Inside Mental Health


Award-winning weekly podcast that approaches psychology and mental health in an accessible way. Listen as our host Gabe Howard speaks candidly with experts, celebrities, and other notables to break down complex topics into simpler terms.

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Recent Reviews
  • Randye Kaye
    Great Conversations about Vital mental health topics
    I love this podcast, because it covers a broad range of topics that all relate to mental health. Gabe doesn’t just “interview”, he has the conversation that we would all like to have with his guests, honestly and intelligently. I’m excited to soon be a guest !
  • mrlizarde
    Passionate about shaping the conversation around mental health
    I appreciate Gabe’s commitment to making sure people understand that they aren't broken and actively fighting incorrect notions of mental health.
  • Strip: A Memoir
    Five Star Podcast!!!!
    Inside Mental Health is one of my go to podcasts! Gabe is an incredibly engaging, insightful, authentic host. I love the wide variety of guests he has on and subjects that are covered. Highly recommend!!!
  • Dr. Gleb Tsipursky
    Excellent podcast host!
    Gabe did a great job preparing for and managing our interview about the psychology of hybrid and remote work! He clearly does his homework and is very dedicated to making sure his audience has a wonderful experience.
  • alymorales11
    Some episodes are great but the episode called “Inside Borderline Personality Disorder” was very stigmatizing and negative. Disappointed in this podcast.
  • SlayerLady
    A bite size blast of de stigmatization
    These shorter podcasts have a great variety of guests and topics and go a long way to helping reduce the stigma of mental illness.
  • magic1
    Fighting stigma
    This podcast is essential listening for everyone! Even if you don’t have mental health issues of your own, I guarantee that someone close to you does. Gabe has a knack for explaining difficult topics with clarity and compassion. Great guests too!
  • Gombel, Daniel
    I can't believe how far this podcast has come!
    I've been a loyal listener for almost five years and I just can't believe how far this podcast has come. Gabe really hits the mark week after week and pivots with the times. His questions are spot on, his information is amazing, and the variety of guests means that everyone can learn something. I'm glad this podcast exists. It's important to the mental health space and to advocacy as a whole.
  • fistrated!!!
    Awesome information. I will continue to listen
  • Kndle
    Great Find!
    Gabe has a great personality and interviews a variety of guests on so many interesting, and varying, topics. While his most recent ones with Wil Wheaton and Ryan Michelle Bathe are outstanding, also check out the ones with non-celebrity guests, such as the teacher who survived the Parkland shooting. I am engaged every week and listen each Thursday when the new episode drops. Highly recommend for all!
  • Cme61
    Please leave politics out!
    Today I discovered this podcast. I suffer from major depression and was looking forward to learning new things and hearing different perspectives. Unfortunately Paul Gilmartin was on and within the first few minutes he goes off on President Trump. Can’t I just listen and not hear someone’s political opinions? Guess not
  • SydMatt123
    Inappropriate Guests
    I am very disappointed with the guests the host brings on this show. Jillian Michaels and Dr. Phil are not good examples of mental health advocates and they continue to create stigma for people of many backgrounds. Jillian made her career by belittling overweight individuals and implementing training regiments that did not create any lasting effects on the participants. Dr. Phil continues to mock people, especially teens, on his hit show, which often leads to the audience laughing at the participants rather than empathizing with them. There are some great episodes to this show but based on the guests I can tell this podcast does not do their mental health research.
  • Heather Bo
    Fascinating Podcast!
    Interesting topics discussed with knowledgeable guests make this a must-listen. Highly entertaining and informative!
  • @MichaelUnbroken
    Great podcast🔥🔥
    I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you for creating such an impactful podcast! I believe that we all have a voice that deserves to be heard. Thank you for putting this into the world! BE UNBROKEN! @MichaelUnbroken
  • Tamarco1
    Fun and informational
    Gabe is a great host and interviewer.
  • Glory2Glory2Glory
    Awesome podcast
    I really enjoyed this episode, a lot of great information 😍😍😍💕💕💕🤲
  • Cam from Central Park
    The boundaries episode
    I really loved the boundary episode and I’m a therapist 😂
  • DDesignr
    Insightful and thorough
    This is an insightful, educational and thorough podcast that dives deep into various mental health conditions. It helps me better understand those in my life who live with mental health conditions, as well as better understand humanity. Host is engaging and easy to listen to. Highly recommend!
  • Otowndave
    Terrible. Don’t waste your time. Self important windbags.
