Toxic: The Britney Spears Story


Hosts Tess Barker and Babs Gray lay out everything you need to know about Britney Spears, her controversial conservatorship, and the movement of fans trying to end it. They talk to exclusive sources, examine new sides of the story, and uncover disturbing truths about our legal system that go way beyond Britney.

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  • KTjeanLew101286
    Why was she put in lithium?
  • imtifflish
    Amazingly in depth!
    Love this podcast! I really hope y’all do a followup episode on her memoir.
  • Mieggs
    Good show but no updates
    I liked this podcast a lot especially when Britney’s case was going on. I wish there were more like follow ups on how she is and what’s going on even if was maybe around a couple or few episodes longer. Update But it’s now 2023 and hardly any updates since around 2021 and Britney is circulating in the news again and can’t comment on Britneys ig posts anymore Something is up
  • Jennyfromthe6400block
    Please Please - a follow up?
    Given all the news recently - an we get a 2023 update? Cuz something is up!!
  • jennnix77
    Inspirational warriors!
    Thanks for fighting the good fight for civil rights and freedom in the USA! I’m sure you dealt with those who tried to silence you, but YOU DID IT! #FreedBritney Thanks for your journalistic integrity and determination!!!
  • tnka3000
    Great podcast!
    This is such a great podcast! I've really enjoyed listening and hearing all the info you have discovered, uncovered and shared. It was all done in a thoughtful, honest and logical way. Clearly we are all 'Team Britney' and wanted to see justice given to her, I just found your info so fair and unbiased as well. I just feel like Ms. Spears fans have been more of family to her than her blood family. I can totally see why her blood family did what they did to protect their daughter, but it then became emotional/mentally abusive, controlling and out of hand. My only hope is that the people surrounding her now are true and only have her best interest at heart. This poor girl/woman deserves happiness and people who truest care and only want the best for HER. Great job ladies! Great job!
  • MRC2022
    Great Britney info/insight!
  • Kcmyway
    Great Podcast
    I listen to many podcasts, mostly true crime. I’m glad I found this on a best of 2021 list ( well deserved). I binged it, and will look for other work the hosts and the podcast network have done. I wouldn’t change a thing, it was fast paced, smart, really interesting. Thank you.
  • lilstarrgazr
    Very little new information
    The most interesting thing I learned in the podcast was that the lyric in Slave 4 You was “get it get it” not “kitty kitty.” The hosts are young women who idolize Britney and fancy themselves comedians and investigative journalists. This is a rehash of a story we already know. The hosts interview Perez Hilton and Jason Alexander dod insight into Britney’s character. They question the conclusion of a judge who has been working on conservator cases for 25 years, yet take a story from someone in a another state with a bad experience at face value. The hosts are clearly looking for evidence to back up their claims that all conservatorships are bad, yet never speak to people with experience in mental Illness, conservatorships, and aren’t part of the Britney Army. The few people, like the judge, they dismiss the conclusions. They don’t even alert onto Britney’s own acknowledgment that she has been on medication for a not public condition. Y’all. Reporters aren’t biased. Learn something from chris cuomo.
  • Ponie_Danza
    Elite 8 Showdown did it first
    Chuck and Tim were all over this Britney story before the lazy and useless clickbait media got in it. Chuck yelled at Tim that this was gonna be big but he wouldn’t listen, Tim wanted to do an episode about the mystery of the Wendy’s frosty murders but Chuck said no that Britney was more important that she saved his life on that runaway train in the 90s and therefore she saved the world by letting us get Elite 8 Showdown, available on all podcasting platforms and part of The Professional Casual Network. Another great thing about Elite 8 Showdown, no Dan. So do yourself a favor and check out Elite 8 Showdown and their 13 part series of Britney
  • Barrister 12A
    Thank You On Thanksgiving
    Dear Lady’s, I want to thank you for this podcast that help inform not only Britney’s generation but my generation….the Baby Boomers. I, too, have emotion problems and taught for 30 years and am now an attorney. So many people still believe old stereotypes attached to mental illness. As soon as “mental” is uttered red flags go up and unfortunately family member are some of the first swimming in the waters. This is especially true if you have an income and nice things. Pat yourself on the back for getting and keeping the word out in a raw and honest way about Britney’s situation! I am blessed that this young woman is getting her life back.
  • Leo and Gemini
  • TheBigRedMachine
    Amateur Hour
    Two “comedians” look to cash in on a trending story that has been reported to death. Lots of inside jokes. Very little professionalism. It’s two people with a microphone and nothing of substance to say. If you love everything Spears you might enjoy this. I doubt it.
  • Flathumb
    Well Done!
