Rule Breaker Investing

Investing #105

David Gardner, co-founder of The Motley Fool, is among the most respected and trusted sources on investing. As a best-selling author, hugely successful stock picker, and financial authority, David has led The Motley Fool’s growth into a worldwide investment and financial advisory services company.
Each week David shares his insights into today's most innovative and disruptive publicly traded companies -- and how to profit from them by following his signature “Rule Breaker Investing” principles.

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Recent Reviews
  • ALCinDC
    Self-referential cringe
    I generally like the Motley Fool but this podcast is rough. Host is super long winded and self references 30 years of Motley history incessantly. Meanwhile the organization's other podcast is much better. It provides actual, concise insight on businesses, stocks, and industry trends. Skip this one and listen to that one.
  • bluestud
    Great for investing and life
    One of my favorite parts of investing is that it can lead one to be more interested and curious about so many areas of life. This podcast shares that same belief. Yes, there is plenty of hands-on, actionable advice on companies and finance, but David Gardner also introduces listeners to new authors, thought leaders, and ideas that can help us live more fulfilling lives.
  • Billybill1984
    I didn’t think that The Motley Fool guy would be an incisive questioner of Amor Towles. I was wrong.
  • ramjam2011
    Too long and becoming painful to listen to
    I used to like the Motley Fool, and I once listened to Motley Fool podcasts regularly for a few years. I found them interesting and informative. However, some episodes were painful to listen to. Let’s pretend we are 30 years in the future!!!! Rule Breaking Investing is too long, sometimes over an hour each episode. Reviewapooza! should be trimmed in half, for example. Please get to the point. I no longer listen to or read any Motley Fool content.
  • shaun786
    The recent episode about crypto was quite a disappointment. You interviewed a journalist who does not have a grasp of cryptocurrencies other than what is reported in mainstream media. The facts were incorrect. For example, Bitcoin has outperformed the S&P and Nasdaq for the 2023 calendar year. The journalist did not present a neutral perspective that outlined the positives and negatives, but rather focused only on the negatives. It was quite a disappointing episode. I expect better from a Rule Breaker. Please have a guest that has more knowledge about the content.
  • TokyoBoilermaker
    I have been listening to RBI since the Beginning!
    David Gardner is most likely one of the best investor's of our time, and yet he continues to (pleasantly) surprise me with his many ways to keep me interested! Today's podcast about surprise endings did just that. Thanks, David!
  • Bryan w 32
    He doesn’t function linearly in a logical approach. Instead his approaches to life, including politicizing a shooting, is grounded in emotions and not evidence.
  • Marketing Exec.
    Best Investor of the Past 25 Years
    David Gardner is more than that. He's thoughtful, curious, rigorous,and occasionally silly. But his track record speaks for itself. And I can't think of another investor on his level who shares his thinking on a weekly basis like this (for years!) like him. Can't imagine anyone listening to this show and NOT becoming smarter about investing.
  • Dmax808
    So long winded
    Not sure who specifically, but maybe David Gardner drones on endlessly with useless speechmaking that has little to do with investing that it makes what is a useful investing podcast unlistenable without fast forwarding. Right now I’m almost 10 minutes into a podcast and they have yet to discuss anything related to investing or even allowed anyone else to speak. Arghhhh!!!
  • Left Coast Tiger
    Great Investing Podcast and much more!
    The host of the podcast (David) is genuinely interested in helping his listeners. The more you listen to the podcast, the more obvious it becomes. Yes, he started the Motley Fool and he talks about his company from time to time. It is a obvious that he is proud of The Fool (and he should be), but at no time have I ever felt pressured to purchase the services his company offers. There is not any sales pitches or high pressure talk at all. This Podcast is just about enriching the listeners lives. Their is obviously a lot of investing talks and topics, which are highly informative, but so much more. Games games games comes to mind along with having authors on that give great life advice! If you are new to investing or if you have been doing it for 30+years this is a great podcast to listen to every week!!
