Off the Woodwork

by Audacy

Sports Radio 92-9 The Game coverage of Atlanta United and MLS with weeklypodcasts and interviews including Atlanta United players and executives. 

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Recent Reviews
  • Mr. Sir Nick
    17s come for knowledgeable soccer content from Mike Conti and Jason Longshore, which set the standard in MLS. Now, we get two football guys who know nothing about the team, league, or sport. They stumble over soccer vocabulary, give uninformed takes about the team, and relate it to football. THIS NEEDS TO BE FIXED.
  • H is for Hawk
    Women’s World Cup appreciation
    I have been so grateful for Atlanta Soccer Tonight and particularly Jason Longshore’s women’s World Cup coverage. As a woman listener to daily SDH and Atlanta United coverage on 92.9, it is amazing to hear such passionate and well-informed coverage of women’s soccer throughout the world. Jason shows rather than tells you how much he respects women’s soccer. He shows it with the depth of his knowledge. Cannot get enough of Jess too. I have long-appreciated Mike and Jason’s live calls of ATLUTD and their pregame and post game wrap up. Thanks for expanding the quality soccer coverage in Atlanta and beyond.
  • AbirdAndOne
    Fantastic soccer content
    The soccer coverage on 92.9 gives us what we need!! Mike Conti and Jason Longshore on the Full Time Report are fun and thoughtful and both have a very deep knowledge base. And the music choices are always so good. I am also loving Atlanta Soccer Tonight - it keeps me up to date on all soccer news. And now adding special shows for the women’s World Cup?! YES!! Jessica Charman is hugely knowledgeable and so enjoyable to listen to. Thank you for this podcast and the amazing soccer content on Atlanta radio! Skip Twitter and listen to this. You won’t be disappointed. - Grateful Atlanta United fan
  • Jonathan Sanders 1
    Show some respect to josef martinez
    I have been a fan of jason longshore and Mike Conti for a long time. I was really excited when the apple TV deal came about so I could listen to the radio broadcast there. I listened to their comments about josef martinez after his first match against Atlanta and Miami. Absolutely ridiculous. The guy can celebrate if he wants. He scored 98 MLS goals for Atlanta United but you guys think he shouldn't celebrate number 99 and 100 with another club. He doesn't owe Atlanta anything. You guys need to grow up. Your comments were shameful. I will never listen to any of your content again. In any format. ever.
  • asarvi
    Audio is not great.
    Audio only comes through one ear of head phones. But bumper noises are full volume. Can be deafening if you have volume raised trying to hear podcasters
  • etcetera,etcetera
    This is a basketball podcast now
    This pod is now trash. It’s about basketball. Unsubscribed.
  • weird login
    Give me all the content
    Love you guys. As someone who is unable to listen to the live broadcast throughout the day, this allows me to catch up on all the United discussions. There was a time when it was not being updated as much, but now we’re in season and it’s back. Keep it coming. And by the way kylerollins, unsubscribe, no one cares anyways. Get a life.
  • Doug Spiron
    Love you guys, but . . .
    Can’t wait for every show and game with you two. Thanks for all you do. BUT, you do know “chalk talks” don’t work for a podcast, right?
  • kylerollins
    Audio quality consistently bad for a radio station
    Love the content but the audio quality is typically horrible. Sounds like they make zero effort on quality over 50% of the time. Right now it sounds like Conti is in a glass bottle. Also I didn’t expect radio guys to be using a whiteboard without describing what they are doing to those not watching... am kinda shocked to hear radio guys ignore the fact most of us are not watching but listening... Also as soon as the offseason started we started getting tons of little clips (instead of a meaningful longer piece) and most of them have been duplicated. If you are going to be on podcast pls learn the basics - don’t just push content out in a crap way thinking everyone will consume it. I’m ready to unsubscribe...
  • Glennikin
    Best in the biz
    Mike and Jason are the best in the biz. They provide great play by play calling and actual in depth analysis. We’re really lucky to have people this passionate on our airwaves. Keep up the great work. I listen to every broadcast. The stoppage time broadcast with white board and the breakdown of the upcoming match is fantastic.
  • ATLUTD 4 Life
    Great Atlanta United podcast
    Awesome podcast! Full time Report, Stoppage Time and ATL UTD front office, player, and analyst interviews
  • soccernobueno
    Great podcast
  • HLS1L
    Thank you
    92.9 provides fantastic, comprehensive coverage of the team—huge asset to the team and it’s fans!
  • K-Ro11
    Thanks for the soccer coverage! MORE! MORE! MORE!
  • Bwalden13
    Love the coverage!
    I love the Atlanta United talk! It is great to be able to go to one place to get interviews from the Atlanta United front office combined with sports personalities and soccer experts talking about Atlanta United. 92.9’s coverage of Atlanta United has made me change my sport talk channel. Please keep up the wonderful coverage!
  • cox1371
    Great podcast
    Great quick episodes. You don’t have to be depressed about the other ATL sports team here.
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