    I listen to all kinds of podcasts. I’m more of a Steely Dan fan but I’ve been curious about Britney’s years of conservatorship. You tightened up the presentation by episode 2 and I was hooked. Your research into conservatorships, interviews with experts and Dorothy, the conservatee, were riveting. The fact that you and others have brought about real change in CA law is inspiring. Keep up the good work. Free Britney!
  • Tiffunny1020
    Love love love
    Best podcasts ever! My first podcast that I have listened to from start to finish. Well done.
  • Jucyou
    Well done and enraging
    This is a well done but absolutely enraging podcast. If you don’t hate lawyers, you will after listening to how a mafia of attorneys, “managers,” and her family conspired to live off of her until the day she died. Every one of them should go to jail for a minimum of 13 years. I never cared much about Britney Spears, but this podcast is another of many that shows how much our culture delights in taking down powerful young women who dare to want control over their own power and sexuality. She was literally trafficked for a pile of the most corrupt and disgusting parasites. May they rot under a pile of lawsuits for the rest of their miserable lives.
  • Paul Richie
    The best out there
    The best Britney podcast out there. So thoughtful and doesn’t shy away from the hard questions
  • lizard kwayne
    Love the hosts
    I’m happy the hosts of this show are so delightful and make hearing bad news not so dreadful.
  • MistaBex
    You nailed it. I love all of you. Tell Brandy and the 12’ skeleton i said hey! <3
  • AmyLB0904
    You Girls Rock!!!
    Barb and Tess are simply amazing for everything they’ve done for the Free Britney movement. This podcast is excellent- informative, entertaining, shocking, and thought-provoking. The research they’ve put into Britney’s situation is incredible. A must-listen for any Britney fan!! I also think even non-Britney fans would be entertained and moved by this podcast.
  • Downtownmt
    Great podcast
    Really enjoyed this! Love Britney!
  • er0104
    So well done!
  • dnfje
    ‘Obvi’? Get a life
    Saying ‘obvi’ like a valley girl made you both sound like 5th graders.
  • Vkingmods11
    I am 10 years older than Britney and followed her career and turbulent private life but wasn’t a much a fan of most of her material. What the paparazzi did to her during a difficult divorce was absolutely devastating. My heart always went out to Britney and I felt she was dealt a wrong and difficult hand. When the Free Britney movement kicked up I started paying closer attention. I was looking for information and I came across these amazing gals, Tess and Babs and their podcast. Their attention to detail and stellar reporting has kept me hooked. They have done a phenomenal job.
  • Csm88
    Great podcast!
    Excellent! In depth reporting, expert interviews, and passion about the entire movement to reform conservatorship. I have learned so much and am also invested in conservatorship reforms thanks to this podcast! Way to go ladies!!
  • BLFC1
    Eye opening
    The Britney Spears story is heart wrenching. On a larger scale, her experience is a playbook of how powerful people oppress others to stay in power. This podcast breaks down the steps, the timeline, and the powerful people who tortured Britney Spears in plain sight. This podcast is relevant for anyone seeking to change the system for the better. It is not just for Britney Spears fans.
  • nuclearpowerplant
    This podcast is excellent and I wasn’t even a Brittney fan. Definitely a larger reflection of the questionable nature of conservatorship. Seems like this is a civil rights as well a human rights abuse. Great listen!
  • do you even wabt reviews
    I’d like this show a lot more if you weren’t shoving your unrelated political views down our throats. It makes me not want to listen when I just want to listen about everything that has gone down with Britney. Keep it on topic.
  • Briar123120
    More, Please!
    I didn’t realize how deeply Britney was wronged and we all should listen to these ladies’ coverage! Please keep us updated!!
  • Sandlin J
    Love you girls
    Appreciate all the info but episode 3 talking about Britney consummating her marriage in the limo and the “climax” joke was super hypocritical of you all and I’m so disappointed.
  • CountryMusic_Diva
    Amazingly done, girls. Thank you for shedding light on the truth. WE LOVE YOU BRITNEY!
  • daemon.trances
    This is hands down the best podcast about #FreeBritney.
    Listen to this podcast. Please, I beg of you, get informed. Find out what is really happening. Then? Blare the alarms. Do something.
  • Dotluen
    Thanks for a positive attitude about negative happenings
    I feel honored to be included on the podcast as an example of greedy family taking advantage of still capable persons. As a parent I wanted to get along with my kids so I trusted them to be supportive of me. Same as children who expect a parent to love and protect them. But if there is money there may be greed, during a lifetime or after death with division of an estate. I’ve known too many seniors who are taken advantage of. Just as we need to report child abuse, we need to watch for Senior Abuse. These podcasts are informative to types of abuse: financial, medical, social, even control of one’s own body. I have sent the podcast to friends and family that support me. They are all pleased with the results though revealing some details are difficult. The family is broken. I’m at peace.
