Fore Play

Sports #40Golf #1

"Fore Play" is a weekly podcast by common golfers, for common golfers. Trent, Riggs, Frankie, Dan Rapaport, and their wide variety of guests talk about everything golf like normal folks sitting at a bar watching coverage, venting about the game's difficulties, and weighing in on pro gossip. Your classic golf addicts, the "Fore Play" crew brings a young, unique voice to the rapidly-evolving game, discussing freely and openly everything golf. There is nothing like it.

You can find every episode of this show on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or YouTube. Prime Members can listen ad-free on Amazon Music. For more, visit

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Recent Reviews
  • CaptainChaz
    Annoying, self-indulgent, and half ads
    Annoying group. Always off topic and rambling about themselves. Don’t care. Also too many ads
  • CoachKris2323
    Way too many ads
    Decided to give the show a chance, one episode in and i really enjoyed it but will not be listening again because of the insane amount of ads
  • WaywardKid
    How many times do we have to hear? One guy say “”it’s funny that you said that” She would be better if that guy was absent
  • Valvane Jim
    Wonders Never Cease
    Riggs turning out to be an untalented, unlikeable offspring of wealth was… the most predictable outcome
  • Chris8708
    Golf golf golf
    Love the show but please stick with golf. If i wanted to listen to 30 minutes of hockey I’d tune into spittin chiclets
  • pukerat
    Enjoy the show, too many ads
    Longtime listener since 2018 but the ads are out of control now. Really enjoy the show and everyone on it but too many ad breaks and then half the show is an ad within itself.
  • @Porkchop971
    Time stamps please!
    I enjoy the show and having time stamps would help get to what I want to listen to most! Thanks boys!
  • Dickhole content
    Sick masters episode
  • culd cots
    Show took a nose dive
    Show got miles worse when lurch left. Used to be great now it’s a none listen
  • RU2004
    Too many ads
    Great podcast but the amount of commercials is completely out of control.
  • Stick2Golf…
    Too much hockey
    This has the potential to be a really good podcast, but I can barely get through any of their episodes without them talking about hockey, more specifically the Islanders. If I cared about hockey I’d listen to a hockey podcast. It would be fine they brought it up every few episodes or so, but I feel like they lead with it now! Complete trash move.
  • Nick_F11
    Not Great
    Used to be decent, hated when Lurch left. When they don’t have an interview all the talk about is their golf games and the videos they have for the Foreplay YouTube page. Not a lot of golf talk beyond that. Other golf podcasts provide much more insight to the current golf landscape. When they do talk about current golf events it seems like they have the same info I can get from following a few golf writers on Twitter/X. No real reporting done.
  • Jbro109
    Would it be possible to have the timecode in the episode description? The Youtube version has them, but not the podcast version
  • FinW1
    My favorite podcast
    My favorite podcast: Fore play. Picked them up around the masters of this year, I’ve listened to every single episode since, spend a ridiculous amount of time of following them on Twitter, on YouTube, etc. When the podcast drops it’s always the best part of my week. I appreciate you guys so much and I’m so excited to get to keep following you guys for the foreseeable future. You guys better be going to Pinehurst US Open 2024, really hoping to get to say hi then. But, for people reading, give them a try, it becomes such a fun fixture of your life, to have a routine of listening to foreplay every Tuesday and Thursday, they do a great job of making you feel included in the process and invested in listening to each and every episode. The inside jokes you pick up on, the universe of barstool that you’d never find (unless you’re a barstool fan I guess), their commentary on golf events, their interviews with the best players in golf, their love of Tiger Woods really creates this perfect bubble for a golf lover, or really the listener in general. Although I do understand that people say that they are not as serious as NLU or the fried egg (I listen to them both as well, great podcasts, try out NLU’s Lee Trevino episode that just came out), they’re not trying to be that serious, it’s more about 4 golf bros (well, Danny’s a golf journalist) providing commentary and discussion in both a comedic and accessible manner, breaking down the barriers of what it means to be a golf fan. Anyways, thank you guys if you happen to be reading, and I need to stop spending so much time on twitter sticking up for you guys against the LIV bots, it’s pointless, they’ll never give up. The LIV bots are infinite in determination. And don’t forget about Pinehurst, how about you guys just go book that right now. And Riggs write the letter for Fore play tracker.
