Newt's World

Politics #119

Join former House Speaker, professor, historian, and futurist Newt Gingrich as he shares his lifetime of knowledge and access to the world’s most interesting minds in a new series that covers all aspects of our society. From history to health, national security to science, Newt offers stories, conversations, and context to uncover new perspectives, knowledge and insight. This podcast isn’t about politics; it’s about exploring the past, present, and future to understand where we’ve been and where we’re going. Welcome to Newt’s World, a podcast for independent thinkers.

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Recent Reviews
  • 118118steve
    These podcasts should be mandatory for school children from sixth grade and higher.
  • Fruga1
    Thank you
    Thank you for the Founding Fathers series. It is well-presented, informative and entertaining.
  • Captain'sMate
    Intelligent and entertaining
    Newt Gingrich is a well read historian and statesman. He presents his audience with engaging and informative podcasts that encompass historical as well as current events. I especially enjoyed his podcasts on Samuel Adam’s and Benjamin Franklin, both of whom contributed so much to the successful establishment of our country. A Former Georgian
  • J47W
    Newt’s great but****
    Excellent content, significantly degraded by several interruptions for unrelated commercial pitches
  • Hate vs Emotional Control
    What Planet Are You On?
    It’s amazing how they discuss the 2024 election and never mention all the shenanigans like 1984 is just completely normal now…
  • TN Water Dog
    JCR 1978-82
    None Better
  • Carpenter corps
    The most informative and interesting podcast out there. Newt is an honorable intellectual and extremely smart and savvy. It’s a better world with him in it.
  • Albanycat
    Intellectually curious, not just politics
    Newt has such a long experience in politics snd national life, but he is modest and a great interviewer. He lets his guests speak for themselves. We need mature, wise and smart statesmen/ women now more than ever.
  • Sgt. Bob, 0351
    Speaker Gingrich
    The greatest Speaker of the House in US History, Clarity and the process of the Contract with America was brilliant and brought cooperation between democrats and republicans. Our system was not perfect then, but is was 5 star compared to the 15 second sound byte politics of today. The House must start taking control of the budget and unfound the Bureaucracy and unlawful regulations they impose. We need leaders like Newt to assume this responsibility.
  • pattii
    Not just politics, wide range of topics
    Newt has a lot of fascinating interviews that go beyond politics. I’ve been a subscriber for a few years. Recent interview on combatting aging is very informative. I also enjoy his historical bios of past presidents influential people and non-political subjects. Sometimes we all need a break from politics!
  • mushless
    Strategic Thinking
    Just listened to the episode called "Strategic Thinking..." My conclusion is Trump needs to pick Newt for a cabinet position. Newt, would you consider that...PLEASE! We need wisdom and experience like yours badly. Dee
  • #never Viking
    My fav podcast
    Newt is articulate and intelligent and I especially love the shows on American history and the founding fathers. Thanks Newt!
  • Geoplanter
    The ten habits of good citizens
    Well Newt, ol’ boy, I can tell you what are NOT the habits of good citizens: lying about election fraud on a massive scale; defaming the Dominion voting machine company with no proof; excusing the January 6th insurrectionists as “tourists, claiming that you stand for law and order while at the same time, disrespecting the officers that stood up to the January 6th mob; and finally, inventing the smash-mouth style of politics that got our country to this sorry state of affairs. I thought that Newt loved his country, understood history and understood the gravity of the stakes involved. Instead, he has proven himself to be a two-faced conman, interested in nothing more then payment for appearances on FOX news and the adulation of the Trump loyalists. Newtie has sold his constitutional heritage for a mess of MAGA pottage. So depressing…
  • Mad Mimi 65@$
    What a fabulous idea!! Do it. The plan is there. The speakers are definitely ready for prime time. Thursday nights will be perfect. Do it. ☀️☀️☀️
  • Robertino Sfortza
    Too many advertisements
    I'm a huge fan of Newt Gingrich. He's a brilliant man, historian, and interviewer. "Newt's World" used to be a great podcast. But ever since Newt joined the iHeart podcast conglomerate his show is riddled with commercials. Several minutes at the start, severalminutes in the middle, several at the end... And, they are the most obnoxious types of ads: commercially produced, loud, annoying. As I said, I love Newt, but the number of ads in his relatively short show caused me to "unsubscribe" to the show.
  • noobmaster78968
    Great Podcast
    Intellectual, insightful, and very thought provoking.
