The Art of the Take

by Audacy

For takesmen, by takesmen. The Art of The Take is an audio workshop to talkabout the best takes, the worst takes, and everything in between. Hosted bySpike Eskin, Joe Giglio, Jack Fritz, and more.

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  • Hambo2644
    Jimbos Phillies thirst
    How are you guys about to go on a hiatus when you have tweets from one of the hosts saying: “Just sitting here on this Tuesday night feeling blessed that we’re going to experience a full season of Alec Bohm this year.”
  • Sly.ry
    The Play Book
    Gentlemen, I’ve solved it. I have the order of events for defending a bad “star” player. 1. Sports media member give negative opinion on player 2. Reject negative opinion regardless of reasoning 3. “Star” player shows signs of media member being right 4. Defend star player due to failings by coach, supporting cast, front office, ownership, or better yet all 4 5. Star player fully fails 6. “Wow the negativity of the sports media ruined” player
  • WaffleNeo
    Wawa is Philly thirst
    People acting like the food at Wawa is good is Philly thirst. If you told someone you were getting diner from a 7-11 they would act like you were a lunatic. So why do people defend Wawa like there life depends on it? Just enjoy your overrated Gas station food and let the rest of us eat real food like civilized people.
  • Fultz Apologist
    Stop Kidding Yourself
    If Gen Xers don’t consider NBA players from the 50s and 60s in the same conversation as players from the 80s and 90s because “the game and its players have evolved”, why do they think it’s a cardinal sin to think the same about those players and the players today? Stop kidding yourself, a 220lb Dennis Rodman isn’t staying in front of Anthony Davis or Giannis, and if you put a real center on them, they’d take the ball out and spin them like a top. Any above-average player in today’s NBA would dominate in a league headlined by Jordan, Bird, and Magic. Open your eyes.
  • Benoel
    Fake Liberalism for Future Profit
    The NBA, owner of the WNBA, is conspiring to normalize and welcome transgender acceptance in society so that biological men can compete in the WNBA. They don’t actually care about the trans community - they simply know this is the only way for the league to become watchable and give them a chance at profitability. Sad but true.
  • dannyG_rates
    Corona thirst
    It’s rampant! Everyone has to be the one to post about the poor arena workers. I was instructed to “take a moment” to feel bad for student athletes. It’s like a competition to find and highlight new people that are affected. Why? You guys need to come back.
  • Never wearing celtics green
    Corona Thirst
    To all the healthcare professionals posting about being at a higher risk at work and how proud they are to be brave to go to work. Stop looking for pity thirst. It’s your job that you get paid to do. Everyday you go to work you have a chance of catching something contagious and life threatening. I mean Thank you, but you signed up for it so get off your high horse and do your job.
  • Take Gyllenhaal
    The Hottest Pod
    Let's face it: The Hottest Take is perhaps the best podcast in the world. Its entertaining, funny, has great takes, and consistently releases on time. Hearing the reactions of the others adds to the fun since as an eye test guy, I don't have to rely on "metrics" to judge the take. Time to face the facts.
  • R5A1995
    Free Verse Poetry is Garbage
    Free verse poetry was invented by people who lack creativity or literary skills. These people couldn’t cut it as real writers or poets. Instagram models deserve more credit than people who write free verse poetry. It isn’t that hard to make things rhyme. Buy a thesaurus, become more creative or just write a paragraph, loser.
  • MichaelAngiolillo
    Irresponsible people must be on drugs
    At dinner last night, my dad was telling us about how one of his coworkers got fired because he didn’t show up to work for 3 straight days. My mom then turned looked at me and said please don’t be irresponsible when you’re older, and then continued with ya know I think people that are irresponsible are on drugs, if people can’t do such a simple task like show up to work, they must be on cocaine, heroin, or something. #BreakoutPivetta
  • tnev926
    Love the pod, will love Jack reading all the reviews even more.
    Hope this gets you over the hump. -Tom Neville
  • definitely not barbara bottini
    Remember when they did this podcast?
    I almost forgot about this pod. Apparently so did the hosts. Now I’m forced to turn to the Ringer for my daily takes... and they spend 10 minutes a day on scorchers like “Let’s make Baby Yoda the president.” Figure it out.
  • hollis thompson
    Need more takes in my life!
    Don’t roll over and die to simmons take pod!
