The Matt Walsh Show


Fed up with the talking heads? Matt gives you a no-holds-barred take on today’s cultural, religious, and political issues. Monday thru Friday.

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Recent Reviews
  • flymiester
    You don’t need the Daily Wire
    I recently canceled my daily wire membership because I could no longer ignore the fact at the entire show producers opine for Israel. I do not support the Jew, but I have always enjoyed Matt Walsh’s commentary on the degeneracy and degradation of American society. He is always been on point regarding the transgender issue the champion of normal family values. Keep up the good work Matt, but I will not support your host channel.
  • Cindybeebabe
    Matt, I think it's hilarious that you got a host to take your place who thinks anyone who doesn't love Pitbulls is a sociopath!! 😂 😂
  • Antiterrorism613
    #1 fan
    This has to be the greatest podcast in the world. Legit gives me a great laugh every day! Thanks Matt! Sweet baby gaaanng!!
  • Big Sincho
    A slope as slippery as abortion. The doctor will see you now. Considering that one of the side effects of the mood drugs peddled on TV is suicidal ideation it seems that the medical industrial complex is working on a self fulfilling prophecy. The destruction of another once trusted institution. Great show Matt!
  • Mitchincolorado
    Straight Shooter!
    Can count on Matt to give solid candid analysis of the daily news and social postings….even the crazy stuff! He will call the kettle black!!
  • aussie #2
    Podcast review
    Without a doubt this is my favorite podcast. Matt tells it like it is and I love his honesty and also his sarcasm. Keep up the great work Matt. I look forward to his podcast every weekday
  • Cryptodnut
    Five for the triggered review section alone
    I’m cracking up at these reviews, whiny little petulant man children abound.
  • listener ces
    Total enjoyment
    I really appreciate the information, sarcasm and humor Matt shares with us weekly.
  • hackasaurus
  • Boattaxi
    Tried to listen to it a handful of times.
    Walsh’s arrogance is obnoxious to say the least. The flannel bearded fake macho thing, for a guy who was never in the military, never accomplished anything “manly”. Just obnoxious.
  • Flo N Eddie
    The best!
    If you could listen to only one political podcast, this should be it.
  • Brooks Mara
    Addicted to this show
    Love Walsh, love his humor and intellect and steadfast SANITY! Sweet baby gang forever! 🩷🩷🩷
  • e5150112222
    You’re an excellent example of how terrible boomers were at raising children…
  • .-.-.-.-heidoshwns
    Unapologetically true and funny
    Matt honestly has the perfect mix of sarcastic statements and great stances on the world. If you’re looking for a great right-winged podcast to keep you up to date on the world and keep you entertained, this is the one.
  • jbon sr
    Spotify favs
    Hope this becomes a weekly segment. Haven’t heard any of these songs. Heard of Morgan W. Agree that I cannot take the face tattooed dude seriously. Saw the singer of the 0/10 song on SNL. She’s a 9/10.
  • Voodoo-clam
    Nuclear family
    What happened to SBG?
  • Second Variety
    Proud Boy Walsh
    Matt Walsh is a Gavin McInnes wannabe. Walsh has got the McInnes hipster look and snark down to a tee. The Daily’s Ben Shapiro obviously doesn’t care—might also be a Proud Boy fan like the former mango president.
  • The Midwestern American
    How refreshing to find a podcast that isn’t censored, woke, and full of lies like we see in other podcasts and new stations. Thank you, Matt for your honesty and willingness to tell the truth! We Americans stand behind you and support you all the way! God bless the USA!! 🇺🇸
  • kmerrrrrrrr
    So grateful men like matt still exist
    This show is great. I have been a regular listener since 2021. Felt compelled to write a review after listening to Matt’s daily cancellation of Stefanie Hills, Kansas City Chiefs aspiring HR director. Her tok’s were soooo cringe. Matt, as always your takes are funny and on point. Thank you for this show!!!
  • HelloImDefault
    I really enjoy Matts’ dry humor
    I think it’s great he says things that others wont touch with a twelve-foot pole. I don’t agree with him on some things of course, but it’s great we have a giant mix of people on the planet! A lot of them are really cool. You never know what one will do! Thanks for all your time and also your dedication to truth, Matt Walsh!!
  • Gnome chopper
    Matt has taken the place of Rush Limbaugh. Unfortunately he is much more insane. Rush made sense and was funny. Even fat liberals liked him. Jack Germond loved his humor. Matt says many things that should be said. I applaud that. He is totally right about trans. Unfortunately, he is a superstitious and unscientific baboon on so many things. Abortion, pharmaceuticals and walruses.
  • DudeSeriously🤨
    I realize it isn’t for everyone but Matt is a professional ranter. He rants with more passion and clarity than anything I have ever seen. Truly inspirational.
  • DonaldTrumpnisaclown
    Keep it up King
    You’re a hero to all us petulant man children in the world who lash and when things don’t go our way keep it up.
  • Theboy9
    Was that free Palestine joke in 1362 too soon?
