The Ezra Klein Show


Each Tuesday and Friday, Ezra Klein invites you into a conversation on something that matters. How do we address climate change if the political system fails to act? Has the logic of markets infiltrated too many aspects of our lives? What is the future of the Republican Party? What do psychedelics teach us about consciousness? What does sci-fi understand about our present that we miss? Can our food system be just to humans and animals alike?

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Recent Reviews
  • Nina MCL
    Following the feral pack
    It’s sad to see someone as smart as Ezra Klein follow the feral dump Biden pack rather than using his intellectual abilities and independence to provide a thoughtful analysis of current politics. I’m done with this podcast
  • Mike's Bike
    James Dobbs
    Bed-wetting, clueless white dude. Pass. Not worth your time.
  • beefylogs
    Still the best
    Been listening since the Vox days and Ezra’s insight, interview style, and thoughtful questions are still top tier. Topics are thoughtfully considered even when they are difficult subjects. Interesting perspectives and people from all across the political aisle. Ezra is a unique and essential voice in todays political discourse. Keep doing what you’re doing y’all.
  • nonofyrbeeswx
    Ezra Klein is out of touch
    From his insular, privileged bubble, Mr. Klein calls for Joe Biden to step aside. Those of us doing the grassroots work here in the real world still support him; would Mr Klein take away all of our votes? We knew he was old when we voted for him. Also…the ageism and misoygnnoir is striking. Skipping over Kamala? I’m done with the narcissism of most NYT writers. Jamelle Bouie is the only one left with any sense at all.
    What is the Democratic Party for?
    Thank you for this insightful 18-minute episode. You lay out the genuine conundrum facing the party and by association, its voters. What a frustrating and concerning time we’re forced to navigate. Our political system is bursting at the seams with chaos.
  • 2PsInAPodcast
    Strange Apologism
    I’m a left of center American millennial and even I was uncomfortable with the way you patronized the Israeli gentleman while he explained the complexities of the conflict. Incredibly cringe. Also, to say that the west sympathizes with Hezbollah is wholly true and quite frankly, ridiculous. You seem to be living and operating in an echo chamber of a minority of ill-informed radicalists (yes, the left can become radical as well) and thus you think it’s the whole of America. You really need to reassess your extremisms for the sake of conducting honest and genuine journalism with the integrity it calls for. Please Ezra, for the sake of humanity, just do better.
  • LSGArt
    Brilliant insights!
    Find my mind be blown so many times! Thank you for forcing me to see the world differently.?
  • Supersmartsquirrel
    Ezra Klein Show
    I do love this podcast— The range of topics, the depth, the humanity and sensitivity. Ezra is an old soul and a brilliant young thinker. Thank you. Thank you Ezra for your brave and incisive podcast today 6/30!! And I know you would never say, “I told you so”☺️
  • CA Fitz
    Old Enough
    Ruth Bader Ginsburg couldn’t quit when it was appropriate. Her legacy is the demise of the Supreme Court. Thanks for your insight.
  • Nicolewaves
    Ezra needs to touch grass
    I’m not a huge fan of Ezra but I listen to his podcast every now and then … Ezra needs to get off the horn about President Biden. Yes, Biden is old and his debate performance was bad, but this is not new information or surprising to many Americans. Ezra thinks he’s the smartest person in the room … and he may be. However, no one likes someone who positions themselves as a know it all, a**hole. Ugh. He has no real clue how everyday, non-elite people think and feel. Ezra was easier to listen to on the Weeds podcast, because Matt Y. at least had some interpersonal skills and humanity — he balanced Ezra — the out of touch, robot, jerk.
  • xisirb
    Re: What is the Democratic Party for?
  • Nitschke87
    Ezra Was Right About Biden
    Last February Ezra warned us that Biden was not capable of winning the election and that the Democrats should choose an alternative at the convention. He was right. Now he warns that Biden is not capable of performing the duties of the president in a second term. He’s right again.