  • MTaylor1821
    As an MSW student, I love listening to these podcasts to gain additional knowledge and perspectives! Thank you for breaking the stigma and speaking about mental health.
  • juliemarie66
    I started listening to this podcast as I have family members who deal with depression, anxiety, and adhd. What I really appreciate is how it has given me a more compassionate understanding of mental illness, especially schizophrenia. I definitely see mentally ill ppl differently than I did before. Thank you! Love both Gabe and Rachel!
  • John Frusc
    Absolutely despicable that you continue to use and allow guests to use the stigmatizing language of “crazy” when referring to mental health.
  • overduefan
    Educational and fun
    These are the types of conversations I’m having with close friends, but Gabe brings in really interesting speakers and new perspectives for me to think about.These are the headlines I’d rather be reading than the ones that are actually happening
  • Rachel Star
    Great topics
    Hits on great topics
  • webnova
    I love everything Psychcentral
    The website is informative and Gabe adds a great personal touch to mental health topics with his podcast.
  • Tjstar2099
    Optimism in a pessimistic world!!!
    I’ve been listening to this podcast since late last year, and I’m really astounded by the positivity of it...not just that, but also the depth of the subject matter covered by it. Gabe is a wonderful person to hear, and he asks all the right questions to his guest(s). I’m a support group facilitator, and I recommend this podcast to everyone I meet, both old and new, simply because he gives it like it is, but, he also upbeat about it, and positive to no end, which is sorely lacking these days. To Gabe himself, I thank you for doing this, and I know there myriads of lives out there you’ve helped by doing this. Keep up the good work, and know that I will listen till the end of time, because you, sir, and a bright beam of light that penetrates the darkness of stigma, and will help get us to a better place, one podcast at a time. Excelsior!!!
  • SEBNC12345
    Realistic Outlook on Mental Illness
    I love listening to Gabe Howard everyday. His insights are as helpful as the cool speakers he brings on the show! Thanks Gabe!
  • amom 444
    Very helpful
    Your podcasts are v helpful. They give me a lot of hope . I also learnt a lot about how to be a good caregiver. Keep it up.
  • nurirhines
    Love this podcast
    Looking to become a child psychologist. Love these conversations
  • JaneatParis
    Interesting and informative
    Hi I am a Graduate level student studying counseling. I really enjoy this show, it is very practical, great guests and I also love how real the conversations are. Overall, I highly recommend!
  • C. Brooke
    Transformational show!
    It was such a pleasure talking with Gabe! His conversational style is real, authentic and truly thought-provoking! Highly recommend this podcast for anyone looking to improve their lives in big ways.
  • Logo17
    Life changing show
    For that listener that is ADDICTED to creating their future. For the listener who KNOWS they are destine for greatness but didn’t believe they could actually a life worth living. This podcast is for you. Gabe asks very candid and heart opening questions. It would be a crime not to listen to this podcast and take notes.
  • journoMomx4
    Glad it’s here
    We need pods like this to educate folks abt mental illness. Gabe’s energy steers this pod which I listen to without fail regardless of the fact that over time it doesn’t maintain its energy — as if producers & hosts are too busy & tired to maintain the highest standards of both production & execution. I can relate. (I am also a long time volunteer talk show host). Time & time again though, they fail to give us enough info to find the guests after the show. It seems so obvious to put this 411 in the show notes & yet they don’t do it. Ridiculous! Tell us & then show us where we can find your guests, please. Enunciate their names & the names of their books, or pods, or whatever. The names are swallowed. This isn’t easy - I get that. So if you ever need a sub- I’m here for you.
  • Hadijastar
    Thank you so much!
