Eckhart Tolle: Essential Teachings


Oprah Winfrey is delighted to introduce a new weekly podcast series from one of the great spiritual thinkers of our time: Eckhart Tolle. Eckhart’s wisdom will help you learn to quiet your mind, separate your ego from your true self and live a fully present life. Essential Teachings by Eckhart will provide a path to discover an enlightened state of consciousness. Oprah says Eckhart transformed her life and hopes these Essential Teachings will inspire you to seek your own higher purpose.

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Recent Reviews
  • loomasauris
    I love it !
    Amazing podcast! The ads are what make the podcast free, and are a great reminder to be present!
  • nope322332
    Ads ruin the experience
    I wish I could listen to this without it being related to Oprah. The ads are not only disruptive and LOUD, they are often partnered with brands that have been contributing to human genocide like McDonald’s and Starbucks. Takes away from trying to listen to something that will keep me present. In these times I really need a source of light and this experience of the ads takes away from my ability to fully be here now.
  • Hulkern
    Eckhart is brill podcast terrible
    The Ads dominate this podcast… loading and annoying interruptions ..yawn It is a shame such a light bearing being can be hosted by Oprah… dark and light I suppose. Seriously get rid of those adds throughout the show! So ridiculous
  • Janejane0
    - I LOVE Eckhart but this is one of WORST PODCASTS EVER! Has TONS of OBNOXIOUS LOUD ADS , with only a few bits of ECKHART MIXED IN. About 3 minutes ECKHART then LOUD ADS themselves 2-3 minutes ECKHART , then more LOUD ADS, this is TORTURE to listen to! NEVER AGAIN!!!! WHO DESIGNED THIS ? Oprah? does really need the $ for all these excessive ads?? gimme a break. Such a shame to ruin a great man’s wise words like this. .
  • Truk T L
    7 yrs.
    Listen to Eckart for yes 7 yrs. . You helped save me !!!Thank You,Love -Light-Laughter -Always, Tammy
  • GambierLady
    Do you really need the Ad Dollars?!
    Hi there, if you absolutely have to make more money than you already have, please run the ads at the beginning and end. Blasting them in the middle disrupts the entire meditation teaching ET gives. 🤮
  • Helstah
    Hate ads when listening to Eckhart Tolle
  • goodenheart
    More action, less talk
    I intellectually love everything ET has to say, but unless I gave very concrete ways of applying these ideas, it all remains very elusive.
  • 4CardAhmed
    Commercial Interruptions!!!
    I love Tolle and his teachings. This show uses that to make me listen to commercials which goes against Tolle’s teachings. Commercials goes the whole message of being present and I can’t just skip or mute them because I miss part of the actual show. I would rather pay a subscription than listen to embedded commercials. 100% do not recommend this podcast
  • IsGi D
    please stop the commercials
    They startle me beyond words. Ruin the entire process . For F Sake
    A Must Listen
    Thank you for this podcast. I truly enjoyed. I continue to try my best to be aware and accepting of the now. This is one of my favorite podcast. Thank you Oprah. Thank you Eckhart.
  • Askyourangle
    Too many commercials
    Good content but too many loud interruptions with commercials.
  • seb10___
    Lol I love this guy, just laughing at how many ppl leave bad reviews because of the advertisements loool, I know y’all are mid 40s youngest 😂🙏🏼10/10
  • WatcherOfMyMind
    Nearly ruined by ads
    How out of touch is The Oprah Winfrey Network with the spirit and purpose of Eckart's Teachings? The Loud and chaotic interruptions by advertisements are incredibly annoying and are always inserted before Eckhart completes a point. It’s sad that OWN is disrespecting Tolle’s lectures this way. Oprah’s introduction at the beginning is completely unnecessary too. Just let the man speak.
  • hgjdjwidjz
    I love Eckhart…could listen to him for hours. Unfortunately, this is a commercial broadcast with sprinklings of Eckhart teachings. A person would have a better listening experience if they listened to him on YouTube.
  • you da man17
    One. Amazing. Being.
    If this sentient being wasn’t such a blessing, I know I’d be less awake. A thank you is barely sufficient. Namaste Eckart.
