Shadows at the Door: The Podcast

Fiction #182Drama #66

Shadows at the Door brings to life a collection of unearthly tales and spirited debate. Drawing on the haunted landscapes of classic folk horror, the podcast lifts the veil on some of your favourite ghost stories, and presents new fables throughout a series of macabre audio dramas. Shadows at the Door: The Podcast artfully showcases the unsettling, the unearthly, and the uncanny, with new tellings of beloved ghost stories, and spectral yarns created exclusively for the podcast by some of the most exciting writers in modern horror.Join hosts Mark Nixon and David Ault as they bring you ghoulish dramatisations, and discuss what makes the ghost story such a powerful, enduring force in cultures around the world.

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Recent Reviews
  • testmonkey7k
    Such a great horror podcast
    Mark and David are just incredible hosts for your journey to get a glimpse of the shadows lurking in the corner of your eye. I quite enjoy the Trouton stories. So many great stories and authors. David has such a soothing voice, that he could be announcing the end of the world and I’d feel relaxed. Mark does an amazing job with the audio and editing. This show is like a play being performed for your ears. Amazing job all of the voice actors as well. Great podcast that I definitely recommend.
  • the beer wizard
    Ghost stories a plenty!
    One of my favorite podcasts in my feed. The way they tell the story’s and create new chilling terrors is pure magic!
  • CarlaKovitz
    Well done!
    This podcast is extremely well executed! The acting is superb and content is extremely entertaining! Most definitely recommended!!
  • rayanne53
    Bravo! Brilliantly Done!
    Beautifully created sound design and amazing storytelling had me entranced every episode. Also, nice collection of both young and old tales, but all told very well in most haunting of ways. Delightful! 👍👍
  • MervPumpkinhead00
    Excellent!!! 🖤🙌
    Classic and excellently written and produced! Worth it! Listen to them all!
  • GNXgypsy
    Top notch!!
    I can’t believe I haven’t discovered this podcast sooner!! Excellent quality in all measures. I sincerely appreciate the effort it must take to produce this level of full cast audio drama! Thanks to Fool and Scholar for reminding me how excellent the episode Slender Chances is!
  • LBK413
    Let’s Gooooooo!!
    I’m so thrilled to see that my favorite podcast has finally returned! I follow several audio drama podcasts, and Shadows at the Door is definitely in my top 3. The stories are always well adapted. Sound quality is fantastic. It always compliments and ramps up the dread. Don’t sleep on this podcast. Do future you a favor and subscribe ASAP!!!
  • nicafromnowhere
    The Dorian Gray episode is fantastic so far!
  • Pivowyn
    Amazing and Amazing
    The stories are fantastic, but the post-story banteris just as delicious. Being a "jump to recipe" kind of gal, I was pleasantly delighted to find myself looking forward to both the story performances as well as the chit-chat that follows. I have learned so much from Mark and David in the last week (it's very hard not to binge this show) -- M.R. James, Professor Elemental, and, oh, the Netflix recommendations! Thank you. Excited for Season 3, and, thank you, again.
  • ladymszee
    Great ghost stories, and great discussions
    This podcast is fabulous. The original stories are extremely well written and the adaptations are very well done. The commentary at the end is just as much fun.
  • Smosher311
    In The Cut
    Thoroughly enjoyed the podcast. I initially heard an episode from The Grey Rooms and I was surprised to here a familiar voice, David Ault. I gave it a chance and have not been let down. Big fan of the drunk ghost stories, favorite being Macbeth. Give it a try and you won’t be disappointed.
  • Sm3ll Y4 L4ter
    Excellent Free Horror Audio Dramas
    If you like audio dramas and classic horror stories then you’ll greatly enjoy this show. The show adapts a mix of classic stories and stories from up-and-coming indie horror authors, with an eye towards steering away from the overtly gruesome. And, as a practical bonus, each episode caps off with a discussion segment that is always entertaining in its own right if you don’t mind frequent references to Doctor Who.
  • FiniteTopology
    Shadows at the Door is magnificent
    Starting small with the ever talented David Ault and continuing to keep that cozy feel as the stories get bigger, this show is a delight to listen to. From the spooks of the stories to the kooks chatting about the Doctor, this is certainly worth a listen!
  • dmantony
    Quentin Infra Nos - a tale with no frills
    This episode, using the bare minimum a sound studio has to offer, proves well-written prose and excellent voice acting are all one needs for a dark tale to hit the mark. Nixon and Ault provide a story full of suspense without the need for more than written and spoken word. Time well spent. Deborah Antony
  • Chaotik_lord
    Beautiful, terrible things happen when my nightly bedtime spooky stories also feature David Ault’s voice.
  • cbjones
    Classic Style With A Modern Twist
    Wonderful British ghost stories and horror. David Ault is my favorite (male) voice actor on the NoSleep Podcast, and he does even better work here.
  • Unrequited
    Quality Horror
    This is the slow turning of the knife horror, each second a drip of anticipation at the elemental terror just around the corner. These are not tales of monsters or killers but the of the evil and vulnerability in each of us.