  • Listening in the DMV
    Brilliant and Timeless
    "The Year The Market Skyrocketed" was a brilliant bookend to the episode from 2 years ago, "The Day The Market Crashed". David Gardner's straightforward principles of investing make him one of the great investors of the past 25 years. His podcast is a weekly gift for any investor smart enough to take it.
  • Big birdgs1
    Any help I’d help
    Where as I have been investigating for 50 years. I learned of the MF in 1990’s. But family and life left no money to invest. I took the MF seriously in 2019 and listened but I still did not take the leap. My plan to retire is Oct 2 2025. I took my overtime pay and began to buy sticks on the stock advisor service. I also became a SA member. My first investment was $335.00 on January,2020. I now have $9900.00 in my portfolio. 2021 I saw my portfolio drop over $1000.00 in Feb & March. I did not run or pull out. I just waited. Now it is Sept 3 2021 the $1000.00 is back and even higher. I am beating the marked with my portfolio of 33 stocks. This plan works. It beats the market. Thank you MF and I am a Fool( capital F) Dennis in Downingtown PA.
  • FittyFizzo
    Kill me now
    The next time you hire please make certain they don’t giggle incessantly at NOTHING! Put Alisha in the back office. Ty;-)
  • malfoxley
    Great show!
    David, host of the Rule Breaker Investing podcast, highlights all aspects of investing and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • FurbyofDeath
    Not Broken and they fixed it.
    I have listened to every episode. The 299th episode is completely new, and quite possibly the best episode yet. Great learning on a variety of topics, all of which feed back into the main topic. One of the best podcasts.
  • AndySchloss
    Great investment podcast
    David tells it like it is and follows a buy and hold strategy. Easy to listen.
  • Investor For Life
    Best and cleanest podcast
    I am an avid podcast listener and I look forward new episodes of Rule Breaker Investing every Wednesday. David does such an amazing job and adds so much variety to the podcast. Last but not least, he keeps it simple and clean that me and my 10 year old daughter often listen to the podcasts together. Keep it coming David G. Before I forget, Thank You Rick A for doing a great job in producing the show.
  • Dummmmmdgejdjd
    I regret that it took long for me to subscribe the Fool RBI and SA. I’ve been investing for 8 yrs now and just signed up for their services last year when I read the ad about the 50% discount plus 30 day money back guarantee. At first I planned of signing up and cancel my subscription before the 30 day ends just to see what they can offer, but man! The guys just make a total sense. !And because I have background for investing,it didn't took long for me to understand why the Fools invests in a Foolish way. My 8 yrs of investing life has been boring, often picking mega caps like aapl pypl v nke amzn as i fear of buying smaller caps with High PE ratios which the street called them as “overvalued “. Ive never been excited investing and I grew my portfolio from 5 stocks to 35 stocks in less than 6 mos. I also started listening to this podcast which I never tapped a podcast app since owning an iphone. I listened to the previous podcasts too that I decided to cancel my amazon music subscription as i don't have time to listen to it anymore. I remember getting emails from the Fools way back 10 yrs ago and I keep on thinking If I joined their services that time , I could be a lot more richer now. But I still have more years to retire and from now on,Ill be a Fool member for life! Thank you David G
  • Tangofollow
    Yowsa! Thank you so much☀️🌱🌻
  • Zdkzdk
    Rule Breaker Investing (RBI) Podcast is an excellent experience each and every week. From the Five Stock Samplers and Mail Bags to Great Quotes and Authors in August, David and the team create a community feel focused on inside-out growth toward market-beating mindsets and returns. David truly teaches his Rule Breaking strategies in fun, engaging, and sticky formats, free of charge. Most importantly, David and the team always keep score, making it easy and transparent to quantify ROI on time spent learning the Rule Breaker Investing philosophy. From my experience, engaging with the Motley Fool through both its Free Podcasts (Highly recommend: Market Foolery, Motley Fool Money, Motley Fool Answers, Industry Focus, and Millionacres) and their subscription services is a phenomenal investment that can lead to profound personal and financial gain!
