Thomas Paine Podcast


Mike 'Thomas Paine' Moore is a journalist and broadcaster and today serves as a top news-breaking muckraker. He previously worked for the FBI, White House, DEA, among many other Intel agencies and private concerns. Moore is the recipient of the coveted Gerald Loeb Award for journalism and two-time Pulitzer Prize for Investigative reporting nominee. As a Certified Fraud Examiner, Moore previously headed anti-money laundering operations for Citi in Chicago, Los Angeles, Delaware and New York City. He has an expertise in covert telecommunications, HUMINT, and OSINT intelligence gathering.

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Recent Reviews
  • joejoejr1
    Sleepless in Seattle
    You went from halfway decent, to get lazy and making your show go downhill what’s up, brother
  • GiGi CF
    Current subscriber
    Hop on and subscribe ! It’s worth it when you get Hotwire too!
  • Stop Kiryas Joel
    NFL Scheme +++
    What the MSM never discusses can be found here. If you like to know about truth of things unreported and want to get away from the biased Official Narrative-Misinformation you can learn something.
  • Loweez1
    worthless waste of time
    why is this podcast even created
  • Khellaran
    One of Few Truthful Podcasts
    Mike & Crew, including guests Maria Albanese, VM, Dustin Gold, Dave La Torre, & many others dish out news & truth that is light years ahead of mainstream media liars. Various levels of monthly membership through, which is a totally refreshing social media experience/alternative to Twitter, etc. Good people giving good advice & truths!!!
  • Low Country Joe
    Brings the Truth!
    It can be hard to accept but why pretend. Paine explains as only he can the facts and the evidence and the people who really run the “show “! Bonus: great music!
  • jvj24601pen
    TOP …
    Of the food chain. There is no substitute
  • TiredofTheGarbage
    23 minutes of music, 2 minutes of chuckling
    Great information on some podcasts. Great guests on some podcasts. Not information you can’t find or hear anywhere else, but well sourced. But the style makes it practically unlistenable. Imagine having a loud song on and every 30 seconds someone says something for 10 seconds and then laughs to himself and starts the music again. For as smart as he claims to be, he can’t seem to understand how changing the format of his podcast would increase the audience and reach the ‘dopes’.
  • hshcjnenskd
    Love to listen!
    I love the fact that Mike just gets out in front of the issues with no fear. He calls it like he sees it, unfiltered and unvarnished. Keep it up!
  • imho123456
    If you’re not listening to Thomas Paine podcast, you’re missing the boat. He is months ahead of the other ‘news’ programs.
  • WaywardSon2
    Moore is the kind of Paine you need
    The only truth teller and investigative journalist with experience and credentials that make this show and content valuable. If you are not a paid subscriber or a premium Hot Wire subscriber on, you are being left in the dust bin of history. Invest in your future. Have some fun and get educated on Thank you Mike!
  • docjay66
    The Most Insightful Anti-Social Man in the World
    I can’t say he’s always right medically, but he’s been more correct than my medical colleagues. Wish I had gone with his take on vax. Mike is my era , my toughness , my brains , my music. Enjoy the show peeps as he deciphers current and future plans of the “haves” to screw the rest of us.
  • nmmand3
    Truth tellers
    Wondering where your conversation with Dr Coleman is, and also wondering if you’ve spoken to Dr Tom Cowan yet? 🙏
  • For mayor
    Actionable information
    Useful information with an insightful and comedic view into news of the day. Also great music to help stomach the craziness of times
  • night putting
    Why don’t you just make one longer podcast instead of 3 short ones?
  • tslubes
    Thomas Paine show
    Five stars, your missing out if not listening, even the free show.
  • KracMauss
    The Truth!
    Unbiased news, one of the last truth tellers we have left! If you can’t handle the truth this podcast is not for you!
  • /e5QTE
    Journalism with Integrity, Lifetime of Experience, & Solid Sources
    Not Sure Who’s Podcast To Follow For Unbiased News & Analysis? This Show Reports The Facts BEFORE They Are News. Excellent Intelligence You Can Count On...To Avoid The Worldwide Turmoil We Face Each Day. With Thomas Paine Podcast (aka Paine.TV) You won’t be disappointed. Be’re gonna want Moore Paine !
