The Ancients

History #14

A podcast for all ancient history fans! The Ancients is dedicated to discussing our distant past. Featuring interviews with historians and archaeologists, each episode covers a specific theme from antiquity. From Neolithic Britain to the Fall of Rome. Hosted by Tristan Hughes. 

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Recent Reviews
  • tamerlaned
    Obnoxious ads
    Obnoxious ads. Tried this podcast before any content it was just ad after ad. Turned it off before the podcasters even started.
  • Friends with Pods
    Great Pods!
    Great pod on Exodus. Get Dylan Johnson back soon!
  • Jarshush
    Quality content and presentation!!
    My first podcast was “S-Town” a well-done show. I am thrilled that the podcast world has matured and grown to provide programming like this show. Everything about it is excellent-from the subject matter, to the research, the guests, and the presenter. I’m enjoying the Old Testament series which provides a broad look at the biblical, archaeological, cultural, and emerging information-it’s riveting and I’m sad when an episode ends.
  • MGP Terps
    Consistent and Excellent 5 stars
    5 stars plus for Mr Tristan and company. Don’t miss it. Consistent and informative. Tristan asks many of the same questions I would ask
  • b1ubonnet
    Not my cup of history tea
    Have been a scholar of history from a young age, but just can’t connect with this presentation or style or something. I will get excited about a particular topic as I scroll episodes and inevitably switch it off within five minutes.
  • Put them lights out!
    Very euro centric
    In general, a great show. It should have been called European Ancients. If there’s another show about Troy, Rome, or Boudica I’m ready to puke. Yes there were a few episodes on the steppe people, Neanderthals, and Bactria The scope is very limited. Weren’t there ancients in the recorded history of China, India, Africa? Plus prehistory!
  • Ppfgghg
    Informed but PC
    Great topics, informed commentary, but a very PC, anachronistic tone. Describing the average Roman as “homophobic,“ as a scholar on the most recent episode does, is to use a descriptor and category that would have baffled the ancients.
  • Farmer Pirate
    Ancient history experts
    Awesome podcast featuring experts working on actual archaeological digs, DNA researchers, historians steeped in the very latest data on the chosen topic. A must listen if you want the most recent analysis on ancient historical locations. Cannot recommend enough!
  • ParaMeds
    The Ancients 👍
    I’m not a scholar or historian. Just a nurse who is fascinated by ancient history. The Ancients is easily the best pod for all things ancient history. Tristan is a great host and the guests he interviews are top notch. Highly recommend The Ancients.
  • UBound
    Amazingly well researched and presented
    I love this podcast. If you love learning about ancient history, this is the best podcast around.
  • Kanealoha
    So saddened by the subscription model
    I understand monetization may be necessary, however, the majority of what’s released is unavailable to me because I don’t have the funds to join. The podcast is excellent, but I am close to unsubscribing because almost every time I check to see the new episode, I can’t listen. It becomes frustrating. Other podcasts provide options. A greater percentage is available to all or after a certain period of time, episodes unlock. I hope things change.
  • Tim_MN
    Just came across this - fabulous!
    Was looking for podcasts on Ancient Britons and came across this. Lots of fascinating episodes! Is now one of my “go to” podcasts!
  • PinkyL'Amour
    Fascinating and Illuminating
    Love it!
  • SethTheLandSurveyor
    A Real Treat
    Every episode is interesting. Great listen. Wonderful guests. Keep it up Tristan!
  • did ggjfiv vi kgd KB c
    Best Prehistoric/Historic podcast
    Was quickly becoming my favorite prehistory podcast, and I’ve tried all I can find, though now it’s reverted to extensively covered topics of Greece and Rome. I hope Tristan makes more of an effort to explore non European topics, and for me those are far and away the best; his episodes on the Olmec and Aboriginal Australians are superb while the mini series on Sparta and Pompeii are—in my opinion—tired. These are some episodes I’d love to hear; Monte Albán, the role and impact of pottery across the globe, the mesoamerican ball game, and other recent non sapien people like the Denisovans and hobbits of SE Asia. I hope you’ll continue to pursue subjects left out of most elementary educations, cheers! UPDATE: the episodes have become almost exclusively about Rome or Alexander the Great. The only recent episode on the Americas is behind a paywall. Going in the wrong direction, unfollowed.