  • BrianLapeGolf
    Must listen
    These morons talk about everything but golf and somehow it’s can’t miss entertainment
  • ehdorr
    Min Woo Lee
    These guys talk about everything but golf. Pod gets carried by guests. Ryder cup coming up and in the midst of the FedEx cup and these guys would rather talk about who jack harlows dated. Frankie and Trent are entertaining but Dan and Riggs can sugma. Let’s stick to the golf - since this is a golf podcast, right?
  • Randy Charlson
    Great POD! Technical tip below (for Riggs)
    Set the Release on the compressor/limiter on Riggs’ microphone to the FASTEST setting. This will be a game changer for his audio quality.
  • Awful gameuknow
    Love barstool
    Nice kickback , shoot the junk about golf, podcast. Never been a Riggs fan though blah dude is a 14 handicap claiming to be a 5
  • skasting
    PGA tour wokesters
    These guys are ok with the tour screwing over 9/11 families… gutter trash
  • MXRW28
    Amazing Korn Ferry Broadcast
    Loved Sunday broadcast - u guys did a great job, exciting and fun - I can’t wait for next Barstool Korn Ferry event!
  • CJaenke
    Love Y’all’s Stuff
    Was about to post a comment about how much I love the most recent episode and realized I never sent the one below. The comment below is from months ago but I’m still as big of a fan as before and I thank you boys for everything you put out. Hit it Hard I start every Tuesday and Thursday with this band of merry hooligans. I’ve been listening since the beginning and have even had the pleasure of calling into the Pod once. Riggs will lead you through a plethora of topics. Whether it’s Lurch’s stomach problems, Frankie’s astonishment of space, or Trent’s cameos on The Bachelor, you will love these boys. For a golf podcast the talk surprisingly little about golf but you won’t notice the time fly by. Danny Rap has been a pleasant addition to the group with great insight into the world of golf. If you have the time you should even read his Monday Morning Rap. So sit down and have a truly hard seltzer and have a grand time with the Foreplay Boys. Hit it hard.
  • What whaaaat
    Has potential if they get back to being authentic
    Used to be avid listener. Really missing lurch. Riggs decision to ignore his skill level and constantly brag about his hdcp (which is completely inaccurate) has driven me away. Barstool was built on being real and authentic and show has gotten away from that. Supposed to be common man sports.
  • Charlie wiesss
    Love this episode
    Best foreplay pod yet!
  • Chrisbaseball12
    Danny Rap
    Can you clear your throat for the love of god?
  • Steven sobieraj
    Just started listening
    What’s up with all the ads? And how come Riggs hasn’t been on PMT?
  • Dmart88
    Fan since day one
    Been a fan since day one. Really enjoy the pod, great conversations like sitting around with buddies talking, getting distracted, and then back on topic. Love it. Dan is a great addition to the squad. Only thing I notice with Dan is he wheezes into the mic after a long sentence, and is distracting.
  • mr interval
    Too many “like” “it’s like”
    Neither one of you can stop saying "like" and "it's like" every other word. Completely annoying. You speak like teenage girls. Work on your communication skills.
  • Johnsonsniffer
    The amount of advertisement breaks are absolutely absurd
  • bwhel
    Love the pod but…
    LOVE the show. Once the Riggs learns to take the mic out of his mouth and the ad reads stick to 30 seconds to a minute, not 15 minutes I’ll be back. Sitting in my office with AirPods in and my ears get raped every time Riggs says any word with a P or B. Made the show extremely unlistenable. Shame on the producers and Trent, Frankie, Dan for not mentioning this.
  • firebrd10tmm
    If you want to hear immature 1st graders interview big names in golf than this is for you. Frankie might be the most insufferable podcaster in the world.