  • VVdury
    Beacon of Guidance through the fog of Controlled Media
    Love this show!
  • OpTweeter
    The BEST truthful information podcast bar none. A MUST listen, every day. The Moore you listen, the Moore you learn and the Moore you learn, the Moore you want to listen.
  • Addiashgranny
    Mike Moore appreciate you
    I’ve been listening to mike for two years, don’t go anywhere else anymore it’s just a waste of time because he is always right. Love the app and the show, I listen daily. It’s for smart people and I’m becoming one.
  • A/C Works
    My everyday listen
    News and commentary that exposes the lies and shines a light into the dark corners that are impacting my life. Leaves me better prepared to deal with the current situation affecting my freedom and livelihood.
  • TinasDad
    Are you a critical thinker?
    This is a podcast for critical thinkers: people who don’t simply believe what they are told by “authority figures”; people who want to know the truth! Mike Moore is a master at what he does: breaking down news stories, both old and new, to get to the essence of what is really going on. After careers in journalism, and finance, as well as an FBI fraud examiner, he is fully equipped and does a great job of seeing through the many schemes of government, corporations- any, that are happening around us every day in this criminal world of corruption. The question is: do you really want to know the truth? If you do then this podcast is for you.
  • RogerOK104
    Great heads up on info
    Mike is weeks if not months ahead of anyone else in terms of his information and his take on the info! If you aren’t listening you are behind the curve!
  • everday hero
    Smart, funny and interesting
    Great podcast, bringing the great content consistently informing people and doing it with humor. Love the show.
  • Joulz345
    Pony Up For the Ad Free
    OMG … I’m so happy to be going back to my paid subscription!! This is an awesome show, but I miss the ability to connect with the people who are on No, i’m not a marketing person but I have been on the other site with no ads, a great community of like minded people and I paid for access to Hot Wire(the real skinny) and a new show featuring Dustin Gold.. The people who don’t enjoy truth via cleverly crafted stories and some kickass music… go somewhere else for breaking news(you’ll just be months or years behind us Paniacs) In today’s climate and upheaval, i want to know what’s coming my way ahead of everyone else to prepare my next move. If you wanna skip lunch out one day a week and pay for , you will not regret it ..and if you do … well then, the truth is not your cup of tea. It’s literally the only show I trust 100% !
  • Old Dudw
    Great podcast
    Best information out there!
  • ZachElwood
    “Thomas Paine” aka True Pundit is known liar
    The host of this podcast, Moore, is a liar with a grudge against the FBI, and the establishment generally, due to being arrested by the FBI for selling bootleg hockey DVDs. You can read more about this in a Buzzfeed article titled Revealed: Notorious Pro-Trump Misinformation Site True Pundit Is Run By An Ex-Journalist With A Grudge Against The FBI. I recommend reading that to understand the wacky claims he’s made (all sorts of conspiracy theories unsupported by legitimate outlets, even very conservative outlets) and his shady background. One of his big MOs is to write fake news stories about outlandish things with various quotes interspersed from anonymous “sources” that support his outlandish claims. For people primed to not trust mainstream media (and there can be good reasons to not trust it sometimes), his made-up stories are persuasive. But I’d make the argument that it’s important to be as skeptical about people like True Pundit/Thomas Paine and all news sources as you are about the news sources you’re already skeptical of. Don’t be like certain friends of mine who are skeptical about mainstream media (which is fine) but then go and believe any random story they hear on Facebook, or on a random podcast by a bootleg hockey DVD thief, just because it aligns with their beliefs and emotions. Rise above your emotions and be skeptical of it all.
  • I. B'dario
    It’s either for you or it’s not
    Mike is the man. You either get it or you don’t. That’s it, it’s that simple.
  • 1,000,000 ads
    Great show, what is it with the cricket drop?
    I really enjoy the show but the crickets after every joke is driving me nuts. It really takes away from the joke if you use it over 100 times in a single show.
