WSJ What’s News

All Genres #201News #27Daily News #8

What's News brings you the biggest news of the day, from business and finance to global and political developments that move markets. Get caught up in minutes twice a day on weekdays, then take a step back with our What’s News in Markets wrap-up on Saturday and our What’s News Sunday deep dive.

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  • BAKER 11B
    Used to be good before the kids on the left took over
    This had been my main news podcast for a while. First the evening addition is becoming more and more like CNN so I have started to stop listening as much. But now morning edition is even sounding like they are hiring the same government sponsored activists to crank out state propaganda for the Democratic Party. WSJ is the new NY Times. It’s sad they let these brainwashed children ruin every news outlet that still has the sense to report the truth.
  • Real Person 22
    Incredibly Biased
    They don’t even disclose relationships when reporting on stories or people they’re connected to.
  • Hot chemist
    Good show
  • moving on-missu
    Value here
    A bit too much green energy talk without providing the numbers. Please, if we want to talk about green energy, please also provide the math. Value is why I like your program, you provide good information but on the topic of green energy we just use the term - how much is wind power pre and post government subsidies? How much does solar power cost? If the government subsidies 50% of the homeowner cost is it really price per kilowatt 11cents or 22cents? What is the cost? If we import these from China, what is that cost to the us? Like what you do, daily follower, please just dig a little deeper.
  • 71317s
    Sad to see the show slipping more and more to the left. I’ll spend my time elsewhere.
  • Mc94122
    Could be better
    New terrible ad soliciting questions for podcasts runs multiple times on each episode
  • Mrs LMG Simmons
    Who has signed this statute? Who is this group? Its very very troubling??? Why are you giving a platform to this? Oh my word. This report is junk. Please realize we are not all listening to your rhetoric and one sided reporting. Please go back to reporting truth without opinion. News was supposed to be facts. Who has even heard of ICC? Why should we care about them? Ridiculous
  • Eddo's IPOD
    A bit like NPR
    Not as much left leaning as NPR , but presented like an NPR report . Very little insight provided just news you can obtain anywhere else . Nothing special here . And stop reporting about Trump court cases we want business news not partisan Trump news .
  • YurriG
    Hamas propaganda
    I admit that the show is informative on the US economy. But, as far as Gaza war is concerned, it is pure, albeit polite, Hamas propaganda. Hamas, a terrorist organization according to the US, is presented cute and cuddly. Whatever happens, it is the fault of Israel.
  • Meitghkk
    Great effective news compilation
    I only wish they focused more on big world news stories. Also a pet peeve: I am very tired of hearing Luke Vargas pronounce “Beijing” wrong. It seems he has to say that word at least once per week, and he puts a silly sound on the “j” that maybe is supposed to sound more authentically Chinese but actually takes him FURTHER from the real and simple pronunciation of “Beijing” in Chinese. Someone needs to coach him so I can stop hearing him say it wrong.
  • C_K6
    Biased Reporting, Decent Overviews
    As a consistent listener of over a year and a half, I have noticed that increasingly the reporting of politically charged topics (both business and government stories) favor the leftist positions. If ESG had a podcast about politics, this show would get a score of 3.5/5. Most of the guest reporters and survey questions when, discussing political topics or culture, almost always tend to have a left leaning agenda or outlook.
  • mollsinthecity
    best way to stay informed
    New listener and it’s my go to now for staying informed.
  • m_22superstition
    The new intro music is horrible
    Multi-year listener here with one critique, the new intro music is really horrible. I start my day with What’s News and since the new intro music was added I find myself listening to new episodes less and less. What an affect a 5 second intro can have on the retention of its listeners… please change it back.
  • DorchesterPlace
    Sound off
    Love the content but the audio between the content and ads is not level. Great if you don’t care about the ads but still annoying as a listener.
  • SoCalCuster
    Not funny
    The What’s News in Markets commentary is just not funny. Get a better writer or just stick to the facts and skip the jokes.
  • Clubman 1954
    Chasing the Base
    Challenge politicians responses to questions and do the work to check politicians actual historical voting records. Give complete reviews of actual proposed legislation. Without details response are misleading.
  • A Fly Fisher
    Evan Gershkovich
    While I sympathize with Evan’s fate, why is he so special? Paul Whelan has been suffering the same loss for years.
  • Ghsyduvdjfhxdjckdjdhzgvkdhsjdr
    Francesca Fontana
    I loved hearing Francesca deliver the report today. I hope we can hear more of her!
  • HotShotShipper
    Re-enable Transcriptions
    Re-enable transcriptions
  • Md713
    Used to be good, now just Israeli propaganda garbage
    I used to like WSJ analysis on various topics but no longer. Very politically skewed and motivated presenting highly biased news only. Bye bye and never see you again!
