Dear Chelsea

Comedy #88

On this weekly advice show, comedian & author Chelsea Handler answers listener questions with the hilarious edge you know her for. Joined each week by co-host Catherine Law and celebrity guests, Chelsea never shies away from giving her honest opinion on everything from love, sex and weed to family issues or losing a loved one. Every episode takes you on a ride from funny and informative to inspirational and heartbreaking – and back again.

Do you need advice from Chelsea? Send us your question at:

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Recent Reviews
  • shelley Hirshberg
    Love it
    I love Chelsea and Catherine! Most of the guests are great. It’s nice to hear differences of opinion, lifestyle, choices, emotional expression, and humor. Favorite guest is Sam J. She’s beyond funny!
  • lllhhhppp
    Love the pod.
    Love this podcast. I wish you’d have more guests from the world of spirituality on!
  • oakboundbooks
    I think Chelsea Handler is a refreshing voice
    and yet with all her outspoken opposition to mansplaining and the patriarchy, with that blowhard wannabe psychology expert “dr” gabor yerba maté she misses a golden opportunity to critique his halfbaked notions, ridiculous assertions based on flimsy rationale building from one spoonfed assumption (confusing a rise in diagnoses with an increased incidence of certain pathologies) to the next. In fact I’ve never heard any podcast permitting a guest such long periods of uninterrupted soliloquies as on that singular episode. Truly a disappointment it is a podcast that features psychopaths, receives calls from mostly psychotic narcissists and has guest appearances from various generally uninteresting self-serving career narcissists who associate w others only insofar as it may advance their visibility, professional accolades, and celebrity status, v much including family members and so-called friends, all treated as capital to be bandied about as convenient, flung aside when feeling “toxic” or “burdensome,” frequently accused of aforementioned “narcissistic behavior” ….. occasionally amusing but mostly aggravating
  • Lang58
    Another garbage celebrity who uses people & social issues to get rich & seem relevant. Garbage human being.
  • Shiloh Woodford
    “Who’s Dave?”
    OMG!! Luenell episode was hilarious. The banter between Chelsea and Luenell made me laugh so hard . Thank you ladies as I needed that listen and all the chuckles that went with it!
  • jaguarisajoke
    Luenell and Chelsea are GOLD!!
    Absolutely dying listening to this episode! 🤣
  • jennidgodinez
    Love the podcast, Catherine not so much 🙈
    I love the different topics even the ones I do not agree with but always great to hear other points of view. I do find myself disconcerting with Catherine’s role in the podcast. Feels like we get a lot more of her than Chelsea. Otherwise, a good show.
  • Liz1_20
    Love the podcast, but….
    I enjoy listening to Chelsea and her guest every week. But I agree with a lot of the reviews, Catherine needs to stop giving her advice. There has not been an episode where I agree with her recommendations. It’s getting hard to listen to the podcast every week because of it.
  • lemonlekon$$$$$
    Bummer that she supports this genocide. Will never listen again.
  • Jal3237
    Please make Catherine stop talking. Please.
    Please. She ruins it.
  • Cenewport
    Amazing! Adds value to my life
    I really appreciate this podcast. I look forward to it every week. I could write an essay about how much and why I love it. Chelsea, Katherine and the guests are always awesome. The humor, conversations and advice are always relatable. 5 STARS!
  • jannrandall
    Chelsea (Man) Handler
    Can’t stand her. We met once in 2011 near my home in Hawaii. I was working at the spa at the four seasons Hualalai and I was a new comedian attempting to perform as much as possibly locally. I told her that and gave her a flyer for an upcoming performance. She smiled and said she couldn’t make it because she said she was leaving. She was lying and I found out later that she gave the flyer to hotel management and a few days later was asked to leave and then I was blacklisted from the resort for life. This newest episode with the queen of Jizz shows how her poor taste hasn’t improved. I’m so tired of HELLYWOOD Liars taking all the jobs away from real aspiring talent. Go away you no talent, old, washed-up but dirty unattractive fake blonde…your money will never buy you respect. You’re finished. Nobody likes you. Go have another drink. No Aloha.
  • Doctor of Speech
    Great rabbi ep
    Deep and got me emotional many times, even though I have a different take on supporting Israel than her, she is a deep thinker and great speaker
  • mangeonsmtl
    Rabbi episode
    So many layers and of depth and wisdom shared here. Thanks you
  • Sabrina26111
    Thank you, Chelsea
    Thank you for supporting Israel in its fight to save Palestinians against Hamas. Also, to defend the Jewish people against terrorism. We appreciate you🤍
  • GirlnewsSDpuma7
    Chelsea is entertaining I like her honesty. Her co-host is annoying with a fake personality it just doesn’t work. Makes it hard to listen to.
