The Power Trip

Sports #54

The Power Trip Morning Show - Sports, Movies, Music, Comedy and more...

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Recent Reviews
  • The Geiger
    Best morning show!
    I can’t believe the amount of sour grapes reviewing the show. This shows what it is, pure entertainment. Some things work, others don’t, but the trial and error is the fun. Now that Marnie has loosened up, she brings so much fun. Cory is the glue, and Hawk is the mortar, and Sause is so incredibly funny. The cast of characters round it out. Don’t like it, don’t listen, don’t comment move along. Unbelievable one thought Max and Hawk are racists? Nothing could be farther than the truth.
  • Tao_Of_Jamie
    Ok show, but too self-centered.
    Used to be my favorite radio show, but now feel like there’s too many inside stories. They even spend entire segments on them, occasionally. Positives… Good cast… Chris and Kriesel are interesting people and they have a nice mix of local sports representation and perspectives with Parrish, Marney, and the others. Not positives… Cory does nothing for me. He seems arrogant without bringing much to the conversation. Negatives… I literally have to skip Tommy’s segments. Unlistenable. Update… I’ve stopped following this pod cast. Used to be great, now it’s just Cory beating bad bits into the ground, making fun of Sauce for long stretches that bring the show to a skidding halt, and Hawkey making weiner jokes. The revolving guests Parrish, Ben, Kriesel, and Marney became the the only reason I was listening but they can’t even save the show at this point. Actually… That would actually be a good show… make the revolving guests the new core team.
  • MNDubs
    Commercials and Sound
    Fantastic show. Exactly the content I am looking for. Love these guys. Been listening for over a decade to nearly every show in entirety every day. They recently updated their “board”. Now one voice is extremely loud, others are so quiet you have to crank up the volume. Then mid-sentence a commercial comes on that is so loud it will blow your ear drums. And then they play music that can only be heard on the live broadcast. So it’s just dead air on the podcast. Give these guys the correct tools to make this show’s podcast as great as it was!
  • Gormonu2
    #2 Morning show next to Stern
    The cast of Thousands are great! Amazing chemistry and the Big 3 play their roles perfectly!
  • jgchchsrlh
    Pls stop putting them mid sentence. If possible, mix them up a bit. Thank you.
  • N/A PT
    Great Show
    Not a Max fan. Same joke every day.
  • hogsley
    Todd Salad
    Not a fan of marney, doesnt have anything to offer. Pinky Paul meatsauce is a bully. Hawk and max are racists. Show is dead to me. Good run.
  • srbdell
    IHeart get out of the way
    LuckyLand Casino, Chumba Casino. Be prepared to hear those two adds every 5 minutes. Attn advertisers: there is such thing as too many ads. WE WILL GROW TO DESPISE YOU
  • grony1
    Long time listener
    I’ve been listening to the power trip since 2008. This show gets me through my day. Keep doing what you are doing and don’t let the big wigs change who you are as a show!
  • BrokenHearted27
    Bar crawl
    So honestly, you lost a fan talking about the bar crawl. You don’t want the people that support you to join in. Fine. But don’t talk about a private bar crawl on air. It just seems like you don’t care about the people that keep this thing going. You can call me out, it just made me sad and disappointed. I LOVED you. And am done listening. Good luck, I’m sure you’ll be fine.
  • BuffaloBillsGuy
    Does Hawkey know…?
    Usually pretty solid. Ben is great. Even if I don’t agree with him, he explains his point very well and I can appreciate his opinion. Sauce brings the show to a screeching halt every time he challenges Hawkey with an NBA question. We get it…he doesn’t know the NBA. I respect Marney as a pro but two days a week is hard to listen to. And Tommy is just a caricature now and he’s just embarrassing himself.
  • asxbxbx
    Marney is a show stopper. Keeps dragging the conversation on with questions and comments after the guys have moved on. I shut it off every Tuesday and Friday as soon as I hear her voice everything else is a home run.
  • Log Carrying Guy
    Great Show. Bad execution of podcast.
    The show and content are great but as others have commented… The shows don’t follow each other properly on the Apple Podcast App. Very annoying and distracting. Something one of the brain wizards should be able to figure out and fix.
  • JP6971
    Best show in the country
    Every bit of it makes me laugh and initials is the best
  • Hdbaina
    Fix the skipping!!
    Love the show but the podcast skips back and forth. Very frustrating. Would rather just pay for the podcast with good audio than listen to the awful skipping problem.
  • -BassIsMyName-
    Love it but some bits are overdone.
