After Hours

Business #115Management #12

Harvard Business School professors discuss and debate current events that sit at the crossroads of business and culture. Youngme Moon, Mihir Desai, and Felix Oberholzer-Gee engage in a spirited discussion on a range of topics torn from the headlines — from Facebook, to free trade, to the #MeToo movement. Informed by their unique expertise as professors at one of the world’s leading business schools, their takes are always surprising, unconventional, and insightful.

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Recent Reviews
  • Kevinaom
    Great Show.. When it is on..
    I hate that invest time in getting to know a podcast and listening to it, then looking forward to it, then all of a sudden it just disappears. No messages, not thoughts nothing.. it is just gone. I think to keep it “warm” they had a “best of” which was weak. How much effort would it take to tell subscribers what is going on? Not much. So, if it comes back like it was and it is consistent then I would rate this pretty highly. However, I give it 2 stars because you just never know when it is going to be on.
  • Jill C
    A Break?
    Looks like the show is taking a break. I hope that it comes back!
  • Gludalaargh
    It used to be great
    The first few seasons instilled a Pavlovian response in me when I heard the intro music. I loved the agreeable disagreement between the three hosts, and thought it was a master class in civil discourse. Since Youngme left, and especially since the guests stopped coming on, the show lost its appeal for me. There need to be three folks on, and they need to have different perspectives, otherwise, no matter how much I admire both Mihir and Felix, it just becomes two intelligent fellows talking. Oh, and please stop with the ICYMI episodes, Ted, there’s a reason we can look back at the entire catalog in our podcast apps—you don’t need to pander to us.
  • bflock
    When are we getting new shows?
    Love the show. But since the December wrap-up, nothing new for two months. And now the feed is just republishing old episodes. Seems like there’s plenty to talk about in the world of business and economics. What gives??
  • Bluecloudwings
    Need you back!
    You have become my life essential. Look forward to the new season!
  • Shu_Shu~
    When will you guys be back???
    Hi, Felix and Mihir~ If you guys cannot return in October. I might think about quitting my job. Thank you.
  • Ianmoran
    Still good, but miss Youngme
    I still look forward to most episodes and really think this is still a good podcast but it’s definitely missing a crucial element without Youngme
  • eishnar
    Phenomenal podcast for young adults and college grads
    Highly recommended for any young adult wanting to get insight about the business world. The dynamic between the hosts is fabulous and they are incredibly thoughtful in their contemplations and meditations on each topic. Update: changed to three stars ever since youngmee left. The dynamic just doesn't work any longer. Something has felt off since her departure. Please bring her back!
  • Filly Bu$ter
    Very Interesting, in a good way
    The hosts are very warm & humble. The guests are consistently (100%} good. They are curious about the world & each other and love to share what they are thinking and have discovered. I love listening to them.
  • ytram6
    Hidden Gem!
    So glad I found this podcast. I really appreciate the variety of topics and the genuine discussion. Love to hear the different points of view and supportive argument. Kudos to the team!!! Thank you.
  • cbrock84
    A Refreshing Dive into the World of Business
    As an avid podcast listener, I have come across numerous shows that cover business and management topics, but none have captivated me quite like After Hours. Hosted by the dynamic duo Felix and Mehir, this podcast stands out for its objectivity and insightful analysis. From the moment you start listening to After Hours, you're instantly drawn in by the engaging and lively banter between Felix and Mehir. They have a natural chemistry that makes even complex concepts easy to digest. Their passion for business is contagious, and it keeps you wanting more. One of the key reasons that After Hours is my favorite podcast is the hosts' commitment to being objective. In a world where it's easy to find biased opinions and sensationalist headlines, Felix and Mehir's thoughtful and impartial approach is truly refreshing. They present well-researched information and analyze different perspectives, giving listeners the opportunity to form their own opinions. Another standout feature of After Hours is the depth of its content. While many podcasts scratch the surface of business news, Felix and Mehir delve deep into the underlying issues and trends, providing listeners with a more comprehensive understanding of the topics they cover. It's evident that they put in a lot of effort to research and prepare for each episode, and their dedication to providing quality content is clear. Not only do Felix and Mehir cover a wide range of topics, but they also make an effort to include diverse voices and perspectives from various industry experts. This inclusion adds depth to the discussions and provides a well-rounded view of the business world. In summary, if you're looking for an engaging, informative, and objective podcast on business and finance, look no further than After Hours. With Felix and Mehir at the helm, you're in for an enlightening and enjoyable listening experience. Highly recommended!
  • notAfan98
    Bring back Youngme Moon
    The piece on India was interesting but incomplete. Democracy has been both India’s strength and weakness. China’s economic miracle was built by decree not consent and India seems to be moving in that authoritarian direction. The jailing of political opponents before elections, tax audits of companies that don’t toe the Hindu nationalist line and punishing news media that are critical of the government (see Economist) are all signals of where the Mohdi government wants to go. A discussion of India’s political direction would have made the episode more complete.