  • Audioseeker
    Could be better
    Criteria for audio rating: Sonorous, loud, full and rich, projection of voice, crisp & clear. Does the audio quality of the guest on show (if any) also meet this criteria? 5 of 5 meets all criteria. If listener has to strain to hear speaker, 0 out of 5. If guest’s audio is not at least on par with host’s, gets a 0 out of 5. I also consider how effectively speaker makes use of time; i.e., long pauses, lots of uums and uuhs, deviation from point, fluff or superfluous info, and general elocution. About 99% emphasis on audio quality. I use podcast Money Matters with Ken Moraif as 100% standard of AUDIO SOUND QUALITY ONLY, that gets 5 out of 5 rating. Criteria for content: how is this info unique and different from what I can glean from a google search? What advantage can I gain that I can’t from google search? If info is unique & helps elucidate complex and esoteric ideas, gets 5 out of 5. If info is stuff that can be pretty much read off google searches, gets 0 out of 5. I place 1% emphasis on content (good info is useless if can’t be heard or understood). Audio for this podcast is 1⁄5. Audio I not loud enough to hear for passive listening while doing other things. Have to stop all other activities and strain to hear. Host can be louder. Guests audio is terrible. Even worse than host’s, but that changes based on where the guest is communicating from; not my concern, they should fix the end result. And what’s with all the foreign accents?! Is there a dearth of American reporters? Who knows what some of these people are saying with their heavy accents! Content rating: 2out of 5. They share topical content that if you strain to hear, is good. If you can understand the heavy accents and drop everything you’re doing just to focus and hear, may be worthwhile. They get 2/5 simply because most times I can’t understand their thick accents or can’t hear them too well. I highly encourage these people to listed to the podcast that I base my criteria on, and rectify their show accordingly. In general: listen if you can put everything else on hold to give them your undivided attention, otherwise not worth it.
  • ZRB_24
    Bad Rebrand, Great News
    Please bring back the old cover and intro music. I cringe every time the new music plays— it’s as if I’m about to listen to a 1980s lecture on abstract art, not the great journalism that is WSJ. (5 star journalism + 1 star cover/music = 4 star rating)
  • Slamf16
    Sliding further toward biased reporting
    I’ve always enjoyed listening to the Wall Street Journal; however, each year, it seems to slide further and further left in their reporting. I now get my news from many different sources, and can compare reporting of the same incident across the spectrum. They’ve been increasingly omitting negative details of major world events if it doesn’t fit into a leftist narrative. They simultaneously accentuate any negative stories, or details about the right. I’m all for negative details, but not the obvious bias. They’ve unfortunately become untrustworthy.
  • bay state 23
    Topic on immigration
    Today’a report on immigration is disturbingly unprofessional. The report deliberately blurs legal and illegal migration and implies illegal immgration will benefit our economy like legal will. In the meantime the tremendous cost to support millions of illegals are downplayed or simply dismissed. In our city Boston we have to accommodate the swarms of illegals with the resources from our budget for local schools etc.. this is one example why the left wing journalists help the criminal Donald Trump to achieve the might he enjoys. Shame on you Walen.
  • lhxung1234567889
    Very good and quite unbiased new sources
    I think it is one most unbiased/balanced sources of news summary that I can find. Good listening every morning!
  • Kaname0089
    Gaslighting News!
    I believe their reporting would benefit from stricter fact-checking and a more transparent approach to identifying potential biases. This would increase the credibility and trustworthiness of their work. Now they just gaslighting and projecting their bias!
  • Cragman8
    Why is WSJ trying to look and sound like NPR?
    I listened to this podcast for years as the last big, mostly unbiased news report. The podcast has gradually started sliding more and more to the Left. This is following the pattern of what the BBC podcast has done. WSJ now has a mellow purple icon. There are increasing reports that sounds like climate disaster cult reporting. This replaces the more rational, “let’s all pay attention to the planet and the environment”, actual science-based reporting WSJ used to have. Even the new music and the overall vibe are starting to sound and feel like NPR. I am not sure what is driving this swing to the left? However, I am beyond tired of the left leaning, cancel culture media. I would love it if WSJ tacked to the middle with a pro-business and economy focus as it traditionally has done. I think I am not alone. Most who listen to you are closer to my view on this than NPR/NY Times lovers. Beware WSJ. Don’t make the same mistake Disney and Bud Light have made. Know thy customer!!!! I doubt you will print this. I am not trying to tear you down. I just want to voice my view and encourage you strongly to stay in your lane.
