
by Scripps

Three women say they were abused by the same Arizona police officer over nearly a decade. When they seek justice, all of them are kept in the dark about his record of lying and illegal conduct – one goes to prison based entirely on his false testimony. We give police officers incredible power and authority but how can citizens trust law enforcement without transparency and accountability? This season on Verified: Full Disclosure, the story of what happens in one state when law enforcement officials routinely fail to track dishonest and disreputable police officers, and how one tenacious reporter uncovers it all.Copyright 2022 Scripps Media Inc

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  • relssekharas
    “Antifa” isn’t an organization
    Loved the first season but “The Next Threat” is a massive disappointment. Recycles right wing talking points without even realizing it’s doing it. This isn’t radical, much less impactful, journalism. It’s both-sidesist swill.
  • Taralainee
    Five stars!
    Great investigative journalism! Very well researched and spot on! Thank you for the deep dive. Police reform is so important in our country.
  • Bossybeehive
    Engaging & Unsettling
    I caught the quick ‘ad’ for Verified while listening to The Fall Line. Verified has a handful of well placed interviews, good research and the discomforting crime/threaded story is worthy of all listeners’ attention. Started with the unsettling ‘Italian’ (I don’t want to be a spoiler!), and have just completed S4 (Arizona). Stellar work. Keep it up.
  • pub def
    Please do a season on Prosecutors!
    Hi. Public Defender here. So important to remember that prosecutors have strict Brady requirements, and that they are a big piece of this problem. Don’t know anything about AZ, but in CA, ignorance is not a legal excuse for a Brady violation. A DA can be disciplined by the State Bar for violating Brady! This was a great series. Keep up the excellent work. ML
  • GregorTheDude50
    Well done but the naivety amazes me
    Well done show, the production and cast are very good. The naivety and surprise of the hosts amaze me though. They act as if an opposing view is incredulous to their world view. It would be interesting to see them do a show that isn’t completely attached to the left’s world view. Maybe they could get out of their comfort zone and get some insight into why some that are of an opposing viewpoint believe the way they do. I don’t agree with the far/alt right in any way, but the host’s views that they are the only correct mindset is very disturbing.
  • juahbow
    Very well done
    It’s so well done and researched. Honestly I can only listen in certain moods though because it’s heart wrenching the beliefs these white men have.
  • acheybrenda
    One of the best
    Informative, well researched, emotional, and much more. I love this podcast.
  • Frauleinninja
    Fantastic reporting
    Big recommend!!
  • NancyMe123Yeah!
    Excellent podcast but I hope the cell phone prompts don’t return
    Text this number to see a photo! season 1 prompts are the only negative about this great podcast!
  • YellowLizard
    well worth listening to
    Both Season 1 and Season 2 are incredibly well done. The title of the podcast is brilliant because it prompts us to ask ourselves questions we should ask more often: "According to whom?" "Should I trust the information I'm reading?" It's a good true crime podcast, but it's also about the systems that are supposed to hold people accountable and the human beings who challenge those systems.
  • jenkins_satx
    A binge-worthy podcast
    A well done podcast that covers a sharing society, couch surfing, digital verification, international crimes, an investigative team, and the 14 strong women who brought a serial rapist to justice. The host told the story with the voices of those involved & engages listeners by being able to text a # throughout the series to see photos. 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘦: "𝘋𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘜𝘱" 𝘪𝘴 𝘚2 - 𝘴𝘤𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘚1
  • A.lLily
    Good content but drags on
    I do like the content of this podcast. I listened to half of both first and second season but felt like both seasons dragged on and could have been done in less episodes. I googled the ending in both seasons because it felt so repetitive.
  • Megs Nickname 4848
    Love love love
    I love this podcast. I hope there are many more seasons. The idea behind this podcast is very original. I can’t find any others like it. Even when the information is sensitive, it is delivered very well.
  • esp2013momof3
    Second season!
    I was in shock this entire season. The information was well researched and presented in a very understanding way. I checked my Johnson and Johnson’s baby powder and it has Talc in it, it’s now in the trash and I will be looking for a different brand of baby powder
  • PW from GR
    Second season is great
    I wasn’t a big fan of the first season about the young women who chose to stay with a single man in a different country based in internet reviews. I thought it was dragged out and over emotional. But the second season was concise and well done
  • cherrybaby205
    Very engaging
    The first season was a hard subject matter but very well done. I liked how we as the listener would engage and text for photos. Season 2 is interesting so far, not sure where it’s headed
  • LVelo
    So important and well done
    Incredible podcast. Well researched, great production on a topic we all need to learn about.