  • 1954critic
    Love the podcast
    Newt’s podcast is unashamedly conservative. While I don’t agree with everything, I appreciate the thoughtful and considered discussion - which is difficult to find anymore. His podcast makes us think. For that I am grateful. Jeff
  • ProfHope
    Newt, I truly love the show, but I was shocked to hear a Covid vaccine commercial in the middle of one of them… I cannot believe that those shots are still being pushed put moreover that you have their commercial on your show!
  • ViktorGee
    Great Show/Praying for the Peace in Israel!!!
    Very troubling times! Thank You for all You do Mr Speaker!! Your clear concise lessons are always relevant! I’ve been a fan since first hearing You with Sean Hannity. In my book, next to El Rushbo, you’re right there too! Victor Crockett (retired US Army/retired US Postal worker)❤️🤍💙🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🙏
  • navajopinal93
    Too Many Commercials
    The content is typically abbreviated and useful, but there are far too many commercials to justify the 20 minutes of actual discussion
  • Lalj
    Had me fooled
    I have been interested in newts opinions for the last several years.. mainly because I thought he offered a wise statesmen mature/experienced viewpoint. And usually enjoyed it. But this last week with his comments about Matt Gaetz he showed he’s actually just controlled opposition and really just belongs to the UNI-Party Fool me once ….
  • Master of phone
    Listening to Speaker Newt and how he thinks through events in current opinion , yet grounded in the deep knowledge of a history professor is always an amazing experience. If we ignore history we are doomed to repeated !!! His interview of Professor Mounk is a great piece and one that we should all listen too .
  • JoeAmerican33
    Newt the Traitor
    We know buddy that you are a swamp creature through and through Go back to your hobbit hole
  • rickdoss
    Sorry Newt
    Enjoyed your podcast til you came out against reducing federal government and reigning in government spending. You’re a noodle back bone republican. ✌🏻
  • 1Californian
    Newt’s World
    This podcast is no longer relevant.
  • Gallaghers from Philadelphia
    Mr.Speaker,a plea from Americans..
    Sir,America once again must call for you to serve your country!Lord knows you have done your fair share!However,your counsel is essential for us to eliminate corruption of our government!Mr.Comer and the warriors in Congress have invited your counsel and expertise in this battle and knowing your steadfast commitment to America and its values we are sure you will not decline their invitation.Thanks Gallagher in Philadelphia
  • Cornpop Popped
    What a come on - you sold out
  • Michael Page
    It’s the Newt you’ve always known and loved. Unchanged.
  • AmCanDeb
    It’s easy to listen to, and Newt has fantastic guests.
  • Mr. Cynicism
    Flippant explanations
    If you are going to have someone on to discuss a topic they need to use the right language and explain properly. Last episode had your guest completely explain Bitcoin and mining incorrectly. Example is miners aren’t “guessing” numbers. Their computers are solving math problems and the one that solves the problem first receives the mined Bitcoin. Just like in all aspects of life language matters.
  • StreetFighter0110
    One of the best
    One of the smartest. One of the most knowledgeable.
  • Zed_55
    Godfather of modern trumpism.
    Newt was a pioneer of partisanship hate speech in politics. An expert in fascist tactics to get power yet fortunately, he couldn’t maintain that power. Using hate speech, deceit, and twisting truth, as if politics was “sport” and not government for the people. Greed and power are not really a virtue. But it has become the backbone of a trumpian dystopia. This is epitomised in “Citizens United” which turned the USA into an American oligarchy. Maybe Newt has won while destroying our democratic republic. Now, a group of billionaires can buy a Supreme Court Justice or a Senator. A president can be supported by a foreign enemy. And a Supreme Court decision can undo a longstanding law by fundamental religious extremists, bigots, sexists, and modern authoritarian fascism. God save our democracy from corruption, tyranny, extreme greed, and totalitarian trumpism.
  • @R99S
    Informative and practical!
    Speaker Gingrich is practical voice of reason and common sense. It’s refreshing in this age of divisiveness.
  • Disappointed in choice
    But how?
    Newt, I have the greatest respect for you. I have always thought that you were/are the most leveled headed of our leaders. But how can you give Walter Isaacson a platform? He participated in the spread of the Russian Hoax and participated in the ‘flushing the Korans’ story that lead to the deaths of American soldiers. These are lines in the sand that can not be crossed.
