Turley Talks


For decades, the world has been dominated by a process known as globalization, a secularizing economic and political system that hollows out and erodes a culture’s traditions, customs, and religions, all the while conditioning populations to rely on the expertise of a tiny class of technocrats for every aspect of their social and economic lives.

Until now. Join Dr. Steve Turley as he examines worldwide trends, discovers answers to today’s toughest challenges, and helps you learn to live in the present in light of even better things to come.

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Recent Reviews
  • CopertinoJo
    My favorite news aggregator.
    I tend to be a pessimist so I value Dr. Steve’s upbeat yet very fact-based, academic analysis. He keeps my spirits up while my mind is being informed. He delivers the opposite of the myopic, US only focused MSM propaganda and gives us a satellite’s view of geopolitics. Even his sponsors are interesting entrepreneurs who have something of value to pass on.
  • no way 101
    All about making money
    Are used to really enjoy listening to Steve Turley give us information about what was going on abroad and in different countries. And how that affected us now everything is a commercial, disguised as a commentary with ridiculous titles. Seems like a lot of capitalism going on versus information. Getting tired of it.
  • truckthriver
    Absolutely The Best!
    I have a new favorite source of REAL information! Thank you for your excellent work Brilliant!!!!
  • fly2it
  • wheelsmccormick
    Hey guys
    Check out the trailer for nefarious Steve Deace’s movie @ whoisnefarious.com
  • Oltec#1
    Not the money but the fines.
    Dear Sir, Love your podcast and never miss a day of it. I believe that you have the argument wrong in the Crowder/Daily Wire feud, it is about the fines levied upon the content creators for running a foul of big tech censors that is Steven’s main complaint about these contracts that alt media are asking him to sign. I believe that is the main issue in this whole situation, alt media acting as soft gate keepers for big tech through the use of fines and penalties for objectionable content that big tech doesn’t like written in the contracts by alt media companies. That’s my take on this issue, ty sir for reading my rant
  • sweetheart gram
    Your programs
    Dr. Turkey, I love your opening & ending of your program. You are so spirited with the program entirety. I thank you for your honesty character and format to your program. God bless you & may God bless your program with more to come from you! From Sandi
  • jimfront
    Dr Steve Turley
    The Turley Talks podcast is extremely informative and well produced. I listen to it daily . To quote Dr Steve Turley, “ you’re not gonna want to miss this” *On a side note: I’ve watched Dr Steve perform on classical guitar on YouTube and he is also a very talented musician.
  • miraculous marc
    Excellent podcast!
  • Charlesinhou
    Excellent podcast.
  • 34grayce
    The Queen
    Enjoyed the review, I was saddened to hear the vomit spewing from their evil mind. I believe in inheritance whether bad or good when person rules. King Charles is woke, I wonder how that will play out? Thank you for your valuable time you put into the information given to us. I am blessed. When they say “classless” society, they sure have proven they have no class.
  • Thekatman-GK
    Passive Income Empire Workshop from Taylor Welch podcast was excellent
    I loved the podcast and subscribed to the Passive Income Empire Workshop from Taylor Welch. Another fantastic and informative podcast.
  • Danie109
    Incorrect information
    I listened to your podcast on roe v wade and the volume of inaccurate information you distributed was disturbing. Did you research this topic at all? I don't believe you would knowingly lie to your listeners. FYI the reason the abortion rate is low is because people have access to contraception and use it effectively. Women need to have access to good health care and maybe there would be more children born in this country if the idea of having children was more appealing: paid time off, equal pay, MH to manage any post-partum immediately following birth, affordable childcare. If this problem was addressed directly there would be no need to force women to carry unwanted pregnancies.
  • ryekye
    Always timely
    And informative
  • sssfgy
    Perfect for those pinning for the 1950s
    This guy is an isolationist that got scared of the world once immigrants began appearing on television shows. He’s not entirely wrong about globalization eroding the American middle class but he also ignores the tremendous benefits it’s also delivered to our standard of living. He Rants about the dangers of globalization an the and of the American identity but seems to ignore the fact that America is the biggest exporter of culture across the globe. His small ideas don’t work
  • stanhuie
    Steve Turley offers a unique and fresh upbeat perspective on news, culture and politics. I look forward to his programs and even when I might disagree I value his unique perspective.
  • AngusIII
    Positive Conservatism data driven
    Excellent positive data driven conservative perspective explained in brilliant ways that a layperson can understand and help explain and educate others - I appreciated the hope that is cast every time Dr Steve is interviewed gives a talk or puts out this outstanding content - really well done!
  • br3753
    Always upbeat
    These podcasts are something I look forward to. Always upbeat and positive. Gives me hope for the future of the country.
  • A word swagger
    This channel does make me feel better!
    Thank you, Dr. Turley, for bringing to light the good news happening that the mainstream media doesn’t report. I appreciate you bringing to light international news as well. Keep up the good work!
  • Blessed by Grace Alone
    Thank you! I so much appreciate you!!
    Thank you Dr. Turley for Real News and for all that you do to keep us informed
  • Katoochka
    The best clarification available!
    Thank you for making complicated news so very available and understandable!!! You’re the best!!
  • Buford's Mom