  • Coach's O's Godson
    Veterans’ mental health
    The fact that an overwhelming majority of veterans and active duty military are completely against any form of gun legislation is asinine. These are the same people that say there needs to be something done about the 22 veterans a day, on average, taking their own lives. Are you telling me that at least a mental health screening prior to purchasing a gun is out of the question? If you were really serious about mitigating veterans committing suicide, you would at least be open to a discussion about making sure our heroes with mental illness cannot go to Cabela’s and get a boomstick within the hour. Thank you for your service, but don’t talk about it, be about it.
  • Mikehassnakes
    Polyamorous relationships
    Polyamorous relationships are a sham, and only benefit people who are unable to commit to a single partner and need a way to sleep around without consequence. Humans may not be monogamous by nature, but that argument has more holes than the orgies that these people hope to have. Lots of things are unnatural but still improve our lives, like electricity, and no one is advocating for less light bulbs and more candles and torches. Let’s be honest with ourselves.
  • Jeremy Cerone
    Just Shut Up While Becoming a Better You
    Posting your New Year’s resolution on social media is banal thirst. It’s the worst of both worlds with vapid motivational speaking and virtue signaling. Show, don’t tell, your self-improvement.
  • Jaybirdjjk
    Clowney fine
    Who cares if a multi millionaire gets fined a week after the fact. It’s not gonna get change the outcome of the game one way or another. If you need to see a man receive an insignificant fine just so you can feel satisfied, you live a pathetic life.
  • @Dustoffguy1
    10 minutes of...?
    Spending the first ten minutes of the podcast telling personal stories unrelated to show content is an excellent way to get me to write a review! 5/5 stars!
  • LetTheBroncoSuck
    Agnostics are just cowardly Atheists
    There's no middle ground when it comes to believing in something. Either you do or you don't. Grow a spine, cowards.
  • bwassell
    America’s Thirst
    The Army Navy game is the thirstiest game in American sports. Every year, two terrible football teams take advantage of America’s need for watching football and schedule a CYO game during the one week in the season where there is no other game. We all know if this game was on a Saturday in October nobody would even care about watching it. Before the game there are hours worth of pageantry. This is like to a wedding with awesome hors d’oeuvres but a terrible dinner. When the game starts, everybody realizes that both teams are so bad, they can’t even pass, one of the most basic things in a football game. If thirst is getting somebody’s attention for something boring and lackluster, congrats to both the army and navy. Go USA!
  • Reply Guy Fieri
    Say the name, coward
    On the latest Ricky, Spike referenced AOTT twice, but failed to say the name either time. Extremely disappointing and hypocritical. Giving the pod 5 stars to publicly declare my support, since Spike refuses to.
  • Mdjjdn
    Anyone who goes to church is thirsty. It’s just full of alcoholics that want to make other people think that they actually care about religion and try to get sympathy for a pathetic attempt at turning their sorry lives around. Religion can be practiced at home instead of listening to those pedophiles and giving money to those scumbags. Have fun praying in Hell.
  • Andrew_K47
    "Gonna tell my kids..."
    This meme "gonna tell my kids..." is an absolute thirst trap that people are using to try to blowup on Twitter. Since when was it cool to joke about lying to your kids? Keep that attitude up and you won't have any kids to lie to.
  • CurtisJones83
    You don’t always need to have a take
    Why does everyone have to have such a polarizing take on every topic now? And why do people have to shove everything down my throat all the time... Not everyone wants to have a shouting match over random things. No need to act like you care.
  • bobnik11
    All Teams Before 1960 Sucked
    The fact that teams like the 1933 Bears and the 1926 Yellow Jackets are on the the NFL’s top 100 greatest teams list is a joke. Anyone who thinks these were some the best teams in league history is nothing short of delusional. The worst teams from today have more talent and athleticism than these teams could dream of. The 2019 Dolphins would beat the best teams from that era by 100 without breaking a sweat. Stop pretending they were good when they were just the least incompetent team in a league of plumbers and electricians.
  • chris belden
    Nickleback is not that bad
    Rockstar is a good song. End of take.
  • Frostie Freezeout
    Thirstiest part of every pod
    Do we really need to ask if a take is going to be the title of the pod 5 times an episode? It’s just thirsty. “Ohhh this take is EXTRA good. We need to name the pod after it.”
