Ghost Tape

Fiction #250Drama #94

We follow Tessa Dixon at a remote army base in Texas as she deals with the psychological and physical trauma of basic training. When she finds a tape of her grandfather’s labeled ‘Ghost Tape’ and plays the haunting audio, she unknowingly unleashes a deadly manifestation of her own family’s horrible misdeeds. Co created by Nia DaCosta and Aron Eli Coleite. Starring and executive produced by Kiersey Clemons. Written by Alexandra E Hartman and directed by Malakai.

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  • DustMePink
    I can not get enough this podcast is amazing i hope you make another season of this with a new story line kind of and new characters but I love all of QCODES podcasts 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
  • Zorli
    Excellent writing
    I binged the story. Found it riveting.
  • NavyFiveOh
    Should’ve hired a military advisor
    As a veteran, I immediately picked up on the inaccuracies in rank. Exactly how old is the Corporal supposed to be? ……and why is he still a corporal? Why does such a junior rank have access to such “classified” information? Perhaps he was supposed to a colonel? Would’ve made more sense. Now let’s be clear, I’m a Navy vet……but even I know that a drill instructor outranks a corporal 8 days a week. As a veteran, I just couldn’t get over how inaccurately they portrayed the armed services. Qcode…..please do your homework next time.
  • Drtabagon
    It was good, then it was horrible, I wanted to stop but was so far in i couldn’t. Wasn’t my favorite show from Qcode
  • FlyersNfillies
    Not the best Qcode
    Not the best story from QCode, had a lot of potential but was very hard to follow at times. The ending was a little disappointing.
  • Meganm007
    First Fiction Podcast Listen
    Great story. Loved Kiersey Clemons’s performance.
  • Dimsumgirl27
    Interesting story but …..
    I don’t hear very many stories around the Asian culture so 5 stars for Tessa’s grandma’s story of how she was recruited. However overall the voice actors are stiff except for Tessa… and the military ranks are wrong. Every time I hear the ranks I cringe. It wasn’t enough for me to stop listening but definitely would have liked this to be fixed. Also, I feel like if Tessa’s father was the main character the story would have been way more interesting! It definitely needs more explaining, I’m left with so many questions.
  • skullpunch
    Loved it
    Loved it
  • JoelleAmiee
    The show was great but the ending could have been stronger
  • Corvus Anduril
    Worst of QCode
    The title sums it up... this is the worst QCode series I have listened to (so far). The storyline is bad and can't stay focused- always going off on tangents. The military mannerisms are bad and unrealistic. The acting is just okay for a QCode series. I listened to 4 episodes and concluded it wasn't going to get better. Real let down after listening to The Left Right Game and The Edge of Sleep.
  • Alpha.Jake
    Not Immersive
    The premise is interesting, but the military jargon, ranks to age of actors, and most of the details are incorrect. I understand that without having an advisor it can be difficult to get details correct, and that’s fine for a brief setting, but when the characters and setting is mostly military, it’s incredibly distracting. I love the other Qcode podcasts, so I’d like to see that same attention to detail added to podcasts like this one.
  • Dr. Watson 123456789
    All over the place
    Interesting concept but the machine-gun dialogue and disjointed storyline just devolves into an unsatisfying conclusion. The military references are also off base and sometimes comical. Just finished the left right game and this did not come close to the suspense or intrigue.
  • Nice Personnn
    Great voices, plot felt unfinished
    Great voice actors. Plot was unique and amazing… until it devolved into a messy tangent from the original cool focus of being about the mysterious haunted cassette tape.
  • TruCrmLvr
    A fan of QCODE
    This was a pretty interesting idea for fiction but it felt very rushed and had moments where I think they forgot this isn’t television. Overall I like the show is no Left Right Game (the best yet) but pretty good.
  • KRH0517
    Military inaccuracies driving me mad
    The military inaccuracies are massive making it very hard to stay immersed in the story. The story overall was pretty good.
  • michaelashyann
    The military discrepancies are cringe.
    These guys definitely should have done more research regarding the army / military as a whole..
  • Patrol G60
    Needed an Army advisor
    Cool concept and great acting. Just really needed an Army advisor in the writing room. As a combat Infantry veteran there were a lot of gringe worthy moments.
  • puppetwire
    Was this rushed?
