WW2 Pod: We Have Ways of Making You Talk

History #98

Achtung! Achtung!Comedian Al Murray and historian James Holland discuss all matters WW2.WW2 Pod: We Have Ways of Making You Talk is a bi-weekly show exploring the war in close up. James and Al have a stunning knowledge of their subject, but don't expect a linear narrative. The boys love a tangent and a forgotten tale.We Have Ways of Making You Talk roams down forgotten front lines, casts new villains and makes the case for unlikely heroes.Send questions to James and Al via Twitter using #WeHaveWays or by email to wehavewayspodcast@gmail.comJoin our membership club for extra content, livestreams and ad-free listening: patreon.com/wehaveways

Recent Episodes
  • Hill 192: Capturing Kraut Corner
    Jul 4, 2024 – 36:26
  • The Battle of Hill 112: The Hill is Secured (Part 2)
    Jul 2, 2024 – 55:37
  • The Battle of Hill 112: The Barrage Begins (Part 1)
    Jun 28, 2024 – 42:24
  • D-Day: A Warning From History?
    Jun 25, 2024 – 34:41
  • The Sherwood Rangers in Normandy: The Noireau (Episode 2)
    Jun 20, 2024 – 41:22
  • The Sherwood Rangers in Normandy: BLUECOAT (Episode 1)
    Jun 18, 2024 – 46:01
  • The Greatest War Fiction
    Jun 13, 2024 – 36:49
  • The REAL Band Of Brothers
    Jun 11, 2024 – 29:33
  • D-Day: Victory In Normandy? (Episode 10)
    Jun 6, 2024 – 01:00:55
  • D-Day: COBRA and GOODWOOD (Episode 9)
    Jun 4, 2024 – 01:01:53
  • D-Day: Bocage Busting (Episode 8)
    May 30, 2024 – 59:13
  • D-Day: The Normandy Bridgehead (Episode 7)
    May 27, 2024 – 01:05:57
  • BONUS: Spitfire vs Messerschmitt
    May 23, 2024 – 39:02
  • D-Day: Bloody Omaha? (Episode 6)
    May 21, 2024 – 55:19
  • D-Day: The Beaches (Episode 5)
    May 16, 2024 – 01:04:39
  • D-Day: Minelaying & The Airborne Drop (Episode 4)
    May 14, 2024 – 48:57
  • D-Day: 24 Hours To Go (Episode 3)
    May 9, 2024 – 01:01:21
  • D-Day: The Master Plan (Episode 2)
    May 7, 2024 – 01:00:55
  • D-Day: The German Side (Episode 1)
    May 1, 2024 – 01:02:24
  • USA: War Is Hell - A Soldier’s Story
    Apr 30, 2024 – 53:04
  • USA: The Forgotten Island - Operation RECKLESS
    Apr 25, 2024 – 49:41
  • The World's Greatest Spitfire Pilot
    Apr 23, 2024 – 45:04
  • Cassino '44 - Rome Falls (Part 8)
    Apr 18, 2024 – 48:47
  • Cassino ‘44 - OPERATION DIADEM (Part 7)
    Apr 16, 2024 – 49:39
  • Cassino '44 - Cassino Town (Part 6)
    Apr 11, 2024 – 48:39
  • Cassino '44 - OPERATION FISCHFANG (Part 5)
    Apr 9, 2024 – 01:01:40
  • Cassino ’44 - Capturing Cassino (Part 4)
    Apr 4, 2024 – 58:11
  • Cassino '44 - OPERATION SHINGLE (Part 3)
    Apr 2, 2024 – 01:00:15
  • Cassino '44 - The Gustav Line (Part 2)
    Mar 28, 2024 – 53:09
  • Cassino '44 - The Plan Is Set (Part 1)
    Mar 26, 2024 – 49:51
  • Horror in Hungary and Merril's Marauders
    Mar 21, 2024 – 45:25
  • USA: We Have Ways - Tuskegee Airmen
    Mar 19, 2024 – 43:25
  • USA: We Have Ways - Fear and Loathing on the Frontline
    Mar 14, 2024 – 55:21
  • Charlie Lawson - Coronation Street Legend's Incredible WW2 Connection
    Mar 12, 2024 – 45:28
  • WHW USA - America First, Culture Clashes and Hispanic Troops
    Mar 7, 2024 – 46:06
  • Paddy Mayne's VC Snub, Axis on Malta and the Best Operation Names
    Mar 5, 2024 – 40:12
  • USA: We Have Ways - Mark Clark vs Fred Walker: Crossing The Rapido
    Feb 29, 2024 – 55:21
  • Nazi Scientists, B17 vs Mosquito and Arnhem Air Support
    Feb 27, 2024 – 41:55
  • Enemy Aliens
    Feb 22, 2024 – 33:30
  • Prisoners Of War
    Feb 20, 2024 – 46:52
    Feb 15, 2024 – 49:52
  • MIGHTY 8TH - OVERLORD (Part 6)
    Feb 13, 2024 – 01:03:17
