Let's Talk About Myths, Baby! Greek & Roman Mythology Retold

Arts #26

The most entertaining and enraging stories from mythology told casually, contemporarily, and (let's be honest) sarcastically. Greek and Roman gods did some pretty weird (and awful) things. Liv focuses on Greek and Roman mythology's (mis)treatment of women, the wild things the gods did, and the all around incredible minds of the ancient world. Gods, goddesses, heroes, monsters, and everything in between. Regular episodes every Tuesday, conversations with authors and scholars or readings of ancient epics every Friday.

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Recent Reviews
  • kaylalp98765
    Too Many Ads for a Show
    The content is interesting, but WAY too many ads every couple of minutes x makes it off putting to listen too…
  • Mcmarls_5
    How to Lose a Listener…
    Came to hear about mythology, but instead got ramblings of an unstable sounding person’s perspective of current North American societal issues. I felt compassion for their current hardships at first, but slowly got annoyed when they kept on and on about U.S. hot topics when I just was interested in hearing about ancient mythology. If I wanted to hear about controversial issues, I would not have decided to listen to a podcast on mythology. Hope things get better for you.
  • darth_tater_tot
    Couldn’t get past the errors
    I made it to episode 5 before I turned it off and decided to stop. In the first episode she states that Atlas hold up the earth, which is not the case. It’s the sky. But I gave it a pass because mythology is complicated and there are a thousand different versions of the tales (though I don’t think Atlas holds up the earth in any of them). But in the 5th episode she states that 1. The Greeks founded Knossos and the palace complex. They did not, that was the Minoans. The Minoans were not Greek, they did not speak a form of Greek, and predated the arrival of the Mycenaean Greeks. 2. One guy discovered Troy, and another guy discovered Mycenae. They were the same guy, Heinrich Schliemann. Something easily searchable. After that I couldn’t anymore.
  • Miss.Shammy
    I got to maybe the third episode and heard the host refer to Israel as one of the ancient Arab countries 😒 honey, Israel is an apartheid state, made up of European & American settlers, stealing Arab/Palestinian land and appropriating their culture. Right now there is a massive genocide going on against the Palestinians. I have ZERO patience or respect for anyone with a platform, especially one that centers around history, that can’t get it right. Also your voice is irritating. Bye! FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸
  • Dragon furry ma’am
    Love it
    Some of my friends got in to Greek miths and this helps me understand there yaping
  • lillmaru
    Go for it!
    I want to know more about Euripides too!
  • Etain3
    I hear you!
    The greatest and most real series of Greek myth and drama discussion and story telling. Liv is wonderful, intellectually adroit and blazingly original! Do yourself a favor and listen, you will not regret it. Thank you Liv, for all that you do, feel, and speak. Solidarity!
    Unfortunate rabbit trails
    Had promise but spends too much time on politics and personal views that I can’t stick around for the myths. Her potty mouth also detracts from her credibility. Too many F-bombs for me.
  • TelfoneCNM
    Best Mythology Podcast!!!
    I love this podcast SO much!! Well-researched and hilarious, Liv is an engaging storyteller who doesn’t shy away from acknowledging the brutality and general horror of women’s lives in the ancient and mythological worlds, while at the same time making her love of the classics very clear. That’s right folks, two things can be true at the same time. She draws astute parallels to modern life and somehow manages to keep it all incredibly funny. Liv is doing her part to dismantle the cis-hetero patriarchy through story telling, she’s a queen, and you should listen to this podcast
    I love this $#!T
    I'm so glad you found a use for all of your studies in continuing the oral traditions of story telling. Keep up the good work.
  • Jess9316
    Wish I found this pod sooner!
    I’ve loved Greek mythology since childhood and I am thrilled to have found this podcast. Liv’s passion for it makes every episode so enjoyable to listen to, and I love her interpretations and musings on the gender politics of the time. Keep doing what you’re doing, girl!
  • vkgarry73
    Coincidence? I think not!
    I recently saw an ad for this podcast in another one I subscribe to. I listened to the first episode and was hooked. I also recommended it to my daughter, and here’s where the coincidence comes in. My daughter’s name is Liv, and she’s a first year student at a liberal arts college, and recently declared a double major in Creative Writing and Classics. She’s passionate about Greek mythology, and has been elected as the co-counsel for the Collegia (classics club) on campus for the next academic year. I love listening to her talk, knowledgeably, about Greek and, occasionally, Roman myths. And, I’m enjoying Liv Albert’s podcast, too. As far as the insertion of “bad leftist” comments, well, that commenter forgot to say, “In my opinion…” If you didn’t get Liv’s views on mythology and feminism from the first episode, you need to pull your head out. And, while I’m sure Liv appreciates having as many listeners as possible, there are more podcasts with “bad right-wing” opinions, IMO, than you can shake a stick at. Why don’t you go into that echo chamber so you don’t get your snowflake feelings hurt. Sorry, Liv. I had to go there.
