Life Will Be the Death of Me with Chelsea Handler


Listen to Chelsea Handler's first ever podcast series featuring candid, hilarious conversations about her life, her work and where she’s headed next. The series is an entertaining, raw, smart, funny, heartbreaking and honest memoir of Chelsea’s life changing year of self-discovery, healing and growth. The podcast features interviews with celebrities such as Connie Britton, Jake Tapper, Sean Hayes, Mary McCormack and more. Life Will Be the Death of Me with Chelsea Handler is a production of iHeartRadio.

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Recent Reviews
  • janeep16
    Obsessed with Luenell, never knew her before this but being her back! Could not stop laughing
  • DannyDapper
    I think Chelsea Handler is wildly underestimated. Not only is she hilarious but seriously more intelligent and educated than she is funny and that’s a high bar to surpass. Great podcast!
  • oakboundbooks
    I like Chelsea Handler’s energy and attitude
    I think she’s surrounded by people who fawn over her and are enablers of an entitled attitude and bad habits, the show itself suffers from boring insipid guests and a lame cohost but I listen occasionally because Chelsea herself is approachable, thoughtful and vibrant. I don’t agree with many of her political views but understand how she’s come to her perspectives, all entirely valid in their own way. It’s sort of a pity that she seems so satisfied with this vapid, self-indulgent lifestyle and community, oh well. also Connie Briton sounds so judgy and lame without a script to guide her I guess the same as all cringy Hollywood types. …. the more I listen the more it seems she’s in her perfect element just as frivolous and void of substance as everyone around her so I guess, best of luck and carry on,
  • SoCalTraveler27
    Change co host! Love Chelsea!
    Love Chelsea and the show format! However please replace Catherine as a co host and keep her as a producer instead. Half the time she talks its cringy because her advice is either mediocre or sounds pre practiced. Or she just talks too long.
  • SharlsJr
    Ive been listening and watching since the E! Days. I followed you on everything. You need to rewatch your own "how to be anti racist" cause youre now siding with a gen0c!de and I am deeply, deeply disappointed. Good luck. I hope you fall with isnotreal.
  • ceb7766
    Love Chelsea-Not Catherine’s voice
    I’ve been a fan and admirer of Chelsea’s since the early Chelsea Lately days. I respect her so much and find her thoughts funny & insightful. Catherine’s voice is so distracting & takes me out of the conversation. I can only listen once in a while because of it. I often think about a time they were talking with a guest about how they can’t work with people who have annoying voices. 😳To each there own, Chelsea find her valuable and an asset to the team. I just wish my brain would allow me to listen.
  • kelly_88
    Love her
    Always been a fan! Chelsea’s amazing… always makes me laugh & she’s not afraid to dig deep either.
  • JackMAMA78
    Can’t get enough!
    Big fan! Chelsea, you’re so brilliant and hilarious and most importantly keep it real! When are you coming to San Diego, CA?!
  • Cincymom918
    Helpful AND entertaining
    I love hearing the different guests each week. Chelsea and Catherine are so great together, and they balance each other out nicely. I also have to give you props for constantly hyping up teachers and other public service professions. I think it RULES- teachers for Chelsea 🥳
  • Meg Reynolds1983
    Love the episodes with you and Mary
    The episodes of you and Mary are my favorite! I think your friendship is a good example and would love to hear you two more together!!
  • Maxcraft430
    I like how real you are on your podcast. Can you please have on Paul and Sasha from "Community News podcast with Paul and Sasha" and find out how these tv producers and comedians who never became household names have created a podcast that is so funny and relatable and built it from nothing to being in the top 1 percent of all podcasts globally. Their Davey and Goliath story is so inspiring, and I love your show.
  • DJDesignLA
    Ditch the cohost
    Chelsea is amazing as always. And great guests. But the Minnesota accent cohost is not the vibe and so not on Chelsea’s level. I’m sure she’s a great producer. But please less of her.
  • Suki424
    So Good!
    Ever since discovering this podcast, it’s all I’ve listened to. Funny and honest, the advice given to callers is no-nonsense given with love and compassion. Catherine is a great counterbalance to Chelsea and their guests jump right in to help the callers.