  • LLangham17
    So well produced
    Great episodes that are well written, excellent audio quality, and engaging story telling. Highly recommend
  • abroshar
    Dignity, honesty, truth.
    Thanks so much to the whole team that made this mind-blowing podcast. It’s about so much more than one celebrity. I especially loved the Chris Crocker bonus and the guest in Episode 9 - she reminded me so much of my own elderly Mom. Just lovely work all around, ladies. ❤️
  • Taralainee
    Great journalism
    First off, confession: Never really been a fan of Britney Spears’ music. But her life, her rise to mega-fame and her humble attitude is an interesting story. I think she is a beautiful person inside & out. I have been listening to the pod since the beginning and it is fascinating. You are both very good journalists, and you’ve managed to have the best show on this subject. There are a few out there and they tend to be less serious reporting and more about gushing fans. I watched it he “Framing Britney Spears” documentary and I have to say I have a re-newed respect for her. In my opinion, it was not always flattering but it was the truth. She is a great dancer and her music is pretty catchy. She has been thru so much and I hope she gets everything she wants! Thank you for this deep dive!
  • teenuts23
    One of the Best!
    Hands down one of the best produced podcasts I’ve listened to. Tess and Babs did a phenomenal job researching and interviewing and digging to find the truth. Well done!
  • Taystuck
    Love the larger look at the system
    Love how they take a look at the system as a whole, especially learning that the #FreeBritney movement also works to free others. This had me in tears several times.
  • NoMi W
    You Can’t Not Care!
    It’s the entertainment story every 30 year old has been wanting to be on the inside of for 20 years! It’s eye opening and heartbreaking but at the same time hopeful. Together we can mend a broken system. #FreeBritney
  • Needer of light
    One of the most engaging pods I’ve heard
    I honestly knew little to nothing about Brit’s conservatorship beforehand. After listening, I have fully hopped aboard the #FreeBritney train. This podcast is so engaging and shocking. They really did their legal research, which I appreciate. If you like Serial, you’ll love this one!
  • Paige Freespirit
    Exquisitely Well Done
    Let’s do this: #FreeBritney
  • RepNJ
    Entertaining, worth a listen
    My podcast consumption is 94% true crime, or similar, and I prefer to steer clear of ALL unnecessary banter or commentary in what I choose to listen to. That being said, I really enjoyed this podcast and looked forward to new episodes each week. Entertaining, but not vapid. I’m bummed it is ending just as the Britney’s case is ramping up.
  • WestsideJeff
    Loved every ep of this series!
    Babs and Barker have fabulous chemistry. Their series on Britney was compelling from beginning to end. Can’t wait for their next series. There better be one!
  • TamaraT-Town
    This is seriously an important podcast, and not just about Britney, but of how twisted & terrifying our legal system is. The truth about the shameful and, what should be an illegal system, rings of Cold War, communistic behavior. Can NOT believe this is happening in America. It is truly horrifying and scary. The details, fact checking, and expert witnesses makes this a comprehensive and excellent pod cast. This is not just a love letter, fan based podcast. This is serious journalism and I have shared it with so many people. Even those who are not necessarily Britney fans, because this is vital information. There needs to be extreme and immediate reform in the legal system regarding conservatorships! #freebritney! And my heart tears apart for Britney. Jamie Spears and those around him should all be sued and made to pay for what they did!
  • mst3krulz
    Fascinating (and frightening)
    I heard an ad for this podcast right about when I was starting my deep dive into the Britney conservatorship saga. This in-depth look is very thorough, and will start some very important conversations about how and why conservatorships exist, and how a beloved pop icon is finally, hopefully, liberating herself from a prison of her father’s making.
  • churrsten
    I look forward to the episodes and am now the person in the room who defends Britney to the end.
  • DrummaGi
    FreeBritneyBitch 🗣💯✊🏽
    Britney is going to treasure this 💝 #FreeBritneyBitch 🗣✊🏽💖
  • piinkdreams25
    Eagerly await every episode!
    I’ve been a longtime fan of Tess
  • ClalalaCA
    This podcast is so eye opening to me as someone who likes Britney’s music but wasn’t familiar with her life or her situation beyond that, nor conservatorships. The level of depth and info shared here is so damning of the people surrounding her conservatorship and absolutely heartbreaking. And knowing this type of abuse happens to many? Unbelievable and unacceptable. Appreciate this podcast for bringing light to Britney’s situation and shining a light on the problems with conservatorship laws and horrible abuse that too many endure.
  • mrb likes this
    Getting me to care about Pop music?
    I didnt even like britney spears before this podcast. But now I’ve spent multiple hours following the story that tess and babs so skillfully researched! Thanks for sending me over from My Fave Murder —> Lady To Lady —> Toxic. It’s all connected, baby!
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