Simple Farmhouse Life


With over ten years experience making a home, author and mom of eight, Lisa Bass, shares her love for from scratch cooking, natural living and all things handmade. As a full-time blogger and homeschooler, Lisa also mixes in a little mom life and business tips.

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Recent Reviews
  • Johanna Lanier
    My favorite podcast of all time
    I’ve been listening to the Simple Farmhouse Life podcast since Lisa first began it. No one encourages and inspires mothers and homemakers like Lisa does. These episodes nourish my heart and give me strength, direction, and a community of support. I listen to other podcasts here and there, but there is no other podcast that I’ve listened to and loved every single episode. Lisa is so authentic. She’s blessed my life through multiple children along my journey as a mother, homesteader, and homemaker. Thank you, Lisa!
  • AmbriaElias
    This is the best podcast! I look forward to every episode and get something out of every single one. I’ve never followed a podcast so closely before. I love the broad range of topics related to homemaking, homesteading, homeschooling, etc. It’s so calming to just put an AirPod in and get some work done around the house while listening to these podcasts. I wish they were longer sometimes! Also, Lisa’s voice is one that I like listening to and I don’t find annoying.
  • LeiGatta
    Dangerous and Disturbing Health Advice, Other Episodes are Good
    Some great episodes on cooking, decorating, and gardening. But— I just listened to episode 140 with Roxane Ahern, where she recommends letting your kid lay in bed with an unchecked fever of 105 degrees for five days. No need to call a doctor, it’s fine! She did not temper this “advice” with the caveat that this might be ok if the child is eating, drinking, talking and behaving normally, and using the bathroom. If your child isn’t doing these things, that’s neglect. Ahern has absolutely no background in healthcare and should not be giving advice like this. In episode 145, Amy Fewell claims her son has asthma because of vaccines and Lisa just goes along with that. None of these people are qualified to give this kind of medical advice. Lisa seems to have stepped away from the medical advice angle since then, and I think that’s a good idea.
  • The Homemaking Gal
    Life Changer!
    Lisa has completely changed my view on Homemaking , and the simple life! She has inspired me to serve my family and friends in a new ,and thoughtful manner which has sweetened my life in the home 💕. Her way of designing and taste have helped me to create a more cozy fresh atmosphere where I have found more peace in mind and body than ever before 😌. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone who is looking for inspiration in the kitchen ,motivation to have a more natural home ,or is seeking advice in homeschooling. Definitely a five star podcast! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • Amelia's River
    Love it!
    Great podcast, host and amazing guests! Love when I see she’s released a new episode
  • Hatstoreee
    All time favorite!
    Listening to this podcast makes me feel motivated and confident in my self as a homemaker. I’ve listened to almost every episode and loved them all. Thank you Lisa for putting your time and effort into such a wonderful listen!
  • Emilyyy R J
    Informative , encouraging and inspiring
    Lisa has a way of hosting the show in a natural , conversational manner , giving her guests time to share while also directing the conversation. I love listening and am always inspired to make one more homemaking choice in my day, to better myself in some small way, whether it be researching a new project or simply putting that final load of laundry away. Lisa is an inspiration to me personally and I love this podcast . Especially love how Lisa can be such a presence online while maintaining so much privacy for her family: she isn’t a sell out for likes or clicks. She actually brings real value to the table. God bless you Lisa!
  • natrans
    One of my favorite go-tos!
    I love this podcast so much. I always feel so encouraged and inspired here. Especially when I’m listening as I go about my daily homemaking tasks - it makes me feel surrounded, supported, and valued in my role as a SAHM. You will love this podcast too!
  • Emotionally Healthy Legacy
    Such helpful Podcast!
