The Atlas Obscura Podcast


An audio guide to the world’s strange, incredible, and wondrous places. Co-founder Dylan Thuras and a neighborhood of Atlas Obscura reporters explore a new wonder every day, Monday through Thursday. In under 15 minutes, they’ll take you to an incredible place, and along the way, you’ll meet some fascinating people and hear their stories. Our theme and end credit music is composed by Sam Tyndall.

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Recent Reviews
  • MuskieAndMadeline
    A beautiful and fun show that makes me feel like I’m dipping into other worlds. Fascinating topics that make me realize the world is bigger than I ever knew
  • JGilr
    Every episode is mind expanding
    Can’t get enough of this one!
  • docvail
    Hard to understand
    The topic is so fantastic but Baudelaire is so hard to understand. He drops his voice and we lose the meaning of what is being spoken. Please re-record Beaudelaire’s podcasts with someone who speaks slowly, enunciates and doesn’t drop his/ her voice.
  • Doikees
    Podcasts are radical!
    Two is funnier than one. At least those dorky car guys had fun.
  • RoarMck
    Always interesting
    Great show about strange and wonderful places around the world. I always find some interesting episode to listen to.
  • BNL1961
    Glamorizes animal abuse
    This podcast has good information but it is despicable the way they normalize and glamorize animal abuse. For that reason I took away 4 stars. Too harsh, no it is not. They end to wake and and evolve as human beings, not only as scientists and/or reporters os science.
  • j footprint
    Brushes with the Unknown… jump the shark?
    12/28/2023: Um, I don’t think Abbey Perreault knows what “anthropomorphizing“ means… Hard to come across as a knowledgeable podcast that way. One of the very best ways to tank your podcast is to have Dan Pashman on an episode (11/23). FYI, Single Malt Scotch isn’t from a “single barrel” FGS. The guy is not only annoying, but he’s just wrong. You know what I really dislike? Bonus segments that are merely thinly disguised ads. As much as I like Neil DeGrasse-Tyson, the e-car segment is and ad. just an ad, a repeating now on too many episodes ad. Closer to unsubscribing than ever. So, one of the “stories” in this episode, with the narrator at the bottom of the Grand Canyon, described what was probably a starlink satellite train (a detriment to astronomy by the way). He gave no date. He didn’t bother to follow up apparently. There is not many things it could have been, and reporting it as this “unknown” pretty much turned me off to this podcast altogether. Dylan has always been just a little too gee-whiz exuberant, and this episode may have just caused me to unsubscribe.
  • Kdog770
    Good stuff
    Always enjoy every new installment about our wonderful world. And I also make it a point to listen to the credits at the end to make sure the great “loose flem” is editing things!!
  • Mama Dookie
    Please stop frying.
    Please, stop with this affection. It’s distracting and makes it appear that you’re too exhausted to finish a sentence.
  • Young buck too
    Interesting content
    I enjoy the variety and novelty of the show, but the vocal fry of the host for “a long walk home“ was highly distracting. I found myself focusing more on when I would have to hear something like finger nails across a chalkboard, than on the episode content. Are the hosts, typically younger females, doing this to sound more authoritative, or is it just an unconscious habit? Regardless, I don’t think they realize how distracting it is to many listeners.
  • Tslldaa
    Love this
    The content is great and I like that some episodes are just 15-ish minutes because it's hard for me to stay focused sometimes. But, there are so many topics that just leave me wanting more! It would be nice to have more long ones. The rating is missing a star because of the ads. Bad placement and are often quite abrasive to the ear, especially on a podcast I listen to while relaxing. I love it though!
  • itsdavie
  • 1987Liz
    I love this podcast but….
    Why does Baudelaire do ALL of the African-related episodes? It’s….strange. If we’re attempting to introduce different cultures to different cultures, then why is this what always occurs? I don’t love it.
  • A Fan, Not of the Host
    Episode Length Leaves Much to be Desired
    Episodes are too short. At minimum, should be 20 mins, not a throw away 15. I mean the content is worth 45 mins per episode but seems like they don’t wanna put in the work. I stopped listening bc the episodes are too short to enjoy. Invest in your work! The episode length makes the podcast so much less than what it could be and leaves everything to be desired.
  • Bob Ferrell
    This a perfect podcast experience!
