End of All Hope


A fictional podcast following three survivors as they trek across the country trying to survive an alien invasion.

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  • MericaAF
    Give it a chance!
    I work about 60 hours a week allll alone so I have plenty of time to kill. In one week I was able to finish this podcast after Tower 4. 7Lamb has done an amazing job keeping me entertained and I feel as much as I listen, I’m one of their biggest fans. Now at first Ava annoyed me by how mono she sounded, but give her a chance! Thought the podcast, she gets extremely better. By far my 2nd favorite story, right behind Tower 4!
  • ThisIsntTetris
    Came from Tower 4
    whoever plays Ava should be embarrassed to be a voice actor. No emotion or reactions; monotone and boring. Everyone else was great. Loved the story line.
  • Carol_Ann040809
    So, the storyline is pretty good but the actors just sound like they’re reading. There’s no actual emotion or personality put into it. Would love to hear this with better actors. It’s not so bad that I’m not still listening though 🙂
  • Dogsballz
    I’m hooked
    Definitely admire the back story to the podcast, having the drive and passion to chase your dreams… bravo!!
  • ccsstarot
    Acting is non-existent
    The writing is boring and predictable. Voice acting is extremely poor. Most actors deliver their lights with a monotone
  • Woodchuck413
    Very entertaining program
    I love this. I’m in year 2018 right now and so glad I have plenty to go. I have no complaints. I find the actors play their roles well and the story line is well written. I look forward to finding more from this group when I am done with this story.
  • Dearmanica
    The actual EPA puts on a better podcast than this
    I’m an environmental scientist who works for a state government agency and have actually listened to the EPA podcast. It was much better than this one and the EPA’s audio sounded like it was recorded from a webinar. This is is one of the worst podcasts I have ever heard but I will try to finish but not sure if I can. I am only on episode four of season one I cannot stand any of these characters. The voice actors sounds either whiny, obnoxious, or bored to death. All of these characters sound so whiny and annoying. Ava is the worst one and sounds like a typical fanfic character. Mark sounds like the only reasonable person in the entire series. I hope he survives.
  • PapaDTay
    PLEEEAAASSSEEEEE GET RID OF ARIEL HACK AS A VOICE ACTOR!!! She is so depressing to listen to and so low volume with her tough girl/B-word act. Also as Mikey’s mom in tower 4!
  • ATLBrooke
    5 Stars ⭐️
    Honestly don't see why everyone is complaining.. it's very hard for me to get into podcasts/audio dramas as i'm picky.. Lamb Productions is 10/10 whether or not we have to wait. the acting is NOT bad. are you guys going to pay for them to produce faster? i bet half the people complaining isn't helping them at all.. get over it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ def 5 stars!!
  • Christina Abdou
    I love 7lamb productions and the podcasts. But my god, Ava is mind numbing and should not do this anymore. There’s no emotion, feelings, she’s just reading a script. Very monotone and bland 🙃 like she’s reading the ingredients off a very boring cereal box. Not trying to be a b and I’m sure she’s a lovely person but I can’t fall asleep on my drive like this 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
  • Gunship2022
    When are we going to get an update
    When are we going to get an update
  • jbayba
    Great podcast
    I just finished the last season. I’ve been binging this show for the last month or so and I’ve hooked. Can’t wait for the next season.
  • Stevef11871
    Love this show!
    Love the story lines in this show, but am I the only one who wishes a horrible death for Jay lol! And Bri’s voice is like nails on a chalkboard
  • Cabingirl1571
    Give a listen
    Enjoyable mindless story line. One of the main characters, Ava, is a whiny brat, so just accept that and keep listening.
  • Omnia Moderate
    Was 5 Star Quality B4 Abandoned
    Yet another semi-professional, ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ five star quality production that stopped producing new episodes suddenly, after dragging the audience along for years just to leave us without a final season (or 2). They had a loyal audience following it for years, in spite of long delays between some episodes, and a couple of snarky comments complaining about listeners asking when the next episode would be coming out. The fact is that an audience will only wait so long, before it finds something else to entertain them. I'm sure that most of the original audience has given up on a final season ever being produced. For new listeners, it is a really good story, well worth listening to, if you are willing to invest the time into a podcast that leaves the ending up to your imagination. If you go into it knowing & accepting that, you won't be disappointed. It is five star quality for the episodes available. It only deserves one star for being incomplete, & for complaining about the audience asking when the next episode would come out.
  • Ssders
    Good story, bad acting and bad post production.
    It’s a great story but I just can’t help but be thrown off by the bad acting and terrible post production, the really long music pauses are bad too. It sounds like a high school rehearsal. Where the actors are simply reading a script. And the pauses between the talks are horrendous. Actors have no personality and all sound blend and the same. I even have a hard time telling who is who bc they all sound so flat a boring. If they re record it with better actors it would be amazing.