    I’m so thankful to hear this podcast, especially when Ally was talking about how horrible&difficult it is to cope/cut off a parent with mental health illnesses when they are capable of showing their love/kindness/affection/support &when they’ve been in a healthy use boundaries but be able& willing to mindset long enough to have a positive impact on your views of them. It’s difficult especially on enforcement. For me it’d make me feel less guilt/regret in upholding my boundaries & or cutting toxic people from my life, if there was never any positive impact on me by that person, also regarding my parents&their mental health illnesses, it’d make it less complicated emotionally for me to finally cut them out of my everyday life if they never did anything to help me/were always verbally physically abusive/if they were constantly mean/nasty so I could remember only negatives.Thank you very much for sharing your personal traumatic life experiences with the world. Just hearing this interview has even helped me in ways that may not seem important but for me at this particular time in my life, it’s really truly helped me remember that I’m not alone even though I may be isolated in my day to day life, I’m not alone in the wield&that’s really made a huge difference in my emotional state. Thank you soo much to this podcast psych central as well for asking poignant questions without being harsh or insensitive to Ally’s trauma. I truly look forward to even more podcast from y’all. Just 1 question why isn’t the podcast longer? I don’t know about other people but I’d have loved to hear much more from Ally today, is this just 1 short episode that I happened to start with& you do have longer episodes available? Thanks again!🙏🏼💖♒️🕊
  • cycling listener
    poor audio quality
    i really want to listen to this due to the subject matter, but i listen on headphones while cycling & can't handle the poor audio quality. all it takes is getting good microphones to get a quality podcast, but i guess that is tough if not doing in person interviews? i know my ears are not the best, but i am able to understand the other podcasts i listen to while cycling, but too often can't understand what is being said on this podcast.
  • Sap958
    Great Podcast
    I enjoy very much the various topics. Speaking to diagnosed clients is a great way to get a better understanding of mental health.
  • enneyehs
    Having listened to almost a year’s worth of...
    Having listened to almost a year’s worth of Vince and Gabe’s podcasts, I can confidently say that it’s been worth my while. I have learned so much about mental health and some of the other issues/topics related. I have to admit that in the beginning I was bothered by Gabe’s flamboyant and shrill style of talk but it’s grown on me 😜, sometimes the voice pitch is much better and not so irritating to the ears but that’s just the technical stuff. The subject is well worth it for those who want to educate themselves
  • Sally Spencer-Thomas
    Thank you Gabe for “elevating the convo”
    Gabe is a fierce advocate for mental health and brings the all-too-often neglected lived experience voice of “what works” to the table. All of us should be listening! Together we can make a more compassionate and well world.
  • Tydyechef
    Good info!
    Hello, I just found this podcast, and want to say thank you so much for talking about this topic!
  • Hammer1717
    Michelle Hammer
    Gabe and Vin have great insight and opinions. Love to listen!
  • Itsjussms
    New Listener to the Podcast and impressed
    i love the points of view.. i love that this podcast has managed to keep me engaged and it is not boring, like most psych podcasts. Gabe Howard is “woke” & “lit” 😀 lol . I Appreciate all the helpful information keep up the great work!
  • Anna Jane Micaela
    Discussion organization and focus has room for improvement
    The discussion feels very scattered and lacks powerful insight - hosts could benefit from inviting guest experts. Comparing one mental illness to another (who has it worse?) is very unproductive. It opens the door to justify someone to belittle another person's struggles. Glad the host cleared it with a conclusion that doing so allows you to stigmatize others, but this should've come out first and be the focus. If one can have preference, it would be to be healthy, not to have different mental illness. Comparatively, someone who is having personal difficulties with work and family but is otherwise mentally healthy could compare themselves as having a much bigger challenge than a depressed who lied in bed all day; it opens the door for them to stigmatize others as just lazy or weak.
  • Grace eyes
    Glad I Found This Podcast
    As a voracious podcast consumer, I'm constantly looking for unique and interesting new podcasts. This podcast fit the bill. Another great thing about this podcast is their content topics: I could binge listen to all of their podcasts (if I had the time). Great stuff!
  • New way of live
    Thank you for taking the time to do these podcasts they are very informative and help me to understand so many different things. Thank you
  • RE Osteen
    So insightful
    Thank you for connecting your voice with so many of the unspoken individuals
  • Dustin Pari luvr
    Love Every Episode
    A truly amazing podcast. As a person living with a mental illness I love listening to these two and learning more about others living with illness as well. So educational and inspiring.
  • Fossil2020@
    Great podcast
    I love this Podcast because is able to present different aspects of mental health in a very simple, easy and accessible for everyone to understand. They do interesting interviews too. Thank you for sharing your experience . You histories are inspirational!
  • TJPetersonNCC
    Real and Empowering
    The show brings authentic voices to mental illness, and in this authenticity, this realness, the hosts lift a dark curtan away from the subject of mental illness. Listeners are left inspired and empowered.
  • Joweb44
    Highly Recommend
    This is an excellent podcast. I'm a huge fan of psychcentral, and this podcast is wonderfully educational.
  • Dr. Teeth's Teeth
    A truly excellent mental health podcast
    People are dying because of silence. Well, Gabe and Vince refuse to be silent and are embracing others who are giving voice to their mental health struggles and thereby de-stigmatizing mental health in America.
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