Climbing in Heels with Rachel Zoe


Join Rachel Zoe each week as she interviews other female powerhouses with varying backgrounds and across different industries. Through her warmth and humor, listeners will hear about the challenges and successes of female entrepreneurship, balancing work and family life, and how these boss women navigate the changing landscape of business in a post pandemic world.

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Recent Reviews
  • DrSparkleMotion
    10-minute ad segments
    I listen to sooooo many podcasts. Not a single one comes CLOSE to the length of the ad segments on this pod. It’s actually ridiculous. A 10-minute ad segment is outrageous. Who is the producer???
  • Good citizen 4u
    Rude and crude
    Zoe doesn’t let her guest talk. She talks over them which means she isn’t listening. Needs a master class on @listening
  • ajn161
    Rachel's amazing, please give her a better edit!
    Love love love Rachel and love this new incarnation (although would be SO excited to see the Rachel Zoe Project come back!!) - would be a solid five stars except that the editing is inexplicably awful - the many commercials randomly cut in sometimes just after a question is asked but before it's answered and sometimes even just in the middle of someone talking... it's super annoying. With better editing this would be perfection.
  • rawan_j
    I just found this and I listened to 3 episodes already, I love that it’s not screaming women women women, and instead it’s real and honestly relatable. This show is confidence-building. Looking forward for more guests!
  • Lizabeth0808
    Love, Love, Love
    One of my all time favorite podcast! Love Rachel’s genuineness and the guest she chooses to have each week. I really look forward to it weekly. It’s a positive step away from day to day into fashion etc; Keep it up!
  • Shauna Sever
    This pod has SO MUCH POTENTIAL it kills me.
    Let me start by saying I love Rachel Zoe. I think she is brilliant and funny and a true woman’s woman. Her access to guests is insane and I am the target audience for the awesome women she books for interviews. These women have stories and knowledge to share, and I always want to hear what they have to say. But the thing is—we never fully get to hear the wisdom they have to share because in her enthusiasm, Rachel is far too often cutting them off, cutting in, or generally “Right. Right. Yes. 100. Absolutely”-ing over them while they’re speaking, which makes it difficult to hear the guest, or too often steering the conversation back to herself (which on occasion is natural, but here often railroads a really important point the guest is trying to make). Most recently, I was compelled to write this review after Athena Calderone was pulled off her train of thought so many times, even while revealing really personal information, I was saying “let her speak!!” out loud in my car like a crazy person. Interviewing is a skill that must be developed and it’s so very different from in-person casual conversations—I totally get it, I have done it professionally for many years and it’s not easy, even veterans will tell you that. Just one or two sessions with an interview coach would improve the listening experience profoundly. Rachel is certainly not the only person to start a pod without being a great interviewer, but given the fact that she has such great people with great stories to tell, if she put herself in her listening audience’s shoes and could allow the guests to tell their stories, this pod would be straight fire.
  • MelanieMalka
    Oyyyy I have a headache
    After listening to the Melissa Wood Tepperberg interview I got a huge headache! Rachel did not ask a question and then let Her answer. Instead Rachel blathered on and on lengthy editorializing answering her own questions with assumptions and compliments and fawning, without letting Melissa tell her own story which I wanted to hear. This was worst interview and Rachel really needs to prepare questions and let the guest speak, then ask good follow up questions. Everything a guest says Rachel says she does the same thing or knew that.
  • communitynewspodcast
    I like your show
    I am a new listener. I would love to suggest you interview the cohosts and creators of my favorite, comedy, episodic podcast about life in a town called Townport, based on where I live Westport, CT. It's so well done. It's a show in a show in a show. I hope you interview them "Community News with Paul and Sasha". Paul and Sasha are great.
  • giddyupcd
    Really Enjoy!!!
    Your Podcast shows the side of you that is very authentic. I really enjoy listening, very informative and engaging. Thank you!
  • Eminem is da best 12345
    Rachel interrupts too much and talks about herself
    Self centered people don’t make good interviewers. Focus on the person your interviewing instead of talking about yourself. I gave you a chance but every one I listened to was the same. Unfollow.
  • Girlboss!
    Love you and the show BUT...
    Love yiu Rachel and all your guests but... please stop interrupting your guests. Podcasting is different than having a phone chat with a friend. Let them speak and when they are finished and pause then it's time to talk. It's driving me nuts that you don't let them speak!!!
  • Kaizen19
    Great guests
    Great guests just wish Rachel would ask the the question & then let the guest answer. She talks over the guest & starts the answer for them.
  • RoxShermanOaks
    Please stop …
    I listen to a lot of podcasts. And I really want to like your podcast but I can’t. You Don’t let your guests speak. You’re talking so much and answer the questions that you ask, that you learn nothing about the guest on your show. In 35 minutes 25 minutes is you speaking. Please slow down and let your guests speak.