  • Friend in Franklin
    Valley girl
    I love Catherine, but honestly enough with a Valley girl voice. It is so irritating and I just don’t get it. It might be a California thing, but the rest of the world doesn’t have a tolerance for it.
  • L.A. fan
    I have followed Chelsea for decades! She's given me lots of hope and laughs. Definitely been a huge part of my happiness! Her therapy enhanced her in every way. She makes me proud to be a woman. Big love and light!!!
  • HeatherB_mama
    I love everything about this podcast, and it is laugh-out-loud hilarious. The episodes with Sean Hayes were 2 of the funniest things I’ve ever heard. I want more of them together!! I also appreciate the psychological insights, as it is presented in such a way that everyone can take something away from it. The negative reviews are nearly all from people who are in the Trump cult.
  • LessCouchOn
    Dear Chelsea,
    Did it hurt having sex with 50 Cent? -Les Couchon- 💄🐷🍒👠
  • D_V_K
    I love this podcast when it features guests with something to say, a mix of gravity and levity. Julianna Margulies, Martha Stewart, and Dan Savage were EXCELLENT episodes. But when the episode is a bunch of women talking about the Kardashians or the Real Housewives… nope, not having it. If we were at a bar, I’d move away to avoid hearing that idiocy. To each their own, but I seek to avoid those characters; which unfortunately means that sometimes I need to turn the dial here. Which is unfortunate, because when it’s good, this podcast is really, really good.
  • Over 36
    Chelsea Rocks
    This weeks episode is so good; so authentic; so real! I love that she can laugh and cry about life.
  • Curriep33
    Thanks for having JL!
    Justin Long, swoon! Chelsea, legendary!
  • justkateh
    Fat Shaming Ads Ruin a Good Pod
    I have never unsubscribed from a podcast I like because of ads, but the Cool Sculping and Micro-Lazer Fat ads are SO offputting. I cringe every time I hear them. Chelsea certainly is at a point in her career where she can choose to not work with harmful advertisers.
  • Klick.lee
    Make my day
    I listen to your podcast and enjoy all of it. I know this is old news, but watching your personal experience (second night) with the shaman and watch how you became a whole new you. I did same thing and cried when I watch. Also I love having Amy Schumer talking about these topics. You all are amazing
  • SarahAlldayuhh
    Thank you Chelsea for your incredible podcast!!
  • Neurotic joker
    Chelsea I has gotten full of herself
    I have read all Chelsea’s books and loved them except the last one. Which I found depressing. I watched Chelsea Latley and loved it but the bigger and more control you had went to your head. Once you started being with the A celebrities we could tell how much you changed. There has been so many stories from people that helped get you where you are that you now treat like crap. I wish you could show a little more humility.
    I love it!!
    I watched Chelsea’s show back in the day and loved it so much!! Podcast brings all the good vibes !
  • rebeccalynn1984
    Loved listening to this podcast
    I listened to the Laura Lynn Jackson episode and I loved it. I’ve had both parents pass and an ex boyfriend so I look for signs everywhere! Great episode and her books are fantastic! As are Chelsea’s. I loved them
  • dallaslistener33
    Chelsea in love
    I’ve listened to all the episodes and love them. However, this was my favorite to date. Chelsea in love is the best version yet 🥰. Adorable couple
  • Anna2679
    SO happy Chelsea has found love. You can feel her happiness beaming through the microphone. Love the idea of her writing a book on how men should treat women. Love you Chelsea ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • hd0382&
    Love Brandon
    Love Brandon so much👏👏👏he’s hilarious and sweet
  • H. Cabral
    Really great show
    I just enjoy how real Chelsea is.
  • mel123456kz
    Love it
    I enjoy their engagement with their listeners and freaking SMART ADVICE. It’s a genuine and they are doing good work. Keep going!
  • audiobookie
    I Tried to Like Chelsea
    But I failed. Although I like her sense of humor, I think she is extremely shallow, and I cannot stand to listen to her whiney complaints about things that are unimportant.
  • Alexm719
    To go on another podcasters show knowing that they promote body positivity and women’s right to discuss their sexuality, then promote your own podcast, and then proceed to trash talk the whole experience is a really bad look. Shame on Chelsea, I would not recommend listening to her as I’d assume she’s as superficial in every show as the was when she was on GGE. Don’t waste your time.