  • knamara
    Season 2
    I broke down after hearing episode 6. Karen... I’m pretty sure that was the name. The story of a women who they thought wouldn’t do something put everything aside her life for people. It’s not bizarre that this is happening. It’s not new and it won’t change... it never changes, but we can change some stories, sometimes. I am so broken for her because it breaks so many of us everyday. They will eliminate you so I just know what she went through and it was brave
  • SMLP
    Season 1 is crazy
    This story is incredible and needed to be reported on widely.THANK YOU. But I have to say it is HIGHLY annoying that the narrator cannot pronounce Maglio’s name properly EVEN THOUGH EVERYONE in the podcast associated here does It accurately so she could have learned from just hearing them. It is distracting and unprofessional. You do NOT pronounce the “g” in maglio. Yet she does every time. So obnoxious to the listener.
  • bruhhknee
    This is crazy info
    This podcast reminds me of the time I wrote a college research paper about American Make Up brands and how it’s legal to put “cruelty free” advertising on the packaging but if it states made in China-has to be legally tested on animals. American is profiting off of the cruelty free slogan and its gross.
  • 33704
    Compelling Podcast!
    This topic/story is so far reaching. I hope there are MANY more episodes covering it all!
  • mom_cat
    Hpv causes cancer
    So are we just going to ignore the fact that hpv causes cervical cancer?
  • Stefanifrank
    Such great reporting
    I love this podcast - both seasons. The stories are so interesting and they are presented in such an informative and intriguing way. Natasha has a great clear voice for podcast! I can tell a lot of hard work goes into these investigations and reporting of them. Keep up the great work!!
  • Mad Monika
    My Mother
    My mother died of Ovarian Cancer in 1993. No one in her family up to that point, or even now (four daughters now in our 30s & 40’s) have had cancer. My mother died when I was 7, so memories are few, but I do distinctly remember the Frog jar she kept on the bathroom sink, full of baby powder. She used it after every shower. I was hesitant to listen to this podcast, but I’m glad I’ve started. If only people had known sooner, but thank god we know now.
  • Hannah R-W
    Loved the first season, some questions about the second
    I should note, I’m a biologist so I have a slightly different perspective but I found some of the synthesis around talc to be questionable. I’m all for consumer protection and don’t always trust giant corporations on their word regarding product safety, yet the data on talc is still more ambiguous than the podcast leads the listener to believe. Would have appreciated further content from scientists & clinicians on the impact of talc (lots of interesting data on topical application from a derm perspective)
  • AnaCosic
    Amazing amazing amazing!! I can’t get over how fantastically produced these podcasts are. Season 1 had me counting the minutes to get back into my car for my drive home to listen to the rest of the episodes and now season two has me obsessing even more! I’m holding myself back from researching the case to get details because I just love the way the show tells the story. It’s not only great content but also interactive! I love how they really engage you and let you put a face to a voice and name. I could go on and on but will just end with saying that Verified is a MUST LISTEN TO!
  • RexyRambles
    So. Freaking. Good.
    I love podcasts that tell a true, compelling story over the course of several episodes, and this one is SO well done. The J&J talc case is such an important story that I wish more people were familiar with. The small-town lawyer & client who dared to take on this massively powerful company in the name of doing the right thing is so inspiring!!! I just got through the episodes that are available thus far for Season 2 & now i’m going to head back to listen to all of Season 1!
  • h2ocello
    The first season was well researched, well written, extremely interesting and incredibly shocking. I love that we hear from the people involved in their own words. I didn’t expect how involved and layered this story was going to get. I applaud the podcast, reporters, and most importantly the women involved. You are all so brave and loved. May I ask a question here? What in the - - - - was up with his mother? I can’t get over what we learn about her. The second season is two episodes in and already has me hooked. I’m applauding Deane and her lawyer and can’t wait to learn more.
  • AK->IA
    Love, love, love!
    First podcast in a long time to keep me on the edge of my seat! I can not wait for the next episode to drop! Wonderfully created, the stories told, this is too good to not listen!
  • Hbva
    Amazing story telling
    I totally applaud the Verified team for putting together a well rounded, meticulous podcast. The interacting with the texts and photos they send, is like no other podcast out there - and I’ve listened to a fair share of them. Listened to season 1 all in a day, and can’t wait to start on season 2!
