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Education #158

Pursuing the light of objective truth in subjective darkness.

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  • thankful 'n glad
    Sep. 3
    Your ‘lust for dominance’ explanation helped me. It is religious, much like Islam. Thanks
  • Runninracher1981
    So helpful
    This podcast has been very helpful in learning how and why society is going the direction it is. It really is like a class lecture, brought to the level of the curious learner. I appreciate this podcast so much.
  • The Miche Way
    Ignorance from a seemingly smart person
    I’m so disappointed that this podcast is so ignorant, rather than providing an opposing view from an intellectual stand point. What did it for me was the misuse of “woke” (often misused by non-black Americans but WOW the incorrectness). Woke was used by Black Americans throughout our history to advise other blacks to be aware, stay keen, and be on alert. Now, knowing the meaning, it makes no sense how this is an “agenda” to be used for anything other than encouraging awareness (ironically, I think that’s what this podcast intends to do, bring awareness). Do you see how stupid then, it sounds to have an “awareness” language? That’s how this podcaster has used woke. At that, I tossed my hands up, unsubscribed, drafted this review, and prayed that the target audience better educated themselves than this.
  • 'Cuzisaidso
    Everything I wanted from a podcast
    Everything I wanted from a podcast/philosophy class. It’s refreshing to hear a more informed view on the world now. Lindsey seems to know something about everything. It’s nice that he critiques and reads from the sources instead of talking about what everyone in said camp believes. The only thing I’d change is maybe have less swearing and more articulation on why he detests a system or idea.
  • SoJo115
    Stop American marxism
    The most knowledgeable and in depth research about the upcoming
  • Klakkedelle37
    James “My Man” Lindsay
    If you are not paying attention to, listening or following James on all the platforms you are flat out uninformed. He went from A-Political to a full on renegade for common sense and America. An intellectual through and through who puts in the work to bring the people the truth.
  • AbecedariusRex
    Excellent work
    You are doing invaluable labor, for which many people are grateful. You mentioned the deprogramming people who have been swept into the cult of the woke. Could you do a podcast on how to go about that? Thank you again.
  • Dave Lips
    Exposing creepy totalitarians
    You’d have to be a real queer to leave a negative review on this podcast. Just wondering why James has a hard on for Israel isn’t it just dialectical antithesis decision trap? I see the protests are fake but Oct 7 was also fake
  • wakefoot
    Exposing the Groomers
    It’s scary what the deviants have in mind for our children. Brainwashing and creating an army of unhappy people. James reveals the agenda of these monsters. Progressives are just slightly nicer communists slow walking us to tyranny and death. Keep up the great work!
  • railrhoades
    This is low level, binary thinking. Feels like pandering to dummies which is such a weakling move. Still searching for conservative thought which withstands critical thinking….
  • Sabot6
    Not enough application
    You are on the right track but you to provide enough application to what you are proposing. For example, the episode call the Affordance Trap. You basically spend 12 minutes repeating that this is what an affordance trap is but you do t give practical examples and enough examples on how to beat it. On the right track but provide more application please.
  • Larsn44
    University level expose
    A great tool for penetrating the convoluted world of Marxism. As Alinski confessed, these people are of Lucifer. Millions die at their hands.
  • AlisaLea
    Look up to No one.
    I love that he’s telling us we should look up to no one, while he’s trying to convince us to look up to him for ideas. If this is the case, why are you even bothering?
  • Internaut
    So long
    James Lindsey proves to be a brilliant thinker but a flawed human as he routinely blocks people for innocent comments. I wish him luck.
  • Miss_Prism
    Just exactly how I thought about all this crap 40 years ago when I read Jacques Derrida and then saw it, frighteningly, creeping into law with “critical legal studies.” It was only later however in the study of the actual history of communism that I realized how insanely destructive it all was. And how much so called intellectuals in the West had bought into it. Who knew then that it would all get even worse today? I expected all of this stuff to have been firmly in the dustbin of history by now.
  • noneofyourbusinesskay
    Accurate, pure and simple
    If you want to clear your brain from all the SJW nonsense promoted on our college campuses, listen to this podcast. Long live the republic.
  • Nic47372
    Eye Opening
    Right leaning propaganda and opinion disguised as intellectual and factual. Inflammatory ideas, black and white thinking, polarizing. Interesting, but take it with a grain of salt. Could be manipulative for individuals looking for answers or a sense of community in the wrong places. The host talks in absolute, and subjective terms, using words like “they” and “you”. To paint it as if the *entire* left uses this *one* book Beautiful Trouble written in the 1960’s as the bible for their activism is grossly overgeneralizing. Where’s the proof? Or is this just opinion? To say the left knows exactly how to get police to beat them up at protests, for the purpose of painting the police in a bad light, is saying the police have absolutley none of their own agency to make their own choices and they’re being forced by the left to commit such crimes of brutality is just outright ludicrous. The language used seems very personal like he’s talking directly to a viewer in an intimate way, and validating all of their fears the right has been stoking for decades to win votes while they accomplish nothing for the general masses. We need to fight the disease of the broken system, instead of fighting the smoke and mirrors and symptoms. People need to come together and see things through an intellectual critical lens, and form communities instead of being driven further apart by this type of propaganda.
