Glen Macnow & Mike Sielski

by Audacy

Weekends with Glen Macnow & Mike Sielski on 94WIP.

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Recent Reviews
  • Shhsdj
    Good show
    I wonder if Glen knows that zero people care that he’s retiring??? It was amazing when Angelo finally left; god that guy was creepy. Six to ten AM is somehow even worse.
  • Ronson5555
    Tremendous but……
    Tremendous podcast but there is one problem with it and everybody I know that listens agrees with this. Two things can you please bring Mike’s microphone volume up……… and the second issue is Mike has a tendency to trail off at the end of his sentences to the point that you can hardly hear it sometimes I don’t know if it’s his voice or he’s backing away from his microphone. Other than that I look forward to it every week keep up the good work.
  • cantonbird
    Adv volume
    Turn advertising volume down it’s ridiculously higher than GlenMikes volume I’m gonna stop listening
  • JDamicoam
    The Gentlemen
    Guy Ritchie is amazing! Great recommendation!
  • joemel33
    Love G and R, but timing is flawed
    I love this show and enjoy both Mike and Jodi’s camaraderie with Glen. However, there are a few issues on a technical level that bring this down a bit for me. 1. The volume is often too low to hear Mike and this was an issue with Ray back in the day. I am often putting the volume to high and then a commercial comes on and is booming. This needs to be improved upon. 2. Sunday episodes are often never posted here and would like to hear Jodi’s input. 3. There are many times when a clip is playing (ie Merrill Reese) and it’s just dead air. This needs to be improved upon. Continued success because it’s a great show but I do hope these issues can be addressed.
  • brettcahan
    Does WIP even read these reviews?
    I’ve heard many listeners complain about some things not playing on their podcasts, but I’ve never seen the problem addressed. For instance, Glen played a Spanish language bit of Ricky Ricardo calling a Yankees game. Since I am in Thailand, I can only listen to the podcast, which featured nothing but dead air during that time. Bad job, WIP.
  • ayi001
    Content is the best but sound quality is the worse
    Love these guys and the content. Best Philly sports podcast by far, in my opinion. Smart, objective and very entertaining. That said, the sound is very uneven and the voices raise and lower in a very annoying way. Another issue is the sound bites from other shows that they present don’t play, most times, leaving awkward silence with the audience having to guess at what was said based on the host comments. Not sure if that is a proprietary issue but that also detracts from the experience. Wish these guys could fix these issues and make this a 10 star podcast.
  • VetPremiumPayer
    GoodShow. Why no more separate sections?
    I would listen live if I could to get the whole show. Most often cherry picked the pod segments I had time for or was most interested in. 5 stars if that comes back. How hard can that be?
  • Taki Z
    Noooooo! Say it ain’t so, Ray!
    In an era where the acronym “G O A T” is tossed around like plates at a Greek wedding, there is no one.. and I mean NO ONE.. in any field more deserving of that title than Ray Didinger. Selfishly I wish he would stick around longer. But its time to share him with with his family. Thank you Ray.
  • Horseween32
    The Best
    Ray and Glen are the best tandem in Philadelphia.
  • Jejdkfndn
    Best in Philly
    Ray and Glenn provide the knowledge, entertainment and honesty that is so appreciated by the philadelphia fan. The best show in Philly sports as they have immense knowledge in every category. I do wish there was a library with just “tell us your story” segments as it seems that Apple only allows us to listen to the last 100 episodes.
  • AV252
    I’m so glad this show is posted as a podcast. Ray and Glen are the best. The only WIP product I regularly engage with.
  • bringtheheater87
    Simply the best!!!
    Ray your amazing glen I love your verbal jabs on Ray (longtime listener )
  • Dtown0121
    The Philly gold standard
    No one tops these two. Both gentlemen. Their friendship and respect obvious. Great show every week.
  • Starving in Hotlanta
    Hey it’s Diddy we know it’s gonna be good
    Wish they would separate the guest spot from the whole show, don’t need or have time for all that. Not a Macnow fan, he’s the Gary McCord of talk radio, good hockey guy though, and a good writer just thinks he’s funny and glib all the time, and he’s not, way too forced. Diddy is of course a Philly treasure, never gives anything but concise analysis and honest unbiased opinions.