  • Avidscifan
    Listening to that episode with Liz Hoffman about Wore Corporate culture backlash was deflating. The point of views expressed are full of fear about holding corporations accountable for doing their part to make the world and work-life better. Forget about corporate responsibility…they ignored this elephant in the room. Going backwards is not the answer. Separating the public sector from the corporate sector is not the answer and impossible. The commentators and Liz Hoffman have too narrow of a view and seem reluctant to think outside the box. I expected to be inspired. But, they regurgitated the same non-working philosophies from 50 years ago. I challenge you to step outside yourself into someone else’s shoes to gain the point of view needed to do better. I want to reclaim my time that I gave up to listen to this “talk”.
  • Tmerk
    Two words: ECHO CHAMBER
    I appreciate the discussion and willingness to dive in on tough and touchy topics, but wow. A few recent episodes have shown what an echo chamber the podcast and hosts are. Specifically, the episode about new weight loss drugs was incredibly narrow and fear-mongering; presenting a very one-sided view about the dangers of extra weight. Instead of coming across as sincerely caring, they continued present a one-sided view and their tendency for confirmation bias. Not to mention the increase in prevalent of eating disorders and disordered eating, in people of every size. As a person recovering from such things, this episode was massively out of touch, dangerous, and triggering.
  • Gtbmed
    Great business insight, but I finally had to drop it
    I had enjoyed the show and how the hosts would have some excellent insights into business and markets. However, the narrowness of their understanding finally got to me with how they approached other topics. The following examples stood out to me. The inability to understand the chip blockade of China and using the dumb Iranian drones as an example of why we should keep selling advanced chips to China because it wouldn’t affect security concerns made me actually yell “that’s not how that works you idiot” out loud while driving to work. Then a later discussion about demographics and suggested policies showed a complete lack of awareness of the current realities. Affordable child care will not matter if you don’t have enough people of the right age to have children. Also, no talk of how industrialization led to lower birth rates. I mean they even had Ravi on for these discussions. I guess this kind of shortsightedness explains why MBAs have been great for cutting company costs in the short term, but failing to be ready long term. C’mon HBS.
  • smolpepe
    highlight of my work week
    i’m a big fan of after hours and have been listening for years. the discussions on this podcast tend to walk that fine line of being accessible without sacrificing depth or circumspection. i do have one quibble: the lineup often has a guest spot post-youngme’s departure, and these guests are quite hit or miss. for fewer misses, i would ask that the hosts vary their choice of guest more and lean away from repeat guests that dilute the discussion with more frivolous contributions. (e.g., the discussion of LDIs being met with “ew the bond market!” from the bloomberg opinion fact, that guest’s frequent silly takes and clear discomfort with any topics more substantial than elon-mania or lean in make me consciously skip episodes that feature her) anyway, keep up the good work!
  • sarahrrrrrrr
    Brilliant, brilliant brilliant!!
    Thank you so much for keeping our minds working and your intelligent and witty banter that I look forward to every week!
  • yvonneguyihonh
    Awesome podcast
    One of my favorite podcasts and I look forward to listening to it every Wednesday going into work. Topics are all over the board, which is interesting, even touch upon some areas I have very little knowledge about. For the topics I am familiar with, I found myself talking along as if I am joining the conversation! And I love all the picks at the end of the show.
  • Rzaryan
    Great show but stop featuring Adam grant
    Love the show and enjoy the fun vibe they add to business topics. But they need to cut out the Adam Grant advertisements in the intro. After hours is fun because it feels unscripted and authentic. Adam Grant is the opposite — rehearsed and synthetic.
  • Gabrieldeo
    Great podcast, bad long ads
    What’s up with a 3 min ad for a new podcast? No thank you.
  • Glleee
    Consistently Great Pod
    Love the banter and informative info. My favorite part is the recommendations at the end. The personal finance episode was fantastic, I’d love to see more content like that! Actionable advice for your average consumer.
  • 暴躁到想打人
    Can more details be added in description?
    I love every episode of After Hours. I found it very helpful to have a more detailed description of the recommendations. It’s easier to check out those fantastic recommendations. Previous you can even find links to those books, musics, websites…could you add that feature back? Thanks a lot!
  • Brigitta P
    Thought provoking!
    An exceptional cast who bring the listener to the table. This podcast offers an in depth analysis within the exciting world of business. The topics are thought provoking and keep you thinking long after post credits of the podcast. Thank you so much to Felix, Mihir and Youngme. You inspire us!
  • grclala
    The show needs Youngme
    Felix is great with offering an unique angle on opinions or topics, however, without Youngme, the show lacks balance in practicality vs. textbook; the latter is more obtainable while Youngme brings in the former. I would rate 5 with Youngme and 3 without.
  • acajoeBabyO
    Takis Fuego!