  • jokesonupop
    Life Changing
    Eckart was huge part of a total transformation of who I am today. Eckart, Dispenza, Bradden and Lipton are truly amazing lights in my life. Staying present completely changed the game for me. Thanks for being there,Eckart.
  • UltimateReviewer1999
    The the inserted advertisements are extremely disruptive to his teachings and a jolting distraction. Why are they so loud and obviously inserted into his mid sentence. What are the editors thinking for a a meditative program on higher consciousness??
  • Dodonnal
    Awaking! Freedom, Power and Peace
    Wisdom and eternal principles that allow you to know who you are at your core and essence. Awakening and eye opening.
  • SIS🌺
    enlightening, easy to follow
    very grateful for all the wisdom shared here
  • Love Kindness Compassion
    Thank you for sharing. Your wisdom it is very much appreciated!🙏🪐✨💖
  • 101bridge
    Remove ads
    I love Eckert and his wisdom, and the fact that he is willing to share what his life taught him. The advertisements before and in between his lectures are disturbing and contradict the message, he is trying to give us. It’s sad to see that some people need to squeeze out money out of everything. And I don’t mean Eckart Tolle.
  • Itsmee33
    Love Echart/Pls Remove Ads
    Please remove ads
  • Ghddghjgdfhhfx
    I love Eckhart and his teachings. I appreciate that Oprah has helped bring his message to more people. As others have said, the ads are ridiculous and so loud.
  • Telecloud
    I used to listen to these podcasts with great pleasure. Unfortunately blasting high volume advertisements have been introduced. Not only does it destroy the intimate moment while listening but also will hurt your ears if you’re using headphones. Too bad.
  • cujo344308
    Commercials Disrupt Podcast
    This would be an amazing 5 star podcast if it wasn’t for the constant commercials, which are carelessly dropped into the episode oftentimes in the middle of a thought. I love Eckhart and his teachings, but the way this podcast is structured with insane commercials dropped in mid sentence is completely antithetical to his central teachings about being present as it completely takes you out of the moment. I guess OWN is being greedy at Eckhart’s expense. Very unfortunate.
  • caro7654
    For the love of Eckhart… stop with the ads!!
    Please, just please give us this one podcast without the interruptions. It did not used to be this way. Even if you just did them in the beginning and the end, fine- but please stop interrupting Eckhart’s important teachings with the ads. Oprah, you can do this one thing for us.
  • nomorap
    commercials are disruptive, annoying
    I would have given five stars, but the commercials are just too much. They distract from and disrupt a very thoughtful presentation. It's unbearable and I won't even try to listen again.
  • julie of the spirits
    Too bad
    It is unfortunate that such brilliant words are interrupted by loud obnoxious ads. I won’t be listening again.
  • NMS555
    Amazing teacher but find him on YouTube
    Eckhart Tolle is such a wise and intelligent teacher but it’s very disappointing when his teachings are commercialized in this way. Much of what is presented here can be found on YouTube where ads do not interrupt the teachings.
  • brian-rice
    Way too many, it’s so distracting! They don’t want to spread the teachings, they want to make money. Nothing like Eckhart saying you have everything you need in the Now back-to-back with ads saying you must buy this thing!
  • horny celibate
    read your reviews
    oprah you have enough money cut it out with the ads or stop making this podcast
  • Goodie Gooder
    Oprah is ridiculous
    Still greedy for recognition and money. Look at the copyright notice. She puts her name on his work. Shameful. She needs to go far far away. Makes the world a worse place for sure. Just ask the natives on Maui.
  • Misha Bean
    I love Eckhart’s wisdom but
    This podcast is absurd with ads breaking into the middle of his teaching about stillness, it is so incongruous that it undermines his great teaching. This is very sad because the world could use some real stillness and wisdom.
  • Victoria Fontana Crook
    Essential teachings
    I find that each episode delivers more transformative wisdom to help us fully understand the power of presence. We live in a tough time. So this is exactly the best time to go within and do this work. The work will transform our experience. Not only will the power of the work support life, it will help you endure the commercials. I’m grateful to have these shows for free to me. I don’t mind the few breaks.