  • Homestyle chef
    Bring back old music and cover!!
    This is an excellent daily podcast to listen to, I’ve been listening for years. But I think the WSJ underestimates its listeners’ emotional attachment to the old music and cover art! The old music brought me so much comfort and familiarity. Plus the new music sounds cheap and thin. The new cover art looks so much like Odd Lots that I confuse them — a lot of purple and magenta blah. I really liked the blue and orange stripes. I don’t think the WSJ should mess with the brand recognition they have built over the years. Ann Marie Fertoli and Luke Vargas are my favorite anchors. I love the mix of business and world stories, it’s always balanced and practical imo. I could do without the career advice stories at the end, but that’s just me. Thanks for reading my comments.
  • Rtwise01
    Terrible Commercials
    Have been a long-time listener of this quick and excellent news update. However, the commercials are some of the worst curated selections I have come across. Completely out of touch with the clientele who listen to this podcast.
  • Catholic Again
    Get rid of this garbage music!!!!
  • bigcountrydoug
    Show is great, new music is terrible.
  • Sfd2893
    Didn’t even mention Dem primary
    Today is the NH primary, they of course covered Haley v Trump but didn’t even so much as mention Dean v Biden… this is supposed to be a news outlet, not a White House propaganda arm
  • HallSmyth
    Get a spine
    Your writers are weak.
  • Rocky0730
    Reporting misses the point
    Talking about issues like Harvard scandal, did not even address the plagiarism concerns and academic integrity but only on race and safety. While important, only a part of actual news.
  • Jcointx
    Mostly good
    Really enjoyed the holiday reporting without Ms Fortoli. She had a dreadful voice and sounds like she is holding her nose. Otherwise a good snapshot of news items that I can skip reading in the Journal.
  • Koogan123
    Nice idea but…
    Can’t you stop the “up talking” and other reporting practices that make it seem this podcast is put together by junior high schoolers?
  • Davidjschultz
    Only OK
    Very tight production, but often shallow and bland reporting. See recent story on Chevrolet electric vehicles for an example.
  • NYCnewshound
    Professional presentation of the News
    Thank you for the consistent presentation of news. I like the combination of news and in-depth stories and interviews. Thank you for adding the weekend editions.
  • Kinglarson
    Annoyingly biased
    I just want to hear the news, but this channel like most others has to insert its political leanings into everything and they ignore any contrary facts or opinions.
  • KrisD4
    Great quick news!
    Love your podcast. But…you’re falling into the stereotype of mainstream media—interesting how you didn’t mention RFK Jr.
  • Claudz1973
    Could be 5 Stars if you stop pandering to Gen Z
    I implore you to never use Shelby Holiday or feature nonsense stories like “the inequality of pandemic riches.” WSJ is the last man standing in a sea of silly J-school non-reporting, please hold the line and stick to your high standards.
  • Sabot6
    Bad reporting on Elon and how he’s anti Jew. Intellectually dishonest.
  • AM25*
    Great podcast
    Perfect dose of news, helps me stay current and updated, short and precise, top headlines, great reporting!!!
    The price of Green energy
    What a weak and inaccurate segment. Utility scale solar wheeled on an old school grid is expensive. Rooftop solar and storage is cheaper than coal. Get you act together WSJ.
  • theblondeambition
    New ad strategy is brutal
    Your ads on this podcast went from sounding organic to being oppressive seemingly overnight. Please revert.
  • charatza
    Ad volume
    Ad way too loud. Get rid of this voice. Hurts the ears.
  • bourgy
    Important news
    This is the important national and world news in a concise package
  • dont cancel us
    Weight Loss Drug Scam
    Nite episode 9/12/23 No evidence Biden missteps? Lost in Space WSJ News Pod! Danger! Will Robinson!
  • Uncle Ducky Dude
    Very Good
    9 Sep 23 - I’m a fan of WSJ What’s News, I listen daily. It was a great disappointment today to learn in the final segment that personal health and wellness reporter Alex Janin has no clue how to track the nutritional elements in the foods she eats. I hope she is not representative of the level of competence of other WSJ reporters.
  • abp4567891234
    4/4 podcast
    Well I just gave ya a favorable comment on a WSJ survey for fixing the fake “thank yous for having me” dialogue. Guess I spoke too soon, from the moderator’s lame intro to the guest’s “valley girl’ish” thank yous that we were lucky to have her. A reporter needs to not make it about them. 8/24 You were doing so well with reporters sticking to the story instead of thinking that listeners should be grateful a junior reporter was thankful “for having me”. Come on, just say thank you if you must say anything or let the host acknowledge the contributing reporter and move on to the next story. Remember, humility is always best.
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