  • MIGHTY 8TH - BIG WEEK (Part 5)
    Feb 8, 2024 – 51:25
  • MIGHTY 8TH - ALL CHANGE (Part 4)
    Feb 6, 2024 – 41:21
  • MIGHTY 8TH - CRISIS (Part 3)
    Feb 1, 2024 – 01:01:40
    Jan 31, 2024 – 01:03:01
    Jan 30, 2024 – 01:08:15
    Jan 29, 2024 – 01:12
  • Masters Of The Air
    Jan 25, 2024 – 45:53
    Jan 23, 2024 – 01:05:35
Recent Reviews
  • SullyAg
    Bit of a Bore Now
    Over the years this pod has devolved from sincere history into a promotional vehicle for Holland and Murray's careers. It can be quite good, but all too often it's just Al and Jim yukking it up and shilling for themselves. The occasional political commentary betrays an elitist bias (Murray is a direct descendent of William Makepeace Thackeray, after all), as well as a frankly bigoted and shockingly simplistic view of American culture and current affairs. Still, the pod's stature does attract big-name guests. Listen, but be aware that the hosts are mighty pleased with themselves -- and they might consider your views beneath their enlightened intellect.
  • Jacks2157
    A little rehearsal would be nice. This stream of consciousness presentation it’s hard to follow. A lot of information is given, but it’s all very much what you could get at your local bar.
  • Dbouwmeester
    Absolutely love this show
    Have discovered “we have ways” this past year and the voices of James and Al have been constant companion on my dog walks. Have been a WW2 nerd since primary school. My grandfather spent the war in Japanese POW camp and my father and other grandfather were Dutch Nationals in Indonesia and spent the war in an internment camp. Have paid special attention to those episodes on pow camps and have gained a lot more appreciation in what my father and grandfather’s experienced. Have also loved the episodes with John McManus and would love more episodes on the Pacific (especially the Naval war) and the Far East, including Malaysia and Burma. My only criticism of the show is sometimes it’s hard to follow the conversation. James and Al sometimes are trying to talk over each other and interrupt a lot.
  • jedibink69
    I love you guys
    Your awesome
  • Greg with one g
    James in wonderful…..
    Ww2 is a category that Lacks personality on the various podcasts available. These two are not short on that, they do an excellent job of having a natural conversation about a variety of topics surrounding World War II that is both engaging and accurate. The One that fancies himself a comedian doesn’t give the U.S. enough credit for our role in the war. James Holland is outstanding, gives fair credit and criticism to all sides on the topic of the day. One of my favorite shows. I’m amending this review to add further documentation of the fact that the man that calls himself a comedian really has a underlying distain for the US during the war. I chalk it up to national pride on his part. But ever more the proof that James Holland is the constant professional and fully understands that both nations played their part, and that ultimately had it not been for the US the word bleak is an understatement for what had happened to Great Britain without the support of the USA. 80 years since the war and so many Europeans have forgotten about what so many American serviceman did and the sacrifices they made. Those men and women went and fought on soil that meant nothing to them. I’m a subscriber and a passionate listener
  • gary cort
    Informative and entertaining
    A terrific presentation of information. Does not get bogged down while still presenting significant amounts of detail. Well worth the listening.
