The New Abnormal

News #98

Blunt truth and dark humor for a world in chaos. A Daily Beast podcast hosted by Danielle Moodie & Andy Levy. Tune in every Tuesday, Friday and Sunday.

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Recent Reviews
  • Pattimom74
    Always makes me laugh
    I admit I listen to too many political podcasts that are left leaning but only this one makes me laugh at least once during the show. Some of the topics and stories I’ve heard before but I always tune in for that guaranteed laugh. Didn’t listen when Rick Wilson was co-host and wish I had. He is hands down my favorite pundit. No reflection on Andy Levy though. He is insightful and very funny too. Love the show and its slanted humor. ADDENDUM: the above was written when Molly was hosting with Andy. My rating has been reduced by half since Danielle joined the show. I know I’m not the only one that wishes she would not scream while talking, say “like” in almost every sentence and use the F word constantly. I have started fast forwarding through her interview segments. And I am considering only listening to the bonus episodes because she seems to keep a cooler head on those. For what it’s worth, find a better co-host for Andy, to whom I love listening.
  • Level Headed Learner
    Bring Back the Old Hosts
    Danielle Moodie is the worst! I cannot believe she was an educator. Every episode she screeches the same rehearsed lines. I have to skip her interviews because she is so bad. The shame is that some of the guests are really interesting and provide great information.
  • Loganfool
    Changed my mind
    Can’t take Danielle Moody’s rantings anymore.
  • Kjs567
    Good content but
    I agree with just about everything in the content of this show but just can’t listen to the humorless and profane ranting from Danielle Moodie anymore. I often feel angry too but I am looking for something in a show besides that alone, analysis, something I don’t know, even satire. I have listened to The New Abnormal for years but think I’ll skip it at least for a while and check later to see if anything has changed. I hope it does as she gets more experience doing this.
  • Asciguy
    Dave the Libertarian
    typifies an ignorant anarchist.
  • fhfndbdbfbfhtht
    “It will be obliteration”
    Quoting from the djt “shark” ramblings: “…He goes, it's the greatest existential threat to our country. Global warming. In the meantime, you get these maniacs with nuclear weapons that can do damage, which I won't even talk to you about. It's the greatest. There has never been anything like it. The power of weaponry today. It will be obliteration.” Will be?? WILL BE?? WILL. BE???? The sharks were a distraction to his very scary mind.
  • Oledonny22
    Main stream lobbyists who contributed to the problem now grandstand to the left of Biden while an authoritarian threatens our democracy.
  • MsPrintWhistle
    More facts, less complaining and ranting please
    It is boring listening to venting and complaining. I can do that over a beer with friends and there are many other podcast that already do that. Theses hosts are smart -please make interesting arguments and commentary. As it is now, it just sounds like the lefty version of the other-side with outrage and rants….I'm so tired of that.
  • Road_Work
    Supremes sponsors
    Good show! I propose that justices should, in the style of NASCAR drivers, have their sponsor names patched about their robes.
  • DrDK2
    Love this Podcast
    Charlie Kirk said “mating” not “maiden.” He’s apparently saying Trump will become the incel’s pimp!!
  • ElizaCost
    Our injustice system has never held him accountable
    And it never will. We have an injustice system not much better than Russia or China. We just put different groups of people behind bars. In fact I read that one third of all females prisoners in the world are right here in America, even though we are only 4.2% of the worlds population. That’s staggering!!! We obviously lost (or never had) a lot of rights long before Roe v. Wade was overturned.
  • A UK fan
    College campus protests
    You are comparing apples to oranges. Protests for Vietnam and black people sat at lunch counters cannot and should not be compared to the current hostilities in the middle east. In the former 2 examples you are talking about things which were fully controlled within YOUR own government. The Palestine / Israel conflict is beyond your control - by all means, have peaceful protests but otherwise keep out! Concentrate on the HORRENDOUS domestic issues which just confirm how the world sees America as the young, immature democracy that you are!!
  • mama hart77
    Great conversation
    This is one of my MUST LISTENS every week!!! Great pod
  • BGDem
    Keeps me sane!
    I’m not crazy. The antics of the republican party are crazy! It’s not me! This podcast reminds me of these truths each week. Love the content. Great commentary. Great guests. And, yes, I laugh through these troubling times with your help! And, I take action and vote, too!
  • Frankie2Thumbs
    Danielle Moodie
    Not to take anything away from Andy or Molly but Danielle is the most prepared and thoughtful interviewer of all podcasts I listen to.
  • AUser857091
    Cleo AI
    What is business of advertising an AI app that tells human beings how to “manage” their finances? Do you know what code was written into this AI app? Does that code consider every diverse person & every diverse situation?
  • Stryker1144
    What an absolutely garbage biased based podcast solely dedicated to Trump derangement syndrome!