    I’ve been following Lisa‘s YouTube for years and I have found her content super helpful and valuable for mom‘s who are wanting to enjoy homemaking and making food from scratch. Lisa, thank you so so much for bringing such valuable content and wonderful guest to your podcast! -Elizabeth
  • texas42223
    Hi! I am LOVING the podcast!! My husband recently got blessed with an amazing job that when we decide to have kids we are now in a position for me to be a full time stay at home mom- but until then we are both working, learning and saving! It’s always been a dream of mine to be stay at home mom/homemaker and recently it’s become both of our dreams to homeschool and homestead! We are homesteading in the city, we have a huge garden that we are on the second harvest of it and still learning and we on a mission to homestead in the city! We are both taking this time before we have kids to research and learn skills! He is learning the gardening, building and outdoor skills while I am learning sewing, knitting, baking etc. Your podcast is a great resource on learning and setting our intention for that season of life as we set our self and home up for it! Thank you for your hard work!!
  • mergs19
    Love this podcast!
    I absolutely love this podcast! I want to thank you Lisa for giving up a piece of your privacy to provide us with great content. I know you appreciate feed back good and bad but keep in mind those who have a lot of negative to say and expect you to be perfect will move on as soon as they find something they think is better. Those of us who stick around love your show for everything you personally bring to it. We appreciate the genuineness and realistic content!
  • Cosea Moore
    Worth listening to
    I enjoy these episodes as it helps me in my stay at home mom and homemaker journey. It really encourages me to know I’m not alone in doing this and it has really helped me to enjoy being a homemaker!
  • templetonm
    Time to rebrand
    Older episodes are wonderful and full of homestead/“simple” living topics. Like a lot of homesteading podcasts, it seems like Lisa is running out of content in that area. While she previously made a point of avoiding controversial topics, new episodes are centered around Christianity and have included opinions on Covid, etc. That’s totally fine — I’m sure this opens the door to new listeners, and Lisa can do whatever she wants with her free podcast! — but it might be time to rebrand the show or at least update the description. Great content for sourdough and sewing. I have the beginner’s sewing course, and it is great.
  • Jasminestan
    Fun and chocked full of information
    I am excited to see what topic Lisa goes to next. I can always play in the background and learn something new. Great tips to apply about just enjoying everyday life. You will love it!
  • target doesnt let me review
    Wish I would have found Lisa sooner!
    This podcast is PACKED with really good useful information that everyone should know. Lisa’s voice is pleasant to listen to and she’s very eloquent when talking. Everything flows so well. I feel so far behind as I am a 33 year old mother of 4 soon to be 5 and i’m just beginning towards scratch cooking and homestead living but thankful for people like Lisa who share their experiences so I can get there quicker!
  • benjipear
    Great show
    Lots of great information!
  • emilyhood
    Lisa, I am always so blessing by the things shared in your podcast with so much wisdom from so many wonderful ladies! Thank you!
  • HorseandFarmandGarden
    Love love Lisa!
    Endlessly inspired by Lisa. She is a gracious host and I love who she brings on.
  • BMJens
    Great podcast
    Such an awesome and educational podcast. I love all the homemaking and homesteading content. Perfect to learn something new and get some new ideas while doing some homemaking. Thank you Lisa!
  • brianacast
    We need more of this
    I had been looking for a wholesome podcast having to do with taking care of the home. It’s a bonus that it’s run by believers, because I completely feel aligned with their morals and feel connected to what they’re saying. I’m only on season 3, but I do wish the podcasts were a little more “how to” with direct instructions/ideas and less chatty. It’s nice hearing about the updates in their lives, but, it seems the majority of the podcasts do end up being lots of tangents, instead of clear instructions that I’m really craving.
  • TMonjo
    Big Sister Lisa!
    As a new mom, this is a breath of fresh air! I’ve followed Lisa’s YouTube for years, I love learning about sourdough and her holistic perspective on food! But I am new to understanding her philosophy on mothering and parenting. She is super encouraging and laid back. I feel more empowered as a mom listening to her. Social media and the US have such a specific view of parenting and it’s less about serving our individual children as it is about cramming our kids into a box. Mom shaming is loud wherever you look!! Lisa is countercultural and encouraging. She is confident as a mom and it is contagious.
  • marissalewis94
    As a SAHM of 3 littles (and wanting more, Lord willing), this has been a go-to listen during naps while I clean. I have gleaned a lot of wisdom and insight, perspective shifts and useful tips that have been incredibly helpful for me. Very thankful for this!
