Soft Voice

Fiction #212Drama #79

Lydia was perfect, because Soft Voice told her exactly what to do and what to say. But one day, Soft Voice left. SOFT VOICE is an immersive audiodrama about imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and self-loathing starring Naomi Scott, Bel Powley and Olivia Cooke, written and directed by James Bloor.

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  • Makinitrain909
    Like others say good until the ending
    Loved every episode was very enjoyable and immersive. Wasn’t what I was expecting story wise which was a great twist for me. But ending kinda feels like it falls flat. Could of went a little deeper with it or a couple different directions but kinda just ends abruptly. Still a great show and still recommend. 👍
  • isagonzo92
    Everything but 10
    I enjoyed the show up until ep 10. But that’s because I always root for the bad guy.
  • clintpilman
    Everything was awesome until the end! Just listen to 9 then stop it and imagine a better ending.
  • It's Fabulous
    Excellent. Could not stop listening. Thoroughly enjoyed this one. And the voice acting is superb. Really would love to see this one as a movie.
  • lolheyyyyy
    Loved it!
    I always listen to immersive podcasts at work but this one!! I literally ignored everyone today & kept my AirPods in all day! I just wish the ending was a bit “more” instead of ending so quickly, but overall I LOVED IT!
  • Rita1589
    Bad ending
    So far I’ve listened two QCODEs shows and both had terrible abrupt ending. Like the writers just got really tired in the end and wrapped it up so quick and not interesting at all, it was good overall, but 3 stars for the terrible ending.
  • smcpherson05
    Just go along with it
    In the mood for something different? You have to be willing to let the writers take you on this little fictional journey and let go a bit but it’s compelling and thought provoking along the way (in a life philosophy way and in a mind bender way) and weird to try and figure out. Not for everyone, but there are those that will dig it. I did.
  • Chef_Ninja
    On Gawd
    Qcode can do no wrong
  • mjj8385
    Well that was weird
    Psychological thriller, well done but strange.
  • PDXtennis
    Definitely worth checking out
    Tough job to rate this one, but definitely not one to skip based on reviews. Give it a try and decide for yourself. The audio production is spectacular. They’ve done a great job at creating drama, helping the listener imagine various scenes etc. Then, the inner struggles and dialogue of the main character should be relatable to most people, certainly was to me. The story was gripping as well from episode to episode. While the main twist in the middle and at the very end left a little bit to be desired, but I decided to give it 5 based on everything else.
  • skullpunch
    Loved it
    Loved it
  • EmilyMunozDillon
    Is the end less confusing than it seemed?
    So I decided to start this podcast after bingeing other Qcode podcasts Borrasca, Gaslight, and the Left Right game. And it is safe to say their writers have a style. Sci-if seems to be a theme but I think this is truly a pretty good example of Dissociative Identity Disorder, with them obviously taking a few creative liberties. This may be, as some suggest, some hurried sci-fi ending riddled with inconsistencies that leaves you hoping for more but satisfied if it did indeed end there. But I challenge anyone who listens to do some research into DID. This actually seems a lot like what could possibly be a larger system trying to integrate. Overall I love the podcast! Very intriguing. I love that it really challenged my brain and left you to put together the puzzle of Lydia’s life.
  • Rebecca.riot
    I wish I could love it more
    I agree with a lot of other commenters that qcode has a habit of starting series strong and the hastily wrapping them up in unsatisfying and confusing endings and then never coming back for a second season to explain any of it. They also have a habit of handling sensitive topics with a less than careful hand, particularly with violence and mental illness plot lines and characters. As someone who identifies strongly with and becomes invested in stories and their characters I find this rather disrespectful to the listeners and the voice actors who put so much into their characters. Prove me wrong Q code!! Make a season 2 and redeem this story!!
  • veryangrybuyer
    Leave it to Qcode to make a terrible ending LOL
    As always the first few episodes are an amazing story line and then the ending leaves you wishing you hadn’t wasted your time with the unsatisfying, nonsensical ending.
  • Sandysnark
    It seems pretty clear at this point that QCode is just a sensationalism factory pumping out unfinished stories one after another to make ad revenue. They never care enough about their audience to actually wrap up a story in a meaningful way. Also, in this case, they didn’t feel like coming up with enough content for 10 episodes, so they replaced one episode with a random parody that added nothing to the plot/characterization and another with a nonsensical 10-minute poetry reading. Just make it 8 episodes 🙄 The cherry on top is QCode trying to sell “mental health services” on a show that could have served as genuinely meaningful commentary on mental health and instead decided to use harmful stereotypes to make money.
  • stephy_renae13
    Not for me
    Had a very hard time with this one. The voice annoyed me and i had a hard time following it
  • captbaka
    Super unique!
    This was a great podcast. Super different tonally from the other QCode pieces. A more heightened comedic world with good writing (except for maybe the very end). Acting was fantastic.
