Outside Podcast

Sports #83Wilderness #3

Outside’s longstanding literary storytelling tradition comes to life in audio with features that will both entertain and inform listeners. We launched in March 2016 with our first series, Science of Survival, and have since expanded our show and now offer a range of story formats, including reports from our correspondents in the field and interviews with the biggest figures in sports, adventure, and the outdoors.

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Recent Reviews
  • Dill BeBasio
    Really Bad and Preachy
    Snowboarding snowflake bruhs preaching totally political harangues. Tubular!
  • jorjastone
    Hello Darkness
    The HelloDarkness episode was amazing. Part of the uniqueness was the underground seclusion and solitude. It makes me wonder what someone who loses their sight processes through in their days and nights.
  • AmandaKennedy
    Content warning needed
    Generally, I am a fan of the Outside podcast! However, I wished the episode “The Craziest Lost Dog Story Ever” came with a content warning. It including the sound of a gun shot that really startled me — I was driving and even swerved a little bit because the sound took me off guard. I can only imagine how it could impact people experiencing PTSD related to gunshots or gun violence. Please consider a content warning, or even better, consider not including the sound in the first place. What value does it add?
  • Paul Arnhold
    Peter Frick-Wright is one of the greatest podcast hosts of this era! Great stories that are incredibly well told.
  • notulip
    The Subtle Art of Catch and Release
    I am so moved by this episode. One of the best you've done.
  • praxis78
    Can’t believe they cancelled Out Alive for this.
  • Lance of AZ
    Cool show sometimes
    Could be better without climate change stuff.
  • pantspair
    I think you might like this…
    Started listening about a year ago and I love it! It hits the “outside” experience from all different angles and viewpoints. The “activism” that some reviews complain about is really just lived experience and a baseline engagement with what’s going in the world. This has become one of the podcasts that I quote most to my (very indulgent!) friends and family.
  • YSNP
    Pretty good but some bad info mixed in
    A little bit of research would be great. For example- On the NYC cat episode, they announced that a certain area had taken to unaliving cats with 22mm rifles. For comparison, the A-10 shoots a 30mm round that is roughly the diameter of a soda can. .22 caliber is the term.
  • Weon Piloto
    I enjoy the content hate the fry
    I feel that the stories are for the most part pretty good. I agree that there could better content. That’s not what makes this podcast unbearable for me. I cannot do the vocal fry. It does not make the content more interesting, nor does it make the storyteller sound more intelligent. Please please please stop talking like you have a frog in your throat, it makes this and many other podcast unlistenable.
  • fromnoweare
    Off the couch
    Episode was compelling; really enjoyed it. Big fan of PFW-glad he’s back. Thanks for your thoughtful content.
  • Superawesome321
    Climate Change and Taylor Swift
    Used to be great and about actual outdoor adventures. Now it’s just activist propaganda, pop star nonsense, and E Jean Carroll (the great adventurer) 🙃
  • squakback
    Woke and wimpy
    Removing this pod cast. They totally lost the “Outside” concept.
  • 562Libby
    Bring back “I survived…”
    I miss your real stories of people surviving scary situations. I think something must have changed at outside the last year because it used to be much more interesting.
  • Garst
    Enjoyable when appealing.
    Like all podcasts that aim to cover a wide variety of topics each episode may not appeal to all subscribers. I typically pick and choose the episodes I listen too and have enjoyed all the episodes with topics i am interested in. Some of them very much so. Unfortunately this podcast does not lead me to listen to all episodes because I enjoy the podcast itself.
  • Hamesh Franks
    I want to like it, but I don’t.
    For a bit of info I have listened to about 5 different episodes and here are some concerns that I had. 1st—I felt like I was listen to a YA book made for teens who want to be activist. I personally didn’t like the 3rd person views describing how someone else felt. So if you also don’t like that look elsewhere. 2nd—I felt like the episodes I did listen to are polarized and one sided. If you don’t like to do 50mile marathons, go vegan, or spend a ton of money devotion your time to the outdoors it then feels hard to feel connected to the stories. So if you also don’t like that look elsewhere. 3rd—It failed my expectation of what I’ve seen from “Outside” and who I thought they where. I wanted to like it, but I just don’t. my work work to a few episodes yourself.
  • Fuzzy7600
    I love the podcast but I hate the constant background noise.