  • Delta Fool
    Investing Wisdom
    I look forward to David Gardner’s podcasts. Listening to him and the Foolish investors who write into him about their successes after following his advice gave me the courage to switch from index fund investing to Rule Breaker and other Motley Fool-recommended stocks. I am beating my prior index fund by more than 22 percentage points compared to remaining in those investments. Thanks, David, for teaching your Foolish ways to the average Joe Bloe retail invester. My only regret is not finding you sooner!
  • K-izzle
    The stock samplers are the best
  • Bev5000
    One hour plus please!!
    One of my favorite podcasts. Thank you David for all you share that inspires us. My favorite ones are the mailbags. So much positivity and great stories I hate when they are over! I’m always thinking of people I can share it with! I’m a member of services and listen to every thing Motley Fool offers. Thanks to you guys I’m well on my way to a comfortable retirement. I can never thank you enough!!
  • MEGarey
    My Mentor!
    Unusual to have a mentor at my age. I discovered this podcast in 2018 and it is can’t miss entertainment dispensing wisdom for more than just stocks. Thank you David Gardner for making us smarter, happier and richer.
  • Hyun fcg
    David Gardner is Great
    Learned a lot from him.
  • carolinaceleste
    Uncomfortable conversations episode is ON BIG FAT LIE
    Perhaps black tax existed during segregation but now a days it does not! Neither does white privilege. If you think blacks aren’t capable that’s in your head and you are creating your own racism. Stop feeding people your opinions as if they’re facts. This episode is ridiculous. For the gentleman that’s from Georgetown you set your own limits! Stop victimizing yourself.
  • Gobi16
    Great teaching resource!
    I’ve been trying to get my kids interested in the stock market and investing for several years, only marginally successfully. This podcast, with its emphasis on learning and discussing new macro trends, while also enjoying life, holds their attention long enough for them to absorb the key ideas of investing for the long term, buying good quality companies, and taking advantage of the evolving world we live in. Starting this month, instead of an allowance, they’re each getting money in an online account for them to start building wealth early and using the magic of compounding value for their future benefit. We’re also going to choose 5 stocks once a quarter (along with Dave), with the winner getting a double allowance “payment” after 1,2&3 years. Though we all listen separately, it’s giving us a lot to talk about together. Looking forward to sharing in the fun with them- Let the trash talking and learning begin!
  • SHBecker
    Principles and principal
    David Gardner helps both my money grow and my moral compass reset. Best pod cast I listen to on a regular basis.
  • Tania Ferguson
    Their Services Work
    I highly enjoy listening to David and using both Stock Advisor and Rulebreakers. Thank you David for teaching me to hold onto stocks in the long-term and expanding my knowledge on companies I never knew. I am beating the market this year by over 35% currently. Regardless of the results, the Morley Fool is transparent unlike other services. They have fun what they do and frankly I enjoy everything about the Fool as well. Thanks for making the world smarter, richer, and happier. Go Blue Devils :)
  • Larry from ISU
    Motley Fool is amazing
    All of the programs are great but especially like David because he really reinforces that in order to be successful you need to have a long term perspective and not get in and out of stocks if they happen to go down. Winners win in the long term.
  • HMSA Texas
    Delightful and informative
    A delightful and informative podcast. RBI is well produced and always entertaining and thought provoking.
    Love David’s investing principles! A lot times the podcast feels like a carefully crafted play for investing! Very much enjoyable! I love he reviewing all the purchases he made and score them! Fun and educational! Fool on !!!
  • JakeD$$
    Fool with a capital “F”
    I love the Gardner brothers. I am a MF subscriber and have made a bunch of money off their recommendations. The podcasts, however, keep me entertained and still engaged in the market while driving, running, shopping, or otherwise detained. Thank you for all the knowledge and the wealth you’ve helped me grow!