  • Slim Shady's friend Andre
    Almost perfect
    I really, really struggled with what to rate this audio drama. Because honestly, everything except the last ten minutes deserves well over 5 stars. I even enjoyed episode 5, a parody of true crime podcasts that was hit or miss for some people. I was completely engaged in this podcast. The voice acting was phenomenal. The writing was sharp, and could turn from comedy to drama on a dime. I came to care deeply for the characters, most specifically Lydia and especially Jean. There were twists and turns and it was such an incredible portrayal of mental illness… until the last ten minutes. The last 10 minutes are so confusing and strange, and seem to undo every message we have been given. It changed it from being about mental illness to something that seems more like sci-fi. My rating may change if QCode releases a second season that helps explain things, but given their track record for second seasons I’m not optimistic. I’m trying to pretend the last 10 minutes don’t exist because it’s sort of ruined the entire story for me, which is a shame because it was fantastic.
  • Bcaliff
    So Good!
    I really wish there would be a season 2!
  • LettaCM
    So I would like a soft voice to tell me which yogurt to eat…
  • theaverageteengirl
    Last Few Minutes...
    The last line of season one didn’t really make sense to me. This could have been a really interesting show on mental health and how many people who have serious mental health issues struggle to recognize that they need help. It’s not a particularly good representation but Lydia was relatable enough to pull it off. But the last few minutes of the show made it clear that everything we saw in season 1 isn’t relevant, which is dumb because the it doesn’t feel likely we would get a season 2. I don’t really get why QCode likes cliffhangers so much, and why they always make their episodes to set up the next plot twist instead of focusing on quality storytelling.
  • lost in my reading
    Different than the rest
    Beautifully done. Poetic. Creative narrative elements that I appreciated even when I didn’t always love (ie I really liked the way they used the true crime podcast interlude even if I wasn’t really into the content). There were a few disturbing moments where I felt like I wanted to take a shower (or maybe stop listening), but they were used well and I’m glad I kept going. I loved Gene’s poems.
  • Bachpants
    The story was meh. The voice acting was great. And although my rating doesn’t reflect it, I was aggravated that there were still ads at the beginning of several episodes…. Disingenuously veiled as a form of mental health support. It felt icky
  • Hturk
    Funny and delightfully dark
    Very enjoyable with great characters and amazing performers! You'll love this! Oh... and its quite British as well.
  • nikkif198588
    Impressed, so very awesome!
    Loves it loves it so much!!! The ending was kinda lame but the best podcast I’ve ever listened to by far recommend to anyone
  • SineyElle
    I’ve never had goosebumps with a podcast.
    I’ve listened to almost all of qcode and other pods but I’ve never had one give me goosebumps like this pod has. I had to step back and regroup after the Gene murder scene. I didn’t think she would do it. But she did. I feel terrible for Lidia and her mental state.
  • 122poohbear
    Really good show
    This show was entertaining enough to get me through my work day. The premise is extremely unique and the actors and sound crew do a fantastic job. However, it tries a bit too hard to be mysterious. Put plainly, there is no voice of reason character or source to get reliable information. This leaves the story feeling like a mad dash through a maze with no map. I jist feel like they could’ve gotten the feeling of helplessness without having the listener confused quite the entire time.
  • FAkida
    Grade A Stuff!
    Absolutely fantastic ending! Trevor & Granny is my favourite side characters lol. Dark Voice's voice is perfect. Amazing work team; looking forward to more stuff :D
  • Tacoboi
    Wow wow wow
    This show is done brilliantly well. Amazing audio mixing, fantastic performances, and a really intriguing plot. I really really hope there is a season 2. If you are looking for a podcast with many layers, dynamic audio, and episodes that keep you coming back for more, I recommend Soft Voice. One thing I really enjoyed is how intense each episode was, meaning I could only listen to one or two at a time. Partially because I just wanted to enjoy in small doses, and partially because I had to process each episode. Brilliant stuff Qcode and cast.
  • orangeslice
    One Too Many Twists
    I was immediately hooked by this podcast, and I binged it over PocketCasts. I came here feeling compelled to leave a review. The acting is fantastic; the production is, overall, fantastic! It’s a genuinely interesting and engrossing podcast. However, without giving anything away, I have one criticism: the ending was a mega-fail for me. The problem with the ending was that it calls everything into question. All the dramatic and tragic events that came before are suddenly weaker because of the ending. But, up to that point, the last few minutes of the podcast, the show is stellar. It’s funny, creepy, sweet…one of the best fiction shows I’ve heard in a while (and I’ve listened to many).
  • Cinderella
    Loved the acting
    This show has such good acting I couldn’t stop listening. Reminded me of some of the shows that Violet Hour Media is putting out, but their stuff always spooks me more. Recommend this one if you’re looking for a new fiction show
  • RwandaGloria
    First time viewing an audio drama
    Whoa this is so’s like the characters are in my head...and it’s all playing out.. It’s my first time listening to secular audio dramas...thanks guys! Would come back for more🙂
  • maddogbeck
    Hard to understand
    This podcast is really hard to listen to because it’s stressful to try and understand what they’re saying! Wish it was easier as this is something I’d love to listen to regularly :( even in full volume I can’t understand most things even though I don’t have this issue with other pods I listen to
  • PhazonM.