  • Riverplatte
    Every episode is excellent. Every topic relates to what is on my mind. I replay episodes often more than once because I know it is vitally important information to retain. The series ‘shut your mouth’ could not be more on target. Thank God there are patriots like Newt engaging in this epic struggle against the tyrannical left. Friends on the left are desperately needed to combat the destructive elements in their party that seem to have seized complete control and are destroying all threads of the fiber that binds us of liberty and justice for our common dream of a more perfect union. Thank you, Newt!
  • piggmann51
    American majority!
    Great work and thinking. Let’s hope the American majority will grab ahold of your points! Always excellent topics and content! Thank you Mr. Speaker!
  • Larry33bird33
    Worth the listen
    So dang good!!
  • Billy G. Gruff
    Just finished the Founding Fathers week series. Highly addicting. Gingrich’s love of history comes through in these podcasts, & he does an excellent job of communicating the material, all the while weaving in his own annotations of what’s happening (culturally, locally, etc) during the time-period being discussed that frame the moments being discussed. Gingrich makes the subject-matter interesting & accessible. What used to be a hated subject for me in high-school & college has become addictive thanks to Newt’s World. Highly recommended.
  • WEEvans
    Founding Fathers
    WOW… enjoying The Founding Fathers as much as my most favorite course I’ve ever taken in college or graduate course.
  • S.Bustamante
    Thank you, Mr. Speaker!
    Loved the series on the Founders. All Americans should hear these.
  • Donna YPCH
    Teaching our Children
    As we progress in age and wisdom, we desperately seek information to teach our children important American values before all is lost. Patriotism is essential as well as knowledge of our humble beginnings. Newt’s passionate love of nation is one of my best resources to share with my daughter and friends. God bless these United States. Donna from Ball Ground, GA
  • rosiecheeks05
    Founding Fathers
    Love the podcasts on our founding fathers learning so much more about these men’s lives and their ability to succeed
  • JMCartwright
    Thank You. again!
    Mr. Speaker, nothing more important than learning more about our Founding Fathers (and Abigail) this holiday season. I read portions of The American Crisis yesterday and am sending snippets of it to friends as my holiday greeting. And today I will thoroughly enjoy listening about Jefferson during my walk…I’m a big time Jeffersonian. Thank you for being the most important and educational podcaster in my playlist…we are blessed to have your voice. Happy Independence Day to you, your loved ones and our country.
  • Gray Doc
    Episode 570 on Trump and the future of the US
    Your best ever episode. Sad but all true. 2024 election is last chance to maintain American republicanism.
  • Taaty II
    March to the Majority
    Is a fascinating review of our history and I was able to relive a good portion of my past. So much of what you had to say brought back memories and then you explained how you got there and what we can do now. I have enjoyed all of your podcasts, they are instructional and well presented. Don’t stop we need all of your expertise to get us through this trying time. God bless you
  • CheckpointC
    You tell the truth
    Your courage and honesty are greatly appreciated. Thank you!
  • Mr. Mytzelplix
    Seriously good listening! Give it a chance!
    You would think that Newt Gingrich would be all political…nope! Yes, there is some politics and political interviews, but there is much more. History, author interviews, travel commentary, educational content…it is all here. My favorite so far was the interview with art Historian Liz Lev talking about Vatican City and the Sistine Chapel! If you don’t like the politics just skip those casts, speaker Gingrich does some fantastic long form interviews. Don’t cheat yourself out of a really fine listening experience, listen for yourself and them decide. I suggest you start with ep 515 about the Sistine Chapel…and ep 552 about how the show Succession has nothing on the true Sumner Redstone story. And there are a bunch more if you listen to the old episodes. And Personal message to the Speaker…I love what you have done here! I am glad I took a chance on your work.
  • American TK
    Worth Listening
    I appreciate the historical, intellectual and factual approach of this podcast.
  • atjsaj
    WWII and Rosevelts speech
    Mr. Speaker, Thank you. I found one of the most powerful points of the speech when President Roosevelt uttered the word : “Republic”. Not, democracy. As you know, we’re not the latter but it seems to be in every narrative today.
  • bjaktb
    A Pod for all Reasons
    As citizens, it’s all of our responsibility to find and filter the best information to help us live our lives and keep our country strong. Newts podcast does this in a way that saves me time and recognizes my intelligence about society today. He brings all perspective together and let’s his listeners hear what he has to say, and is guess I have to say and then let’s us decide our next steps. You will not be disappointed if you subscribe and give Newt a listen.
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