    I don’t know but it pulls you in then kind of stumbles measly down some stairs, then you think they got it it’s all going to really pay off just for them to fall face first into the rug. Not Qcode quality, not a likable main character, and a real cool idea turn b-movie. Just a shame real like the voice actors.
  • Avidscifan
    Verbal Disclosure Needed
    The performance and writing was excellent. However the themes are triggering. A verbal disclosure notice giving folks a heads-up would be appreciated. A little too disturbing which I didn’t appreciate.
  • JRSJ
    Great acting
    Kiesey Clemons does such an amazing job. It was a fun story, did feel a little rushed in the end but was good.
  • PoppyJLA
    Creepy, Thrilling Podcast
    I was hooked five minutes in. Incredible cast and an intriguing story. Binged it in one afternoon ! Just sad the season wasn’t longer.
  • Satisfied Steven
    Worst of QCODE
    Though this is fiction, the wildly inaccurate portrayal of members of the Army is too hard to ignore. It's apparent no one involved could be bothered to do even 20 seconds of research before writing the script. One of the main protagonists is a Corporal but is written as if he were a Colonel. The former is junior enlisted and has little to no authority while the latter is only one rank below a Brigadier General. That's just a single example but is the hardest to ignore. Tessa is also the least sympathetic character I've come across in recent years within any fiction work. I really didn't care if she was cleared or not or solved the mystery of her grandfather's death. Give the one from QCODE a pass. Listen to The Left-Right Game which is excellent.
  • dragonprncas
    The only thing I didn’t like is that it felt rushed, could have gone a few more episodes. Besides that I was immersed, enjoyed the ending very much. Getting hooked on Qcode with every show.
  • LadyWithCookies
    Was that an ending?
    Not sure if the file is corrupted or if it was a stylistic “choice”, but episode 8 abruptly cuts out making it a bizarre (as in not good or intriguing) way to end the season. Overall there were some engaging moments, but not one of my fave QCODE series
  • Shawn Q
    Please! Want more!
  • FarrenZ2100
    I made it to episode 4 and that’s where I got to tired to even care any more. It’s an interesting concept but the story just wasn’t good enough, it felt garbled or strained, idk. Plus the whole time I wanted to smack Tessa upside the head. By the time I was done I was actively hoping something bad would happen to her.
  • Hayli555555555
    Hard to follow
    I really wanted to like this podcast. However, the writing made it really hard to follow. Definitely something you need to binge quickly to keep track of. Also, I felt like it was 10% eerie side effects that were hard on my ears. The concept of the story was cool, and the acting was pretty good, but the overall execution wasn’t my jam.
  • hitandrun me
    Ghost tap
    So is there going to be more to the story.
  • jwford
    Eerie Psychological Thriller
    Stylish, eerie psychological horror, laced with social commentary about mental health and the military. With amazing voice acting from Kiersey Clemons, Raul Castillo, and Bill Duke.
  • Cheap college kid
    Intriguing but lacking
    I did listen to this entire podcast, and I really thought the voice acting of Tessa was very impressive. But the story had so SO many plot holes, and was difficult to follow. Even when listening to a previous episode directly before a new one, making any connections between the episodes was DIFFICULT. The idea of a ghost/spirit in the tapes is interesting, but it wasn’t fleshed out well enough for it to be a complete story. And the ending ? It felt like the producers said uhhhh, WAIT I found this bow over here!!! and just tried to make it fit.
  • Lala_Keilani
    Terrible podcast
    They could’ve done somethings really cool with this story, but the dialogue was over the top and made my eyes roll. Not to mention the inaccuracies - not in terms of military (although I’m sure it was inaccurate there too) but in terms of the therapist-client relationship. A therapist would never yell at a client like that, ghosts or not. It’s a shame this podcast was so sucky, because the set up was great and could’ve continued being awesome. Do better!
  • nanpatron
    Loved it
    A different take on the normal podcast story. Felt more like I was listening to an audio book but magnified 100 times. Well done!
  • J J Stuckey
    Mrs Stuckey
    Sooo good! Amazing story I enjoyed it!
  • t0ecutter
    Qcode dropped the ball on this one. In an effort to make a strong character they went overboard. That much attitude in boot camp would not be allowed even on today’s environment. Lost me after the second episode.