  • 64SquishyOranges
    Fascinating and cutting analysis of some very complicated and dangerous ideas
    Dr. Lindsay has an incredible mind capable of cutting through complicated academic jargon to get to the root of dangerous ideas like critical theories and sociopolitical instantiations of these ideas like socioemotional learning. That being said, his reasoning can sometimes be a bit hard to follow and so it’s hard to tell if his evidence always supports his claim. Easily one of the most important voices of our day!
  • Ryjor
    Single most crucial podcast
    James really is saving the world. Educate yourself by listening to his analyses.
  • Ssarles
    Get a thinking upgrade
    This is serious, compact, engaging analysis of the current conversation. We have a debt of gratitude for this. Top top top notch. Thank you!
  • blind puppy
    Holy cow!
    Thank you so much for your in-depth education on our country and world crisis. My mind is blown. Your exactly what I’ve been looking for. I’m so past the regular every day polite junk I hear. I feel like I’m now on level 10 out of 10 on understanding . Something I can listen to over and over again! So much information ! Love❤️
  • StoobyDooby
    Ignorance and misinformation
    The host of this show literally says “I read the first paragraph of the intro chapter (to this book that we are discussing today)” and then proceeds to (incorrectly) give his take on the the theories being discussed by whichever author he is looking to criticize/discredit. Then he uses scare tactics to con listeners into believing that leftists are an inherent threat. The true threat is corporate power and social hierarchies, not community networks seeking a more just and equitable world.
  • Elliot F.
    A trip into understanding Leftist tactics
    Thanks James for unearthing and analyzing the sources of leftist dogma and their dangerous Goebbels style psych propaganda
  • nosous
    Deep, but direct!
    I believe James will be celebrated more and more as society and culture awaken to the realities of deception and divisiveness that have only sought to gain power for those who masquerade as activists for justice.
  • JamieLafalot
    One of my favorite podcasts
    Very informative!! This podcast is one of my top to listen to!!
  • Takoateli
    Every one is a gem.
    James never disappoints.Every episode is a succinct explanation of topical issues with x-ray vision insight.
  • ___adam
    “The farther you in the past, the farther you can see in the future.”
    Amaze balls!!!!
    Anyone wanting to know what’s happening in our American culture today, the push toward communism, the fundamental transformation of America - James expertly lays out. Don’t be put off by his intelligence or big words, he’s a natural and doesn’t do it to show off. The bullet podcast episodes are short and concise, for us regular people and more than prepares us for understanding the different power plays in society and debates. Highly recommend his podcasts on struggle session and how to deal with them. Actually, listen to each one!!! Thanks James!!!!!
  • jcon211
    I need this!
    James is a very effective communicator of ideas and truths I need to understand more thoroughly. I teach history, government and politics to high students and listening and learning from this podcast will help me become a better classroom teacher. My students I teach, mostly high school seniors are hungry for truth and the freedom to discuss ideas. I am so thankful to have access to such a brilliant thinker like James Lindsay.
  • sshaverr
    A must sub podcast
    Unless you live under a rock somewhere, you need this information to know what is happening in today’s world.
  • Nnnnnbbbbb1234567
    Wonderfully inciteful
    Confusing and complicated subjects very well articulated.
  • Pepe 5 thousand
    Nudist Courses!
    I love this podcast! There is so much interesting content. I haven’t gotten to any of the nudist stuff yet. Which is a liiiitttle disappointing because I’m really excited to join that minority community. I’m ready to learn and you know, do The Work. I’m just really sick and tired of the oppression that clothing has on us in this society. We weren’t born with clothes! Anygay, the host is so knowledgeable and assertive; everything from Man-splaining to Man-spreading, He’s got it covered. As an aspiring nudist myself, I came for the content but stayed for the groomers. Keep up the good work, James!
  • MyAmerica10
    James Lindsay!
    A delightfully brilliant nerd!