  • Spaniardgipsy
    Tristan guides us through history with uncanny enthusiasm and passion. Super interesting podcast, great selection of guest as well.
  • tmcknight11
    10s across the board
    tristan’s impeccable work on this show convinced me to become a paid subscriber. i listen to a near-excessive amount of podcasts, and am *very* persnickety about what media i consume. i’ve never once been disappointed or left desiring by any episode (except for when i realized i had caught up on all the back catalog episodes!) if i may, “it just goes to show” what a fine project you’ve built in the ancients, tristan.
  • klubska
    Great podcast. 10 stars
    Great knowledgeable podcast. Recommended for any amateur historian. Or good listen on the way back from work.
  • ChrisopherTG
    New listener
    I came here to learn more about Homo Naledi, and it is definitely a podcast I will have on regularly. I love it.
  • Can’tHearYou
    Good content, bad sound quality
    Really enjoy this podcast for the content but some episodes are “unlistenable” due to a massive mismatch in volume between the host and the guest. I would think a show with so many episodes and listeners would do a better job in post processing. Otherwise great!
  • wdikfygkoksawyombvff
    I knew nothing
    My understanding of Ancient History was shockingly bad until this show. Now things from Julius Caesar to homo naledi interest me.
  • FunnelwebFunnelweb
    I give five stars for Everything other than the Jesus episode I just listened to. Her laughing and acting like the history of Jesus is funny and fiction. She needs to read the Bible! Prophets (John the Baptist) are not the same as Jesus. She’s so disrespectful. All of history is talked about in such reverent tones, but when it comes to Jesus and Christianity it’s mocked and questioned. Annoying as F. It’s history, No matter your faith.
  • tomnewiphone5
    I live for this podcast! So well hosted and researched. The guests are always so interesting.
  • Denver1601
    Quality entertainment
    The commercials are just not a problem. It’s only fair, since we get to listen to quality audio entertainment. Thank you HH
  • ninatothenines
    This should be called “ancient Romans”
    99% of the content is about Rome or Greece… there are other ancient civilizations that have not been extensively covered by numerous other podcasts and programs. Why the obsession with these two?
  • De Panda
    Absolute Must Listen for History Buffs
    Thank you Tristan for your dedication to making a top tier history podcast. The depth of sources, the expertise of the guests, the range of topics…everything is purposeful, well curated and exceptional. On a personal note, I started listening to this after my uncle passed and my father fell into deep dementia. They are the two men I used to be able to sit and talk about history with for countless hours. They taught me from an early age about how the dates and facts may change but that human nature changes very little over great expanses of human history. I miss those talks deeply and this show playing in my ear as I go about my work makes me feel like they’re not quite so absent. I felt it necessary to share this to demonstrate how profoundly important I’ve found this show. I hope everyone working on it gets to read this review and that it helps them to feel the impact of their work on individual lives. Best to all of you and I hope you can keep doing what you’re doing for my whole life.
  • bshduejidnchsjsushej
    Moments of Awesomeness, Semipartially Biased, Always Interesting
    I regularly tune into this Podcast, its a car washing go-to, and for anyone looking for consistently engaging pieces about antiquity you’ve found it; tbh it’s an order of magnitude superior (scope and quality) from anything else you are going to find similarly themed. There’s also times where it exceeds its own high bar and is genuinely pukka. In sum, I guess its sometimes anti-Christian/Theist slant only highlights its academic dominated guest list, and it’s “mainstream-Left” positions are never soap boxed, and always in service of the show’s drive towards professionalism and entertainment backed via proper scholarship.
  • Salud G
    Love this show
    I absolutely love this show. However please don’t ever bring Professor Paul Cartledge on again to talk about anything to do with women. For example, he used terms like “deflowered” to talk about women who have had their first sexual experience, and “intact” to describe those who hadn’t yet. It was so creepy.
  • sledxl
    Another great history pod
    I just love the Tristorian - the topics, guests and presentations are marvelous.
