being known for being so sex positive. I love how ironic it seems and the honesty.
  • Young talented n gifted
    Love this
    Rest relationship tips amber is experienced and dr Chris is knowledgeable
  • SiennaGee
    For the haters
    Of course it's not the same as the OG loveline.. kind of a thing that happens when time goes on. I don't mind the change at all! I love this new realm of feminism and sex positivity that it promotes. Anyone hating has me suspicious that they just don't like being challenged on their views on sex. It's much more sex-positive than any hotline i've ever heard, because it's pushing for people to be open about their sexual questions and interests without judgment. Amber is an interesting direction and Dr Chris is experienced as a sex therapist so yeah his advice is different than what you heard from Dr Drew (who is a legend i get it), and it's nice to hear more open conversations about the dirty things everybody has on their mind.
  • bulbotj
    love it
    i like it, Dr Chris is amazing, open, and well educated and Amber gives a great opinion in another perspective. Love it
  • Muffin Man TKE
    No class
    This podcast is bad. No direction, class, expertise or production. Move on.
  • boti22
    Had to listen to a few
    Comments like " its not like the old love-line" should realize that it is not the old love-line. Its the new one with Amber Rose and that dr. Dude I did have a hard time getting used to the way she is expressing herself and I think dr.Chris is a little over complimentary towards her ..... but having said that .... its a fun , entertaining podcast.
  • J.Vanni
    Love it!
    Just started listening and I'm loving it. Amber & Chris you both are phenomenal!
  • Chino's mama
    Try not to compare to old love line....
    There are a lot of reviews comparing Amber Rose's Loveline with Dr. Drew's Love Line. If you can separate them as two different things, you might be able to enjoy it more. Amber and Dr. Chris are working to destroy shame and I can 100% appreciate that. Once we can work on normalizing and celebrating differences of sexuality, mind and body, I think we will be in a better place as a society. "No shame, no fear, no apologies" -Lux ATL. Thank you Amber and Dr. Chris!
  • karina13xo
    It's getting better!
    I really like this podcast! Entertaining and educational. I feel 10x more comfortable with who I am sexually. I don't understand why there is so much hate! If you don't like it, don't listen.
  • Sugaveins
    I was a fan of amber rose but after listening to almost all of the podcast episodes I was kind of disappointed. She seems self centered and bratty whenever she gives her guests advice..overall it got repetitive after a while. I enjoy Dr Chris's input and his openness.
  • tt_0120
    First time listening
    I love her this is the first time I listened to this and your doing your thing girl! Don't listen to these negative comments!
  • Dena916
    Not what it used to be
    I have listened to this podcast since the very beginning.... it used to be really good. I've noticed the last few episodes Amber has SUCKED. It's always about her, she's been coming off as rude, it's no longer a fun show it's an hour of Amber telling us about herself, her life, blah blah blah. Officially unsubscribing. Too bad this show has gone so downhill, no one I've recommended it to sees what i saw in it
  • dorie_xo_bonita
    Amber 🌹
    I love listening to Amber Rose and Dr Chris!
  • Jdkdodkdkdkd
    Fake reviews for Trash Podcast
    Look at all the extremely fake reviews with terribly fake user names. They must think people are really really really stupid. Garbage Podcast.
  • EdgeOfCaliforniaKing
  • JossiHP
    She shouldn't even be aloud to pretend to give advice.
  • N. Rae
    Amber Rose talks about herself too much and she's always interrupting the callers. This podcast is trash. Don't waste your time.
  • Meowcat1995
    Sad about how this is heading...
    Was such a fan of the show to begin with but these past couple episodes I can really see the disconnect between Amber and dr. Chris. It's obvious some kind of chemistry that was there earlier in the show is now missing. Also it seems like amber isn't taking it as seriously since she openly speaks about how drunk she is during the show. I don't mind drinking by any means but the point is to give good advice to the listeners and you can't do that if you "can't see straight." Idk please rekindle your all's friendship and go back to how it was!
  • Palovana
    Unintelligent drivel
    Blah blah I'm on point check out all this cool slang I use while I kiss the butt of every guest I'm a strong and empowered woman blah blah blah Awful. Just stop.
  • Maggiestrain
    Fabulous of course
    Amber is the only person who should be hosting this show (Along w Dr. Donahue.) I grew up in the dark ages of Dr. Drew and Adam Corolla for christ's sake... those two piles of garbage reinforced so many misogynistic ideas I was already being taught. Amber and Chris provide sexually healthy advice to young people who need it in a relevant manner. Amber is such an inspiration to me and women like me who grew up under the shadow of slut shaming before that even had a name. To be a sexually satisfied and empowered woman is a blessing we all should enjoy and now we know it's truly possible. Thank you so much for all you do Queen Rose!!
  • Icepopapop
    Fun podcast
    Really? Whoever wrote "No to slut walker" isn't even a feminist to begin with. This is a good podcast and Amber Rose and Dr. Chris are interesting to listen to.
  • Katrina😆
    Love this
  • Ashleyh2066
    Amazing podcast! I look forward to this podcast ever week! Much love for Amber Rose and Dr. Chris Donoghue 💓💓
  • LJP713
    Love it!
    I think it's great! Obviously, this podcast will be different from the original Loveline.. it's hosted by completely different people. Amber Rose and Dr. Chris offer advice around today's issues and push sex positive views- give it a chance, and have an open mind.
  • ~Ms. Kaitlyn~
    This podcast is soooo good!
    I have not missed an episode since the beginning of the podcast. This has opened my eyes and heart in ways I didn't realize I was naive. I love hearing both Amber and Dr Chris' perspective on the questions and different topics. They have awesome guests that also add to the variety of the show!!
  • IAmUpsetSendBeer
    Very disappointing.
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