  • Steven St. Blaize
    Cool concept, poor execution
    This podcast is evidence that the podcasting genre has finally entered into a similar phase as horror movies exemplified by movies like “Truth or Dare” and “ Shutter”. An interesting idea is the only thing propping up a shallow and contrived story. The concepts of the Vietnam war and family trauma deserve honest exploration, but this story uses them as backdrop for admittedly gruesome audio design to accompany a story that feels... empty to me. QCode has dropped a number of these podcasts blatantly ripping off other, smaller, much more successful productions like Alice Alice Dead (QCode’s Carrier and Left Right Game), but this is the worst of them all. It’s a real shame such obviously high production value goes to waste on an copy of an copy of a story.
  • Fronzel Neekburm
    Normally love Q-Code but...
    This started as a great ghost story, then continually devolves into a worse and worse story somehow. By the end it was pretty clear they had no idea how to end it, finally just stopping in the middle of a sentence. The final two episodes are complete garbage. Don’t start this, it’s a waste of time.
  • lisaxng
    This is a first that I’ve heard an audio drama mention the Hmong and what happened to them during the Vietnam War. As a Hmong person myself, this was very awesome to hear!
  • AH_126
    Do some research before writing another story
    Did no one look up US Army ranks at any point when writing this? Did someone mistake a Corporal for a Colonel? As a veteran it make the story impossible to listen to.
  • Jeez33
    Don’t get sucked into to this podcast
    I wasn’t annoyed by the military inaccuracies that bothered so many others. I suppose if I had knowledge of military ranks it would bug me, but I didn’t notice. The story was interesting enough to keep me listening. But the final episode cuts off mid-sentence. SO DISAPPOINTING! Maybe it was the last sentence, and we didn’t miss much. But if so, it was a bad conclusion anyway. Don’t bother starting this podcast, you will be very unsatisfied.
  • Benjaminjude
    Intense story
    Fantastic story with thoughtful production, great sound and very worthy cast. Can’t wait to hear what y’all put out next.
  • CarlaKovitz
    Love Tessa’s voice so much!!!
    Totally professional quality podcast with truly awesome cast!!! Great job :-)
  • KMWilkins
    Very interesting story, good listen.
  • Natedogg2114
    What happened!!
    What happened to the final episode?!?! it just cut off mid sentence! Hopefully this isn’t how it’s supposed to end.
  • WhyNikname
    Pretty Good, But Not The Best
    This show was good, but it had a few things that made it worse then it could be. It has a great plot and good voice actors, but sometimes I couldn’t tell what was happening. In essence, it would have been easier to follow as a video or something. The sound quality was as good as the other Qcode shows, but I just couldn’t tell what was happening, I don’t know if it was just me or if others had the same problem. Other than that, it was really good, but I still think the Edge of Sleep and Borrasca are the best Qcode have done.
  • OPJelloQueen
    Completely Visceral
    Honestly, nothing about this show disappoints. The voice acting is great and I get honestly emotional and scared from the events and sounds on this podcast. But definitely for mature audiences only. 😅
  • ecritap
    A lot going on but I’m not sure what
    I wanted to wait until the season was finished before writing my review. I have enjoyed other Q code productions that used sound skillfully to aid in telling a story. Ghost tape, for me, was a lot of intense sounds with not a whole lot of explanation. I am still not really sure what was going on in several scenes throughout the season other than a whole lot of tense noise. The story could have been interesting but I don’t think it was fully told due to too much focus on creating some weird audio experience.
  • jackixavier
    Ending is horrible
    I patiently waited weekly to listen to this wonderfully written podcast just to be very very very disappointed in the ending, my sister and I agree this went from a 5 star podcast to 1.5 in an episode.
  • MissJennC
    sadly, terribly unbalanced audio
    i’ve loved literally everything else q-code has ripped from the reddit story mines, but this one was starkly lacking. beyond the plot weirdness and awkward writing, the sound vascillated from way too loud and overcrowded spundscapes to barely audible dialogue and back again. then, episode 8 ended abruptly. it cut out literally mid-sentence. not sure how long the episode was supposed to be, buuut serio? ending like that? def not my favorite. waste of time.
  • Vic2224568
    Qcode: Great sound design and voice acting, terrible shows
    Not sure why I give Qcode a try anymore. They create these high quality productions, then release shows that end in a wet hot fart
  • Sl@ths1925
    Must listen
    Great show - episode 8 doesn’t finish tho, hoping this is just an error
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