    Amazing show, been a listener for years! But man is the “guess who plays on what NBA team” bit is annoying and they do it too much. No one cares that people who don’t follow the NBA don’t know who plays for what team.
  • PowerTripSucks
    4/4/23 hour 1
    What a bunch of race baiters. Its all about skin color with Hawke and Max.
  • What_does_sauce_do?
    Must be nice…
    …to leave work at 10am everyday while the podcast sits there for someone else to upload…
  • BakerDog08
    Please put the show back into one podcast.
    It’s impossible if you’re more than one day behind. I have to manually select a new episode each time one ends. I realize this wasn’t a listener-driven decision though, so I doubt a listener comment will matter.
  • RSno9
    Great show but keep the podcast as 1 episode!
    On long road trips I like to listen to episodes in order. When each one is split up into 3 it makes it difficult. It’s basically causing distracted driving when I’m trying to figure if it went to the right segment.
  • J4ck34
    A non-sports sports show with comedians that aren’t funny.
    This show has fallen apart. The hosts are too big for their britches. They think they’re much more important than they actually are, and the show is suffering because of it. I get that this show in a lot of ways is meant to be a break from the hardcore sports takes that the station is recognized for, and that’s a wise choice, but it would be nice to have something of substance rather than nothing but middle school jokes and constant gambling talk. It’s a wildly predictable show at this point, because these guys are leaning on the same three jokes for the last 20 years. I stopped listening for two years. I decided to try it again, and they continued to drag the same jokes through the dirt still. It’s a simple mindless listen if you’re looking for something to fill a void of silence, but if you’re looking for something that’s actually worth your time in the least, you may want to consider other options.
  • tim hillesheim
    New Podcast Format Is Trash
    Breaking the show up into three separate episodes is actually fine in theory. That’s not what this review is about. The fake casino scam ad is now cutting people off mid sentence and we’re missing parts of the show because of it. Let them finish the segment and then insert the ad. Why is that so hard? Oh and being able to consistently post the show before noon would be rad. So infuriating when PA’s show podcast is posted before this one.
  • Brxcvbnm
    Great show, but ditch the three segments
    Scrap the three podcast segments bit. The show deserves 5 stars but iHeart media deserves 1 ⭐️.
  • Stevey McStevensen
    iHeart is the worst.
    The show is excellent despite iHeart media. Breaking the podcast into three separate episodes is beyond moronic. Cory, Sauce and Hawk should leave iHeart and produce a podcast independently, free of their evil corporate over lords.
  • revolution2419
    Stop breaking the show up into parts
    Great show, but cheating the system so that iHeart can boost its podcast numbers is actively making it more of a pain to listen.
  • nm1015
    Great show but…
    The multiple episodes per show is ridiculous. At the very least, put 4 and make the 4th upload the full show
  • Will Paint
    Stop cheating
    Love the show but please stop putting small parts of the show in separate parts. I listen to the whole show, and it would be much better in one podcast, but it seems your leadership is insistent on breaking it up into three, and now there are even more smaller segments popping up that are already in those segments, it is annoying. All that said, thanks for making me laugh.
  • Mayham88
    “That’s a huge B****!”
    The ratings are just in and we are number 1! We just grabbed every key demographic! Super duper, that’s nice! Way to go gang!
  • Just Another Rube
    A Plus!
    This morning I woke up, showed it whose boss, eat some breakfast, then decided to listen to this podcast. Yeah yeah yeah…it was A Plus!
  • ahshdjcjdkd
    A +
  • Ramathorn69
    Great show, three uploads is stupid
    This show is great but the three uploads is not. They get one star for uploading hours 3 and 2 then waiting 30 plus minutes to upload hour 1 on a regular basis.
  • Hunto Kava
    Stupid 3 uploads
    I love the show but whoever came up with the idea of splitting the show up needs to be fired, that’s such a terrible idea to just clutter up all of our podcast app homepages, not to mention, every time after hr 1 ends, it jumps over to a different show (smartless) instead of going to hr 2. I’m not sure the entire reason they did this but if it’s for ease of listening, WHY NOT JUST PAUSE AND PLAY FROM WHERE YOU LEFT OFF? GET RID OF THE STUPID 3 PART UPLOAD! P.S. My hands are down here, by my crotch.