  • Liz5454hhh
    Don’t be fooled
    I use to enjoy this podcast but then saw Chelsea supporting the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Bye ✌🏻
  • Bri 💓💓
    Love you Chelsea 💛
    I love you, Chelsea! I’ve been a fan forever, since Chelsea Lately. I love this podcast. It’s helped me so much with personal growth and I love listening to the newest episode as soon as it pops up. I hope I get to meet you one day. I love you so much and I hope you’re doing well. Katherine is an awesome co-host and I love the pair of you together. Blessings and a completely marvelous new year to you both.
  • Luckystarad
    Miss the funny Chelsea
    I used to enjoy this podcast but I’m bored with it now.
  • njj96
    Unfortunately Cannot Listen Anymore
    I have loved and followed Chelsea for years, from her show, to her documentaries, specials and podcasts. Listening to Dear Chelsea has been a highlight of my week since it started. I admire Chelsea’s willingness to learn, grow and form new opinions on important topics. Unfortunately she is not willing to do that on the issue of the genocide being committed against the Palestinian people by Israel now and in the past. For that reason I can’t in good conscience continue to support her.
  • T Swifty fan
    Losing listeners
    I’ve never written a podcast review in my life but as a weekly listener of Dear Chelsea I felt compelled to share that I will no longer be listening due to Chelsea’s support of the Palestinian genocide. So sad to write this and I urge you to reconsider how you use such an influential platform.
  • Yas2345
    Fake activist
    While thousands are being slaughtered, Chelsea believes it is necessary to keep the only peace in the middle peace. Insane when white people have the audacity to shut up brown and black voices to fit an agenda for the people lining their pockets. Biggest disappointment of 2023. I hope your career never recovers from this.
  • KJBsuckit
    I’ve been a fan for a long time. However I cannot support a Zionist. So disappointed.
  • SharlsJr
    Ive been listening and watching since the E! Days. I followed you on everything. You need to rewatch your own "how to be anti racist" cause youre now siding with a gen0c!de and I am deeply, deeply disappointed. Good luck. I hope you fall with isnotreal.
  • @godschild
    Since day #1
    Loved Chelsea since the show with the comedian woman go around planking people, it was sorta pre-reality tv,,,?? Anybody know the name of the the show? Help me out? Anyways Chelsea And Katherine I love you girls, wish I had a chance to share my story with you, I know for certain we could empower a lot of people! God bless
  • nopoliticaladsplease
    Great talks about human experiences
    The support for women in various situations that so many of us deal with is helpful and important. Thank you ❤️ Comedy saves lives!
  • JGen-X
    I really wanted to like this, as I’m a big fan of Chelsea. But really it ends up being mostly just boring chit chat, hearing Chelsea talk about how amazing her rich & famous life is, celebrities patting each other on the back, and tons of commercials. Only a small portion involves giving callers advice. They do give good advice & encouragement, though. More of the latter, please, and less of the rest.
  • NickPappa
    Chelsea Handler has got it all figured out
    I watched Chelsea's show on E! For a while I could not figure out how she had a show that was so ridiculous. Then I learned that the guy who was her boss, also gave her the show. A guy named Ted. Her boyfriend too. Well isn't that splendid. Then she went to Netflix. Her show flopped. And now she has a podcast that is basically "I like this and I don't like this" but the way she talks, it's like she invented something really special, in her mind. I want to thank the Kardashians for not pretending about who they are or what they are about.
  • peeweeboy50
    Love her
    I really enjoy this podcast
  • asdfjjfsadghj
    Who’s running this now?
    I loved loved loved the Juliana Marguiles ep and generally speaking I enjoy Chelsea so much, but the John and Jada eps were AWFUL.
  • 3lyttleKittens
    Ruby Warrington-thank you!
    Yes. let’s celebrate all women’s decisions. All life paths are fulfilling and full of wonder and magic. I was compelled to be a mother. I love my choice, but we should also encourage and celebrate every alternative. I hear women my age doubt their choices, but they shouldn’t at all. All of our experiences are valuable and the possibilities are boundless.
  • JPHAM73
    Long time fan-
    Chelsea you are super talented and funny. I value your creativity and your work. I have enjoyed your podcast for a long time and haven’t missed one. But if Catherine can’t get her sing-song valley girl inflection under control I will legitimately have to stop. It’s so distracting and it comes across as condescending. It isn’t cute and she can’t seriously speak like this IRL. Please invest in a vocal coach for her. She needs training for this. If you listen to her earlier podcasts it wasn’t like this. Reign it in Catherine because you are really smart but your voice makes you sound really silly. Stop it.