  • Maggie62728292
    Constant disordered eating talk
    I was excited that this podcast was releasing new episodes, but found them hard to listen to because Chelsea and her guests are constantly talking about food, what’s “good” and “bad” to eat, how to eat less, etc. This isn’t new for Chelsea but especially in 2021, this kind of talk feels so toxic and tired. Chelsea has always been pretty self-aware; hopefully she comes to realize how damaging this kind of constant talk is for both her and her audience.
  • LShreck
    Your episode “Related”
    Hi Im a fan and a recovering addict (6 months clean). Your advice pertaining to how to connect with your siblings and just simply finding out how they’re comfortable with communicating is so true and helped me realize that my approach with trying to connect with my own children during this process is exactly how I should be doing so. A person’s approach to any situation is EVERYTHING! Thank you!
  • ballengj56
    I’m out
    You talk bad about other podcasts you are a guest on. They were nothing but good to you & give you a heads up on everything they discuss with you. You are entitled and because of this, I am out.
  • Mellllllllll E.
    Don’t bother
    If I could give 0 stars I would. Chelsea is entitled, extremely rude, harsh, narrow minded, self centered.. I could go on forever.
  • moiaussi1213
    To all the Haters…
    First, I love Chelsea! I’m not sure why people are labeling her as a sellout. Just because she has her opinions about the government? Get over yourself. This woman has always spoke her mind-and she’s evolving constantly. I appreciate the use of her platform. Maybe listen more and comment less. Keep going Chelsea!
  • Kittyfiestykat
    No way
    I would not accept advice on mental health from Chelsea. She is narrow minded black & white thinking. Pushes a dangerous political propaganda encourages hatred constantly. I used to love her but after she called every person a racist that voted differently or thought differently. She then propped up a Marxist movement that have literally destroyed innocent lives. This is not peace & love or healing the heart she preaches. Sad her handlers have kept her misguided w false information bc she is so talented & smart but terribly brainwashed by a hateful cult. Hope she wakes up some day bc I miss her old humor that wasn’t bigoted woke.
  • NikkoD.
    Thank God she’s Back!
    Probably... my favorite podcast... maybe? Lol
  • h.bright
    She is seldom funny but she obeys her handlers so the media is going to throw her a little attention for being a compliant puppy.
  • imcooleronline
    Thank You
    Honestly you always know how to make my day better, when i hear your podcasts or watch your show (which i embarrassingly just discovered) it feels like talking to a friend i’ve known for years!! you always have something good to say, and you’re self aware when you don’t! thank you for more content!
  • Lacey C.
    An ok listen
    Chelsea can be funny. She can also be unnecessarily harsh.
  • DeeGram
    Who would listen to this loser
    Chelsie is a piece garbage wind bag.
  • Emillie2456
    To the people who left harsh reviews
    It’s crazy how several comments are straight negative and about being a liberal 😂 y’all are crazy - just don’t listen then if you’re upset. Great work though Chelsea! Love listening to you.
  • mja-
    narcassist and puppet
    chelsea handler used to be entertaining when ahe avoided politics and was her unique self. But now shes a puppet of some snarky left wing media apparatus
  • america first!!!
    Horrible liberal scum
  • Emmuhjn
    I love this podcast. Anyone who puts a negative review is just mad at how well spoken Chelsea is and how she uses her voice to incite positive change.
  • holla koala
    Seeking new podcasts, I miss you!
    Missing you! Just talk truth, I could listen to your rambles, curiosity and PSAs any time of day. Please bring back more content please! You speak the honest truth and truly bring entertaining material worth listening to and learning from. 🥰🤩
  • Freddie bag of donuts
    This is how white liberals think. They feel threatened when they no longer have control over minorities. Treating minorities like pets gives them warm and fuzzies with virtue signaling thinking people like 50 cent could not operate in the real world without their charity and vast knowledge. It makes them feel good inside. Virtuous. In reality 50 cent is 10X more wealthy than his ex girlfriend. 50 is doing just fine and will be voting to keep his wealth. Trump 2020!!!!
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