  • ItsJohnBone
    The Best WWII/History Podcast There Is
    Highly engaging 21st century podcast about the defining event of the 20th century. A knowledgeable, all-encompassing dive into WWII from a social, political and military perspective. Humanity and (at times) humour ensure this is not a dry, scholarly trudge of a pod.
  • Harpo the Marx
    Pacific Perspective
    Great podcast. Dr McManus is a great addition for his American perspective especially on the Pacific theater. A caution though: Hatred of the Japanese is not automatically racism and you need to look deeper into why that hatred was there before simply calling it racist. My dad served in the Philippines in 1945; he despised WWII Japanese but it had everything to do with WHAT they did (atrocities were widely known) and not WHO they were. That’s not racism; that’s a very understandable response to what they were doing to Allied servicemen and indigenous civilians, which was hellish in the extreme. Why such a response didn’t apply to Germans to the same level is for many reasons beyond racism, and you’ve discussed many of them.
  • Tigermole
    Very Enjoyable
    Entertaining, occasionally irreverent but detailed, in-depth coverage of WW II topics. Great fun and very informative.
  • Gunther Rouhaus
    Holland’s amazing
    When James Holland is telling his stories this series is at its peak and engrossing. Unfortunately as the knowledge gulf between Holland, the consummate historian, and Al Murray, the dabbler, widens, a frustrating pattern emerges as Al will invariably feel the need to interject some comment that is not in the notes written for him and usually incorrect. Holland then has to gently correct the inaccuracies and attempt to restart his narrative. Al really needs to stick to his job, enabling the brilliance of Holland, not posing as something he is not.
  • J Clam
    England Swings!
    The battle of Britain is the greatest movie ever made with real flying none of that CGI nonsense! Just got back from London, and I was privileged to go to the RAF museum and actually sat in a spitfire. It was so cool the reason we went to London will see the all blacks play South Africain the rugby World Cup. Actually best vacation ever. But to be at the REF Museum and stand where the brave flyers stood was an incredible rush.
  • Sean Sharp
    A bit too jovial for the subject matter
    New listener here and I have bounced around a few episodes from over the years. These guys have great info but are almost always a bit too jovial in their delivery considering the subject matter at hand. Every episode that I've listened to feels overly lighthearted and the guys are yucking it up with jokes and laughs and funny voices. This to me feels more than a bit out of place considering the devastation this war brought and the 75+ million people left dead in its wake. Their approach is almost if they are recapping a blockbuster movie or a video game. In my humble opinion I think this topic should be approached with a bit more reverence. I will continue to listen, but to be honest I have to be in the right mood.
  • Catsloveme2
    Incredibly interesting
    I have learned so much listening to this well researched and extremely well delivered podcast. Only one thing I ask from Al Murray: please stop using the Lord’s name in vain. With your hug vocabulary it is avoidable and unnecessary. Thank you!
  • J47W
    Lighthearted history, Generally a stream of consciousness analysis both informed and uninformed, very Anglo centric
  • Daisymayhem812
    Masters of the air
    In episode 9, I saw a beer mug, towards the end when Crowley was talking to Rosie in the club. It was also in 12 O’Clock High!!!
  • Pho. Bolo. H.
    The best WW2 history podcast
    This is the way to discuss all aspects of WW2. Fact based, analytical with a touch of dark and light humor. Glad I found it.
  • V7i7c
    Simply the best.
    Simply the most informative and enjoyable podcast on the second world war. Understandably coming from a British perspective, it’s still manages to cover those from other countries in a very balanced fashion. I highly recommend this podcast for those wanting a wide variety of deep dives and memorable and experiences into WWII history! And these guys are a hoot to boot!
  • J.Doerksen1
    Great World War Two History
    Al and James are the best, both have unbelievable knowledge of the subjects and with the banter and humor along with fascinating stories about a time that was difficult for the world.
  • Codybroken
    My favorite podcast
    I have been a podcast fiend for 10+ years and this is my all time favorite.
  • Akutan Zero
    Always Reaching for More and Delivering
    Top notch experts and primary sources of history. Few other podcasts can attract such great talent such as James Webb and others. Thank you for your great delivery of information and history that spans military, industrial, scientific and social domains.