  • River DTD
    Ray and Glen
    I love Philadelphia sports and I love your radio podcast. I have lived in StLouis for about 10 years and before that in many other places. But I have remained a devout Eagles fan and have to say fair weather Phlllies and Flyers fan at best. For reasons I won’t get into, I have to see occasional Cardinals games and I like seeing the occasional Blues game. But I had to watch a Cardinals game recently and I was appalled how bad the defense has become in baseball. And I noted that there was no one with more than 10 ABs on EITHER team that was bating over .275!!! The Cubs committed 4 errors in an 8-3 game. It was horrible and I can’t believe how bad the game has become. So coming back to your call of the Phillies, is it the Phillies that are so bad or has baseball just become that bad a sport? BTW, I really listen to you for the Iggles coverage and I love your discussion. Love yous guys and keep on trucking!! BR, Sean Black
  • Tommy_D22
    Glenn’s Politics
    He injects his political views into his broadcast. Just like the rest of the sports world, when you do that you lose fans. I’m out. I would suggest Glenn get a job with CNN, he would fit right in.
  • TMikeMac
    The best!
    Glen and Ray host the best sports show in Philly! I am usually busy with kids and church on weekend mornings so love listening to the pod every weekend afternoon or evening.
  • Geezer90
    Enjoy the show
    I really enjoy the show My only issue is Glenn’s snarky leftist political comments It’s tiresome Stick to sports
  • Johnny Basenfelder
    Great, other than Tell Us Your Story
    Great show, but the “Tell Us Your Story” segment is a snoozefest and no longer serves its purpose. It’s almost unlistenable. I’d much prefer they returned to their pre-pandemic format. One can only take so many interviews with former Flyers coaches and mascots.
  • langhorne slim
    Comfort radio
    Have been listening on weekends since the start. My wife has heard you from being with me. Now I come home and she’s listening to you on the weekends. We’re both happy to hear about the Podcast. We’re listening and enjoying. Thanks
  • RLHorst
    What happened?!?
    I’ve been an Eagles fan since the late 70’s. And a season ticket owner since the early 90’s. And I’ve got say this first year I’m not excited for the season to start. I was more excited about the NFL draft this spring. I unsubscribed to NFL this morning. I’ve unsubscribed to (2) of past favorite Eagles podcasts. If I want to watch CNN I can why would the NFL want to become CNN?!? I loved football and I’m just so sad it become just another political thing I avoid in my life. Hopefully the weather will be nice so I can go outside and take a long walk Sunday afternoon.
  • Aggie202
    Turn up the volume please
    I love the podcast. Very happy to get to hear all of the show on a regular basis. Often times the volume is too low to hear it. Anything you can do to fix that? Thanks!
  • Samapples
    Love this show
    I’m in my late twenties now and I have been listening to ray my whole life. I respect the hell out of his opinions and I hope he keeps giving his takes for many more years
    Intelligent and rationale
    Always enjoy Ray and Glen for some level headed conversation. Much needed in today’s environment
  • FreedomOverTyrants
    Used to love this show
    Glen and Ray was something I had really looked forward to hearing. Something to enjoy while I worked around the house or ran errands. They are knowledgeable guys. The lack of live sporting events led to their own politics bleeding into the show. If you want to hear a lecture every show about leftism and blind reliance on government, then by all means listen. I’m sick of politics spreading into everything, everywhere and I won’t listen anymore.
  • Saint Brendan
    Pros pros.
    Simply the best way to fill up a few hours of my day. Wish the Mon-Fri morning sports radio jocks had this level of insight and evolved-communication. Great content (without the boyish pranks).
  • RizzRazz
    Ray is most reasonable
    knowledgeable and level-headed sports analyst, but also passionate Eagles fan. Much respect!
  • Mike3543842
    Simply the best. Love when they talk books and movies.
    Who the hell gave these guys 1 Star? I’d give 6 if I could
  • Eazy E the conquerer
    Best Duo on the radio!!!
    Two legends of Philadelphia sports together it doesn’t get any better!!!!!
  • Hwizard101
    Keep it going
    Love the show! This is my connection the city!! I live out of town and I listen to this Glen and Ray to keep me grounded with the teams I grew up with and love! Please keep posting both Saturday and Sunday! Thanks for all the hard work and keep it going!