  • translucent2
    Love your podcast, Rachel! But what happened to your podcast with Roger? It disappeared without saying goodbye!? Your interviewing skills are unsurpassed. But I must say I had to stop listening to Naz Perez. She didn’t take a breath! Just waaay too much. A migraine ensued. Other than that, you offer a fine array of interesting guests. Thank you, Rachel.
  • cmdm
    arrogant & insufferable…
    that’s the review…
  • Zanna0601
    Audio experience
    I want to love this show, but the audio quality is disruptive to the experience. Guests need mics and sound checks.
  • hd0382&
    Love it!
    Love Rachel and the way she’s been talking about the psychology around relationships
  • Lizbethboo21
    Rachel….I love you doing podcast solo….I don’t want to hurt Rogers feeling but it’s much better with just U.
  • prayersforkk
    Love the podcast hate the word like
    Only reason and I hate to write but I have been loyal listener from day one.::: but Rachael love you but stop saying like! It’s every other word ..:
  • DGorsha
    Love these two
    Great, real interviews with amazing people. Fun podcast, but also so nice to learn about their guests. We usually have assumptions about them, but we get to go behind the scenes and get to know their real selves. And Rachel and Roger are so smart, talented and adorable!!!
  • Oliverthegreatest
    Another pointless podcast
    Where the interviewer, esp. the lady, is obsessed with herself and basically only talks about herself and you learn nothing new about the guests!
  • Kellyannecakes88
    I am addicted!!
    I am addicted to this podcast! When I open my podcast app and see there is a new WFU episode i literally smile ear to ear, it makes my whole day! Listening to RZ and Roger talk to their guests is like being at a (fun and fancy) dinner and eavesdropping on their conversation. It is the perfect balance for me of education and entertainment. I find them uplifting, inspirational and hilarious. RZ and Roger are an amazing couple, who have been together for 30+ years so I truly value their words of advice. I can’t say enough great things about this show, I absolutely love it! PS: Thank you RZ and Roger for being authentic each episode, and being a lighthouse of positivity in this epic storm. May all your positivity reverberate throughout everyone you reach and shine light into all the corners of the world. I am a longtime fan since RZ Project, Hubby and I of 10 years also have 2 boys so I totally relate!! I love, love, love you guys!!!!!
  • bbbmcg
    Roger Roger!
    Roger, when interviewing your guest on your own, please let your guest talk!! Your interview with Josh Landon is way too much interrupting him to talk about your experiences. You are the interviewer. Let your listeners listen to your guest talk about their endeavors. I really like this show with you and Rachael interviewing guests. Great premise but you chit chat way too much Josh Landon kept saying “yep” and “uh huh” because you made the interview ALL ABOUT YOU!
  • Sollycoop
    great guests but stop taking about yourselves
    I feel like you guys just interrupt your guests so much and don’t let them finish questions. Both Rachel and Roger do it and it’s distracting. I understanding you guys are cute and have a good relationship and inside jokes but do an episode on each other if you feel the need to share but don’t keep interjecting your stories in your guests answers because we can’t follow the episode and want to hear more from the guests.
  • tejascowgirl
    So damaging and dangerous
    Erasing my previous review after the debacle with Suzanne Sommers. You let her publicly broadcast that coffee enemas and diet can CURE cancer? Do you realize how dangerous that is? As someone who comes from a family of breast cancer survivors you should know how damaging these claims are Rachel. Impressionable people could listen and not take action/ go to the doctor and instead do asinine things to try and cure their cancer. This is incredibly disappointing. Do better.
  • Kristmcgt
    Love them, love this podcast!
    Anytime I’ve heard Rachel abs Rodger speak, it’s so clear they’re down to earth, so smart, and the realest folks in LA. They are a success story of family and marriage and it’s awesome to hear them dive into their own and other people’s stories of connection. Their energy and relationship is inspiring. Thank you for this, y’all are the best!
  • 5280norsk
    Great topic, poor presentation. So many commercials and awful dictation. Literally literally literally over and over again!
  • jenniferburns420
    I die!
    I did not know you guys had a podcast. I had Rachel’s WWHL saved and just watched it yesterday. Just listened to the first episode and LOVED IT! ❤️
  • kamerie99
    Just ok
    I waited a bit to review because I know new podcasts always have some kinks. That said, it’s been getting worse rather than better. I know they said they want to highlight all relationships , not just couples, but now the couple podcasts are so rare and it makes me sad! I loved Jessica and Cash as well as Jeff and Dee. Married couples just have killer dynamics (especially when the 4 of you are friends)! I’m just getting bored and disinterested. Also, just to second what everyone else said, PLEASE stop interrupting. It’s so frustrating. One more suggestion is to rephrase your questions. Rachel always asks leading questions, rather than open ended questions, so it makes the guest answer in a more biased way. Good luck to you both!! I’ll check back in a few months, maybe things will improve and I’ll update this review :)
  • MyEarsAreBleedind
    Rachel, stop interrupting!
    Rachel please stop interrupting Roger & your guests! Sheesh! Just zip it once in a while!