  • Clydemonsta
    Emphatic Thumbs Up
    I only discovered this podcast a little over a month ago and have been happily working my way through ever since. The stories are very well done and always enjoyable and i particularly love the discussion after each story.
  • Phaylleure
    Excellent work!
    The quiet and eerie horror stories bring you in but you stay for the behind-the-scenes comedy.
  • Sabado Domingo
    This is exactly what I’ve been looking for! Great storytelling, great sound effects and the narrator and actors are fantastic! Love it!
  • King Dre 78
    Amazing podcast!
    I can’t get enough of Shadows! But I need more Gemma Amor’s voice in my life! Shadows make it happen 😂.
  • Caitlyn Pace
    Absolutely amazing!
    This podcast has been a gem for me during the COVID pandemic. I love how each season spends a portion of its time focusing on classic horror works while spending the rest of its time introducing people to new horror writers. The way that each story is told is phenomenal, but I especially love the commentary/discussions at the end of each story. When you listen to these discussions, you almost feel like you are having a conversation with a friend. I also love the various interpretations that the speakers reveal about the stories in these discussions, and how aspects of these stories relate to our modern world. Highly recommend this podcast for anyone who is considering it.
  • EffyBLR
    Tough Love
    I love the concept of the podcast and there are some great stories, but a lot of those sent by fans don't do it for me (especially with season 2). If the pod continues, I think it would be wise for the producers to stick to tried and true stories from authors like M.R. James, or otherwise write the stories themselves—those episodes are the best.
  • Pixelz345
    Horror stories and interesting discussion
    I LOVE this podcast. I think both of the hosts are hilarious and wonderful, and they do an excellent job. The audio editing is expertly done; the voice acting is convincing and delightful; and the stories they choose are interesting and diverse. I also love the addition of the critique at the end. Not only is it usually lighthearted and comical, but it discusses a lot of interesting points that are not always obvious in the story as well as how things have changed over time if it is an older story. I cannot speak highly enough about this podcast. Give it a shot. It’s worth it.
  • This_guy23
    I never miss an episode.
    My favorite podcast. Fantastic writing and wonderfully acted. I always look forward to new episodes. They just keep getting better. Love the new stories as well as the adaptations. Switching back and forth between the two keeps things fresh. The best thing about the show... Professor Trouton.
  • htc458
    Up There With The Best
    There are 2 podcasts that I drop everything and listen as soon as an episode is released. This one, and Nocturnal Transmissions. I love this podcast! Season 1 was good, but they’ve amped up everything for season 2. I don’t know the two that chat afterwards, but I will even stick around for that. To be honest though, I haven’t listened to any of the “drunk” episodes, that just doesn’t seem appealing to me, so I can’t comment on those. But everything else- AWESOME!
  • Levah Malone
    I learn so much!
    Seriously this is an entertaining production of horror with amazing commentary after.
  • YellowWalkieTalkie
    Deliciously, quietly creepy!
    Shadows at the Door started strong from episode one, and very quickly became one of my favorite podcasts. I’ve listened to every episode multiple times. The stories are creepy in that old-fashioned British ghost story way, and I like that we get stories from classic authors like Washington Irving and MR James, and stories from modern authors like Gemma Amor and the show’s own Mark Nixon. Stay for the post-story discussion from Mark Nixon and David Ault and sometimes a guest. Whether they stay in story topic or go off on tangents about Doctor Who and Star Trek, it’s pure delight, and feels like they’re in the room with you.
  • 0004566327
    Slender chances was a great listen. I enjoy the commentary as well.
  • RustyJ80
    Excellent stories, wonderfully produced
    My favorite podcasts. Very well done. These guys and gals are awesome. Atmospheric horror!
  • LaTechGirl
    Wonderfully addictive
    This is an extremely well done podcast. Wonderful writing, narrating, and production One of my absolute favorite podcasts. I love David Ault, and I’m almost sorry to hear that he won’t be narrating all of Season 2’s episodes. He is one of my best voice actors, like...ever. However, I’m sure Season 2 will be just as good, if not better. And I just have to add... the whole “All work and no play makes Mark a DUDE!” conversation 0was hilarious. I know people love to throw LOL around so much it’s nearly lost it’s meaning, but that literally had me laughing out loud (by myself, like a crazy person, no less). Anyhow, it’s a great podcast. Congrats, gentlemen! (Sorry for the long post...)
  • mkduran
    We want to hear the chatting and storytelling
    It’s about 50% storytelling, 50% author and narrator talking, and 100% entertainment! Good stories, good talk!
  • smrtrthnur
    No one wants to hear the author/narrator talk.
    It’s about 30% actual entertainment and 70% author and narrator (often the same) talking, talking, talking. Good stories. Too much talk.
  • greta_florence
    I love it
    I love this podcast so much!!! Please come back with season two!!!
  • Shadow of a Doubt
    Love it!
    I hope to see a season 2!