  • roguewarri0r
    recently found this podcast
    i’m obsessed with greek mythology and i’ve been binging every episode 10/10
  • Pdasla
    Great content/ bad leftist framework.
    This podcast is great and you should listen but this person has an annoying need to interject constant left wing / social Justice commentary into everything. It’s worth putting up with but I wish it wasn’t so colored by her present day worldview.
  • brit11eleven
    Needed That
    I deeply appreciated your rant about “colonial imperialism as a disease”…It is a soothing balm to hear a sane voice in an insane world.
  • Pitbullzee
    Don’t cry Liv
    We love you, your joyful voice lifts my spirits every episode
  • cfazz13
    educational & witty
    absolutely love this podcast. I’m still listening to the beginning episodes, so I have a ways to go. but man, I enjoy listening to it everyday. Liv’s musings on Greek mythology are hilarious. check it out for yourself.
  • fbiojgsarvbjojcdr
    My favorite mythological podcast
    I was bored with Greek mythology for years, the same stories told over and over, and usually badly- but Livs in depth background and multiple viewpoints of these stories rekindled my love for these stories- her interviews in particular are great and my favorite thing to do is throw one on while playing Assassins Creed Odyssey:)
  • doctorokult
    I Freaking Love This Stuff!!
    To say that Liv has utterly changed my understanding of Greek myth is an understatement! I had always been interested in mythology, ever since grade school, but Liv has opened my mind to the multitudes of perspectives contained within these ancient stories. Her focus on a feminist perspective is desperately needed in a world still firmly in the grasp of the patriarchy. I cannot recommend this podcast enough!!
  • RockyMTNQueen
    Came for the myths stayed for the history!
    I can’t praise this show enough! It has just the right amount of whimsy, realism and education. I starts from episode one about a year ago and was hooked immediately! I first heard about this podcast while listening to Ancient History Fan Girl and new I had to find and listen to it. I am finally caught up to the present and I have loved seeing how the show has evolved and gotten better with each episode. I loved the retelling and explanations of the mythology but I have to say I have enjoyed the history deep dives more! The Atlantis and Sparta series were great and I am really looking forward to this new season of Bronze Age Greece. Thank you so much for creating this show and forcing me to think deeper about some of these myths and histories. I truly loved every minute of it from the mythology episodes to the conversation episodes I definitely have some favorites but all are wonderful and powerful in their own way! Keep doing what you are doing and I look forward to more!
  • Meshell198011
    I absolutely love this show! I love your story telling and funny personality. I’ve learned so much!
  • Bhcworkerbee
    Spotify brought me here
    So you have a great podcast and the first I got hooked on. Besides the ads, the podcast and the stories are worth all my time. I work in fiberglass and pretty much bust butt for 10 hours a day and your stories make that time fly. I love hearing them. I know you appreciate these reviews and I appreciate your podcast! Thank you keeping up the raging feminist twist to it all! Best part I must say!
  • Hannahmac13
    Whimsical & fun
    I listen to these at work, which makes the work day a fun experience. I also love to read fantasy books, & knowing more about the origins/backstory of myths adds more dimension to the characters - which I LOVE!!
  • eirish
    Brilliant and Extremely Relevant
    Liv’s storytelling is magnificent and she takes no prisoners in discussing the horrors and misogyny of Greek mythology—while staying extremely entertaining rather than depressed and depressing. Helluva trick, that.
  • Abdwg1256
    So good
    I stumbled upon this podcast a few months ago when trying to expand my Greek myth knowledge and it has grown to become one of my favorite series. Liv is funny, knowledgeable and unafraid to point out the ugly tropes of Greek myth and I just love her.