    Was completely engulfed in this!
    I’ve listened to 4 qcode shows so far and this by far is the one where I felt I was really there with the characters. The sound design in this is crazy! Look forward to another season.
  • Darcy is awesome!
    (Spoilers)A better ending to S1 would’ve saved it
    As usual for QCode, the production and acting is great. Also as usual, the ending was disappointing. I thought this was a fascinating and entertaining depiction of mental illness I don’t love that Lydia’s a killer and how it portrays the mentally ill, but I think it would be great to see her take accountability for her actions and finally get help. I LOVE her speech in the last few minute of ep. 10, and think ending at that would’ve been a great end to the show. However, if the show takes a weird supernatural turn (as it seems to in the last minutes of the ep), i think it makes a mockery out of the story of a mentally ill woman that it’s trying to tell. To be frank, I think it’s lazy and overdone - the whole story is taking place in someone else’s head? Really? (That was my interpretation of the S1 finale, anyway). This was a super fun listen, up until the last couple minutes, and it could’ve been great if it didn’t take such a silly fumble at the end.
  • KamTess17
    Amazing podcast
    I loved this podcast. It felt very real and gritty in a way that probably everyone can understand at some level. I wasn’t a fan of the ending, as it left more unanswered than before, but I suppose that is part of the appeal, leaving it open ended. My undeniable favourite episode is “blood poem” though which was just perfect.
  • ~ Violet ~
    Weird Mental Health Message
    Good acting, cool sound work, interesting characters and situation, interesting work within the form, weird (unfortunate? misguided? dangerous? regressive?) messages about mental health and perceived intelligence. A production company as big as QCode could spare a bit more care. Probably deserves fewer stars, but don’t want to punish the performers and sound team if the poor decision about how to frame mental illness was all on the writers.
  • okayyyygood
    Highly recommended
    I recommend to anyone who loves a good and intense story it’s kinda like a horror movie but as a podcast very intriguing
  • hassanananan
    Loved it
    It a great, the story was great, the acting, the sound design and composition was excellent. The ending leaves me wanting more, in a good way, but definitely a took a turn that left me lots of questions
  • SonnyMS
    Different but cool.
    It’s definitely different than normal story telling. Keeping track of everything was a little difficult if you weren’t paying attention. It all connects if you think about it. Blow and the boy, Jean and Lydia, Lydia and Blow. You should already be questioning reality when Lydia loses track of time so the very end wasn’t super far fetched. Would have been hard to connect if others disregarded episode 5 since even I thought I accidentally clicked on another story. I liked it though. Different and refreshing. Could it have been better? Sure but it’s not like I have any brighter ideas
  • Thejaynester
    Is that it?
    Is it a season 1 cliff-hanger thing? Y’all didn’t give us enough story to warrant a season 2, so what’s happening? The amazing voices were the only good part of this episode. The episodes were too short, the sound engineering was confusing at best. I listened to it all twice. Lydia just gets worse and worse. Definitely disappointed by this mess. Such a good idea but never does anything. And honestly, 20 minute episodes? Come on.
  • zoe1690
    Very entertaining and surprising
    But the ending felt lazy, so pls make sure to do another season to make up for it
  • writerbabe14
    PLEASE make season 2
    Seriously. I HAVE to know what happens next. Obsessed with this podcast, can’t stop thinking and talking about it. One of my now all time favs.
  • CamoSEAL
    Terrible ending. No justice
    Always ends with a bad ending.
  • QCODE listener
    Beautifully strange
    The voices are delicious. The story is out there and I already miss it. I liked how one of the episodes deviated from the main story. An unpopular opinion, but stay with this. Soft Voice is an exquisite and dark oddity. Ride this one out. Worth the listen.
  • LizzyGH
    Though this podcast is quite off the beaten path, or may cater to a certain story telling preference, it’s wonderful. I want to be just like Lydia- in the best way. Well done!
  • Dalila777
    Hooked from the beginning ! Wonderful writing - wish the audio was better- episode 9 is terrible ! I can’t understand anything
  • traveler-103
    Honestly amazing
    I love this podcast. It is incredibly well done with phenomenal audio and voice acting. I’m totally sucked in. Don’t let episode 5 destroy your enjoyment - just keep listening and enjoying!
  • ASpeagle
    This is the first podcast story I want to listen to all over again. There’s so much to unpack. The ending was haunting.
  • JanuaryB2002
    Really really good
    MFM is a pretty awful show so I’m glad talented creators wanted to make fun of it....”supposedly”...The butthurt fans in the comments are the icing on top. Anyway this is my favorite new podcast, it’s such a creative idea and really well done. I love each actor’s voice on this and the plot is unpredictable. The sound is very moody and just a vibe. Love ! Will be sad when it ends.
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