  • TMBMinJP
    My intellectual public voice.
    Love the long form. Love the intellectual introspection. Love the guests and their book recommendations. I don’t want the podcast to go away or post less often, but I wish Klein could clone himself and have his other go into political consulting.
  • PeterDBuckland
    Who needs Matt Gaetz when you have Ezra DeKlein?
    Seriously, who needed Matt Gaetz yesterday when you have Ezra DeKlein? In his last podcast, Mr. But-there’s-another-angle, Ross Douthat & Michelle Cottle spend their time critiquing Biden’s performance with oozing earnesty & splashes of self-aggrandizement. It’s as if the debate was a recently-discovered Pixies album & they’re the Pitchfork intelligentsia ready to pan it. They could have dealt with the sociopathic felon, fraudster, & rapist who lied to the American public. Nope. Unsubscribed.
  • Sannliza
    George Stephanopoulos for President
    George Stephanopoulos for President
  • happysnappah
    Ezra’s lost me
    I have loved Ezra since his blogging days and always appreciated how he seemed to bring sense and reason to Iglesias’s hot takes. But now it seems Ezra has joined the hot take industrial complex. Guess that’s working for him, but I can hear his contrarian and unhelpful and extremely privileged takes on any other podcast. Sad. I miss the pre-NYT Ezra.
  • paula swigoda
    Please stop laughing, this is not funny
    Stop laughing, this was a serious
  • RFrost55
    Challenging and Insighful
    Klein is deeply thoughtful, incredibly knowlegeable and, at the same time retains a strong sense of humility. Truly rare in this day and age. He doesn’t hesitate to take on the most difficult topics, and often has shows that look at critical issues from several opposing points of view. He is smart, insightful and an original thinker.
  • JDHappy
    Not a podcast I can listen to anymore
    It is difficult to relate to Ezra Klein. Clearly he is smart. His delivery makes it impossible to listen. Want you to believe he is a deep, deep thinker. He does not pull it off. I am sure he is, but is also not relatable in any way.
  • juicey juice 5669
    Pray that your kids want to play travel baseball
    Wild to put that hex on your own kids👎🏼
  • Project Pratt
    You have to be mentally handicapped
    Another liberal claiming that the disasters you see with your own eyes is actually b/c of the republicans. This genius just released a show saying trump has a vision of higher prices for America. It would be funny if not sad. As if people don’t notice gas alone was $3-$4 under Obama and low and behold it’s the same under Biden. What a coincidence? 4 years for $2.00 gas and back to the climate hoax. Energy drives the price of everything Ezra. You are clueless. Also, a flat out liar. Keep lying.
  • bjohns383
    Poor Ezra
    Why does the production team at nyt work so hard to make this poor guy look as unappealing as possible??? I know it’s attention grabbing to make him look (and sound) awful, but please let this man have his self-respect! Is it that hard to take JUST ONE nice picture???
  • BCbaday
    so incredibly well versed and insightful every time
    A recent follower and now a lifelong fan. Just first class all the way. I learn so much on so many topics from listening to Ezra’s podcasts. If only more people in this country engage in these quality production, we can go a long way with solving problems together versus blaming and attacking.
  • Rob8035
    Love the show and variety of topics
    Would love to see you interview Lewis Lessing the Harvard Professor who wrote Republic Lost. His insights are sadly even more evident and his book is about 13 years old
  • classical_antiquity
    Yanna Krupnikov
    Fantastic interview with Yanna Krupnikov. Now I know why I’m so anxious about the country’s future. I’m news-obsessed! (Thank goodness!)
  • Patriotic Learner
    Great podcast
    Ezra is a great interviewer who always asks insightful questions, and hosts quality guests with a wide variety of views for respectful conversations. I’ve learned a lot from this podcast and look forward to new episodes.
  • Jampact5
    When I hear Ezra
    When I listen to him, I have the feeling that things are going to work out all right. Well…not that Right. Work out fine, I mean.