  • hfjdososbs
    Losers who can’t golf
  • jrosey24
    Ruining golf one pod at a time
    The biggest losers in golf. You’d have to be a moron to enjoy these idiots. Frankie might be the dumbest adult human being in America……if it wasn’t for filming Pizza reviews he’d be a bus boy right now
  • Anders Lee 27
    Frankie Got to Go
    I’m out until Frankie is gone and y’all bring back Lurch
  • Saaj1993
    Riggs voice is so painful to listen to constantly changing pitches and literally sounding like nails on a chalkboard. Truly insane to host a podcast when you sound like that
  • Kendall530
    f bombs every 5 seconds
    Listened to it for 2 min and heard about 100 F- bombs. Sloppy podcast
  • youbetchaya
    Hey just give us a heads up when your going to just talk about hockey for the majority of the time thanks
  • akg923
    Riggs can’t talk in a mic
    Why is his audio always so brutal. Dude needs to figure out how to keep audio levels consistent
  • Tanks Outdoors
    Dance with who brought you
    Still a good podcast but starting to get a little hard to listen to sometimes. I like Dan but I feel like it makes a weird dynamic with Riggs, who went from the #1 golfer in the group to #3 now that Frankie has been grinding. I also think having Lurch on help cancelled out some of Riggs’s pretentiousness and make it more enjoyable for the average guy. All in all still a good listen, Trent is still the man and Frankie has earned my respect with how hard he’s worked on Trent and himself. Just wish they would talk a little more about golf and quit acting like they are better than the fans.
  • Bobsled Overtime
    Too much hockey talk
    These Yankees talk about hockey way too much for a golf podcast. Not everyone cares about hockey. The golf talk is ok.
  • Bossman42104
    Frankie is unbearable
  • colonol sanders
    It’s a Seinfeld podcast
    Read title above, long time listener. This pod used to be much better. Now I have to skip through 30 min of hockey talk or Seinfeld esque episodes about nothing, except the only difference is Seinfeld is actually funny. I just want to hear about golf, but this show gives me very little of that. Having Dan on makes things better. Just talk more about golf, that’s why I tune in. I think their order of interests is: 1) advertisements 2) sell merch 3) talking about their travel logistics 4) talking about a video they made 5) talking about how much work it is to make videos 6) podcasting about golf
  • Tmsss12
    Rich boy Rapaport
    Came back here just to say I love the podcast. It’s refreshing to have a cool, normal take on golf. Was excited about Dan joining the podcast. But I’ve grown to dislike him so much that I don’t even listen anymore. I knew nothing about him except that he wrote for Golf Digest. But having listened to him for months now, I can no longer take it. Dan Rapaport represents everything I hate about golf. I’m one of those golfers who go into it because it was fun to play but hated the “golf boy” persona. Barstool has always been about the common man. Foreplay has always been about the common golfer. That’s how I found and became a devoted listener. It’s also why I was repulsed by other golf podcasts. Dan Rapaport’s personality, attitude, and comments are taking this podcast (and YouTube channel) to the old, snobby, rich golf realm. Good things don’t last forever - Dan Rapaport’s addition to Foreplay proves this.
  • Jonboy532
    Are they fighting?
    Why can’t they get all 4 on at the same time? Seems like something is going on. Best job in the world but it seems like there is trouble in paradise.
  • Jb08021717710621
    They basically insulted Thomas Pieters the entire interview. Spittin Chiclets makes these guys look like amateurs.
  • AZDuke06
    Pathetic fanboys
    Riggs, Rapoport, and Frankie all blush like 9 year old girls anytime they are within 100 feet of a pro golfer. Absolutely cringeworthy. The second hand embarrassment is tough to take.
  • BrightsideTiger1839
    Too many ads
    Been listening since the duo started, and they have great casual golf conversations. There have been too many ads and they interrupt the podcast at the weirdest time. The editors do a terrible job putting the ads in the middle of a sentence. It just breaks up the flow of a normal podcast. The ad music is great to skip forward 3 minutes and continue to listen to the podcast. The podcast is like 30 minutes of ads and an hour of talking.
  • mlarson87
    Increasing amount of ads recently have made some of the talk segments hard to listen. Finding that I am skipping episodes without interviews or going straight to the interview.
  • Bosoxnut
    Love it
    Great pod
  • kobemaster73$:7:7
    Great but Need to get through ads quicker
    Good Podcast but the advertisements take up a lot of show. Ad reads should be done like other podcasts where you just stick to script and get back to the show. I feel like a lot of time I will skip 4 or 5 minutes and they are still talking about the same ad. Content otherwise is great and all personalities are fun to listen to.
  • Man Frog
    Too many ads
    The first episode had 4 ads in the first 30 mins. Near the beginning of this episode they announce one of their weekly features. They talk about 4 tour players and why they like or hate them. It's like they are just trying to be critical. Who cares about their opinion?! I was somewhat interested in hearing their weekly interview but the high number of interruptions for ads frustrated me enough that I shut it down.
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