  • Mark WWJ
    Best of WW2
    I consider this the best of the WW2 podcasts. New episodes come out often. It’s given over to a sense of humor. Some who wish a more professorial approach may chose elsewhere (I do both). These guys are British, so expect a noticeably less emphasis on the Russian front and the US effort in the pacific
  • Kirstnter
    I Like WW2
  • Lex576
    Love the podcast! Enjoying learning more about WW2 from two enthusiastic gents. Keep it up and don’t worry about offending the GOP snowflakes in the States (I doubt you do). 🤣
  • Kev1580
    Good but…
    Good information and guests. But banging on American conservatives, no thank you.
  • Lobsters12
    Just got stationed in Germany for assignment. I have always been interested in WWII history, but the new change of location has certainly spurred me to take up more of an interest. My great uncle served during the war, and many of my family are currently serving. I love the pod! I also echo that not all of us from across the pond are MAGA! Cheers!
  • Sacha pie
    Fantastic podcast
    I just love this podcast. The pinnacle moment for me was their interview with Antony Beevor who talked about writing Stalingrad. I was CHUFFED to hear Sir Antony talk about getting access to the archives during a brief window when they were open to historians. It’s amazing to hear Al and James just chatter on about various battles, motivations, and personalities. You can tell the history is ALIVE for them. I especially appreciate the insight on the eastern front. Bang up pod. Pls Zulu was my dad’s fave movie. RIP dad.
  • E1001@@@
    The Best
    A lovely show on WW2. I’m always learning something new.
  • BillBlaster1
    Great History, Artfully Done
    This podcast is very professionally produced and I really enjoyed it. Highly recommended if you enjoy history. Well done, lads.
  • David Matvey
    Best WW 2 Podcast: Never Bridge too Far
    This is by far the best podcast on World War thats out there today. Not only are the hosts experts on the topic, but the topics are wide ranging, interesting, and sometimes very unreported subjects and events. I look forward to each drop of each episode.
  • leatherneck7476
    You cannot find real History like it is presented here!
    I respectfully beg the podcasters to not use Gods name disrespectfully or flippantly. Thanks
  • Stuka Afabant
    Best podcast ever
    As a young person this is my favorite podcast. Highly entertaining and informative.
  • will thizzle
    Almost great but not quite
    If only they could let each other finish a sentence. Sometimes I feel like this is a case study on adult ADD. That said, I like the show.
  • variety4077
    Incredible detail
    Every episode is jam packed with information and new insights. Talks about ww2 personalities warts and all.
  • hang zuckerberg
    I’m in the socal wasteland so just discovered it. This one’s filthy. Gotta give it the rare 5-oh.
  • statedept1515
    Great content but would be even better with small tweaks
    Buying better microphones and fewer interruptions by both would make this pod unbeatable. Saying “right” after each sentence doesn’t add much to the pod IMO.
  • Revans50
    One Of The Best!
    Fast becoming one of my favorite podcasts. Would love them to take David Irving to task in future episodes. Excellent otherwise.
  • mick0726
    I loved the Brian Johnson episode!! All your works are great, but this one was above and beyond! Thank you for all the hard works!!!
  • Warlord99
    Have to ways to make you talk.
    I’m big fan of your show! keep up the great work. Andre from Detroit Michigan.
  • Todd A Reed Inspired B2B
    I really dig the perspective these guys bring. They focus on logistics, training, and politics bring more depth to the story of wwii
  • ScareCrowA7X
    One of the BEST!
    I absolutely love the work that James Holland does from his books to the documentaries that he has been apart of. This is the first time I have heard of Al Murray but he is just as enjoyable and knowledgeable as James. I have been binge listening to “We Have Ways” off and on for about six months now and it quickly has become one of my favorite World War II podcasts and as an amateur World War II historian and writer myself I find this podcast to be very useful not to mention extremely entertaining. They have chats with many other prominent World War II historians whose books I have read and studied (most of them numerous times plus any available audiobooks and Kindle versions). I found this podcast when James’ brother mentioned it on his podcast (forget which one but when I find it in my list I will edit my review). Keep up the great work James and Al, this part of our worlds history NEEDS to be taught, talked about, studied, and REMEMBERED otherwise this will happen again if it has not already started (just like WW II start date should begin in 1937 when Japan invaded China). EDIT: Why has no one ever talked about the incredible story of Auschwitz Prisoner #4859: Witold Pilecki, the Auschwitz Volunteer except for the AMAZING Rock Band Sabaton. Come on James and Al, his story NEEDS to be told from the beginning until he after a show trial and executed by the Communist state of Russia in 1953 (?).