  • Billybill1984
    Good episode
    Enjoyed the economic anger episode. Pro tip – narrating past events in the present tense does not make anything more interesting.
  • patplants
    If, like me, you’re not politically savvy
    I am thankful to Ezra for the way he speaks clearly and rationally and makes sense of the countless economic and political happenings. I’m also thankful for the way he is committed to speaking what is true and “grounded” and he always elicits my trust. Thank God we have people like him and his wife in todays crazy world!
  • Ifus519
    Listened to the episode on protesting
    Heard someone try to shame humanitarians for standing up for a people being killed, by stating they didnt see ghandi or mlk. Conviently leaving out the truth of how ghani, mlk and even mandela were spoken about and represented in the media at the time. Mandela was on the us terror list until 2008. Our governemnt and the UKs did everything to help jail and delegitimize mandela, mlk ans ghandi at the time. The same way the protestors today are delegalized. Go look up news paper articles, and political cartoons from the eras when mandela, mlk and ghandi were protesting for change. You will see the coverage they received from the media is near identical to humanitarian anti war protestors today. Somethings will never change, till they to, and people who kept mandela in jail and labeled him a terrorist use him to shame protestors exactly how they shamed mandela. Eventually the truth came out.
  • xXxSCORPxXx
    C Trap
    Who listens to this claptrap?
  • Inza777
    “Right?” Is constant, SMH
    Please stop with the new “ummm”! Saying “right?” As a verbal tic makes it sound like you are begging for approval and agreement from your audience. It’s very immature sounding.
  • East Coast West Coast Guy
    Nobody’s Better than Ezra
    After most episodes, I say to myself: aha! It was good, listening to you aha! It was good, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, aha, it was good.
  • false psychology
    Great episode!
  • Maureen, AN OK BOOMER
    Thank you for this, REAL explanation of cost and how it effects us in a very real way. When Obamacare went through, they constantly talked about it as though it was a great thing. It never was. So telling us that Joe Biden has done a pretty good job just makes us angry‼️
  • SF chica
    He’s Even Better at Podcasting than Writing
    I first encountered Ezra’s podcasting voice on the episode of Search Engine called “Is there a sane way to use the internet?” I was impressed at Klein’s manner: calm, anti-hype, thoughtful, and ferociously prepared. He really could see nuance where so much is missing today. Even if you are a right wing republican, you won’t find him to be a dogged Democrat. He is a genuinely curious and interested person who focused on facts. I checked out his podcast and quickly devoured his 3 part series on AI —and now I’m on a campaign to get others to listen to his podcasts. I really appreciate his curious and analytic mind, and how thoughtful he is in his interviews. He does not fawn over his guests, but he also does not antagonize them either. In a world where everyone seems to want to get rich by upsetting everyone, Ezra’s a thoughtful voice of moderation, challenging us to think more deeply and ask ourselves and each other better questions-as well as listen to the answers. An antidote to the modern media complex on both sides.
  • Disbeleiving
    i love this show
    ezra is a fantastic interviewer
  • paris-sanfrancisco
    Replacing Republican by Democrat in your synopsis of today
    “There was no chance the Republican (Democrat) Party was going to replace Trump (Biden) as their nominee at this point. Trump (Biden) has essentially taken over (UNDER) the G.O.P.(Democrat party) his daughter-in-law (drug-addicted son) is even co-chair of the Republican National Committee (has been at his side at the WH and on Air Force 1) How did the Republican (Democrat) Party get so weak that it could fall victim to a hostile takeover (noisy takeover by wokists)? “ I’ve been listening to you for a while but you fall off your moderate side sometimes, you are better than that Mr Klein
  • RJPlumer
    Ezra’s sad
    It’s sad that Ezra turned into a Biden Democratic bedwetter He’s normally reasonably and intelligent. Something happened when he went to the NYT. Oh well.