  • Doug's Vanilla Icecream Cone
    Baseball Isn’t Special
    The idea that “baseball is special” or “the strangest sport” is a scam concocted by phony mathematicians employed by MLB to convince gullible red-necks that the repetitive nature of baseball and 162 game season isn’t the cause for fluky statistics but rather the legendary “baseball gods”. When you think boomer trivia is more exciting than the OBJ catch, Philly Special or Minneapolis Miracle good chance you have been brain-washed by unethical social engineers. Better chance, you just fell asleep watching Twins/Tigers and will wake up regretting that you didn’t witness the first time a 32 year old rookie reliever hit a batter and threw four wild pitches in the same inning and couldn’t tweet “Baseball is like no other sport”.
  • SweetLew1122
    Is coffee an adult juice box? It shouldn’t be!
    Can we stop using STIR STRAWS to drink coffee. Your drinking a hot beverage to through an abnormally small straw? Grow up drink your coffee like an adult or just buy a juice box
  • GooseyGrey
    3-Point Line is a Racist Gimmick
    Why does putting the ball in a hoop from further away count for more points? Because white people are awful at basketball. You don’t get more points in football for a passing TD, or for a blast from the point in hockey. Hey Captain Intangibles, it’s just not your game.
  • Bryan's Other Burner
    Subscription services are for mouth breathers. Paying 8 dollars a month to not own your music and movies is beyond idiotic. Netflix, Hulu, Spotify, and Amazon Video are just ways for companies to steal from stupid people. Pirate your entertainment like an adult.
  • TakesmanInTraining
    Old Philly Fans
    Philly sports fans need to grow up and stop thinking like their old, dumb fathers. The people who wanted Gabe fired, are the same people who wanted Doug fired after 2016.
  • Toby185
    If you’re an only child, grow up
  • enh722
    podcasts with music
    Podcasts with music in the background the whole time are made by people who are too uncreative to entertain me with their words.
  • philliesown76
    Notre Dame fan
    Is there anything more childish and pathetic than Notre Dame fans that crack jokes about other teams’ fans? Every time ND gets beat by a big-time SEC team you can always count on their fans making jokes about how stupid and poor southerners are as if they even had a shot of getting into Notre Dame. Listen up department store domers, the academic prestige of a school you have no connection with doesn’t make up for your team’s inability to win a big game. ND played hard, take the L like a mature adult and move on with your life, PSAC degree in hand.
  • Tjack94
    Android users who come out of the woodwork every time a new iPhone releases are the worst. It’s thirst and they’re too poor to afford Apple tech. “We had that three years ago.” Yeah you also had phones that exploded. Save for a real phone, peasant.
  • skdjnrfidnsnekskfnen
    Pitchers can’t hit
    It’s time we have the discussion about the DH coming to the NL. I’m tired of seeing a pitcher who is pitching well get pulled early because his spot in the lineup is coming up, only to pinch hit with a guy who sees 1-2 AB’s every 5 games. And to watch the pinch hitter(who is batting .156) go down on three straight pitches. What a waste. And how is it possible that we have 2 separate rules for different leagues within the MLB? Is it a coincidence that the AL wins the all star game every year? #ithinknot
  • Jacob Schwack
    college participation trophies
    college student who depend on participation grades deserve to be kicked out of college. Stop making the people who actually succeed in the class worse off because you refuse to study. Shut up and do your homework for other classes just like the rest of us.
  • Elyzthe
    Rounded number thirst
    Humans have dumb monkey brains and love simple round numbers. Couple that with the dopamine rush of being seen as special by someone with some perceived prestige means that whoever is waiting around to try and write the 1000th review or subreddit take is the ultimate thirstman. If the pod has any integrity at all, their take should be ignored. Jack peaked with counterpoint.
  • Ding dong the beotch is dead
    Pool frauds
    People who plug their nose as they jump in a pool need to grow up. Congratulations, you kept your nose hairs dry. Now swim like a man.
  • Zach Belden
    The ESPN body issue is weird and boring
    What is the ESPN body issue supposed to be, art or porn? If it’s art why produce the same art every year? If porn why not show nips and penises? Whatever it is, it’s boring. I already know professional athletes are more in shape than I am. ESPN should stick to home run and dunk highlights
  • YeliR.NaeS
    Act your age, beachgoer
    If you're over 15, leave your skim board in the garage. Nobody wants to see your thirsty attempt to fake-surf on land and your eventual wipe out. We aren't impressed. Skim boarding is for children. Maybe try an age-appropriate activity like, I dunno, getting a job.