  • NeverBored.
    Top notch history telling and I listen every day.
    Excellent job of keeping the us informed and entertained.
  • ELBEE33
    Fantastic Podcast
    One of my favorite pieces of modern history to learn about is the Second World War. This podcast is my favorite one for this subject. One of the reasons why I love it that it's presented from a British perspective. The presenters, one a historian and one a comedian who loves the subject, are knowledgeable and entertaining. I recommend it highly.
  • vvizz@rdd
    Al & James are so funny and really are a great joy to listen to. They are extremely knowledgeable on WW2 matters and it’s amazing the facts they can just pluck out of thin air. I definitely trust these guys to deliver my WW2 history fix when I need it!
  • ssprager
    The Best WW2 podcast- A British perspective. Excellent
    I love this podcast! My favorite WW2 podcast and one of the best History podcasts in any category. I’m happily addicted:)
  • CVL money
    Simply the best
    Storytelling, humor, detail and passion. This podcast brings all of these and more. Thank you Al & James for your work and bringing this amazing podcast to us.
  • bagdbugeye
    My favorite WWII podcast
    My favorite part of this podcast is that you feel like you’re in a room having a conversation with these guys. I love the chill vibes that it has. And the fact that they talk about things other than the big events is so refreshing…add that to the fact that James is an awesome author/historian and you have the foundation for a great podcast.
  • Art5555
    A great combination of information, opinioin, and informal gab...
    It's not a serious history lesson, its a fun chat between two guys and a seemingly endless stream of Subject Matter Experts. Don't get me wrong, they cover a lot of history, and do it well. But its not boring or dry. They touch delicate subjects with decorum. Now that they have started to dig into the US side, discussing McArthur and the US effort in detail, and the role of US ground and Navel forces in the Pacific, I find it even better. (Could be because I'm an American....) Anyway, a great listen. I've been listenening for about a year now. I joined the Patreon for a while to show support. Pocket Casts just informed me this was my most-listened-to podcast in 2022. We Have Ways has been in my ears for countless walks and hours of yard maintenance. Thanks guys!
  • MarinePup!
    Entertaining, Educational and Excellent
    Fantastic pod for any WW2 history enthis
  • F1 New guy
    Chatting at the bar.
    Every time I listen to this podcast I find myself imagining I’m at a bar, eavesdropping to the conversation at the table next to mine. There, at their regular table, sit two great friends, they’re talking about warfare and history and they clearly know a lot about it…way more than the average guy. And it’s clear they enjoy bantering about the subject. I find myself enjoying their conversation immensely, to the point where they move their table next to mine and continue their chat without me having to eavesdrop…but rather listen…and learn…and laugh…and cry. Welcome to We Have Ways. It’s brilliant.
  • Hank in Texas
    Start from the beginning
    I have no idea how the podcast is at this date (October 2022) but suspect it has only improved. My experience: Episodes aren’t particularly long and I like longer just because I want to turn it on and walk away to the potting bench or kitchen or garage etc. I was initially under joyed by off topic banter. (It is short and now this!). I’m half a dozen or more in and have come to love it. The side chatter is interesting and revealing. This show is not “tight” but it is getting tighter. It is TOTALLY listenable. The subject matter choices are fascinating. One is a scholar and the other is an enthusiast. I frankly can’t keep the voices plus names straight so I don’t know who is talking. Both contribute great stuff. I plan to listen to EVERY episode. So far, the verbiage/info published with the episode is not great. Fine. Not great. Don’t let the titles guide you… many subjects are dealt with in each episode. (I think they keyed in what they “intended” the topic (and therefore title) to be). I am not suggesting that this should be improved. Rather: you need to know It isn’t that kind of podcast. The actual subject matter is always as promised plus other stuff. Sound quality is fine. Volume is fine. Thank you for doing this podcast. I’m thinking about many things from some different perspectives now. Well done. Appreciated.
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