  • jessiek75
    Very informative!
    Thank you for giving us a very good quality podcast.
  • Lewisaj13
    Some good episodes but…
    I have listened to several episodes and have enjoyed them overall. However, I have noticed that there have been certain historical claims made in the episodes that doesn’t jive with widely accepted historical and archeological record. What’s a bit irritating is when these claims are made they are just glossed over instead of offering more evidence to support their claims they tend to continue to move forward with the show. If there is such claims made I want to hear about their evidence and Why they think that way! Maybe just me?
  • jerusalem gurl
    So much to know about the past
    This and podcast is so engaging even if I never heard about the subject. Also helps me understand and deal with the events and horrors of the present. Thank you.
  • Simon Dragu
    Content on Ancient Europe (besides and Greece)
    It’s my favorite podcast. Great subjects, awesome host, great guests. Keep it up! Also I like it because is non political and I would like it to stay the same. Also, I would love to see some content on ancient Europe (besides Greece, Rome, vikings, UK). There are few countries/civilizations whose history would be very interesting to have approached: Dacia, Tracia, France, Germany, Spain, Basque Country, Catalonia, Portugal.
  • rolltide239923
    Good info but
    He’s just so smug and British!
  • Beulah123buick
    Amazing breadth of subjects
    I may not be interested in all the subjects offered but I find them all fascinating. Those that have a particular interest for me are always comprehensive and enlightening. Bravo
  • nelly pea
    Hades and the Greek gods series
    Sarah Illes Johnston was brilliant. Love the windows on the parts of history we never think about.
  • Octavia66623
    In-depth discussion with experts that stays fresh
    I love these in-depth discussions with scholars of the ancient. They manage to be very polite well also clearly showing the speakers’ passion and research. Great topics.
  • Sarasota Gary
    Please improve sound
    Often it seems the guests are not properly miked up. Almost like when someone on the telephone is talking through speaker phone and they cant be heard clearly. The problem is compounded as I am American and have a little trouble understanding the UK accent. Please give your guests a proper microphone.
  • Historical insomniac
    Wonderful survey of ancient world history
    Highly recommend Tristan’s perspective on history of the ancient world. More non-Western focused episodes, please. I’ve really enjoyed hearing about India, China and Central America!
  • MonsieurBooyah
    Digestible depth
    The experts that get brought in, as well as the depth of each topic beyond what the titles might suggest, all bring The Ancients to a top-tier level of history podcast. A must-listen for anyone interested in these topics.
  • Kugelrose
    Really Interesting
    Really interesting and enjoyable
  • PerseRose
    This is a fantastic podcast, I just found it and now I can’t stop listening. Also I could listen to Ben Kane talk about Romans for hours!
  • GumpIsrael
    Great history content
    I love this podcast. It presents history in the way it is, alive with new discoveries and with experts who don’t always agree with each other on things.
  • awv___
    Host is a certified dawg
    Always has interesting and informative episodes, especially recently.
  • Soberguy2002
    Good History
    Man I am addicted to this podcast I lovvvve history and ancient history and cultures good host too.
  • MainJeffers
    Just the best history podcast I’ve ever heard
    Or, really, just the best podcast I’ve ever heard. Smart, never dumber down, but engaging, fascinating, and each episode is a topic any one who seeks knowledge will crave.
  • prismperception
    just awesome! fully engaged and enjoying!
    yes, history as it should be viewed!
    A deep dive into ancient history
    The Ancients covers a wide variety of topics and eras via interviews of excellent scholars who have interesting, and sometimes controversial, points of view. It's one of my go-to podcasts and I'm rarely disappointed. Great work!
  • ElHutch
    My New Favorite Podcast
    The preeminent ancient history podcast. Fascinating and eclectic topics. Worth a listen!
  • JoJo Grady
    Best podcast ever created
    This podcast has never disappointed. Tristan is a star, the guests are of the highest caliber and so passionate about their subject. I have listened to The Parthenon several times and learn something each time. I could listen to Michael Scott for hours and not get bored. Thank you Tristan, Dan and History Hit.
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