  • ihatenicknames99
    Fan of the show, but …
    If Danielle Moodie exhibited a modicum of self control - 1) cursing for emphasis, not as a means to exhale, 2) toning down the shrillness so humans and not just dogs could hear clearly, 3) being slightly less melodramatic, and 4) being slightly less hyperbolic (the truth of our current abnormal is bad enough—it’s not necessary to exaggerate so much to the point of making statements that are factually incorrect)—she would come off as a serious person rather than a histrionic nitwit. And for the love of Pete, could some please explain to her the difference between the word “parse” and the idiom “part and parcel” — especially if she is going to use the latter (incorrectly) multiple times per episode.
  • ness06
    Danielle is insufferable
    I tried to come back to this show today. Had to stop after 8mins. The yelling and the swearing of Danielle is too much for me. Does not make the point stronger if you do the audio equivalent of ALL CAPS sorry! Won’t come back
  • Buhnanie
    A few less F words please
    I really enjoy this intelligent podcast except the F words overwhelm me. This may impress a few young people but it’s a turn off for those of us in the crowd who aren’t impressed with the over-indulgence in foul language. Be emphatic, I get it. But there’s no need to constantly “prove” you are one of the boys. That’s how it comes off. But Andy Levy uses far less foul language yet he still conveys intense concern. The yelling is also hard to listen to. These are worrisome times, so I also look forward to the levity in the podcast and so far I keep coming back.
  • 90abcghi
    Get it right
    Danielle is amazing ! She is articulate and real . Love this podcast !
  • Sats66
    Love this show!
    One of the few I have to listen to when it comes out. Humorous intelligent insight into todays political landscape
  • CDarwin6565
    New cohost ruins, once great show.
    When Molly Jong fast cohosted the show she created, it was a regular part of my podcast schedule. However, her replacement, a very, very angry, young woman, named Danielle, has substituted mollies, mostly stayed, thoughtful, opinions for loud, profane rants, and outright primal screaming sessions has made this completely unlistenable. I gave two stars, cause I still agree with the basic politics, but screaming obscenities is not I choose to engage in politics.
  • B the Guy
    Ruined by the Replacement for Molly Jong Fast
    Once a fun & intelligent show, this has turned into an obscenity filled rant dominated by the relentlessly abrasive voice of Danielle, who never had an idea that didn’t start with an F-bomb. I feel sorry for the other people on the show.
  • B.A.Y.
    Danielle is much too loud…..just had to turn the podcast off. Also,,,potty mouth is a bit much……byeeeeee
  • lion rock heart
    This is the right podcast at the right time
    Rick Wilson’s acerbic wit and very appropriate excoriations of all things Trump World is a joy to behold and a lot of fun. Molly-Jong Fast asks the questions that you would ask if you were in the room with Rick, a sort of base for his acid. This concoction works so well at giving your rage a place to get drunk. Edit: Since my initial review, the hosts have changed and, while I still like the conversation, I’m having trouble with Danielle Moodie’s delivery. There’s nothing wrong with enthusiasm but I feel like she’s yelling at me. -1 star. Sorry Danielle! ❤️
  • tmccaffr
    Good show. Love the interview with Robert Reich.
  • Auron Renouille
    Needs fact-checking.
    A lot of the legal takes aren’t even debatable - they’re just wrong. No, Obama would not have “won” in the courts regarding the stolen SCOTUS seat; it was long known that recess appointments were effectively legally invalid at that point, and there’s no mechanism to have magically forced McConnell to consider any SCOTUS appointment, let alone to approve it. On top of that, a right-wing 8-justice court would never have voted itself out of power by supporting some sort of novel legal claim. Telling us these falsehoods only worsens voter apathy because it creates a false impression that we could be fully governing the country now if only Democratic leaders had chutzpah. We have laws and our situation only gets worse if we decide to ignore them as well. So, yeah. Please get a fact-checker. Minor errors are no big deal but fundamental mistakes like the above are both extraordinarily harmful and completely unnecessary. :(
  • TallJones
    Undermining Style
    Ok discussions that quickly become exhausting due to Danielle’s f-bomb addiction. I get it, it’s ‘edgy and cool’ but it undermines any bit of sophistication that may present itself at any random moment.
  • Ofwaih48
    My morning go-to!
    A great team! I listen to every episode over my early morning coffee. It kick-starts my day!
  • swoj77
    Denise Hamilton is spot on
    Denise Hamilton! What a fabulous interview and message!
  • MrsMarci
    Fun and sweary
    Great interviews, and fun commentary.
  • Dr Deb K
    F That Guy Always Makes My Week
    I love your podcast. The clips are horrifyingly delicious and you have enlightening interviews. By the way, that "swelling" orchestral music during Trump's ramblings is real. He added it to create an "emotional" end to his rallies this year since he started them at Wacko Texas. And the contrast between the "moving" orchestral music and the ugly and insane ramblings of Trump is definitely a shock to the system.
  • RenitaKruger
    Love the show!