  • Platypus Crazy
    Very Interesting and Addictive
    So far just started season 3, I hope this is a continuing show. Other than some language it’s pretty good. I had been looking for a good sci-fi podcast to listen to and I’m so glad I found this one. It’s a podcast that you can listen to and just get lost in. I’ve listened for the past 4 days and I’m already on season 3. Hope to have a season 6!
  • Tamahoney
    Way too long and too much slow music breaks
    Love this show but it's almost unbearable to listen to with the constant long slow music breaks seemingly every few minutes, started getting worse with season 3
  • Deflated123
    Season 6?
    Did the A-Rex eat you guys? End of all hope for a season 6? Was a great audio drama though. Thanks!
  • Grandmaster’s
    The End of All Hope
    Do you know I seriously think it’s good as this podcast is if they made this into a TV show it would skyrocket
  • chal916
    Love the story but…
    Main character’s speech a bit wooden but a few of the other characters like Lori seem to have more emotion in their voices. Also, most people from California say Nor Cal, So Cal or California. Cali is cringe.
  • Unstable-1096
    Very good & addictive. 7 Lamb!
    Great podcast as with all of lamb’s. My only gripe is that like all movies and shows they don’t quite understand firearms. “Silencers” don’t make a firearm anywhere near as quite as they portray. But hey if you have no experience, and they do call them silencers… Suppressor is the proper term and more accurate.
  • AshleighK
    Great Story, Poor Postproduction
    I really want to enjoy this as I very much enjoy a good audio fiction. However. The postproduction on this has too much pause between actors’ finishing and another jumping in, as if it’s a high school play during dress rehearsal and the lines are read aloud. It’s just not natural.🤷🏼‍♀️ Kinda distracting but I’m toughing it out. Also, this production company concentrates WAAAAY too much on their custom music interludes that are entirely too long (and awkward). I skip. Would be elevated with these elements tightened up. Actors are great, though!
  • dukelovesjosh
    So good on season 4 don’t want it to end Season 4 episode 6 made me cry
  • pagan4ever
    Love it
    I love this show but now there are 2 shows that have been left on cliffhangers and it’s been over a year since new episodes not cool yall sucked us in and now I have no release lol we need the conclusion
  • Darth andious
    Whoever is playing Ava is horrible. She sound very monotone and just annoying I’m done listing
  • MonteMars
    Voice actors aren’t super great, Ava kind of gets on my nerves if I listen for too long. Also the minute long random music every 5 minutes is so annoying. Great story line though!
  • StarLord1996KIK
    7 Lamb Productions is an amazing group, my favorite podcast is this one. Regardless of criticism each story has to start somewhere, and each podcast to each episode only gets better. I’m on my 3rd listen through for End all Hope, and my 2nd on Tower 4. Keep em coming!!
  • rh J.B. dress e in hi j
    Effortlessly Consumable Podcast
    I'm still in Season 4 but I'm enjoying this podcast immensely. In one of the Recaps Hope Enis said who is your favorite character. Sorry to say but I'm on team Ambridge up to my place in season 4. His voice reminds me of Dean Winchester of the show Supernatural. I'll post another review once I'm finished binging the whole show.
  • ohdembein
    This is a great and interesting story. Are there a few plot holes and continuity issues? Sure, but writing and producing this has to be quite an undertaking. Overall it’s one of the better ongoing fiction podcasts as far as the story and overall production goes. Now the reason for my two stars. It’s Ava, all Ava. Not the character but the voice actor portraying her. Pretty much every other voice actor on this show ranges from passable to really good and sounds like they make a solid effort to learn their lines ahead of recording. Then we have the main character and she’s by far the worst. She’s the only one who always sounds like she’s reading from a script and reading it very poorly. Her inflection, emphasis and articulation are just awful! She also doesn’t seem to understand punctuation. Is she reading it for the first time while recording? That’s what it sounds like and it completely takes me out of the story. Her monotone narration is awful as well. Every episode I’m constantly hoping Ava will be “bitt’n”. Yes, the pronouncing of words that end in “en” with an “in” sound is also super annoying. The producers of this have a great story, good audio production, great supporting actors and solid sound effects. That’s all for naught though when your main voice actor’s ability is so many levels beneath the rest of the cast. With each new season I hope she’s been replaced but nope, they just keep her on even with the plethora of negative reviews that revolve around her. I’m not trying to insult the actor personally, this just isn’t her thing and it brings the rest of the story way down. Please producers, get a new Ava! Edit: After the terribly written season 5 I’m done with this show. Ava and her endless and uninteresting poorly read monotone rambling is just something I can’t listen to anymore, especially since the story is no longer interesting. I hope they don’t ruin Tower 4 like they did this show.
  • PodNikid
    Good Podcast
    Really good, enjoying it a lot. Some critiques for the writing, so much expected sarcasm in remarks by characters gets a bit old. Brielle is over-whiny, even for a 14 year old. Otherwise it’s pretty good!
