Firebrand with Matt Gaetz

Politics #109

Firebrand with Matt Gaetz gives the listener full access, behind-the-scenes look into the Swamp of Washington without the spin of Fake News and Deep State influence. Congressman Gaetz tackles the most important issues of our time without holding back any punches. No spin, no lies, all hard-hitting truths. Subscribe today to never miss Firebrand with Matt Gaetz. NEW EPISODES EVERY WEEK!

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Recent Reviews
  • Battlebirch
    Should be President
    The best at exposing Congressional corruption. Red team, blue team- doesn’t matter. Just keep bringing the fire 🔥
  • pipbearmom
    Love Matt Gaetz
    Love love Matt Gaetz! Wish we had 434 more just like him. I admire his courage to speak the truth and his refusal to take dirty rotten tainted lobby money. Rep Gaetz should be give Special Counsel lead for the weaponization of government. Maybe then we would have a chance against the UniParty.
  • @Duch20
    True Patriot
    I love Matt he’s always been a great representative of the people! Truly one of the good guys in dark times and great times .
  • joeyd416
    One of the best
    MMatt Gaetz is the real deal. A real American who fights for Americans every day. He should be the speaker.
  • Black/Berry/Cobbler
    Like it is
    Tell it like it is 🙂
  • Lvsima
    Matt Gaetz
    Thank you for being so righteous
  • disapointedincolorado
    Great show tonight
  • Geumpyhistory
    His ideas feed on things that sound plausible but doesn’t provide any backup for it. Spends most of his time avoiding his actual job in Congress, except to make big fanfare—I guess this is all to distract from he and his friends transporting some young women and girls around for their enjoyment?
  • oSu_Cowboy
    That is what you do
  • >:-(!
    Ep 157: legal vs illegal in military
    Ep 157: legal vs illegal in military; Please consider the required military training since WW2 response to The Nuremberg's Code on the phrase ‘I was just following orders’. The military vaxx mandate IMHO was ILLEGAL & pushed out/ disincentives genuine law-abiding civilians from entering military service when they(uniparty) want stooges (& aliens) in the armed forces to do ILLEGAL stuff.
  • abderecha
    Rumor has it…
    Groovy Squirrel? Are you still wearing bell bottoms?
  • Clayton2815
    Drain the swamp
    A true patriot and conservative fighting to get rid of the disease that infest America. The liberals.
  • Bill koeppe
    Wow. Outstanding. Just outstanding.
    Matt provides the behind the scenes machinations of the deep state. He and his homeboys provide independent, solid conservative information. I enjoy each episode a lot. Bravo Zulu.
  • B fs pm zlusfouradjg
    Matt is great!
    I love listening to Matt.He is one of the VERY few that always speaks the truth from Washington!
  • Kevin 1492
    Matt is a patriot and an American hero.great job on Jan 6 tapes and single spending bills Matt is a patriot and a American hero.
  • Alliedpandm
    MAGA Matt
    Matt is informed, intuitive, comprehensive and articulate in the way he explains how the DC sausage is really made. Topics are always interesting and relevant and his guests are all top notch. A very beneficial and valuable podcast from a true patriot and a decent, honorable representative.
  • a411j
    Always relevant, never disappoints
    Matt is truly an exceptional representative. I love his laser focus on exposing and often blocking the malfeasance of the DC borg collective that sells out America every hour of every day.
  • CaliNate101
    Matt outed himself as a globalist
    I thought he was a good guy when he was anti-war during the Ukraine/Russia conflict but then he supported war in the Israel/Palestine conflict. He thought we would fall for the “it’s different and complicated” story.
  • ZzZz2Bb
    Thank You
    I’m a huge fan! Please continue to fight for our freedom!
  • 4barbruth6
    I'm thankful for a pop cast where I can find out what's going on in the country. No spin. I'm a Floridian so what bothers Matt is important to me
  • Jeftdthisthingwhat
    Regardless of politics, bad show
    It doesn’t matter what side of the aisle you’re on - Matt is a terrible podcast host and his show is just unlistenable and awful.
  • ronnier888
    I love Matt’s politics
    May God Bless
  • Rettabug1
    Grateful for Gaetz!
    May God bless & protect you, Matt. Our country needs more strong leadership like yours.🙏🏻
  • edenlea1992
    Gaetz is the most outspoken Florida common sense House Republican! Send him a personal note of thankfulness and support (in words and dollars). He and our party are barely the majority as McCarthy informs he is leaving as he lost his Speaker role, but he will now take a position for one of his lobbyist’s companies. He isn’t staying for his term. We now know his true nature…selfish and NOT A TEAM PLAYER! Love Stefanic and McDonnell, too!
  • jband420
    Thank you sir!
    We need this dude in the White House!!
  • Sraldiris
    Priceless and important content! 5 Stars
    I spend hours daily following political issues and events. Gaetz is the only federal politician I’m aware of who isn’t owned by some organization. This podcast is the best way to follow Gaetz’s efforts to fight the bureaucracy in DC.