  • Sjakwfqkspywhqidoee
    Good Jamesian horror!
  • Puritysupreme
    A Shadow Of Dread
    I’ve long been a fan of a scary podcast. Some deliver, others fall short. Shadows At The Door serves up a solid dose of dread with each episode. Solid (and sometimes moving) ghost stories skillfully narrated by David Ault, followed by an insightful discussion of each story by Ault & Podcast Creator Mark Nixon. Season One has been chillingly entertaining, and I cannot wait for further fright with Season Two.
  • matthewgolden
    One of the best
    There’s a definite surfeit of “spooky story” podcasts, some serialized and others that are anthologies, but Shadows at the Door is the best one to scratch that “classy horror” itch, filling that M.R. James-shaped hole in my life with wonderfully written, acted, and produced audio drama adaptations that excite and elicit those unique “pleasing terrors.” I’d initially skipped the after-show breakdown discussion, warring that I was only here for the stories, after all, but that was a mistake I soon rectified, as the hosts are fun, warm, smart, and engaging. The only downside to this podcast is that there aren’t more installments to immediately devour.
  • Light worker 73
    Started listening.
    I love stories like this. Especially when it’s dramatized.
  • Chesstiger139
    Not only are the stories great and SpOoKy; the host are really good also. I enjoy the after story banter between the presenters. Keep up the good work, I hope to hear more from you.
  • Patchoulidrop
    Top Notch
    This is a wonderful spooky podcast and wonderfully British. Mark Nixon hosts and writes some of the fiction they produce. David Ault (of Nosleep fame) is the primary voice actor. They do oldtime radio style audio drama of stories written or inspired by MR James. The second half of the show is their chatting about behind the scenes and whatever pops up. You can skip that part if it’s not your thing. But they are charming and adorable to listen to. You can trust me bc I’ve subscribed to 69 horror/paranormal podcasts. I’ve heard the worst and the best.
  • Satharn
    I love it
    This is one of the best podcasts I've ever heard. I love listening to this podcast at night with a nice cup of tea. I love every aspect of this podcast from production, to stories to discussions on the literature of the episode.
  • Ylisten
    A Theater of the Mind
    Shadows at the Door “warms my cold dead heart”, (my new go-to phrase).I appreciate the quality story telling. It’s suspenseful, engaging and has wonderful characters. Shadows at the door is not your typical fright fest. It draws you into a a limitless world you create in your mind. No big screen movie or tv show can rival what we can create in our minde-scenes from the storytelling with no limitations, unlike movies, where aesthetics create scenes for you-really nothing but what THEY want you to see. No movie creates a theatre of the lmind. Not even close. Listen. Open your mind and be ready to listen to quality work that will surpass your expectations. Intelligent writing and great performances. These guys surpass anything I have listened to in my hundreds of podcasts. Kind of reminds me of a modern day series of ‘Dark Shadows’. I hope this podcast can find the resources for another SEVERAL seasons. You are fantastic! 10 Stars if possible!
  • Mandoog006
    Really good. Ault is one of my favs on NSP and it’s interesting hearing an expanded thinking on something as primal as fear or at least as overdone and rarely really THOUGHT about as the horror genre. Helped me distinguish my love for ambient horror. I’ve never really liked straight up slashers like Jason and Freddy and those fools. I just kinda didn’t realize what I did like more. But gore along with a good terrifying atmosphere is perfect. However, let’s not forget the true horror plaguing real life right now across the pond. *cough*TheEU*cough* Vote UKIP. Service guarantees citizenship.
  • Atomwham
    Perfectly Spooky
    The banter between Mark and David can usually trail off topic but it’s somehow always fun to hear; especially when they find their ways back to the topic at hand. The topic you ask? Always a really well done scary story! Some of the most compelling and eerie story telling I’ve found so far. The sound design is done really well (particularly for a new podcast) and David always delivers with the acting. It’s also refreshing that each story is different than the last, none seeming too much like the other. I like to listen when I’m home alone and it’s really late, it really helps set the mood for a perfectly spooky podcast. Always looking forward to a new episode!
  • Thecrster
    David Ault rocks!
    Anything david ault is a part of count me in! Love this podcast
  • Pistol petie
    Thumbs up
    Well done. David is a great voice actor
  • Gbhyrfc
    The best scary podcast ever
    I have been looking for something like this for years. These are old fashioned ghost stories that are well done and well written. The soundtrack really is another high point which adds to the eerie atmosphere. Most “horror” podcasts are very formulaic and over done and over dramatic. Thank you.
  • i am hydrogen
    Slow burn spookiness
    This is my favorite spooky podcast at the moment. I love the slow burn atmospherics. Well done guys!
  • J.G Thomason
    Spot on!
    I’m only one story in, but Leave A Light On For Me is a wonderfully terrifying story in audio/drama form. 5 out of 5 stars from me. What Mark Nixon and his crew are doing is something lovers of stories read aloud have been looking for and have been unable to find with such quality and depth of understanding. Bravo!
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