  • Joey O’Connor
    Talk less Mr. Kiein and listen more
    Here’s my advice. Keep your questions short. Let your guests do most of the talking. If you give them freedom to speak without fear of being interrupted you’ll have a better show. Your questions and observations and digressions are so extensive and convoluted that what ends up happening is the thread is lost. Your guests should think it’s about them not about you. Quit being the smartest kid in class. All the best.
  • sudokuala
    Faulty Premises
    If you begin your show with faulty premises such as “The Republican Party controls the Supreme Court,” where is the listener supposed to go from there. Your credibility is totally shot through. This is a show that is draped in academic, esoteric language and littered with patently false foundations. Don’t be fooled by these pseudo-academics. This is retail media for lazy yuppies.
  • tumulta
    A voice worth hearing
    Ezra Klein is a rare communicator. When he was a co-host of The Weeds — back when it was a very dense, joyful, cacaphonous nerd-out on public policy — I noticed it was often settled into some order by the talent of Klein’s thought process and delivery. This show is a treasure trove of meaningful, stimulating, and challenging ideas and respectful conversations. It’s acessible and personal without wasting a moment on being cute or entertaining. I come here as a sanctuary to hear about these topics in depth, and I think about the interviews longs after I listen. I look forward to following Klein’s work for a long time.
  • Maicol___
    I love this podcast but the new picture is too creepy and makes it impossible to listen to. Please change it back thanks
  • Aabra1
    Not fair representation of the facts
    This is the 2nd podcast of this show i was trying to listen in the last month. After the first one i thought, maybe i should give it another try. So i did. Listened to "The disastrous relationship between Israel Palestine and UN" this time. About 1/3 into the listen i realized that it is a bit too far to the left from the center that i can tolerate. BTW, I am a democrat. It seems to be 1 sided to me like a lot of the media. You have to be fair in your statements. There is a difference in truth vs. lie and fair vs. unfair. Although some of the statements in the episode true they are not fair representation of what happened. 1. you said: Israel got more land than Palestine in 1948 partition. You forgot to mention that a lot of that land is unlivable desert land of Negev. Palestine got Gaza, which is a beautiful strip of land along the Mediterranean coast. 2. Your guest said that European Jews forced out 'indigenous population" from their land. She forgot to mention that some of the land was actually purchased from rightful owners at that time. By the way US government is not planning to return Native American lands to indigenous population. If you live in US your house is located on land STOLEN from indigenous people. Speaking of indigenous population, how far do you want to go back in history? The Jews were absolutely there in the first century AD, you can ask the Romans. The Jews were also there in the fourth century BC, you can ask Alexander the Great. The Arabs didn't show up in Israel until the seventh century AD. Romans expelled the majority of Jews in 70 CE from the land of Israel. 3. Ezra, Palestinians would kill you just for your name. It is called ani-semitism no matter how you slice it and twist the facts. Just like they killed peace activist Vivian Silver, 74, a Canadian Israeli who was helping them for years.
  • HannesKannes1893
    Just an amazing show
    This is probably the best podcast I came across so far. The show offers a wide variety of interesting topics and great guests.
  • JGLevi
    Boring and pedantic
    Easily the most boring and pretentious podcast produced. Drones on and on with academic speak. Politically tone deaf. Ultimately utterly pessimistic. To listen to this podcast is to sit in a lecture hall mid-semester expecting the professor to drop any minute with a depressive episode and wondering why you didn’t drop the course. Update: the man is not worth listening to. One star.
  • olivecat
    A Conservative Futurist
    Superb interview skills!
  • Here to Listen and Learn
    Coverage of Israeli-Palestinian Issues
    In-depth, nuanced and balanced coverage featuring a variety of interviewees with varying expertise, backgrounds and positions.
  • GennyOD
    Love his brain can’t find his heart.
  • HeidiSpeaks
    Love to hear it
    I love that Ezra has a mix of voices - especially brilliant women and women of color. Podcast content overall has become an incredible overwhelming avalanche of men talking with men for hours and hours. I.e. Sam Harris, Huberman, and on and on. This podcast brings in so many diverse voices. Great job!
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