  • Small Time Dude
    Hypothetical Republican Congressional Decisionsf
    Donor money vs. MAGA, now, I’m forced to take a side! Voting with the Dem. crowd, maybe, continues my ride! Donor money vs. constituency desires, hard to decide! My voting record with Dems., I may have to hide! Yes, to the 3.5 billion. FBI center, definitely, no pride! Mandatory testosterone injections, MAGA cried!
  • lagewkelly
    Such a blessing!
    I’m thrilled Matt Gaetz has such strength and fights the good fight for the people. Rock star quality! The naysayers are sore because they don’t have the intestinal fortitude to stand up as he does!
  • VenetianHeart
    Stay Informed with Matt
    I trust Matt to provide the gummy goo of what happens on the Hill. I go to Firebrand to get educated on process, behind the scenes of what is really happening, or not happening, and why. Matt stands strong and fights tirelessly for the American people!!
  • ShutupRandy
    You are that on my daily podcasts great content finally a podcast again I love it. You might be a 5 star I truly enjoy hearing from a Congressman with America First mentality finally a 5 ⭐️ rating with regular episodes
  • goodvsevil
    You do realize
    That "Austin Powers/Dutch" quote wasnt Austin Powers.. it was Austin Powers' dad. Please go back to school and study.
  • Dangsamjoe
    Matt Gaetz, Patriot and American hero
    I love being informed directly, factually, with sound bites of what’s being done and what’s not being done by our elected officials. It’s about time things got shaken up! This is where I get my news! I would like these daily. Thanks Matt
  • Palayan
    Authentically Republican Who Cares for US Citizens and Legal Aliens
    I love to listen to Matt Gaetz because he shows us truly what’s happening in the chamber being it good for him or a criticism about him, whether a bill will be good for us and exposes who opposes it. Thank you and more power to you, Sir!
  • MBE2891
    5-Stars all the way!
    Wow! It’s so refreshing to have a congressman like Matt Gaetz stand up and point out all the wasteful careless spending of our tax dollars in Washington. Wish their were more like him! This is definitely a thought provoking podcast! Thank you Matt!
  • mr.drex
    Information we’ll needed
    Short and to the point. Glad he’s on our side.
  • TheJoeyPickles
    Informative - On Point!
    Matt pulls no punches. Current updates from the Capitol. Matt explains what he stands for and why. Podcast length is great; fits right into my schedule.
  • Herb 179
    A never miss podcast!
    Matt is one of my favorite members of congress and one of my favorite podcasts! This podcast will not disappoint! Matt is a real American patriot!!
  • slow learner Susan
    Grateful for a Patriotic warrior
    I like the insight & honesty that you share. I prefer more podcasts without video. An occasional guest with expertise would be ok
  • Heath from Texas
    Fight for Us
    Matt is the best Congressman we have currently fighting for everything Conservatives should be fighting for. This podcast keeps you in the loop of everything going on in the swamp and what you can do to help
  • Amygrace06
    Fire starter!
    You are aptly named! Keep fighting, out in the real world, we appreciate you!!
  • Bizprone
    Love Matt’s insider views!
  • Riverbabelane
    Enjoy hearing you
    I look forward to your podcasts. You are interesting & I love that you love this country. All congressmen should have your backbone. I listen to you first! I enjoy this podcast so much!
  • Gladesgator
    Very informative - just the facts A real way to keep up with what’s happening
  • Peajaye
    Smart, honest, informative
    All politicians will eventually disappoint, but it hasn’t happened yet with Gaetz. His narratives - so far - have always checked out, and he seems to tell it like it is. All those who’ve shot arrows at him have missed - having been proven wrong or to have been liars. It seems like he’s truly concerned for the everyday American, and this podcast is his check-in with us - as well as for his specific Floridian constituency.
  • Shiezington
    Real Deal
    If you take the time to listen to Matt, he’s a straight shooter and wants to make the government work for the people again. Great to hear it straight from an excellent political warrior that fights right along with the people.
  • MadelineJ316
    True fighter!
    Love his passion for doing the right thing and challenging the swamp.
  • Greatideadiana
    FL Matt Gaetz Updates
    Thanks for the updates!!! I didn’t get to listen live this last time, but I absolutely love listening. I know I can count on you to share the latest news, not sugarcoat it or lie to us. Thank you.
  • BGrovian
    Firebrand - Rep. Matt Gaetz
    Greatly appreciate Rep. Matt Gaetz allowing full access to his podcasts. Information provided is clear, concise and accurate. Awesome source for current events in Congress! Love it!!
  • PKM Charleston, SC
    Great informative podcast!
  • Brian_AK
    More reps like Gaetz.
    We need more reps like Gaetz. His interest is the American people not the lobbyist or the corporate elite.
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