FBI Agent Phil Carson has held onto a secret for fifteen years, which will prove for the final time that there was a cover-up of the murder of Hip-Hop Superstar The Notorious B.I.G. by officials at the LAPD.Agent Carson is talking, and journalist Don Sikorski has the FBI Files to prove it.This ground-breaking podcast spans 20 years inside the underbelly of crime in the dark forces of the LAPD that used power and influence to hide the evidence and facts.LAPD Officers orchestrated the murder of Biggie Smalls.The information contained inside The Dossier will shake the foundation of the LAPD and the City of Los Angeles, defining with evidence who shot and killed Biggie, but more importantly why the power players inside Los Angeles covered it up.The Dossier Season II: The Secret Biggie FBI Files, is a production of Criminal Minded Media, DCP Entertainment, and Action Park Media.

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  • niknametookforever
    I was stoked on this pod. But last 3 or 5 eps being ten min long with ten min of ads is lame. Not even worth my time anymore
  • BR’s Own
    Keep Going
    Don, I’ve not missed a single episode. In fact, I’ve repeatedly listened the old episodes over and over again when you was on a hiatus last year. Best investigative journalism in the podcast world!!! Very honest and unbiased like Chuck Philips! Keep going man!!!
  • @officialalexiskiley
    Stop with the background music during interviews!
    I did not have the patience to listen to an interview podcast due to your background music. It’s annoying, and makes zero sense to interview a guest and barely be able to hear them over your so called dramatic peaceful music. ???? Upload your interviews again- and cut the music out. I’ll listen if you do that. You’re playing g soft music while a man is discussing traumatic experiences. Terrible editing on your part. Very bad. Just keeping it honest with you. All my best!
  • Dkoh43
    Frank Lyga
    Hey Don Would love to here the full four hours Good stuff!!
  • RB7189
    Love the podcast
    Love the podcast. Could definitely do without the background music it’s very distracting and takes away from the interviews
  • 😷🤧🤒
    Love it
    Cut the music..ruins the interview
  • Kill_With_Kindness
    Salute Don & Phil & Randell & Russell
    I really LOVE this podcast THE DOSSIER you guys are doing a great great job with keeping your FOOT ON NECKS and backing these corrupt cops these gangster cops into a corner!!! LAPD need to be brought down and brought down HARD!!! Off The Record ( I cant believe Greg Kadding & Reggie Wright goes on YOUTUBE and LIE tell BOLD FACE LIES!!)) Keep Up the Good Work and May GOD BLESS your guys for all that your doing Justice for TUPAC & Biggie I miss you Love you Guys Forever
  • Biggs760
    Eye opening
    The amount of corruption within the LAPD is mind boggling. I doubt they will ever charge David Mack, Amir Muhammad and Rafael Perez. But at least now we know who murdered Biggie and why. Excellent podcast.
  • fyrendsire
    Bonus Episode/RJ Bond….
    I DO NOT believe Keefe D murdered Tupac…not him, Orlando Anderson or anybody that was in his camp. The authorities should be refocusing their attention and energy on Reggie Wright Jr., and one other person for sure. Great podcast!
  • Wasting083
    A joke
    This podcast slanders Greg Kadings investigation that was thorough and detailed on file and on record. They won’t have Kading on because he would absolutely pick them apart. This is a clear and biased podcast.
  • nj felon
    When are we gonna stop killing
    This is very sad and hurtful
  • 03goat
    Protect the public trust
    I have been following this case as soon it started back in 3-9-1997. And i have started to believe that we dont need protection by human police because when given the badge. it changes people. temptation is always in the minds of man period. its sad to say that because i am sure their are honest and good cops out there. But those honest cops dont have the stones to do wht russ poole did. they do nothing and let evil corrupt their department and when that happens its like a cancer that keeps spreading until eventually becoming completely corrupt. i seen a so called policemans point of view on one of the reviews and i was not only offended but i was sickened by it. "The thing ia that it wasnt LAPD, that it was corrupt off duty officers? Well mr policeman you are very wrong because those officers swore under oath at the beginning of that career. when you are given the duty under oath you promised to protect the innocent and part of a institution that is against all crime both foreign and domestic. I can say here that had they not been given the badge they wouldnt have the stones to kill anyone or cover it up. WHAT MAKES THE ENTIRE DEPARTMENT OVER AT LAPD CORRUPT IS BECAUSE THAT THEY REFUSE TO CONVICT THEIR OWN OFFICERS AND THEY WONT DO THAT BECAUSE THEY DONT WANT TO MAKE THEIR DEPARTMENT LOOK BAD. ALL BECAUSE A 300 POUND X DRUG DEALER HAD BEEN KILLED. And that is why we still are here and the lapd has not budged. WELL LAPD YOU SAID IT. X DRUG DEALER! He was not a drug dealer and was now living a honest life. he left that part of life because he knew it was wrong. now what are you going to do your problem of corrupted individuals in youyr department. yes it may cost you a lot of money but hey you owe that money to the family of mr wallace because it was members of your institution that had that idea to take away mr wallace from his family and ms. wallace only son. MIGHT AS WELL DO IT NOW BECAUSE IT ISNT GOING AWAY AND NOBODY WILL FORGET. ITS BEEN 25 YEARS AND WE STILL WAITING. THIS NEW GENERATION KNOWS MR WALLACE AND MR SHAKUR. IT WILL NOT GO AWAY UNTIL YOU ACT. SO LIKE 25 YEARS AND STILL COUNTING WE THE PEOPLE THAT PAY YOU TO PROTECT US, YES WE ARE WAITING ON YOU. GIVE US ALL JUSTICE AND MAKE ARREST.