  • Amaholic5
    Absolute Zero - excellent analysis but optimistic
    James, your coverage of this is fantastic, but you assume a rosy picture of AbsoluteZero. A few of us ran just some basic models with basic constraints (like just stop road shipping or stop fossil fuel electric power) to get an idea of how this would go. Again, this was just on one or two requirements of Net Zero. The transitioning to 0 emission fuels in 20 years would cause such catastrophic failure in all global systems just in the first 7 years. the model errors out after 7. The expected global population after 7 years in that trajectory results in a sharply declining line from 125,000,000 in year 8 to less than 100,000 by year 14. I hold a masters in Financial Economics 1996 and have created and applied econometric models in business in 20 firms across 9 different industries. These include electric power, petroleum refining, consumer products and food, agriculture, transportation (all types except air), primary aluminum and steel, chemicals, coal, and cement.
  • CredibleReviews
    Smart and Factual and Reasoned
    We’re in a major crisis in this country, every institution is now infected with the “woke mind virus”. Dr Lindsay understands this better than any other expert and is able to articulate what is happening in simple easy to understand terms so it can be defeated. Listen and learn.
  • VietSchlong
    James doesn’t like CN
    So CN doesn’t like James
  • Miasarx
    Your point that justice “follows” is right! Bc justice is giving what people deserve, and what they deserve depends on who and what they are: that is, on a correct anthropology. And James, as far as I know, in the whole world the only locus classicus for the notion of universal human dignity is Genesis 1. Just saying.
  • andjmas
    James is amazing
    James is amazing! Super knowledgeable about all things educational and Marxist. And did you realize that the root name of “James” is Jacob?? Yep. Little nugget.
  • Alijae21
    Amazingly educative
    I first heard of the scholar James Lindsey from Allie Beth Stuckey’s podcast, “Relatable,” and have come to learn SO MUCH from him. This podcast could not exist at a more important and opportune time as now. James does an amazing job distilling heady and needlessly complicated ideals (thank you Marx) into understandable, plain language to help anyone grasp the concepts that have infected our institutions and the world at large. He does amazingly important work of reading all these works for us and with us on his episodes. The long-form episodes offer more value than an entire college semester, and the short-form episodes are a brilliant alternative he offers to anyone short on time. And for not being religious, he has an authentic and clear-headed view of many religions, including Christianity, to make apt comparisons and contracts between the ideas of our age (which have come from Marx et al), helping shed light into our current cultural moment. Very thankful for the lessons and that he makes learning these difficult concepts engaging and easy.
  • Mamapek
    The short podcasts are great!
    Mr. Lindsay’s long podcasts are good too, but the short explanations of single concepts are fantastic! At least once per episode I am struck with an “Ah Ha!” moment, gaining understanding on something I have observed in the culture. The DARVO and low-level violence episodes were especially impactful lately.
  • Anti Communist Geezer
    Lindsay “Hero”
    If you want to understand what is happening to this country now, you must listen to this podcast. Lindsay lays bare the Marxism infecting the west under the guise of equity, DEI and other neomarxist modes of infiltration. He provides the intellectual ammunition to fight this cancer.
  • veranda12
    Fantastic perspectives
    The host has a deep understanding of what’s going on and gives a great perspective where things are headed
  • 7th Vermont Volunteers
    Making sense of nonsense!
    Objective truth is under assault and James is connecting the dots on how it’s being done, where the ideology is rooted and how to combat the pathology that is dismantling the west.
  • mommiebird7
    James Lindsay is absolutely brilliant- I will listen to every interview he does on all the other podcasts I follow as well. And speaking as a Christian believer, I will add this: even though James is not a Christian, he has a better grasp on Biblical history/theology/principle/application than virtually any average Christian in America today. He is completely unafraid of the Truth, no matter where it takes him, and he will look lies boldly in the face and confront them, no matter the personal cost. I am so deeply grateful for this man and his work.
  • mommybd2012
    Must listen!!
  • Successondemand
    James is thorough in his overview of the cancer we see in schools. Teachers are employed to teach content material not access pathological tendencies in classrooms. This is important information parents and tax payers should object immediately. Schools are in business to teach not indoctrinate students to group think.
  • ballin lee
    Parental choice, freedom, anti Marxism!
    James is the most educated intelligent person to educate us on the issues of SEL and CRT. He is literally a genius in this field. It’s as if you have a human computer with all the info you’ll ever need! Please give him a listen to see the root cause of what is turning all our children in brainwashed marxists.
  • JanusARG
    In-depth accurate analysis
    James Lindsay always delivers a clear, no nonsense analysis of the information published by the Marxist left, so you can not misunderstand the evil traps they are doing. I love how he calls it out for what it is.
  • Verybendy
    I rarely have time to listen to the long episodes but the “bullet points” are relatively brief, easily digestible, and vital for understanding the toxic wokeness burning through our cultural and academic institutions.
  • Ned Snark
    Brilliance Defined
    I want to sit in a classroom with Dr. Lindsey as the instructor.
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