  • Balletforte
    Absolutely love this podcast!
    I have found myself always choosing this podcast first among all the ones I follow. I love the topics she covers, the tips I learn, the guests she has on. This is also one of the few podcasts hosts I seek out on YouTube. Give her a listen; you won’t regret it!
  • elisasteele
    Practical and encouraging
    Please keep it up! I love this podcast.
  • bff chefs
    Love it
    I found her sister Lora when I was seven and I just found her. She lives my dream so this as been my favorite podcast ever. I especially love their Godly lifestyle and submission to the husbands. I hope to be like them when I’m older. ( I’m only 13)
  • Kamryn Rush
    The best podcast while housework
    I found Lisa on YouTube 3 years ago and then started following her on Instagram and now listening to her podcast. I’ve listen to about every one going back to 2020. I always love her content and all of the guest she has on. It’s the best podcast listen to while I am feeding the baby, putting the dishes away, and going on a drive. Love Lisa so much and her lifestyle. We’ve never met, but she’s taught me so much!
  • Holisticnursemomma
    Love the interior design episodes!
    I’ve been trying to dig and relisten to all of Lisa’s guests who talked about thrifting and interior design topics. They’re all so good!
  • ~Alaska~Chick~
    So Inspiring!!
    I so enjoy listening to Lisa’s podcasts! They inspire me! 💗
  • Nannybells
    Get podcast.
  • javelina1969
    Changed my life forever!
    Lisa cuts to the chase, she values her time and YOURS. I feel encouraged to be my best self after every episode. She’s helped me to have a more joyful pregnancy and postpartum journey with my daughter. I had a really traumatic birth story last time and her example of caring for her babies has shaped the way I mother now. Thank you for the work you do! Also…I binge watched all of her YouTube videos while I was in bed with this pregnancy, so peaceful and productive, highly recommended!
  • emloveshomebirth
    Simple and good!
    I started watching Lisa’s YouTube channel Farmhouse on Boone which is how I came across her podcast. I like that she brings on guests that align with her homemaking lifestyle and asks deep questions. She is inspiring! If you are looking for a homemaking podcast to listen to, this one is worth your time!
  • lexiander11111111116666666666
    I love Farmhouse on Boone
    I love Lisa’s YouTube channel and podcast. I may never have a homestead but her homemaker content has encouraged me tremendously. She’s an absolute boss, as well. I want a larger family (maybe 4 kids). And she makes having a bigger family feel so much less daunting.
  • mrsvos
    Inspiring Easy Listen
    I love this podcast, Lisa is such an inspiration in all things motherhood, natural living, homesteading, and nutrition. I have enjoyed listening as I go about my typical everyday mommy tasks. I can’t sit and watch YouTube videos as easily these days with babies and homemaking, so this podcast format is my favorite way to learn and absorb information relevant to this season of my life.
  • Rog Fam
    Love this channel!
    Thank you for your great content! I love your heart and your beautiful example in life!
  • KateSuffern
    Very helpful, encouraging podcast
    This podcast has been a life changer for me! In parenting and homemaking. The encouragement to try new things gradually and not expect perfection from yourself is very helpful.
  • Bailey Trav
    Amazing podcast!
    Great podcast and great info for a young mom who is just starting her own homestead.
  • Angie Tarrant
    The Value of a Homemaker
    This episode was so encouraging to me! As spring arrives there is so much to do and it can feel so overwhelming. Listening to this podcast reminded me to prioritize the important things first and the rest will all fall into place!
  • StasiaH
    This lady has changed my life
    I'm so glad I found Lisa first when I started researching sourdough. Her no fuss attitude to sourdough has transformed our family for the last year since I first made my sourdough starter. She is my age, but she's like 4 generations older than me with life knowledge, work ethic, and ideas. So that part hurts. But other than that, I really love her youtube videos. And I also gave birth in the car and feel sentimental towards her for that shared (but separate) experience as well. Thanks Lisa for all the awesome content!!!
  • lnrtargetshopper
    Sally Clarkson best episode ever
    This particular episode is one I know I’ll come back to over and over. It’s life-changing. I can’t wait to implement her ideas into my family and community!