  • soodfq
    Loud commercial interruptions KILL all benefit
    Eckart Tolle may be the best living teacher of how to quiet your mind and find joy and meaning - I was so glad to find a podcast filled with his wisdom and soft slow words. And yet this podcast has THE most loud and obnoxious ads of any I listen to—and they turn the volume up for them! I had a glimmer of hope that Oprah would add value to bring Tolles peace to society - no, rather than doing anything generous to make his word more accessible, she is the one whose production company chooses the advertisers, the frequency of ads, and of course the volume. What a deep, offensive commentary on Oprah. What a shame Tolle’s gifts can’t be shared with the world in a decent way that doesn’t destroy the product in the process. Oprah, if you care about Tolle’s message, don’t make a profit on it-make a contribution to fund a podcast with his message, unadulterated by the very sort of loud, shrill, consumerist, selfish messages he is trying to save us all from.
  • who/nose
    Great podcast, terrible ad placements
    Interrupting Eckhart Tolle with a loud obnoxious commercial for Amazon is such a buzzkill. Just put them all at the beginning or the end. It’s so off putting and disruptive.
  • suznbubb
    Commercials are ruining it
    I love his teachings. His voice is very soothing and it helps with anxiety. But the commercials are increasing in frequency, volume and excitement making it unbearable to listen to. What was once a very helpful and soothing podcast has been ruined by greed and a complete unawareness of why people need this podcast.
  • Shelley in San Diego
    Great wisdom but awful commercials
    I love Eckhart so much but the commercials are truly awful and loud and disruptive. So disappointing!
  • meowmwo
    Eckhart please create your own podcast
    I love Eckhart but I am begging you please to creat your own podcast. Everything having to do with Oprah is so heavily commercialized. There is so many commercials in the podcast it’s actually disgusting. I can no longer listen to it. Oprah is one of the wealthiest on the planet why so many ads? WHY? Please for the love of everything. PLEASE
  • A fan100
    Love the teacher- hate the production
    I love Eckhart Tolle and Oprah. But this podcast sounds like random recordings pieced together with abrupt and loud commercials. The commercials cut off the teacher mid-sentence. Doesn’t feel like the quality of production I’d expect from Oprah or Eckhart. It’s a shame it not easier to listen to.
  • Joy in movement
    More and more frequent Jarring commercial breaks
    I have to agree with others that this is making it harder all the time to settle in to being present, in a peaceful receptive mode for these teachings, which I thought was the main purpose. Especially with the super loud, fast pace of the commercials interrupting so frequently. If commercials are now necessary, having them at the end and beginning like PBS does for its sponsors, would be much more preferable. I know we need to learn to carry presence with us in to the noisy commercial world of today, but many of us are not yet grounded enough in our presence practices to do so with such overwhelming commercial interruptions, at least that’s my experience.
  • lambsey321
    These are wonderful!
    Enlightening of course! Humorous. Humble. These are so lovely to listen to over and over.
  • @debra
    Why not put ads at beginning or end only?!!
    If you must have ads (making money) why not put them at the beginning or end of the podcast? I am thinking that your first priority is to help people and not commercials! Even church does not pass the collection plate during the middle of service.
  • SJfu didfndjv
    WAY too many commercials!
    Constant annoying commercials make this unlistenable for me.
  • maczombieOG
    This podcast is good, but constant commercial interruption… defeats the entire point. How are they not aware of this? Paradoxical.
  • Amy8474
    Too Many Commercial Interruptions
    Lately there have been commercials throughout the podcast, interrupting the spirit and flow of his teachings. While I understand that they are necessary, perhaps if they were at the beginning and end rather than every few minutes or so.
  • U.S.A. Psychologist
    Commercials have destroyed the podcast
    Last night I sadly had to say ‘I give up’ and will no longer listen to the podcast. The commercials have destroyed it. In the first 15 minutes there were at least 3 jarring, loud commercials, totally off topic and destroying any sense of peace and understanding with what I assume Oprah and Eckhart intend with these podcasts. I wonder if they know what has happened here? Are they, after-all, just after a $? Very Sad
  • ASSpiritual
    Thank you
    Life changing advice 🙏🙏
  • EvanWilliams&Friends
    Way too many ad breaks
    Tolle is great and I enjoy his talks but each episode has like 10 ads for Walmart with no transition into the ads. Trying to zen out then all of a sudden someone is screaming at you about Walmart.
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