  • WonkaWeekend
    Great stock recommendations and great stories
    David Gardner is not only a great stock picker but also a fun story teller. I have listened to every episode of this podcast. I remember I back track all the old ones and listened to them all. Of course, my favorite ones are the ones he talked about the stocks he recommended, especially when he scored them. I have to say that I often own these stocks and most the winners. These are victory lap time. He is amazingly lay back. Please keep telling wonderful stories. Lisa
  • j.c. nyc nj
    Excellent long term investor pod
    Long term investor and subscriber to their services. Been following the Gardner brothers for over 20 years. Learned almost everything about investing from their articles. They’ve almost been honest and fair. The Podcast is a great extension of their articles and very entertaining.
  • Susan Craig
    Great information!
    Great information presented in a lively manner. Thank you.
  • Mattg5468
    Fantastic podcasts
    Because of the motley fool podcasts I’ve gone from someone who knew nothing about investing to feeling confident about helping my family live a smarter, happier, and richer life in less than 2 years. Thank you all!
  • Knight of Doleful Countenance
    David is my financial guru. I am a devout follower. I have listened to every single one of these.
  • KingHoser
    I Can't Miss This Podcast
    David engages the audience with various topics each week that run the gamut of topics. For investors, David offers insightful takes with his stock samplers to the market cap game show. But he also engages the listener with interviews with authors, and thought leaders, as well as engages us with a rich collection of board game knowledge. I listen to the RBI podcast whenever I'm in the car for work, and I would say it's required listening for anyone, whether your new to investing or looking to get educated, amused, and enriched with knowledge.
  • Sand4527654
    This is a fantastic podcast for anyone interested in investing no matter what their experience. I’ve been successfully investing for almost 20 years with help from The Motley Fool and really enjoy the addition of the podcasts, especially this one which has a great balance between straight up investing and company info, informative and fun games, listener questions, and commentary on other subjects, I.e. board games and baseball. Hosted by a co-founder of The Motley Fool, the best ever company, his investing philosophy shines through to help all of us invest better. Thanks!!!!
  • Freaky Frogster
    By far the best podcast on insights in different topics!!
  • HeyJoanne01
    Excellent content
    Knowledgeable, easy to follow, informative and energetic. Always learn something new. Latest news and also interested in conscious capitalism. Gotta love David’s winners.
  • 21998
    New format for Market Cap Game show..
    New format for market cap game show was entertaining and educational. Thanks!
  • Dugungar
    A MUST LISTEN podcast
    David’s Rule Breaker Investing podcast is a must listen for anyone that wants to start investing, or current investors that want to invest better and smarter. He offers great advice, from conscious capitalism to “the snap test”. David’s constant upbeat attitude and approach to investing makes my Wednesday afternoon commute, in the DMV, the best time of the week.
  • chris_j_p
    Love the show
    Absolutely love the show! Especially the new market cap game show format the dynamic between Emily and Aaron is fantastic!
  • sudarshan bhaiya
    A great podcast for retail investors!
    A must listen for retail investors! Highly educational.
  • My name was already used
    I’m grateful for the information about Conscious Capitalism and on company culture. I try to incorporate as much of it as I can. Thank you for being a consciously Foolish company and podcast.
  • pedzsan
    He sure talks a lot
    I would be much more pleased if there was less fanfare. 20% of the last program was him talking about himself and patting himself on the back about how he walks the walk. Enough already.
  • Plodder5462
    The road to riches
    This podcast highlights David Gardner’s investing strengths, like temperament and skepticism of conventional wisdom. Listening makes it easier to adopt his buy and hold long term, investing in “over valued” stocks, and letting winners run. It is the road to riches.
  • matty nichols
    Words to Live (and Save) By
    Always enjoy tuning in to what David has to say and his way of thinking. Love some of the information he brings to the table and incorporating all viewpoints. Big fan of the quote and info from the new guy, Mark “You make money with your hands, mind and your money” throw that on a t-shirt! Keep it up David!
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