    The length is ideal for sharing with any Goldilocks. Why does anyone expect their arts and entertainment to be free? I appreciate the podcast enough to listen to a commercial. I love Atlas Obscura and share it with my beloved right before we go to sleep. Thank you dear artists!
  • 46416854
    Book and Podcast
    Love the Book, Love the Podcast
  • cjfranck
    Good but…
    I enjoy the podcast, but not the fact that they sandwich ads inside the introduction because it interrupts the listener’s ability to get into the story. Please consider putting the ads at the very beginning like everyone else!
  • amcnyc123
    Great, but aggressive/loud ads
    Amazing podcast! Fun and informational and makes me want to travel. The only reason for 4 stars is that the ads blast your earbuds in the transition from the episode. There is no warning and they seem to mostly be pushy loud ads. Wish they were done by the host Dylan like so many podcasts! Then I may actually listen instead of turning off.
  • midgetgoggles
    Wow at all the “like’s”
    I enjoy most aspects of the show, though I felt the urge to LUNGE at the pause button during the first 3 minutes of the Fort Elizabeth episode. The narrator threw the word “like” into conversation so many times that I wondered if Atlas Obscura pulled an insecure teenager into the studio off the streets to tell what is otherwise a pretty interesting story. Edit edit edit!!!
  • DaneTech inc
    La Jolla Cave, Dr. Suess
    My whole family loves the show. Today’s show was the cave in La Jolla, CA. We went there back in 2013, awesome. We also did sea kayaking where you can go in the from the ocean. While out in the surf, our guide mentioned how Dr. Suess had a home there on the cliffs. We noticed how from the water the trees look like the trees from The Lorax book, pretty cool. Is Baudelaire Seuss related? Keep up the good work
  • Magda802
    Quick note
    Historic and historical are not interchangeable words, love.
  • justbenice1
    (no particular order) Let’s not be kidding - Atlas Obscura - This American life - The Moth - The Bowery Boys - Twenty Thousand Hertz - The Retroist Retro Podcast - Heavyweight - Anthropocene Reviewed and Brought to you by…
  • george the traveler
    All the host are wonderful, they bring there own perspective to the table and that is what makes the show so interesting. Thank you for doing the leg work. Love hearing and then visiting the wondrous places this world can offer.❤️
  • Red Dog K
    Very interesting!
    What a great way to dive into random and interesting topics that make you go hmmm…and I love the length. The show gets right to the topic without a ton of fluff!
  • yoga.aha
    I demand to know the secrets!
    Seriously, or not.
  • Lainikins
    Random gems
    What a fascinating podcast! I learn so many new things I’ve never ever heard of and never ever would if I did listen to this podcast. Well done guys!!
  • Xbound24
    Mixed bag of quality
    On the whole I do enjoy this podcast and getting to learn about all these sorts of hidden gems of the world, but the various hosts really can be hit or miss. Several of the main female hosts have such severe vocal fry that it’s difficult to understand them in any setting with background noise. Baudelaire is a particular miss for me. All of his episodes start out talking about himself and he clearly has a large chip on his shoulder - but at the expense of good research. When he raved over the soursop he had in Africa but never mentioned that it’s a Central American fruit I had to roll my eyes - he’s very concerned with African history being erased but doesn’t do very basic research for cultures that are not his own. His episodes are more negative too - in the Pyramid of Djoser episode, why even mention the tour guide you didn’t like? Just skip to the interview. And he made a big deal out of being taught that the Greeks founded civilization and African contributions were erased…where did you go to school that didn’t teach about the Egyptian achievements and that Egypt was part of Africa? There are many things to criticize about our education in America re other cultures, but this is not it. Leave this to the experts and editorialize less. His guest did not feel the need to compare the Egyptians to other cultures to show their success. I do really love many of the lesser featured hosts - I wish the podcast had a bit more of an even distribution between all the regular hosts - some of them are great.
  • DanielleH21984
    Love this podcast!!! So interesting and always varied topics.
  • justforgetitalready
    Valentine Heart
    Great episode on Chopin’s heart.
  • MeaMeaOT7
    I need more episodes featuring Bernie Harberts and his mule.
  • FrEmDawn
    Bite-sized & Packed Listen
    Just listened to the Lake Lanier episode. The podcast struck the perfect tone and was informative, entertaining, and intimate feeling for being so short and sweet. Well done!
  • Jelly..Bean
    My favorite!