  • Harryhomeowner
    Awesome storytelling
    This is an outstanding podcast. Natasha has a really, really solid podcast voice that keeps the listener dialed in. She is a great storyteller, and I know this team worked very hard putting all of this footage and recording information together. I am still on season one, and will listen to this in its entirety before I get to season two. Check it out for sure!
  • Captain Kaplan
    Second season setting up to be as good as the first! Excited
  • i fart fairy dust
    Great podcast! My friend and co-worker got me hooked. The topics are eye opening. Keep up the great work.
  • audacious healer
    5 STARS
    This Podcast is greatly written , so glad there are people out here that really care and don’t give up when things become difficult,
  • notgood734
    Well done podcast and important story
    Very well put together, and a very important story to be told. Held my attention and covered the topic in a respectful manner.
  • DuranteB
    What a story!
    How brave if these woman to come forward. Great work by the hosts and producers for telling their stories.
  • sam654987321
    A tough story told in a great way
    Really heartbreaking all of the systems that failed these women and allowed this monster to keep preying on travelers. It was a hard story to tell but the reporter did a great job telling it. The women who didn’t let this go are so strong and determined and the reporters who helped them are amazing! Great podcast that I binged in a couple of days.
  • coff11
    So Good
    These women are so brave, and Natasha Del Toro does a great job, she is so easy to listen to! Highly recommend!
  • lindazee246
    Sometimes so difficult to listen to the atrocities within the dark & painful content, but really compelling story of strength. Excellent narration & superb editing considering the vast amount of information & the lengthy timeline.
  • Fjfavttipbxdhkccaefwgjokllllll
    How is this rated a 5 star podcast with so many bad reviews??
    Topic is good, host voice is good, but even in the first episode it’s dragged out, I love hearing from the victims but dang producers! Do some editing, listening to the monotone voices ( I have one too, not everyone is cut out for podcast talking) repeating the same info over and over again just got really boring and I tunes out quickly, the show could have been a 2 hour show and done! Also, uh Nope! Not giving out my phone number to strangers that almost certainly will sell my number to spammers and I’ll be bombarded with God knows what kind of advertising after texting the podcast, not doing it and you should be ashamed for asking people to do it. So freaking weird! Just make a social media site please
  • Idiza
    Great Podcast. Lose the text offer though.
    This was an incredible series. And a lesson in doing your research not only on the place or person you are looking into but on the platform where they are promoting themselves/their business. The young women who took action to stop this man are remarkable. My only complaint is that something seemed off about asking listeners to text for a photo of the girls and their abuser etc. Ugh. Better to provide links to resources and further information.
  • undignified87
    Well told, didn’t like the text offer
    Felt a little creeped out that every episode instead of a promoting a website with more info you were asked to text and request photos from the case.
  • fhdgcbr
    What an incredible story. These women are remarkable. This was an extremely well put together podcast. The way they told the story and shared recordings brought tears to my eyes more than once. Great job to everyone involved and hooray for the women ❤️💕
  • Kuehn CE
    Incredibly moving and intriguing
    As a true crime fan, I absolutely fell in love with the story line and the strong survivors. The journalists did an amazing job documenting this jackass’s crimes and attempts to deceive the court. Great job!!
  • wendypeanut
    Couch SURFING
    The host’s prononciation of “couch surfing” is so aggravating. No one else noticed it sounds like she’s saying “cow churfing?” 😖 Fascinating story, cannot believe Italian courts let Dino be on house arrest 🤦🏻‍♀️ with his weird mother that’s likely as sick and twisted as he is. Plus it pains me that many females (myself included) are so hardwired to be nice to people, especially men, and “not make them mad.” Some of these terror-filled stories wouldn’t exist if we as women would go with our guts more often (don’t drink the wine if you don’t want it! Don’t drink the tea if you saw him put white powder in it!).
  • Wild Dratini
    very slow moving and repetitive. could easily have been half the episodes.
  • Dori8910
    Great Storytelling!
    Great journalism and storytelling. Important subject!!
  • Angella Dez
    Great podcast
    This podcast is very well put together. These stories need to be told.
  • tiny8987
    Really good!
    This is an excellent podcast and I’m so glad that this awful situation was put to an end. My only complaint is that the last 3-4 episodes drrreaaaaged. They should have been combined. Also, what’s up with that weird texting thing? It felt like they were trying to get money.
  • JeriSimpson
    Sometimes Painful to Listen to it. But so Necessary
    Bravo to all involved in the making of this podcasts. Beautifully produced about a topic no one wants to talk about. Another police abuse of power story.
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