  • Ratliff83
    Just rename it “The Climate Change Podcast”, surely you all can think of something else to talk about once in a while? Not everyone is an activist
  • new listener32
    Not liking new host
    Too much self-referential content with this new host. And I hated the mt lion story. I’ve lived in lion country for 30 years and have NEVER heard anyone mention pack hunts. He had no evidence of this and said as much, yet kept repeating this “what if?” for no good reason. Spreading misinformation. Dumb.
  • anneoftheNorth
    Welcome back Peter!
    I’ve been a great fan of your work. I liked the cougar story and I’m looking forward to hearing more from you.
  • Mcsingleton
    Too produced
    Some interesting stories. But the host and podcast itself feels too produced. I wish it would loosen up a bit.
  • P.TwoBears
    It’s almost like you don’t know how the format of a podcast works: The whole catalog is here, if we wanted to hear it again, we would. WHY all the repeats? At least add REPEAT to title, so we know we are wasting time. Next: BRING BACK STORIES! It just seems like things have changed and gone down the tubes lately. I’m going to hang in there though because I love you and I believe you can come back. i’ll give you five stars when you start telling me the great stories again.
  • Sephorafan
    These Brides Are Trying To Kill Us!
    Love💗Love💗Love💗These Brides Are Trying To Kill Us! Wow! What a fun episode!!!
  • pnw24climber
    What happened to this podcast?
    I’m baffled how Outside Magazine could embark on an episode about the PCT and the most they could muster was a less than 20 minute piece seemingly geared towards a 4th grade comprehension of the trek? Do you know your audience at all?! We don’t need 10 minutes on what trail names are, we know. Not sure why every episode of this podcast that comes out now feels like filler content for simpletons who have never ventured outside. I miss the older episodes with deep, informed reporting and storytelling. This is fluff.
  • Jennl09
    Gone downhill
    This podcast used to have interesting stories about people doing things in the outdoors. Now it seems to be more about the personalities of the hosts and oddly contrived episodes - I couldn’t even get through the one on invitations, which jumbled lots of unrelated things together with very flimsy framing. Please start telling real stories again.
  • elle92107456
    Good but not very scientific also there was that article about off-leash dogs
    That episode about water and hydration (drinking a gallon of water) was mostly anecdotal. Very disappointing. Her only problem was that she was drinking too much sugar. And as for that “hydration scientist” - his research is funded by the bottled water industry. So disappointed I’m also updating this review to include my disappointment in the bias and unbridled entitlement expressed in the article “Why Dogs Belong Off-leash In The Outdoors”.
  • ugh Reds
    DJ and I have to go to a concert at my moms and then
    The only thing I could say was I was not able and was I had a little while I had a little more to do than that but it
  • KCM00
    Love the podcast…narrator not so much
    I have been an Outside subscriber for many years. I love the content on this podcast. The stories are gripping, informative, fascinating, and fun to hear. The narrator just sounds like he’s trying too hard, and to be frank, it’s annoying. For that I give it a four.
  • am-workout-girl
    July 2023 Pony Express episode was perfection
    I absolutely love all your content but this episode and this story gave me chills and I can’t thank you enough for making it. Beautiful episode!
  • Home Shine
    Used to love it
    I miss the “Outside” I fell in love with years ago, both print and then this podcast. The “Awe” episode pushed me over the edge….. Sadly disappointed……
  • JessEAFiaschetti
    Best host ever
    Not sure who that reviewer was but uhhh you’re wrong. Paddy brings compelling, entertaining and relevant stories to the forefront, all with irreverent humor and skill. My fave podcast by far
  • Song757
    Not what it used to be
    When the Outside Podcast is good, it is really good. Unfortunately, much like the print magazine, the podcast has really gone downhill in the last few years. Most episodes are now replays of past content, or episodes of other podcasts. The original content they do have just dosent have the same production value that the podcast used to have. I really hope the podcast and the magazine find their way again.
  • Logan jung
    Outside.io was a rug pull
    It’s been nearly 5 months since any update from Outside Magazine about the defunct NFT project they tried to launch. It would be awesome if they addressed this in their podcast, discord channel, or even on twitter because the people who bought into the NFT project were most likely loyal Outside Magazine customers and Outside did them wrong by leaving them high and dry when layoffs happened at Outside.
  • RoseCityDweller
    Love show, question sponsors
    Visit Florida? I don’t think so - the NAACP has issued a travel advisory for good reason - The formal travel notice states, "Florida is openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals. Before traveling to Florida, please understand that the state of Florida devalues and marginalizes the contributions of, and the challenges faced by African Americans and other communities of color."