    Matt sometimes your jokes can go a little too far for me but every thing else is cool
  • Savage Lynel Crusher
    Matt is the best
    Everyone writing these bad reviews clearly have room temperature IQ. Matt is hilarious, clever, and quick witted. His dry sense of humor is enough to keep me following for life and Matt is the one of the only people both smart and brave enough to speak the truth in this corrupt, biased world. He clearly doesn’t care when people call him racist or phobic. His analogies are both accurate and funny. People are whining about him because he love God and his country.
  • PoseidonSLBM
    Pet hippo 🤣
    Thae hippo / pit bull comparison was a masterclass in sarcasm 🤣🤣🤣 keep up the great work matt !
  • robster7996
    Ep. 1360
    I am a late model Boomer and a former Catholic who chose to find answers my parents and those old crusty priest at our parish who had the same answer for all of my questions as a boy; it's a mystery. So I left after my parents divorced and wandered through a Bible a friends parent gave me. We didn't read the Bible in my home so this was an eye-opener. Then I discovered KPDQ 93.7fm a conservative protestant radio station and John MacArthur in 1978. Your dry but spot on. Kudos as we say in the Navy and Bravo Matt even if you are a Papist. 😉
  • ItburnswheniPVP
    Best member of DW
    Walsh is the best talent they have at the Daily Wire, he’s by far the most objective host they have bar none.
  • f_ckpeople
    Try this
    Exchange "pit bull" for "black man" and you will see why it's not the breed. The raising is always the reason, or do we need to eliminate black men?
  • Hypnotropia
    Philosophical and Critically Important
    Matt Walsh is, and deserves to be known as, one of the most important and honest philosophers of our time. His logic, ethics, and epistemology are not only relevant and accurate, but he doesn’t water down, alter, deflect or deny the Truth just to avoid hurting the feelings of those who make themselves irrelevant and their own feelings invalid by doing or supporting evil and through their own self-contradictory belief systems and ideologies. If you can be strong enough to set your emotions aside and use something a little more dependable and a little less transitory - such as rationalism and logic, or at the very least - curiosity - you might actually learn a lot from Matt Walsh.
  • Splud22
    Why rated explicit?
    Apple decided to censor this show by making it explicit all the sudden. Edit: looks like they changed it back.
  • kimochka62
    Why don’t the Right protest?
    Dear Matt, Conservatives like us are busy working so we can’t just “ take off” to go protest something! The left are collecting a government check so they have lots of time to waste. Thanks for the laughs as always!
  • Split02
    Great show
    Very funny, not woke.
  • ElCid16
    Objectively true
    Great show about the CEO of NPR. You bring up a great point: if there’s no objective truth according to Maher, then why should we believe what she says about anything? It’s only “her truth”.
  • Scottygrohl
    No one star reviews offer any real criticisms, only unhinged crying by leftists angry at Walsh.
  • poopoosanicknick
    On episode #1349…
    Why don’t women just play for the men’s team? According to the WNBA, there’s no unfair advantage when men play on women’s teams. So what’s the problem?! Go for the big dollars ladies!! Thrown on that jock strap and make those millions!
  • Victor Jungreis
    Matt fan
    Been listening for over 3 years! He has a way with words like no other.
  • One_Quiet_Man
    Top Notch
    Matt Keep up the great work.
  • susan0877
    Smart, funny and insightful
    Just great. Always makes me laugh and think
  • DDsLaboratory
    Disagree A Lot with Walsh
    I really disagree heavily with Walsh on a lot of things, but its a great show to listen and disagree with. Very well put together, funny, good intro music, and captivating
  • Jess1874
    Another one of these losers?
    I’m beginning to lose track of all the incels that have podcasts now. Looks like this is one of them. This show can be thoroughly enjoyed by anyone that has no friends or family, works a low paying/low skill job, or is a product or inbreeding. It’s nice to see that they have a voice out there. Bless their hearts.
  • Tomoya L
    Yes youre the problem
    Hug your mom and get over it
  • FKG209
    I never miss an episode! Matt is a genius plain and simple. SBG4L
  • Sundrop 32
    Great Show!
    One of my favorites. Matt's dry sense of humor makes me chuckle even though the news is dark. Keeps things real. Keep it up ! An important voice in all the insanity
  • trucker Bryan
    Dude is funny
  • pjr073
    Truth delivered with humor
    His “no nonsense” perspective on culture and politics are SO refreshing! And it’s hilarious as well.
  • Urawalnut1
    I love this show
    You are my favorite podcast!!😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
  • Domi Maldy
    Satire and Blunt - genius
    I love the Matt Walsh show. His satire and dry humor is hilarious! You need to understand humor to get it. People take everything he says literally, which really he is joking using satire. He doesn’t get super political and covers things that are culturally relevant. Yes, he has some views that are not popular, like therapy. But he actually talked to Jordan Peterson. He debates people, so he is actually opened minded.
  • Westsideconnetion
    Matt is really good!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
  • WNY Leatherneck
    Not to be Missed!
    Astute and logical commentary on a daily basis. Documentation of the sad decline of our nation
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