  • Sniper241
    Love the show but...fix podcast please
    Please post podcast of Sunday shows..usually only Saturday show is posted and also please cut commercial “dead air” from the podcasts. It’s frustrating to have to hit fast forward especially when I try to listen when driving. I love Glen and Ray cause of their knowledge and it’s a great show. I’ve learned so much about football from them. Would be great to get both weekend shows each week. Please fix the technical side! Thank you! Glen and Ray if you read this I love you guys. Thank you for all you do and all you mean to Philly sports!
  • Chesapeake 11
    Great hosts, terrible technical issues
    I love Ray & Glen but the technical issues, from feeding the shows every weekend to not including taped interviews, relevant sound bites, etc is the reason I give the podcast a one star. Given that it’s produce by an actual sports radio station you would think that there would be some semblance of quality control... but you’d be wrong.
  • Azzurri21
    No shows since 9/1?
    Why have none of the shows for the past 2 weeks been posted???
  • Salvi D.
    Best Sports Radio
    Glen and Ray are incredibly complementary of each other’s personalities and skill sets. The show is usually Eagles focused and best when it has that focus. There so much garbage talk radio nationally and locally in Philly and this is always an entertaining show while still informative and insightful given the hosts.
  • leif bass
    Two of the best
    Glenn and Ray freaking rock! These two guys are so fun to listen too. I love how informative and knowledgeable they both are about sports and many other topics in life. I love when they get annoyed with each other or the callers. I never miss one of their shows. Thanks guys!
  • Zach Frain
    Look forward to them every weekend
    Unlike any of the other radio shows out there
  • Soverign Man
    Appointment Listening
    Philly fan transplanted to Florida. I used to listen to the station, but obviously can no longer. This show via podcast is the pipeline i need to keep me relevant. im not a morning zoo guy, i don’t require the controversy and yammering some of the other shows, while entertaining, provide. Glen & Ray are smart and measured. Their friendship is evident, and they compliment each others strengths. Ray is considered a Philly treasure and iconic as far as sports minds . . . but in tandem, Glen measures up and to be sure and it shows with the quality of the broadcast.
  • JackJr86
    The best
    I look forward to every Saturday and Sunday to listen to their podcast. Ray is one of the most intelligent sports minds out there. If I’m not sure how I feel about something Philly sports related, I just wait to hear what Ray has to say.
  • daveharris0906
    The best radio show
    Ray is the crown jewel of Philly sports and Glen I’ve enjoyed listening to you since your night show on WIP. Love listening to you guys on the weekends.
  • leo zemble
    Best matchup in Sports 🥎 history
    So good its the most appropriate sports podcast in Philadelphia 🦅
  • GleasLightning
    Best sports show in Philly
    See above
  • Jschofer
    Tommy McDonald Would Be Proud
    Tommy McDonald (RIP) would be extremely proud of this podcast. Ray and Glen do a great job. As an out-of-towner, this is the highlight of my weekends. Keep up the good work. And Glen, you're great too! Everyone seems to call and thank Ray more than they thank you, but you are both supreme professionals.
    Please no callers
    The show is great. It would be even better with no callers. PLEASE DO THE PODCAST WITHOUT ANY CALLERS
  • MA4YJ2NE0:)
    The obvious.
    This is without question the best radio pairing in Philly. Love this show & the work of both Glenn & Ray. LEGENDARY.
  • Volquez
    Appointment Radio
    Having moved from Philly area to Fla, i am thrilled to have found the podcast. Among a lot of good broadcasting, Glen & Ray are one of the few show i made a point to hear. They compliment each other perfectly.
  • Gozzinelli
    Sportstalk’s Phinest! A blessing rare on the air
    Ray’s “the Gold Standard” & Glen ideally compliments HOF-caliber sports analysis. Nostalgic or contemporary, fruitful dissections abound. So well done I wish my dear Dad could listen (& celebrate SB glory!). Salud & GO Birds!
  • noheartboy
    Doesn’t Update
    Glen and Ray are awesome, both insightful and entertaining. Go listen to them live, if you’re able. Because you won’t listen to them here. The podcast barely updates anymore. It is very frustrating, since I can’t listen live.
  • timmurphy
    I love listening to nice guy didinger . He helps me fall asleep no matter what time . Gee golly glen *sigh*
  • Nickyyyyyyyyyyyy4779954
    I’d prefer to listen live every Saturday and Sunday. When I’m unable to do so, this podcast is a great resource. In my opinion this is the best sports radio show in Philadelphia. Ray and glen compliment each other well. Ray is an absolute legend.
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