  • PacWoman Khsh
    I finally caught up
    Hey liv, i'm a 24 yo masters student from iran and has been through some hard stuff in the past year too. i found your podcast in october when i was going through a really hard time and had trouble falling sleep so i tried to listen to podcast when i was ready to go to sleep. I remember i was trying some podcasts with some key words about my field of study to help me get motivated to finish my degree and it wasn't doing it for me so one night i thought i wanna know more about mythology and found your podcast, your content was so interesting that i stayed awake all night just obsessively listening to your episodes from the first one ( with the exception of some that were about a movie or a book i wanted to watch/read first) and after months of listening i finally caught up. You really helped me through some hard days and i wanted to thank you for that, actually you motivated me to read so much of the sources in the past few months and have so much mythology knowledge that i couldn't keep in my brain. So i started an instagram page to try to retell these myths in persian because not enough people in iran know how funny myths can be and they need to. I hope you find a way to feel better soon.
  • pfun1
    A hidden gem!
    So glad I found this gem of a podcast. It’s become my obsession as I have recently found Greek Mythology fascinating and Liv does a great job sharing these with wit and humor. A must listen!
  • FlawlessJo
    So good!
    Liv does an amazing job making the classics relatable! I also love the recent dive into ancient geography, it’s so crazy cool hearing about ancient places and peoples who still exist under the same names!
  • Baylor Jay
    Hilarious & educational!
    After listening for a long time I am finally caught up to all the episodes! So much so that I listened to the show for 13,000 minutes in 2023! So worth it! Liv and all her guests bring a fun and modern perspective to ancient mythology and history! If you want to learn but have fun while doing it, then this is the show for you!
  • Mgarcia9
    I am almost caught up on this show and I have absolutely loved it, I love the way you tell stories and my favorite episodes are the greek plays that you go through. Thank you for doing this and making them so enjoyable
  • rozalyn lehman lll the best
    To liv
    I’m just ten years old and I love to learn about these Greek stories I specially love the spooky season ones.
  • myka:)
    I found this podcast about a year ago and i absolutely love it so much. I have always loved greek mythology and i never knew how to go about learning more about the original texts of these stories. Liv and her podcast has just increased my love for all these stories and i love listening to this podcast whenever possible!
  • Goth ghost king
    Let’s talk about myths baby is amazing!
    I just recently started listening but I love this podcast. I’ve been into mythology since 1st grade and this podcast is an amazing source for mythology. I love all of the sarcasm and how Liv calls out all of the sexism and toxic masculinity and the various other problems. Greek mythology is amazing but let’s face it, it’s got some problems. I also love how she mentions Achilles and Patroclus probably being in a relationship and how this podcast is like hey being gay isn’t a new thing. I just love this podcast so much.
  • MonsieurBooyah
    Let's talk about Liv, Baby!
    Liv has developed THE pre-eminent podcast on ancient mythology out there. Her continual self-improvement in spreading awareness of context, translations, and sources, combined with her format variety from conversations to direct readings has created a wonderful example of what is possible for other creators. While Liv is focused on Greece, I hope others take up the torch to teach other stories from around the world in such a thoughtful and interesting way
  • Ajudy1989
    Random question are you an Aries and a snake 89 or 10 years before that? will born in 89?
    I came across your podcast today something I don’t honestly I’ve never read about Greek mythology. I’ve never nothing anyways in numerology. I’m at three and I believe that there is power in the numbers 369 and I’m gonna comment on the three episodes that you did and while you were doing these episodes, I was talking to my sister telling her that I knew all the stuff and I didn’t know how I knew it and how could I know this information without living back then, I would really like to converse with you 2-22-89 8/13/89 7/27/89 I remember my past life and everything that you have talked about in September 2023 Done some study and I’m finally understanding. Why am remembering the person that murdered me in my past life oh, didn’t do any time or only did like one day in prison or in jail didn’t even have to go to prison. And I think a lot of people are upset about the Friday, the 13th ax murdererax 41 times to tell you the truth it was justifiable I mean I did confront her and hit her first. anyways, my name is Anngelica O’Connor, and I was born on 81389 And I always want to say that I was born on Friday the 13th however, I died on Friday 13th 6/13/1980 Plzzz Help I just want to talk who care if no on believing in it but I guarantee they will Anngelica O’Connor is not very well educated I’ve been in prison pretty much my whole life barely learning how to read when I was in prison and there is a solar eclipse or something to happen in November 2020 I accidentally took 20 hits acid and I haven’t been normal every since I feel like I can communicate with things I got into tarot every persons cards ever Ritter any messages ever ever gave to anyone has been accurate. I was in a nine year relationship with this girl who almost killed me. She stab me 14 times. I got step March all up and down my right side in the back of my head on my leg I got a lot of scars I broke up with her because I was sitting in Jail and I was reading a book of snap just before I took the acid. This is February February 14 February 14 of 2016 is when my girlfriend stabbed me 14 times and I went to jail for 90 days because I didn’t want her to get in trouble or end up in prison for the rest of her life while in prison, I met this girl named Victoria and I got out of prison in 2020 in November. Did the acid the solar eclipse in that girl victorious? She stabbed her girlfriend T 2 death 47 times I mean communicate with people who have died like an accidental death or got murdered or like left you soon **** Ghufran **** Al -That’s what it’s all about whatever you can’t Ghufran from in this life you’ll have to Ghufran in the other side of life span in one form or another you’re the exact opposite then you once was Treated as your six year doing this and I’m big on 369 please like I don’t even care if you have any talk on your show reach out to me 702-528-4264. Please reach out to me. I feel like I’ve been looking for you for 8 life spans
    All the stuff I slept through in school
    Liv’s enthusiasm for the subject drew me in — I stopped by to hear more about the white supremacist origins of Atlantis & other “lost civilizations” and ended up listening to five episodes that first day! I recommend it to my friends who want something besides true crime to get hooked on.