    Love the blunt commentary and interviews!
  • Don’t Yell at Me
    Have to quit listening.
    This podcast covers important issues. Unfortunately Danielle’s outrage and constant yelling is terrible. We listen to the podcast for smart informed material. Don’t need to be yelled at by Danielle anymore. We are not maga people, don’t need to be treated as such by Danielle. I am tired of using the fast forward button every time Danielle yells and pontificates so I’ll just unsubscribe and stop listening.
  • cantthinkofaname
    Calm the screeching
    I’ve been listening to this show since the beginning and always found it insightful, funny and witty. While there are still plenty of insights, Danielle reaches screeching levels on any conversation. She’s smart, but way too over the top for me. Andy is smart and funny with plenty of good ideas, but, I can read what he says. This show needs some humor to balance the issues, and a good voice coach to calm Danielle’s scream. At times I want to call for help for Andy as it seems like the next step is onto the ledge, but he always pulls through.
  • kmf247
    F that guy!!
    good new aand laughs
  • Pianoturner
    Danielle is Impossible to Listen To
    I tried so hard! This podcast covers important topics, but listening to Danielle loudly and overbearingly share her opinion is terrible. Her way of presenting is unprofessional, to the point of being deeply annoying. I can’t hover over the fast forward button every time I listen, so I’ll just unsubscribe and stop listening. I’ll subscribe again if she is no longer part of the show! Another reviewer described her as having the appeal of chalk on a blackboard, and I couldn’t agree more. Danielle, you are terrible at this, please stop!
  • Canuck living in US
    Andy is terrific Danielle pontificates loudly swears too much and has the appeal of chalk on a blackboard. Please replace her so I do not have to speed through her interviews.
  • Somersky
    Love the show but….
    The deviated septum on the producer drives me insane. I have to fast forward through the beginning segment because of it!
  • Lalalula3
    Trying to hang in there
    Girl, stop yelling. We’re in an echo chamber here, we hear you loud and clear.
  • Osprey1957
    David roth
    DM’s constant over-the-top outrage is pretty much impossible to listen to. Worse yet, she’s got hold of the phrase “part and parcel” and uses it incorrectly over and over. P&P’s meaning is clear. Danielle, google it.
  • Revmfn
    I miss Molly
    Her replacement is just too shrill
  • SDBob
    Best political podcast!
    Funny and informative, Danielle and Andy perfectly express my outrage over the current state of affairs in our country. I look forward to every episode.
  • MaggieJackal
    Where’s F*¢k That Guy?
    What happened to that guy? I miss that guy. Is/are he/she/they just taking an extra long Christmas/Chanukah/Kwanzaa/winter solstice/HOLIDAY break? Maybe I just dozed off & didn’t hear the send up, but tbh, F*¢k That Guy might’ve been the source that provided me a little laughter thru my tears. ... ... *le sigh” .. ... well, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Meet the new witch, same as the old witch
  • BallisticSpear
    Danielle Moodie’s Yelling and Constant Profanity…
    …should be the title of this show now. Used to be a subscriber and regular listener of The New Abnormal before Danielle Moodie joined the show, but she has absolutely ruined the show with her inability to express herself without yelling and being completely unnecessarily profane. This is a shame too, because I 100% agree with the substance TNA team throws out there, but Danielle Moodie’s inability to express a cogent thought without dropping F bombs and other profanity has taken this show off my “Follow” list. I only ever check back to see if there’s a show where she is on break or not leading a segment (or to see if she’s finally been dumped from the show).
  • Kate7000
    I choose Taylor Swift
    The three hosts, who spent a large chunk of the latest episode denigrating Taylor Swift and her life’s work for no apparent reason at all, occasionally interview interesting guests. However, the world is full of people who think they can take cheap shots at those they don’t even know. Ms. Swift, who has never done anything to any of them, has, actually, contributed significantly to the well-being of others and their communities. My New Year’s Eve resolution: make smarter choices. Goodbye, The New Abnormal.
  • Jeremy Sanderson
    Too much yelling
    I've listened to this podcast since it launched in 2020, and I love the content, but I just unfollowed it and won't listen anymore. I can't handle the constant yelling. We're on the same page here, yelling at us about it doesn't really accomplish anything.
  • Kalfisher
    It made me feel weird
    But I was alone and literally lol-ed listening to the Shopify ad reads by Danielle and Andy in recent episodes. They are ….amazing? Odd? Why is Andy somewhere venting wha? It feels weird to love the ad, but I do, Very funny. And sticks in the mind so a good choice to advertise with TNA. Otherwise big fan of the show!
  • shareseToo
    Luv it
    I truly love the new abnormal team, you have become my best friends when I walk the dog. Your concerns of late re Biden’s polls are very real and painful. While we struggle with messaging, may I suggest we remind everyone that it’s not just the president, it’s the republican congress that has kept anything from happening - and they really need to go. Thanks again for being my new BFFs!!
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