  • jobseeker2
    Long time last time
    I know Chelsea and I think differently which is fine. However after the Schuyler Bailer episode I don’t think Chelsea thinks it’s fine we think different. A caller spoke about kids thinking differently than she thinks and was encouraged to question those children. Would Chelsea encourage a religious teacher to question a child who said things that were not religious? This show has an agenda and it’s pushed too hard. It’s not entertainment it’s indoctrination.
  • Shal7983
    John Stamos Episode
    Yikes! I guess I have never heard him speak outside of Full House because I had NO idea how annoying he is. Still 5 stars though because Chelsea is the best! …and she shut him down and put him in his place! I’m absolutely sure Chelsea was relieved when THAT was over! 😂
  • Red headed succulent lover
    John Stamos interview
    Dam he was trying hard not to talk about himself! He kept interview you and although I sensed you found it annoying, you managing it like a champ.
  • Leslie SZ
    Real conversations, the good, the bad and the ugly.
    Loved the talk with John Stamos. 🥰
  • KH no.7
    Awesome Show, ton of ads
    Really enjoy this show, always warms my heart. My only criticism is that the add breaks are long and many. I was surprised by how many.
  • The Cuter Selwyn
    Such insight and compassion!
    I am a regular listener but his episode was the best. I have heard Jada speak about her book on a few podcasts and none of them got to the insight and compassion that Chelsea did with her interview. She is such a curious person that she lets her guests really shine.
  • Annie4milwaukee
    No nonsense and empowering
    I love Chelsea. She’s no nonsense and empowering. I love how she’s grown since the Trump era.
  • maxxiemama
    Please keep catherine off the mic
    I’ve listened to this podcast from the beginning and love Chelsea’s insight and guests. However, Catherine is much better as a producer than an on-mic talent. I’m sure she means well, but she is outrageously annoying to listen to.
  • Sweeteaaa
    Dump Catherine!
    Chelsea is an acquired taste and has definitely evolved and strives to be more inclusive and progressive which makes her comedy even better. She’s authentic and tells it like it is and that’s why we love her! What makes this show painful to listen to is Catherine who tries really hard to be relevant but gives such out-of-touch advice and mediocre at best commentary. Keep Catherine off the mic and behind the scenes. Wishing for a better co-host!
  • Elizxmastimegame
    Both are great 👍🏼
    I love this podcast and both Chelsea and Catherine. Chelsea is someone I used to like, then hate, and now admire and love, her honesty and evolution is so refreshing and of course her comedy is great fun. Catherine keeps the showing running smoothly with caring and well thought out advice. I do not understand why some comments are so petty and negative on her, she’s a great Ying to Chelsea’s Yang and does a great job.
  • Alabama Heather
    Favorite weekly listen
    I love the advice and laughs of this show. Chelsea, Catherine and special guests always have something interesting to say. I particularly enjoy Julianna Margulies’ episode. My request is a booklist on the show page, in the show notes or on Good reads. I’m not always able to write book suggestions down at the time and have struggled to remember which episode which book was mentioned in.
  • UFO Hugo
    My dad just called and told him I would
    The app was very easy and easy for you haha was the best way I would ever buy it to get the money to get the new one I can
  • Tinaf1234
    Feeding my soul
    Absolutely love Chelsea and her whole vibe. I’ve been a fan since Chelsea lately and I have loved seeing her growth and evolving to her best self. She and Catharine give the best most wholesome advice. I also save every single book that gets talked about on the show and have loved having a long list of books to dive into.
  • lgraywolff
    My favorite!
    I absolutely love this podcast! Chelsea is so smart and gives amazing advice. I really love how the calls/questions are curated to the guest she has on. I’ve laughed with this podcast well as cried and it really is just a great listen. Highlight of my week!
  • mthille
    Latest episode
    Something was happening with the latest episode. The talking was overlapping and happening at the same time with two people.
  • Kanesbuggin78
    Love both perspectives…
    Chelsea and Catherine both give great advice. LOVE!!! Kiss kiss
  • Emily R. Short
    Absolutely love this podcast but I promise you we don’t need to hear from Catherine’s husband Brad ever again, he adds absolutely nothing lol. Catherine already talks about him enough.
  • bblatlbblatl
    Let’s all evolve like Chelsea ❤️
    I love how authentic Chelsea has been in her transformation. She’s still hilarious, even in her conscious decision to be a more positive person. This has been really inspiring to me personally and I thank her for not hanging on to a public character as she could have done, thinking that’s what her fans would want.
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