  • ciehomskik
    Great podcast!
    Really enjoy this podcast! A few episodes in, but its super fun
  • MrPotter07
    Challenge for Liv
    Well, I’ve been listening for quite while now. I didn’t think I’d make it this far, but the vitriol (thankfully) has been toned down quite a bit. She says she doesn’t hate men, but I really feel like she does… 🤷🏼‍♂️ Challenge for Liv: do an episode about a man you hate, but explain away his misdoings the same way you do for the women. It’ll be a fun game! Anyway, I listen for the stories, so it’s good for that. The conversations are boring, but I just skip those.
  • Zeus1!
    I love hearing Liv and her added insight and excitement adds so much to each podcast! TGwinn
  • loreleifirebier
    Liv is easy to listen to
    I personally need podcasts to be fun and conversational because i have a very short attention span. this one fits the bill and is also so informative and liv tells stories with a lot of passion. if you’ve struggled to learn about greek mythology through other mediums, this is your chance—it’s like having a friend explain it to you :)
  • Bradymama5
    I’ve been running through the archive so fast! I love this!
  • HailCthulhu
    From one mythology nerd to another, thank you!
    I’ve been a mythology nerd since I was literally five, and I love this podcast! It has lots of interesting takes on stories I already know, as well as some that I didn’t know. I also have a new interest in Greek drama now. I just spent last weekend hunting in used bookstores for translations of Euripides thanks to you! My only criticism is that I’d like to hear more from your cat. Thanks!
  • ScienceForTheUnscientific
    Love this show!
    I have been listening to this show for about 2 years now and have recently gotten through the entire back library. The way the podcast expanded from just retelling the stories to including all the context as Liv’s knowledge has grown has been great to watch, and I love the feminist perspective. I also wanted to say thank you, because the Atlantis pre-bunking series inspired me to use my machine learning background to start a Substack that tries to clearly explain new scientific concepts so people don’t fall down a QAnon rabbit hole.
  • Katrinae
    I cannot stop listening
    You are hilarious Liv! I love this podcast
  • oneunhappyteenagerlmao
    i absolutely love this podcast!!! i’ve been listening for about a year and a half now and it just gets better and better! i love liv’s feminist take on these ancient myths and stories! it’s amazing how well she balances appreciating them and (much needed) critiquing of them as well!!! this podcast is so amazing!!!!!! 10/10 i recommend it to literally anyone with the slightest interest in mythology at all
  • maggezz
    Such a great find!
    This podcast is fantastic. Liv is a great storyteller and this podcast got me through a cross-country roadtrip. I learn so much and I will keep listening!
  • 🥰🥰🥰😘🥰😘😘
    This love
    Helps me so much thanks x
  • MargaretField
    Try this!
    If you are one of those who always likes Greek Myths, Trojan War stories, and the adventures of Agamemnon and Oedipus you have to try listening to Liv. Intelligent, real research and new insights
  • _k8fin
    Best podcast ever
    Liv’s Happiness and authentic enthusiasm is so contagious it’s impossible to be sad listening to her! Thank you Liv for helping more than you could ever know🤍
  • CannonFodderSA
    Ancient Greek myths are fascinating!
    This podcast is wonderful, all about the weirdness and awesomeness of Greek myths. Liv Albert’s love of the subject is evident in her enthusiastic and melodic delivery. She also frequently has great guests to bring insight into specific topics. 5 stars!
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