  • Father of 4 husband of 1
    Amazing Work
    This was truly Amazing work best podcast of ast year WHEN IS SEASON 2 dropping
  • ZachJhon
    Quick Question
    When is season 2 launching 📌
  • mrjlt03
    New episodes
    When will the new episodes start
  • infamous shep
    Kading is a clown
    Anyone who thinks kadings theory on poochie is correct there fools
  • Stepherzz89
    I have been following this murder for years. I have read most of the books. I really like the in depth information from this report. If I was to change one thing, I would tell Phil to calm down. He stresses me out and he acts like everyone is beneath him. It’s hostile and hard to listen to. It was so hard to listen to the Reggie interview.
    “ Off Duty “ LAPD
    The thing is that it wasn’t The LAPD. It was corrupt off duty officers. Just like if you worked @ Wal-Mart Obviously with Thee exception that they are expected to do more than uphold the law, but actually help protect citizens But once He’s off duty you can not hold The LAPD responsible for jag offs and or serial killers. Do they need to be able to do a better job of recruiting? Obviously YES.
    Amazing Podcast!
    I’ve now listened to LAbryinth and Dead Wrong because of this podcast. I have zero desire to listen to Murder Rap since Greg Kading is a shill for the LAPD. I hope Phil keeps on exposing the corruption and it’s unfortunate that I wasted my time watching Unsolved years ago. Please make a Season 2!
  • FilmmakerMike
    Thin on evidence, heavy on speculation
    If you've read any books or watched any films on Russell Poole's theory, there isn't much new here.
  • nwkla
    Great show 💯
  • Mere_68
    Great! But lose the music
    Love the podcast! But the constant music is the background takes focus away from the story.
    City of Lies
    I just bought the movie , it’s very good! Also really enjoyed the podcast ! Thanks
  • lakeshow20
    Crooked LAPD
  • Celia Rogers
    Lots of filler, should be fewer episodes
    This would have been much more interesting at 10 episodes---there is so much dull filler and the commercials are insanely long. But if you have infinite patience, give it a try
  • Keize1016
    Seems too biased
    Great work on the Biggie investigation but this podcast loses credibility by dismissing Greg Kading’s work. Kading is the one with the book, documentary, tv series & feature on Netflix “Crime Scene”. This podcast clearly hates on Kading. Kading used a proffer agreement to get the confession out of Keefe D. Tupac’s murder is pretty simple unfortunately. This podcast loses credence when it attempts to claim that both murders were carried out by the same circle of people. So I appreciate they choose to focus on just Biggie’s but Biggie’s murder was clearly revenge. This podcast also acts like Suge Knight gives reliable testimony in a phone conversation when he’s been saying outlandish things like “Tupac is still alive” for years. Why did this podcast leave out the fact that Suge paid Orlando Anderson $60,000 to testify that Suge didn’t kick him in the MGM? Seems sketchy to leave that out. Also, once this podcast included spooky YouTubers J-Mix & Michael Carlin, I realized it was going to far down the conspiracy rabbit hole. Poor sound design as well. The obnoxious echo/delay on interview clips is a rough listen.
  • Saunnee
    Cant argue with facts. Well done. I not only anticipate season 2 but also some form of justice for Biggie’s family - and maybe even TuPac’s.
  • pumpher
    Great work
    NOI are rumored behind so many murders. They run a lot of security services and have gangsters from all types of walks of life. I guarantee that most of those officers behind the coverup are masons. Never trust a man that pledges more than one oath at a time.
  • Big Nar
    Pure facts.
    Glad that somebody put paperwork, evidence and real truth out there. No more conspiracies. LAPD is corrupt like we all thought they were.
  • D Nice808
    It seems to be obvious to me that the muslim works for the feds. Thus the cover use. I have followed the case for years. I have never heard of anyone interviewing the muslim or even trying. They know his name but never any background info on him. Even this show although true and authentic never asks those questions. So to me the muslim is a fed and he is being protected. Gene if you read this use this angle.
  • PoppaReview
    It’s time!
