Marketplace Morning Report

Business #84

In less than 10 minutes, we’ll get you up to speed on all the news you missed overnight. Throughout the morning, Marketplace’s David Brancaccio will bring you the latest business and economic stories you need to know to start your day. And before U.S. markets open, you’ll get a global markets update from the BBC World Service in London. 

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Recent Reviews
  • CraigCode1010
    Two stars off because of the commercials
    I do not want to listen to Lee Hawkins and I'm tired of hearing the commercials, sometimes multiple on the same episode. This is not the only commercial they have done this with and I’m close to unsubscribing because of this annoyance alone.
  • Kevin Gz
    Burn volume
    Please keep normal tone, very annoying
  • lhxung1234567889
    Random things put together, undiversified sources, many ads and bias news
    The podcast feels pleasant and friendly at first but over time, I realize it is very biased, and it start to feel like they put together a lot of random things, so many important news are usually missing if you listen to a diverse sources of news. Commentators keep coming from one sources if it is about economics. They also have so many ads that keep popping up many times during a 10 min show. I don’t think I will keep listening to this podcast.
  • Jonbsan
    Great up to date information
    Required listening if you want facts about markets and economy without any spin. I do wish Leanna Burn would would pick a volume though - she starts each sentence with a shout and ends with a whisper - difficult to listen to on headphones.
  • Raj-Pdx
    Always Good morning listening to this Podcast
    I am listening this podcast practically every morning for many years without fail, and get my daily global economy round up in a concise format without much redundant verbosity.
  • semipenguin
    Informing and entertaining
    Marketplace has some of my favorite podcasts. Great hosts. I learn a lot from subjects I never thought about
  • Frustrated9876
    Giving it a one star because the episodes are short, barely hit the point of what the tagline is, then abruptly and loudly, there will be an ad. If I was listening to the episode on headphones, my ears would hurt. Why can’t there be a warning for the ad? Better yet, put it in the beginning or ending.
  • Soartan in Western CO
    Mostly great
    A couple issues 1) you sign up for 1, but get 3 podcasts (2 US based, 1 UK) every day. 2) they semi-regularly veer off from economic to news to political discussions, such as a recent money in politics series. Please leave that to regular npr stories. I am impressed they just used Rage Against the Machine as break music though!
  • Missing pinkie
    Great show but please…
    For the love of God, please rethink that screeching, irritating sound design at the top of the show. Makes me cringe every time.
  • boomer and proud of it
    Your ads are annoying
    I have enjoyed your show for years, but if you have David Spade and Keenan, somebody on those annoying ads, I am less than impressed.
  • Sunshine on my shoulders...
    Great show. But so. many. ads.
    Love the show and the rest of the Marketplace offerings. But lately, there’s a huge spike in ads. I get it - you need money. But please consider the general listening experience as well. Thank you!
  • grrlgamerr
    Too many ads!
    I always enjoyed Marketplace on public radio, and now I like getting its content as a podcast. And the stories have always been brief. Now they feel the need to insert 3-4 30 sec ads in an approximately 8 min episode. It is almost unlistenable. You are produced with NPR funding, just stop the garbage advertising!
  • STITrish
    Overall essential
    I can do without the “takes you there” stories and always skip those but Marketplace makes me better informed otherwise.
  • papahuff
    Show with Potential
    Potentially a lot of good kick off the morning data. However the insistence that the core good of this show is about equality and environment is tiring. Both are important pieces of the topic but the topic has a thousand different pieces and these are just two. Now they offer a “crash course” and what is mentioned you will learn? Equality and environment. Either the podcaster or those that sponsor it have a clear agenda to make people see things their way, not get better at Economics.
  • CPJunior
    Great morning show!
    The show is a necessary part of day. Out they really had me bought in once I heard a part of the Persona 5 soundtrack during their transition to a new story! Bravo! “Wake up, Get up, Get out there!”
  • Meatbed
    New Host
    For the new host, I am open to listening, but he needs practicing interviewing. Really is ruining the listening experience. Please listen better to the guests, stop interrupting them and ask questions that are more pertinent to what they respond from previous questions. Long time listener and career media producer. Will change/update review if I hear improvements.
  • Kékcsillag
    Too many ads
    Every Podcast nowadays is loaded with advertising, totally irrelevant to the show. Enough! Unsubscribing. Sayonara!
  • GliterGirlPixie
    Hosts refer to women as "pregnant people," "uterus haters," and other objectifying terms.
  • POTUS 45 Fan
    Keep trying to convince us that record inflation is being caused by the war in Ukraine.
  • fghg4
    Great show
    A necessary beacon the offers an independent view based on empirical data and not politicized rhetoric.
  • Takeru san