  • 😍podcasts
    Must listen ❤️
    Lisa is awesome! I love this podcast. I have just recently discovered it and it’s A-mazing. Easy listen, almost like your with your friends chatting about anything and everything. I love how real Lisa is about life and family, she has great tips, and is living life to the fullest (and healthiest) ;) Overall great podcast, I can’t rave about it enough!!! Keep up the good work Lisa! May God bless you!
  • hsierr2b
    Where would I be…
    without Lisa? My oldest - who is 6 - knows her as “Farmhouse Lady on Boone”. Every time we look up a recipe he is always asking, “Is that Farmhouse Lady on Boone?” Haha. Thank you so much for sharing what you know and the knowledge of others! So much to learn here.
  • TaliaH.
    I really enjoy listening to every episode of this podcast. Lisa is such a kind and calming presence. I love how she always puts herself into the questions and tries to figure out how she can better herself and her family, it feels like a genuine conversation and not just an interview with strangers’ questions. I also love how relaxing these podcasts are. When your brain needs a break from anything intense, you can still learn something here while relaxing and just hearing a conversation. I highly recommend this podcast.
  • AshleyMGrant
    Amazing Podcast!!!
    This is my absolute favorite podcast, I just discovered lisa recently and I have been listening to her almost daily! I only have two kids (1 year old and newborn) and hope to have many more. I plan to homeschool when they are older. Have recently gotten into a more natural life, homemade life, and have started a homestead. I have learned so much from your podcast!!! Thank you!!
  • Burney30956
    I am loving the way she makes the ideas of homemade & homemaking simple and doable. It all seems overwhelming when you e never done it all that way, but she makes it very real and achievable.
  • homesteading enthusiast
    Lisa is just cool.
    My wife and I have listened and watched Lisa on her YouTube channel and her podcast. I have to say Lisa is just cool. I like that she talks about homesteading, caring for animals, and using traditional skills that are almost at this point lost so many in a modern world. I love that she doesn’t push any of her opinions or beliefs on anyone. She’s a religious person, her husband and her homeschool their seven kids but that’s really all you need to know as far as background the rest is focused on what she’s actually doing or what she’s actually making which is pretty impressive at this point in the game when almost everyone on a podcast, wants to give their unsolicited opinion rather than teach or talk about what we all showed up to actually listen too. Thanks Lisa!
  • Humbly, Haley
    Well Rounded and Thoughtfully Curated
    I love the range of the topics Lisa covers on this podcast! Her guests are always well educated and there is so much practical information to glean from every episode. Highly recommend for any mama who wants to pursue a more traditional, simple lifestyle for her family!
  • Heart Happy Momma
    I always come back to this podcast
    I originally found Lisa on YouTube from a baby wrap tutorial and a couple of years later realized she had a podcast. After listening to many past podcasts, and listening to most of her others, I’ve really enjoyed the content and approach she has with her kids and her home. (Most likely because it’s similar to mine or at least what I hope to achieve as my family grows and changes.) I have loved listening to the interviews and have most enjoyed Toups and Co owner (I’ve made purchases and love the products), Growing Joy owner, and so many more. I was going to name more but I don’t have time to go back for names. (There were 2 health related interviews that I loved but can’t remember their names.) I like that she is able to find a lot of really knowledgeable guests. I highly recommend this podcast to homeschool moms and anyone interested in natural living. Also, as she said in one podcast or YouTube video, some people might be here because they like listening to me talk. This is actually one reason I have stopped a few other podcasts. Voice matters. Thank you Lisa for all of your content and I’m happy for you and your family’s success.
  • KHC Reviews
    Short Episodes
    Short episodes that are easy to listen to while cleaning and provide a lot of information!
  • meschoux
    Lisa is a legend
    I never get tired of content from Lisa! I love the practicality, honesty, and approachability of this podcast and it’s guests. Always a pleasure!
  • srchomestead
    Beautiful podcast: love the topics
    I am a homestead Mama of 3 and this has been my outlet. I have enjoyed all the episodes and the guests are amazing! Check out this podcast you will be so inspired!
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