    This is literally the perfect podcast for my cross-town commute. Nothing stressful, always interesting, snack-sized podcasts. Love, love, love it!
  • Adventures with Yaya
    Moon trees
    Just listened to your episode on the Moon Trees. I have been fascinated by them since I was a young girl and we would drive by the Siskiyou smokejumper museum Outside cave junction Oregon on Highway 199. I now have a goal to visit more of the Moon Trees and I have emailed the curator of the website to let him know that the one at the smokejumper museum is missing off his list. Thank you for such a fun informative podcast. You’ve given me many travel goals.
  • mondomando🍺
    Excellent and worth my time
    Makes me want to get out on the road again.
  • lxartstudio
    Couldn’t make it through-
    Content seemed like it was going to be great but I can’t handle the host’s vocal fry.
  • '60s Child
    Great “off-road” stories about unusual and extraordinary people, places and things - get you outta your box!
  • Nonickname54321
    I am disappointed in Atlas Obscura’s glorification of LSD in the recent podcast on illegal images. You have captured so many amazing places and stories - surely there are more without having to descend to this.
  • Dirtyal3
    Quick? Yeah nah
    Advertising and lack of editing makes me want to listen to go to sleep. Before I know it the episode has ended and some other ad and subject is confusing me. Too short. Crap audio. Lacking the structure to listen intentionally.
  • Anforrest
    Quick, interesting, what more do I need?
    I usually like a nice, long format deep dive but sometimes don’t have the time or capacity to do that justice. AO is the Baby Bear’s porridge, bed, and chair to my Goldilocks on those days. Meaty and substantial enough to tell a great story while being precise and efficient enough to get to the point in a timely fashion. Beyond the content and format, (this part might not be for everyone one else) I like how all the contributors say their own names (maybe??? The voices are different so I assume so???) at the end. It’s an extra little detail I don’t think I’ve heard on another podcast before and they could have just had the host say it and it would have been fine. The extra effort is nice.
  • R9laksj
    My favorite podcast
    If you thirst for vivid connections to nature, other cultures, and remarkable things the world over, this is your pool to drink from.
  • Vebastian Settel
    Great podcast. Questionable advertisers
    Love the show but tbh every time I hear an advertisement for the state of Texas I just fast forward or turn it off. How can y’all, in good faith, moral, and/or values, accept money and advertise for a state of that is actively making our current society worse. Sorry not sorry to make this political but find some different advertisers. It’s not hard.
  • Nakeita Henry
    About the show called The Atlas Obscura
    It’s like a good show to listen to it is a great show and I like it the show had a good touch of it and the episodes were great I think it was great and it was a nice show but it was like a movie and it was a great show and I love it now
  • Likujhytgfrdvbj
    Over narrated/ badly edited - pretty much unlistenable
    I wanted to love this podcast but it’s just badly produced. Instead of letting the interviewees tell the story, the narrator cuts in after every line to tell the listener what the interviewee is about to say. The result is choppy, redundant, annoying and kills any flow that might have been there. It’s too bad because I’m interested in the topics.
  • EyesWindowsDoors1979
    Wonderful !
  • iguanahouse
    My go-to
    I listen to every episode, and have a maybe bad habit of summarizing episodes to strangers. Great reporting and very succinct. (Not sure what some people are talking about with too many ads. You click the 30 second skip button 3 or 4 times in the beginning and they’re done.)
  • !BBB!
    Great podcast. Very professional and interesting
  • Momlaura
    Fascinating Podcast!
    I love the topics they discuss & the short 15 minute formats. They are great for all my errands & work runs. Thanks!
  • Octostarr
    Interesting to listen to other activities that people do around the world
    I am legally blind and this podcast gives me other perspectives of what people do worldwide. I do not know what else to say but I look forward every week to a different podcast from Atlas obscure.
  • Jensuechiv
    Get serious
    The women all have the annoying, I’m-so-important-because-I-have-writing-degree vocal fry. Abbey P sounds like she’s trying to talk a jumper off a ledge. The ads are too long for a relatively short podcast, and the outro is ridiculously long. And to the one who said those of us complaining about vocal fry should look in the mirror? How is that even relevant? Abbey just needs to grow up her voice and her delivery.
  • mikhailharamati2002
    Delightful alternative to the news!
    Wonderful stories about interesting places. Great at piquing my curiosity and transporting me to a fascinating place or time!
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