  • Jaanma
    Be kind
    Especially in an emergency… yelling and cussing doesn’t help anyone
  • hopeani
    Guests need to talk more
    I love Rachel and Rodger but they don’t let their guests talk enough.
  • Deirdrebean
    So entertaining!
    I’ve been such a fan since the Rachel Zoe Project! I had my children around the same time that Rachel had her sons. I am so happy to hear from Rachel and Rodger again. They are such great people and so entertaining. Great podcast! Please keep them coming.
  • bird2050
    Live it but Needs Work!
    I’ve always loved Rachel and Roger, I love the guests they interview but they constantly interrupt the guests when they are asked questions. Great content but a little too much interrupting.
  • RNC2007
    Please let the guest talk!
    I listened for the first time, to hear the interview with Amanda Kloots. Rachel would ask a question but then interrupt Amanda’s answer and would take over and talk way too much about her own thoughts and opinions, instead of allowing the audience to hear from Amanda. Super disappointing and way frustrating. Couldn’t finish the episode.
  • LizzyLou3305
    Good chemistry but stop interrupting your guests
    I love the chemistry overall, Rachel is so charming! Roger is constantly interrupting guests, mainly female guests and often for a douchey joke when they are saying something poignant. I love the interviews and want to hear more but cringe every time he interrupts. I’d be wasted if I made a drinking game out of him cutting someone off to interject misogyny. I don’t even listen on this app just downloaded to say, I like it, keep going and Rachel put a mute button on Rogers mic for those cringey interruptions.
  • kbrhea
    The world needs your STYLE!
    I love this podcast so much!!! Thank you for sharing your life with us! I have been a longtime fan of yours Rachel! I miss your show so much!! The world needs your STYLE!! Your book- Style A to Zoe was given to me as a young woman by a friend and I still refer to it on the regular!
  • Da8nite
    Let your guests talk!
    I really was excited about this podcast because I have always admired their relationship, but I find myself getting so frustrated when they end up interrupting or talking over their guests. This was particularly noticeable in the Amanda Kloots interview. Yes, we want to hear from Rachel and Rodger, but we also want to hear what their very interesting guests have to say, too. That’s the point of an interview, right?
  • 0ctober mustache
    Please Stop Talking and let your Guest SPEAK!
    This is the first time I’ve listened to this podcast mainly because I wanted to hear what Amanda Kloots had to say. Rachel over took the conversation and never let Amanda finish a complete sentence without chiming in! It was extremely frustrating!! This was an interview about Amanda not Rachel. I wish she would just Listen and allow her guest to speak!!
  • thestylishdoll
    Love this podcast and your love story so much ❤️So rare for couples to stay together these days, relationship goals👌
  • But my stuff
    Will you please be my new couple friends?!
    Soooooooo good! Just listened to the first episode and love! I was laughing like a fool to myself, they are spot on with relationships and parenting and I love how they are friends and can poke fun. Loved!
  • elhokay
    Great podcast!
    Love, love, love this podcast!
  • Aurorastorm10
    Married couples love this.
    My husband and I work together and started dating at 19. This podcast is fabulous. So glad I just found about it from Rachel’s recent interview with Heather McDonald. The most ironic thing is our son is at George Washington University currently.
  • Kimruto
    Work For Us is working for me
    I’ve been obsessed with u guys since The Rachel Zoe project days so this was a must listen but every episode just makes me so happy and knowledgeable and makes me also feel like I need to try therapy I love it so much I listen while I’m working so it’s like it resonates more I’m at a point in my life where I wanna know why do I need a relationship for me n not for the other person and this podcast is teaching me so much Thank you Rachel and Rodger 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
  • Lila766
    Love it.
    Can someone get Ron and Leslie their own podcast?! I could listen to them all day. Wonderful episode. Really enjoying your podcast Rach and Rodger. Keep up the good work.
  • jebo82
    Great idea, love this show!
    I love this show! The premise is so simple and such a great idea, I can’t believe no one thought of it before...and I’m so glad Rachel and Rodger did! It’s easy, relaxed, and interesting listening; this is one of my new favorite podcasts!
  • LovelyDmndE
    They are fun & down to earth… with fabulous Tate!
    I like their easy, down to earth, cheese, honest & fun conversation!! I appreciate how they try to connect with others. Chill vibes haha. Peace CA love… 🤪🥸😄
  • sixty mama
    Love is in the Air
    Loved hearing from your parents and their love story! They were an inspiration to me as an aging senior! Also, I enjoy listening to your banter with each other. You truly have a love story to share and it is much needed to hear in this day and age!
  • Rabbone
    Great interaction!!!
    Love you 2!!!!!
  • Gisele R.
    Much needed podcast
    This podcast gives me hope after coming out of a long term relationship with the father of my son. The energy that these two have together makes me feel like I had it all wrong in the beginning but then again I was in my Early 20’s. Good taste and much insight. I feel so hopeful and happy after each “works for us” podcast please keep it coming.
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