  • horsevwbug
    Feels like Home
    I grew up in Minnesota listening to my Dad listen to KFAN and the Power Trip on our daily rides to school. After moving to Montana 10 years ago, I finally started listening to the Power Trip again on a regular basis during COVID and I’m so glad I did — these guys (and Marney) feel like home. I’m a daily listener and am so grateful for the chance to hear Cory, Hawk, and Sauce (okay, not Sauce) and have a little slice of MN back in my life. Come on out to Montana and do some Cowboy S sometime!
  • the real snarfer
    Vegas, Vegas, Vegas
    Kind a tired of hearing about Vegas. meatsauce robot is the new star of the show
  • Matty P01
    Love this show and these guys!
    My son turned me on to this show about three years ago and I listen to the replay since I teach and miss most of the show live. I have distant connections to this show: Went to and follow SCSU hockey from 86-present. Graduated from Chisago Lakes in ‘86. The Mrs and I have taken to following the Fabulous Armadillos every summer. Thank you for putting on this show. You make my day(and lately we have needed it) 😊🤟😎
  • Adblockgj
    Best part of my day
    All the bad reviews on this podcast crack me up. All those people are Todds. I have listened to this show since I was in high school back in 2014, and now my daily routine is listening to the show on my commute to work, and podcasting what I missed on my way home. The chemistry and relationship that Chris, Hawk, and Sauce have is one of a kind, and makes this the best radio show of all time. I find myself gut laughing all the time listening to the show. Keep it up fellas
  • Shonuff169
    Management screwed them.
    They way the show is listed is the dumbest thing they could ever do. Nothing plays correct. So annoying.
  • Masonnnnn
    Episode Splitting
    5 stars to 1. Please use the same format everyone else does.
  • garraputo
    1 show 3 downloads 👎🏻
    Stop splitting the show into 3 downloads.
  • DART0S
    The show is 5 stars, a+
    But splitting up each show into three separate hours is dumb. Are each “hour” instead of playing the next “hour” it jumps to an entirely different podcast. DUCKING DUMB! Quit chasing fake and inflated download numbers and respect the listeners.
  • MinnesYoda
    Splitting up the shows in parts is dumb
    But the show is still great just one of the dumbest decisions in podcasting history
  • Pablo455
    Change the format back
    Why do we need 3-5 separate podcasts for 1 show? What a stupid idea by I heart
  • kellystpaul
    Please don’t split episodes
    I’m not going to stop listening, but it’s a pain.
  • ebutz24
    Podcast change
    I don’t blame the guys and show content is still great but the new posting strategy is terrible. I understand pressure from corporate but it’s makes for a worse product and worse listening experience.
  • BishopTakesNight
    Getting to know new shows- thanks!
    While driving down the highway, my Podcasts switch from the first hour of Monday show to the first hour of Conan O’Brien show. It was a really good show I’m glad I got the chance to hear it. I haven’t had that chance before but since you switch your format to sending them out our by hour I get to hear a lot of new shows.
  • Mlaudy2342627
    Splitting episodes
    Stop splitting the same episodes. All it does is artificially create downloads. It loads into my podcast player in reverse so the episode don’t play through correctly. Dumb idea
  • 29LC
    Stop chopping the episodes up
    Nobody wants 3 episodes for each day. Keep it one long episode
  • T_Oakwood
    Politics getting in the way
    Used to be a daily listener, until it became apparent the hosts are suffering from TDS and constantly trying to make conservatives sound inferior. Hawkey got woke, Cove thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room, and Sauce’s bumbling idiot act was old 5 years ago. They all watch the same shows and just agree with each other on everything and beat every bit to death (see ayahuasca).
  • CamaroSR
    I was a daily listener, I loved the bits, I loved all the games. Politics got in the way of that.
  • Rob8282
    I have listened to this show for years and the fact that they just get better and better is crazy. Most shows go down hill over tim but not this one. The show has a cast of three hosts (Paul “Meatsauce” Lambert, Cory Cove, and Chris Hawkey). They have another regular on the show name Zach Halverson; Zach is someone I really like. The one thing about Zach which caught my attention was that I have never heard anyone sound like they were annihilated after drinking and then sound completely normal a minute later. It’s odd but yet intriguing; he actually reminds me of 2008-2009 Meatsauce. Tuesday’s through Thursday’s they have Sports Media HOF of Mark Rosen. Rosen is a movie buff and talks sports. He’s also the reason I know what the Alaskan Pipeline is and I am rather irritated that I know what is now. They work very well off of each other. I have never listened to a show that made laugh like these guys do. Everyday they have a regular crew of guests and it works well. Overall a great show based out of Minneapolis, Minnesota (St. Louis Park)
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