  • chaylabear
    Best podcast show ever
    I love this with everything I am!!! I love the story and character development!! I love how the story splits and you can really get a sense of what the characters are thinking. This is a story you really can’t predict what happens next! My fav character is Amberidge ,but in the beginning it was Mark! I also really liked Ava and Jay, but one I found annoying was Bri. She was 14, but acted and sounded like she was 8 or 9.
  • LyndsayUT
    I took a break from Murder Podcasts…
    So I would call that a pretty big deal for myself. The first couple seasons are a little rough to get through, but the talent and editing grows so I would say it is worthwhile venture. I love dystopian tales so this is right up my alley. I also love how they tie two genres together combining aliens and the other.
  • Ishgonzo24
    Writing is awesome, the voice acting falls short in the first two seasons, no emotion. Jay sounds like Tina from bobs burgers! It’s a great show!
  • tokalon1999
    PLEASE give us a faster turnaround on episodes.
    Sick of thinking there is a new release only to have it be a 3 minute nothing or somebody else’s show
  • 0914Cat
    Totally addicted
    I wasn’t sure about it at first but after 3 episodes I needed to know what was going to happen…. It’s been 3 days and I’m sad to have finished season 5.
  • J. Rollans
    Came from Tower 4…
    …ended up staying for all of this podcast. I binged over the course of two weeks and now I’m sad that it’s over (for now)! The first and second season have some really rough bits, the story is solid, the acting can be pretty hit or miss, but oh man, everything about this story grows well beyond it’s original boundaries. By the end of season three this show is up there with some of the highest budget shows around, but with the heart of those who fought for it. If you like mystery, deep character drama and development, and post-apocalyptic settings then go ahead and do it!
  • 9477288
    You won’t regret hitting play
    This show started off slow and the voice acting wasn’t great. I also thought that there was too much narration in the beginning that could have been dialogue. HOWEVER, the show definitely got better in all aspects as I got further in. The building of suspense was on point and I even got a little mad at people that wanted to talk to me in real life because I didn’t want to stop the show. Lol I hope that there is a season 6. Either way keep up the amazing work, for me on to Tower 4.
  • bwdesmo
    Great show
    I binged this. I was surprised at how much they made self absorbed characters like Jay, and so much worse Ava, compelling. I hated her, and by the end was hate listening. Well done.
  • Breehardyhar
    Chill with the “bad acting” reviews
    I binged all of this in two weeks and my heart HURTS. Haha. If you have trouble with the acting I suggest getting lost in the imagination of this story instead. There’s so much detail and passion in this story and I easily grew to love the characters. Any apocalyptic lover should love this story . P.s. I love Mark so much
  • HydroShock45
    Beautifully done
    Best podcast I’ve ever listened to and would like to say thank you for sharing this amazing story. I can’t wait for Season SIX Thank you sevenlamb and all that made this possible 😊
  • LadyMaverick
    And I really wanted to get into this one. But the writing, acting, and audio are awful.
  • big lou 1223
    I’m think I can be a better voice actor.
  • figsandlove
    rlly good
    been listening to this one on spotify, on season 5 now, it gets good. sure the acting is bad at first but the story is great! also the detail when they describe the aliens are so cool!! i would recommend! usually i listen to this while doing my chores, makes things a whole lot faster!!!
  • -/ellehelle\-
    Every time
    I see a 5 star review for this show I realize…that person also probably gets to vote. And I die. Inside. Inside I die. And nothing means anything. And this show keeps going. Listen to Wolf359 or Aftershock for good post-apocalyptic fiction. Aftershock has Negan.
  • Lmere23
    Bad acting, good story
    Really wanted to give this a shot because the story has good bones, but just can’t get past the less than mediocre acting. It almost sounds like a high school script reading when actors are embarrassed to use their full range of emotion in front of peers. And it gets really uncomfortable and cringey sometimes. One character is reunited with his young child in the midst of the traumatic events, and all he flatly says is, “Hey, champ”, completely devoid of any urgency or emotion. That lost me.
  • Sturgisbob
    Appropriate Title
    I lost hope on this one. I tried to get into this one, seemed like a good concept. Very slow amateurish. It was like listening to elementary school kids read a story out loud. Gave up after 3rd episode.
  • Jenzypt
    Worth the rocky start
    The first few episode were rough. The voice acting and script were not that great but the plot was good. After a bit, everything improved and I was hooked. Definitely worth it, absolutely loved the show. Waiting patiently for season 6!
  • explodingbolts
    Just can't get past the lackluster voice acting and the high school level writing. Tried, but failed. I appreciate what they are going for, but the production doesn't hold up. My opinion only.
  • R.E.M.fan
    The script itself could use some work but it wouldn’t be as noticeable if the acting wasn’t so bad, especially for the Ava character. I’m six episodes into season one and it still sounds like an initial round table script reading. Did anyone think to run the first few episodes by an unbiased audience before releasing this pod into the wild? If I had a vote, I’d say re-cast, re-do, and re-launch. There IS a good story in here, if the right people are cast.
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