    Marketplace Morning Report
    Someone please tell Diane Swonk she’s NOT nauseous. She may be NAUSEATED by what’s going on in the markets, but she herself does not induce nausea!
  • Umann51
    Great show!
    Love the content and the info!
  • svrnclv
    Great show but too many repeats
    Great show but too many repeats
  • f;akshjg;iurhgld
    All ads!
    The show content is great, but it seems like for such a brief show, maybe 40% of it is advertisements for other shows. Really annoying.
  • M-DZ
    Repeat Segments
    The reporting is great, but if you’re putting out three daily shows in the same feed, please stop re-airing the exact same segment.
  • Troy32s
    Good but has obvious bias
    -need to do a better job of showing all sides in stories.
  • hammerhead16
    Please stop it with Reema’s promos on the out-go’s
    I’ll resubscribe in 3 months to see if you’ve stopped putting Reema’s promos in every Marketplace podcast. Once a week I can handle but multiple times a day is too many. I can’t be alone in finding her voice painful in the promos.
  • blackksocks
    Incredible Reporting but...
    I’m a Marketplace listener and I took Kai’s push to subscribe to this additional show, but I swear if y’all can’t find a little more diversity for your advertising I am gone. If I hear “HI Y’ALL IM KRISSY CLARK” one more time I think my head is going to implode. I can’t hit that 30 second skip button fast enough.
  • A7r1
    Stop using latinx
    We (latinos) do not like it.
  • jack1994!
    Good style. Too much spin.
    I liked it and didn’t mind the ads. It was mostly informative and quick. However, they keep reaching farther to the left for me.
  • Nima Jones
    Great morning business report
    Unbiased reporting of the morning’s business news.
  • CRJ84531
    Had to unsubscribe; too many ads and overt political slant. Would be better if they focused more on the news and less on being woke.
  • JudyPaonia
    great morning briefing
    I add this to my morning business updates along with business daily and WSJ..good to get an overview. Like the economy documentary suggestions.
  • Denny100ehctixvevfr
    Updated: I have unsubscribed. Move back to the middle
    Tired of the left-leaning opinion woven into every single story. The show is great when you just report the news. But it’s too far gone. Unsubscribe.
  • reeeeeeeed
    Take a look
    Great content to support informed decisions- daily!
  • Another Concerned American
    Fine if you want propaganda
    Far left spin news
  • franklinbeans
    Too many adds
    I subscribed to the podcast and the sheer number of episodes is overwhelming - three in a single day! Each roughly 8-9 episode also has about 1.5 minutes of adds. Too much annoyance, I’m unsubscribing.
  • Kibby001
    Great start to your day
    Great way to keep current with what’s going on in the economy. Love David Brancaccio and all the reporter on the show. Great way to start your day.
  • Scissorfight
    Ads, ads, ads
    The amount of commercials in a 8 minute podcast is ridiculous.
  • jaj0510
    Alternative to left leaning flagship program
    Daily economic news in a straightforward manner. Finally had to give up on the evening program with its snide comments and left leaning slant. Just started listening via the podcast instead of radio and agree with comments about why three versions on the same podcast.
  • cheeesebacon!
    Very good
    Amazing way to start the morning!
  • DaMathBum
    A lesser program would...
    ...simply rehash yesterday's news. Come on, you were worried that would be the case, right? Instead, the morning report complements and amplifies the flagship program. If you preferred this one for the brevity, you would not be wrong. But you'd be better off listening to both. Oh yes, and giving them whatever value you assign to outstanding business journalism. I do. It not a donation; they earned it.
  • Wad B.
    Great news to start your day
    Provides a wide spectrum of business/economic news from the Us and around the world. I love receiving both a domestic and international look at the news in the morning!
  • Butlerbob6
    Great news source
    It’s a great way to start the with current business news.
  • BartleChaplain
    Set alarm to hear morning show
    This report starts my day
  • Fuzzy Bee
    Subtly, but clearly politically biased.
    Quality of reporting has declined and this show has become more of a water cooler level discussion of what’s going on. Hosts have been getting more and more snarky and cutesie with regard to politicians and officials who differ from leanings. It’s a shame, this used to be decently informative.
  • finman66
    Timeliness is a problem
    I really like the content (5 stars), but many days the earliest release (of three) doesn’t come until 8:30am or even 9am EST. By that time I’m already at work and don’t have time to listen to podcasts again till afternoon, at which point a “morning report” is irrelevant.
  • RPompetti
    Great show
    I love Marketplace in the morning both US and Global editions! Keep up the great reporting.
  • CloudyMango
    Great, but don’t need all 3
    I like the morning podcast. Right length. But, three—US, Markets, International—each morning is too many. Let me select which to download, instead of requiring all three.
  • Andrew94941
    Prefer only two
    I try to listen to downloads and 3/morning is just too much especially when there is some crossover of the stories. Can we just have BBC and ONE US/markets version?
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