    Love Dr. Steve and his positivity on the Nationalist movement around the world! Thank you-
  • Nav-vet
    Cautiously Optomistic
    More content please! I was hoping when Dr. Steve quit his full time job as a professor that the podcasts would either be longer (30 mins at least) or more in quantity.
  • Livindebtfree
    Hope is alive!
    I love the optimistic viewpoint of this podcast. It’s a bright shining beacon of light in our current political and cultural climate. Thank you!
  • Der Scott.1970
    Love your podcasts!
    Love your show/channel; the optimistic *and* scholarly approach fills a much needed gap in our emerging networked society. Kudos!
  • DavidD7963
    When you referred to Jenner as a she I had to turn your show off.
  • Dd2free
    Death is no laughing matter
    Surely giggling while delivering a "death of minorities in the inner city" podcast is not a motivating message. Explain the redemptive value here. Though you are entitled to your own POV, it's like laughing at 4000 abortions per day. (1000 are strategically among black women). Nothing "jolly" here!
  • mommyof6shorties
    Appreciate you!
    I look forward to your videos daily because they help keep me upbeat! There is so much disgusting issues that come up everyday and it’s nice to hear something positive that can come from the negative!
  • AlliJ1158
    Intelligent and uplifting
    Dr. Steve frames American current political events with historical perspective and international trends. There have been times when listening to his podcast was the only ray of hope in what I was seeing as a very dark world. Intelligent, well-informed and uplifting.
  • Gaflafan
    Great news source. Very Informative & Enlightening.
  • patriotpartyFL
    Explicit rating? Really?
    Why on Gods good green earth would this episode be labeled as explicit? Absolutely nothing explicit about this great patriot. Unless the the left is thinking that patriot speak is now speech that needs to be censored. Scary times we live in.
  • kimba2662251
    Biden implodes
    Love this accurate take on the state of the nation. Nice and short. Good stuff!!
  • Sipefan
    I learn so much about history from you! Thank you for your positive spin on everything you share! It’s so important to stay positive even to ideas that may agree or even more important to ideas that disagree with our own values and thinking. Your information is so needed for all! Enjoy the content but stay for the positive view on issues that can be very negative!
  • The Gunshine State
    Thank you!
    Thank you Dr. Steve! Been watching you on YT since 2016. Your optimism has kept me going through 2020. I am learning to live in the present in light of things to come!
  • Kevinkoberg
    The best in conservative and populist thought!
  • Old Croz
    Too Many Ccommercials
    More commercials and self promotion than news.
  • -^-^-907-^-^-
    Just listened to the hilarious episode 278 from January 5th, 2021. A coup? By Trump? It’s such a ridiculous idea that it’s funny. Comedic brilliance. Good one!
  • Rrobert151
    False Hope
    I started listening to Turley talks a bit before the 11/3 election. As the weeks continued Steve was one of the few providing a glimpse into Trumps challenges. However, the positive spin Steve would take created a false sense of hope. And if you look at the titles of the episodes, none of them panned out to be true. And when they don’t happen, Turley just ignores he was wrong and finds the next spin. Shame really..
  • SA Bodder
    Excellent material
    This is my go to podcast for up to date news
  • GoGriz
    excessive inflection. weird laughter laughing at his own comments. too many ads.
  • MSYarb
    Preach it
    I swore off of mainstream media years ago, but now I feel the rest of our great county needs do some soul searching and ask themselves if they want to KNOW the TRUTH or be lied to.
  • HSBoymom
    Intelligent & optimistic
    We’ve been listening to Dr. Steve for nearly a year now and he never fails to provide intelligent introspection into today’s headlines and valid reasons to be optimistic as a conservative in this current climate. Get straight talk from Dr. Steve as he gives a refreshing take on current events as many of us are seeking alternative trustworthy news sources.
  • St@rrs
    My go to podcast
    This is one of my go yo podcasts. Dr Turley shares great insights in a light, positive way. Cuts right to the issues.
  • 123456. . .
    Intelligence and Insights
    The events. Then the facts. Then great analysis. Better actual news than traditional sources with enthusiastic perspective. Thank you Sir for your dedication and energy.
  • Jvwonder
    Great work
    Excited for the podcast format, much easier to listen to on the go. I appreciate the content.
  • Might 4334
    Dr. Steve is great!
    Love listening to the doctor at work, at home or in the car. Interesting and informative, Dr. Steve has a great insight on the political issues that affect the people.
  • J.Franco48
    Good information
    Positive attitude and reliable reporting. But the advertisements are frequent and repeat over and over.
  • TrumpLostSuckit
    Just more opium for the conservative masses.
    This podcast explicitly states its reason for existence is to give conservatives comforting news, and to act as a haven against all those mean, pesky facts they might run into outside the bubble they fight to stay in. These kinds of media outlets capitalize on the fragility of conservatives to hear anything unflattering or unsettling (regardless of whether it’s true), and promise to never tell them anything that’ll make them uncomfortable. Hats off to this podcast and all similar outlets for cashing in on conservative sensitivity, but shame on you for reinforcing the wall of the echo chambers of misinformation.
  • Heider2008
    Dr. Steve is simply awesome, I’ve been watching his YouTube channel for almost a year he’s a very positive person and very informative.
  • anmaychang
    Very positive and upbeat
    Thanks for your guidance during this difficult time for us Trump supporters and believers in honesty and liberty. If Biden/Harris end up in office, your wisdom will be needed more than ever.
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