  • @williamlepone
    Sports writers/commentators taking the time to note that a person is a “human” is the most AVCC thing I’ve seen yet. “That is a 225 lb human being making that cut!”. Yea, we all know we’re humans. Stop padding the word count and be more original, losers.
  • Da Archduke
    Booing Isn’t Evil
    People need to chill on boo shaming that crowd in Indy when Andrew Luck retired mid-preseason game. Because he couldn’t be bothered to tough out a few months, he ruined millions of people’s next four months. He should have done this after last season if he was already that close to quitting. What a coward!
  • Abhi Hendi
    Embiid is more important than Iverson
    I was originally hesitant to listen to this podcast because Mike is way funnier/more intelligent on the Ricky. But Spike has proven his worth. Also, Instagram is a take factory.
  • Lynch583114
    Verlander Misdiagnosed the Problem
    There is no such thing as a juiced ball. TRIGGER WARNING for all the deniers out there - because the real problem is climate change. The yearly increase in average temperature has increased the baseball’s temperature, which allows the ball to travel farther on average than ever before. It comes as no surprise that the same people who think climate science is a hoax would manage to drum up a baseball design conspiracy rather than first check a barometer.
  • IsJackFritzASink?
    My Old Dog
    Larry Anderson is essentially my late, great trusted old dog. He’s been through thick and thin. He stuck through the hard times, as stable as a bronze statue. He has fought off the wolves and protected his flock. But even the old, steady Shepherd dog grows old and weary having been the shield for his human. His legs move slower, his bark a bit more raspy. There comes a time to send the old dog back to the house, to protect the most precious part of life, the family. He may not be able to run as far or bark as loud, but your old trusted dog will give his life before the wolf even sniffs at your family. Trust in his weathered face and baggy eyes. He has fought the wolves for you and he’s brought you back meals and asked for nothing in return, displaying unconditional love. The best gift you can give your reliable old guard dog is to send him home to live with your wife and kids. He wants the best for you and asks only for your respect. Charlie Manuel is our old guard dog. He only wants the best for the Phils and he asks for nothing in return. Let him decide his role and the rest will fall in place. Perhaps he can manage the household just fine as hitting coach. My old dog doesn’t run the household but I sure look to him for guidance when he senses danger. Larry Anderson is the old tired guard dog that just doesn’t feel right. He has his own family out there that misses him but he’s loyal to the point of standing guard even when he feels weak. There comes a time when you have to let the old dog go, he wants to spend time with his mate and pups before he no longer has the strength. Larry has been a rock, a foundation for the Phillies’ hopefuls and fans. He enjoyed the lean times and the great times. You can hear it in his voice and the words he speaks. Andersen wants to go home and spend time with the Andersen family he created. Let him go his way and bring in the young new pup that needs to be taught all the ropes i.e., Jack Fritz Like a pup that only eats from your hands and drinks only from a stream, Fritz is the young pup that needs to learn from the great guard dogs before him. Before you let the old dog go, you need to bring in the new pup to learn from the old dog - how to protect his flock, how to straighten out bad behaviors, and how to call out when he sees danger present. A good pup is eager to learn and looks to older generations for guidance. Bring Jack Fritz in to the booth to learn from Larry Anderson. At the end of the year, let the old dog go home to his pups and keep the young dog close, knowing he’s learned from the best. Trust in Charlie and realize that Larry needs time with his family
  • Phillysportsfatboi
    Philadelphia Sports Fans Deserve Markelle Fultz
    Philly sports fans perfectly mirror their most popular athletes (Joel, Wentz and Harper)...meaning there’s lots of preseason hype and expectations but never an ability to follow through. That’s why it should surprise no one that when the Eagles won a SB, it was with the guy that had no hype and no expectations. That is why James Ennis will win Finals MVP for the Sixers championship next year that will be largely led by Josh Richardson, Al Horford and Tobias Harris. Figure it out already dummies
  • bapter23
    The wave
    You aren’t a real sports fan if you do the wave.
  • 2015 Josh Innes
    Wentz is a system QB
    Even if Wentz goes on to win multiple superbowls, he and his hyper defensive protecters will have to live with the “System QB” stigma because his back up also had success with the same coach and players. I’m not saying it’s fair but those are the rules.
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