  • Fmj556
    Due to advertiser unable to listen
    The story telling is classic Outside style. I am unable to listen because of travel Florida advertising.
  • Emily.Joy
    In response to “great content but”
    Love the hosts voice- several podcasts have great content but this is one of the very few I enjoy the hosts voice! Don’t change the host! LOVE! Listen every week
  • SeattleCapHill
    Great stories, Annoying host
    The stories in this podcast are great. But man, the guy who hosts it is obnoxious. He sounds like a wealthy east coast kid moved to Denver, over-pronouncing words with strange tonal shifts akin to Moira Rose eating the microphone. Just talk, dude. Just talk.
  • AK0008
    Great content but
    Wish you’d get another host. Voice isn’t really great for broadcasting (sounds like he’s trying to be Rod Sterling?). I’m sure he’s an awesome guy, but this is not his wheelhouse.
  • Jessi_rose
    Great podcast
    To save the soul of a mountain town was such an awesome episode. This hits so close to home for me, I look forward to each episode you guys do! Keep it up
  • TiredMiddleoftheRoader
    Interesting content but ….
    I’ve enjoyed Outside magazine for years and have enjoyed the podcast but it’s taken a bit of a tilt over the past couple of years. Interesting content but wow it’s incredibly pompous and pretentious in its reporting. Not all and not always but it’s a bit off putting. Listen to the runner moving from a vegetarian diet to meat and you may fear for our future at the over dramatization and pretension.
  • Listenlistenup
    Backcountry racing to the bottom
    Regrettably, the Outside podcast has regressed in quality since its amazing host, Peter Stark, departed. His storytelling was exemplary - his informal series on Survival is still some of the most riveting audio I've ever heard - his pace and timing is unforgettable. Most episodes since then seem like filler. But fast forward to now, and the podcast seems to have devolved so much more, into an SEO exercise thirsting for listeners. How else to make sense of the current episode,"Quest to Become a Meat Eater" which traffics in multiple tropes and even fictions regarding the holy cultural grail that is meat consumption. The host does not question or factually locate any of the tropes -- no journalistic lens is applied at any time --so the message is clear. The poor speaker vis-a-vis main character is probably iron and/or B12 deficient but this possibility is not explored. Why consider this when it might interfere with online search optimization. ?? Even if it's what fits and what is true.
  • ChrisM102
    Outside in the bubble…
    I tried, but every episode seemed to be Outside editors interviewing each other, or their close friends. They all share the same views and opinions, which just seemed really self centered and kinda selfish. Finally I had to give it up on the “vegan meat eater. She had to surrender her personal values because she loved running so much. She suffered such angst of eating living things. The solution? Make them taste good! Queue the friend who is also an editor and a chef, and things just get weird from there….
  • america is over
    Dream job?
    To imagine a person could raise a family of 4 as a ski patroller is delusional. You make him sound like a victim. Poor guy, he has the best job in the world. Of course it doesn’t pay… if it did, one half of America would be patrollers, emt’s, cops, fire, ect.
  • SquillyTheKid
    Ditch outside
    Outside - bringing dystopian capitalism to love of nature.
  • MirjSx
    Fought a bear w/ pocketknife
    Great episode. Thanks for re sharing! However, the voice of the outside voice over is driving me a bit nuts. Why does she lower her voice at the end of every sentence to a dramatic whisper mumble ? Just speak clearly and don’t lower your voice when there’s a question. Isn’t that radio voice 1:1?
  • bullet report
    Scorpion dies, Moron lives to share.
    225 miles of dangerous white water, should have slept in her raft.
  • Chrisbhuimnol
    Excellent podcast!
    Really well done podcast and I love the variety of shows. I don’t get bored knowing every episode is a different variation of the last. I am really enjoying the summer readings of books, it’s fascinating to hear about others and their lives in the outdoors. I’m learning so much more about people and their experiences in the outdoors than I ever thought I would. Plus, I like they are not interviewing experts, which gets very boring.
  • Anthony Wilson
    Interesting, but kind of podcasty
    The host sounds like Ira Glass imitating Rod Serling.
  • Zinnia1280
    Creepy narrator
    What is with the narrator’s voice? It’s so modulated and fake it’s downright creepy. And what’s with hiring “professional actors” to read parts? They’re even worse. More like listening to some cheesy Harlequin romance novel than stories about adventures in the outdoors. Come on Outside! You're blowing it!
  • frankspetronio
    Outdoors with obese Jewish women
    Neurotic womyn from the Tri-State area discuss irrational fear of weather, gentiles and God’s creatures
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