  • Cathie z
    Don’t agree
    We cannot assume all or none are lying on Jan 6 committee when only one side is being presented
  • captainirish
    Excellent source of information !
    This podcast is one of my main sources of information. Entertaining and shocking at times.
  • TheJMan5000
    Great information and I wouldn’t change a thing. We need more of this, especially these days. Appreciate all you do Sir! 👊
  • Rlclarkindy
    Be ready for the Truth
    Been listening to and reading Mike for about a 4 years now. Great guy. Watch out, he is a maniac. Youll find yourself listening to something on the news and say, “Well no crap. Mike told us about that a f…ing year ago”! I subscribe to the premium podcast. We all need to support the truth tellers putting their butts on the line. Ive made back 10 fold from his info.
  • witcheypoo2
    Dude wants to be a radio DJ has ads running in the middle of his show but tells US to avoid podcasters who ask for money when he does the same! One of his ads is CNN! Laughs and giggles throughout the whole show! I really want to know what’s so funny all the time ! He thinks he’s hilarious! Listen to Quite Franklys podcast ! He’s amazing! This guy is another hack!
  • Buggy Sprint
    I tried to listen.
    I tried to listen, after 13 mins of music he talked for about a minute 30 seconds. Then started playing another song. If I wanted to listen to music, I have apps for that. I sure wouldn’t listen to the crap he played
  • joao5
    What can I say?
    I'm just a Maria Albanese superfan 🥸
  • JenMusic3
    Awesome stuff
    Get the insider viewpoint of what is happening. Knowledge is power
  • PleMan007
    Still Waiting
    Been following for 2 years. I’m still waiting for MM to get it wrong. He’s been spot on. Unfortunately...
  • bubblesandbotox
    Like watching pant dry
    Great info, but a lot of it you can get with other sources. PAINFUL to listen to. Almost over 20 minutes into the podcast and they finally get into the subject of the day, however it’s slow and repetitive. And it’s not the audio that’s the issue. Host and guests need to get to the point. Advertising comes in with no warning at full blast. Too many dead spots with zero talking, lots of “ummm” “and”.
  • fboyflstfr
    Dead On & Ahead of the curve
    Been following for more than two years. Hated most of what he said. As time went by he almost always turned out to be dead on. He called Trump’s loss in July of 2020. He pointed out the 4 spots on vaccine cards in the Spring of 2021. His main point echoes George Carlin’s ‘it’s a small club, and we ain’t in it. Nobody is going to save us, Not Trump, not the Republicans or Democrats, and certainly not any press or media that is sanctioned.
  • hotHEADs81
    Ads & music
    Was good early on(listened since the very first episode), but how the episodes are now broken up into 5-6 parts with the same amount of ads in each is ridiculous. Yea, I know, ya gotta make money, but how much does it cost to license all the music used?
  • Nattylitecoin
    Mike Moore Is very good at what he does
    I’ve been tuning in off and on to Paine in the Morning for over two years and enjoy Mike’s perspective on current events. He’s an intelligent, thorough reporter with a sense of humor and even though he comes across as gruff- I think he has a heart of a mango: hard on the outside, soft on the inside. Aside from his shows M-Thu, I also enjoy his Friday show with Marie Albanese. That woman gets it.
  • Igig5427
    Ruh-Roh… someone is telling the truth!
    All the hard hitting truth you can handle, and then some more ( Moore!) . Put on your big boy pants and buckle up.
  • BarrSux
    Best Podcast Around
    I’ve been listening for almost 2 years and it’s the most accurate reporting I’ve found. is well worth the monthly subscription as well… plus he makes me laugh
  • Desperate for normalcy
    Snake oil
  • skidflap[
    Info accurate
    been listening from the start of Rona. spot on info. track record is it.
  • make.create.repeat
    Love the delivery of the truth, which is real, honest, and rockin’!
  • PopaLove
    Thomas Paine podcast
    Learning the truth one episode at a time.
  • Fckbanks
    Get to the point
    You beat around the bush way too much
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