    Gene Deal and the Dossier finally! Gene has kept a consistent story ever since 1997. The Dossier with John and Phil is remarkable! These will be the guys to burst this case wide open mark my words! Gentlemen keep up the good work, it is not in vain God bless.
  • Steve Wes
    Keeping it 💯
    Gene Deal has kept it a buck for years now... loyal to the truth until death due us part.... Last of a Dying Breed... Love this Podcast, let knowing the Truth set Us All FREE
  • Da gameboy89
    Action Puke Mediocre
    Kevin Connolly is a hack Director🙄
  • unhappy excustomer
    Good start! Alright 2nd half.
    The beginning was well put together and very detailed. It was clear that towards the second part they were running out of content and the end just flat lined.
  • melicious-dae
    Interesting content, engaging. Would be a 5 star podcast but the background music is too loud and distracting at times. It’s not necessary.
  • InkQuest
    Always knew this
    Shouts to Gene Deal for keeping Biggie name alive all these years
  • BobNotBobAgain
    Wildly over produced
    What the subject says.
  • heyuhowudoin
    Great work
    Look in to this snoop was asking biggie for his location the whole time in Cali based on gene . Dossier episode 8 hammonds said Amir Mack Gaines got the information where biggie was going to be from females. Gene said sali Richardson and friends kept hanging with them and to have convinced diddy to bring biggie to the party because biggie didn’t want to go . Sali Richardson was messing with snoop and his girlfriend at the time . Kevin Gaines was snoops bodyguard
  • FDB7777
    Gene Deal
    You have to get Big Gene on here
  • DF914
    Sean combs liability
    You need to get Big GENE to tell you about him warning puffy about the hit. Combs disregarded Big genes warning. Gene also states biggie DID NOT want to be in LA. Puff did an interview w/ fat joe recently in which he again lies about that night at the museum, and the days leading up to it ,stating he had no clue something was about to go down. He has done this to shield himself from liability and what HE OWES THE Wallace FAmily. He still profits off of bigs catalog instead of handing it over to the family whole cloth. He is also responsible for that night big died.
  • summergurrll
    Phil Carson needs to learn how to listen to people
    This guy interrupts everyone. If you bring people on the podcast to tell their story, let them tell their story and stop Interrupting them!
  • Timmay13579
    I really hope Phil writes a book and tells all. The idea that the LAPD and the DA (allegedly) would not want to pursue the case because of the potential liability the LAPD would carry is disgusting and shameful. These are times when you look within the department and take out the garbage in order to move forward.
  • z1g702
    Doodoo is about to hit the fan
    Great show. Well made except the echo effect on old interviews. I get the intention but it was distracting from what was being said Listen to episode 8. The last 15mins tells you everything you need to know.
  • L.Oronimo
    Great podcast
    This incredible story needs to be heard by everyone, but where in tf is the social media presence? Come on. Spread the word! Push out updates, or this story is gonna stay buried in a pile of sad events that no cares about anymore.
  • versatilemountaingoat
    Interesting but doesn’t back it up
    Some interesting details and interviews are sprinkled in but it’s mostly a sensational rehashing of the LAPD killed Biggie narrative. The final episode then devolves into a wild conspiracy about Tupac/Deathrow. No doubt the LAPD was corrupt but this doesn’t offer any solid proof to justify its bold accusations. The Poochie theory has more circumstantial evidence and is more plausible to me. It doesn’t appear the host tried to follow up or verify some of the juiciest tidbits from sources. Which is a shame. E.g. the informant who said he gave the FBI a photo of Suge/Mack/Muhammad... what did Phil Carson have to say about this? He should have been able to confirm or deny. Entertaining but built on a flawed premise overall.
  • jlew731
    The families of Pac and big need to hear this and act
  • EastEZ
    Very well done.
    The facts, the evidence, the responses over the years from all parties all lead back to this case going exactly as described in the podcast. I’m glued.
  • BdashLee
    Lies and conspiracy theories
    This is all bull crap all these false accusations, i hope Reggie and Reggie SR sue the hell out of you weirdos , Micheal Carlin is a conspiracy theorist!!!
  • Johnnyquest2112
    All over the place
    Interesting subject matter, some interesting interviews I’ve never heard before. Sadly the presentation leaves a lot to be desired. Disjointed and all over the place, obnoxious background music / random echo effects in some cases for almost the whole episode, for no apparent reason. Seems like all the content was just thrown in a blender then spread across as many episodes as possible to fluff it out. Shame, had a lot of potential.
  • KLuveee
    Thank you for conducting intense research 🧐 thank you for CARING. Thank you for TELLING THE TRUTH ... thank you for making all of this a even more real reality . THANK YOU THANK YOU. I WISH T’YANNA & CHRIS WALLACE WOULD REVIST THIS CASE LEAVING NO STONE UNTURNED! BIGGIE MOM IS PROBABLY TIRED SHE IS OLDER NOW & BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH. BUT THE KIDS SHOULD NOT LET THIS REST!
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