    5 stars for recommending takis, best shout out in the last 3 years as listener! Keep up the good work
  • BTO205
    Where is YoungMe?
    I love the show and the substitutes are fine but I miss YMM.
  • texasfan11
    Bring back Youngme!
    Loved this podcast when Youngme was a host. Without her, the show seems to lack knowledge on products that the other hosts should know but don’t. She brought the most valuable insight to the table.
  • This Ken
    Pretend business professors
    What kind of a business professor would have a fantasy about taking control of a business and then shrinking or eliminating it. Any business that would allow such an idiot control deserves to go under and be replaced with competent competition. Any business professor who thinks business drives demand for long established products instead of demand driving business decisions to produce is not fit to call himself a business professor or to be hired by any credible business school.
  • ypt2022
    Fantastic 3
    Thank you for sharing your wisdom and profound insights not only on business, but also on everything, including your recommendations! I love how you interact with each other. Listening to your podcast is always uplifting in every way. This is my most favorite podcast! I very much appreciate the precious time you spent on this podcast given your demanding teaching and research schedules. With greatest appreciation!
  • Jonathan JM
    What happened?
    Do you guys know what happened to the podcast? Was it cancelled? 😟
  • Deanster1394!
    New Favorite Podcast!
    I found out about this podcast just a week ago and I’ve binged the majority of 2021s episodes. I love the banter between the three hosts and how they mix interesting business topics with humor and culture. I also appreciate the recommendations at the end. My favorite episode has of course been the predictions for 2022.
  • anniesy
    Love this podcast!
    This is one of only a few podcasts that I listen to every week and I look forward to each new episode. The conversations Youngme, Mihir and Felix have are timely, educational, thoughtful and fun! Great topics and I absolutely love the picks!!
  • KaiserBeck
    The smartest 30 min of my week
    A brilliant show made by brilliant people. I love the chemistry between the hosts as much as I appreciate their insights into the topics they discuss. Without fail, their comments will expand my perspective and work their way into my conversations with friends.
  • reviewernamedjo
    My favorite podcast
    I love this podcast! The hosts have such great chemistry and make potentially boring topics fun and easy to understand. Their picks are great. I look forward to it every week.
  • 04Ry
    What fun!
  • jfvfhkbsebb
    Why is no one talking about this show???!
    I listen to a lot of podcasts but came upon this one very randomly when I searched “Peleton”. I not only listened to the episode that the search provided, but ended up bingeing severe episodes in one night. The banter between the hosts, the wit, the insight, the culture…I love it all!! Please keep it up!
  • elgodsey
    Hands down the best podcast streaming.
    Hands down the best podcast streaming. My whole family enjoys listening.
  • Quolorado
    Pure tinned fish!!!!
    I look forward to the thoughtful discussion every week and have listened for years without disappointment. The analysis is first rate but stay tuned for the recommendations! Youngme’s new love of F1, Mihir’s hack of reselling Legos on eBay, and Felix’s love of obscure music deeply enrich my life - polka excluded. Keep up the great work After Hours!
  • Dimate
    Good fun but one sided
    I enjoy most of the discussion by the intelligent and knowledgeable hosts but sometime the dialog strikes me as superficial. For instance, today’s conversation about threat of a long term inflation failed to mention a very key element of the situation: that unlike in the 70s the Fed would be hesitant to raise rates aggressively because US national debt is so much higher now and with higher rates a much higher share of federal spend (up to 30%) would have to go to the debt service.
  • rbongni
    Love it
    My favorite podcast. Very informative, entertaining and the hosts have a great dynamic together.
  • Simon25579
    One of the best!
    It's always fun, thought-provoking and up to date. Each episode is as if you were next to your best friends, discussing interesting topics. Thanks for the show, it helped me a lot to stay connected to the world during the pandemic.
  • ap1983ilovepodcast
    Best podcast!
    Love this show!
  • applesd111
    Fantastic podcast
    Informative, entertaining and with a global perspective.
  • Bamboo Breeze
    One of the best podcasts
    Informative and fun. Please keep up the great work.
  • jzmv11
    I never write reviews
    But they’re that good. Worth it.
  • savan fan
    Best for info and entertainment
    Love the style of this show. Fast moving, always makes me think. I find I recommend it to someone every week. Great variety of topics
  • solangesss
    Love this show
    Relevant conversations, smart and light hearted. The recommendations segment is so great as well. Always looking forward to new episodes.
  • Angad NYC
    Smart, interesting, funny. Nice balance of substance and entertainment.
  • drdileepunni
    Fantastic show
    I have been a regular listener for one season.. fantastic show so far..
  • MYOL
    We missed the three of you!
    At long last, you are back! Still so observant, analytical, insightful with a good dose of wit and never-take-yourself-too-seriously. Do keep going. Your podcast was my few minutes of sanity and intelligent conversation. We have not had much of that in the last four years from the loudmouths out there. Love the other socio-cultural aspects of our lives.
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