The Daily Punch

Politics #172

Weekday mornings, The Daily Punch brings you inside Capitol Hill, the White House and Washington for an unfiltered look at the key players and stakes of all major issues of the day. Power. People. Politics. Hosted by Punchbowl News founders, journalists and best-selling authors Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman.

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Recent Reviews
  • Smutzey
    5-Stars when Hosted by Max Cohen!
    Jake Sherman is so scattered that he makes this podcast unlistenable, it is so much better with Max Cohen!
  • Studio Teacher Scott
    No disrespect and love this show. But new host today without any warning or acknowledgement? I miss Anna and Jake!
    Faux Objective Fair Sound Quality
    About three months in on the podcast. Didn’t get a partisan vibe- maybe a shade left, but not off putting. What is off putting are the political ads and Jake’s level of distraction. The show is only 10 minutes long. Why can’t he speak directly into the mic for the duration? It’s like he’s being distracted by a cat in his apartment.
  • Haha can't sleep
    Jake needs a better mic
    Listen every day. Appreciate the information. Jake’s sound is inconsistent and distracting. Maybe find out what Anna is doing and adopt her practice. Thank you for your work.
  • Why do i need a nickname 2012
    If only news networks informed like this podcast
    Such a great podcast to follow if the gov will shutdown. Teaches the listener government process and why each party is pushing a certain strategy.
  • Franklin Kaleka
    Production Quality
    This podcast has so much potential, but production quality is awful. Commercials cut in unexpectedly, there is almost no structure to the show save the main 3 topics, etc.
  • Cme2see
    Ads compromise objectivity
    I don’t think the broadcast should be accepting political ads - stick with toothpaste or potato chips. The political ads make me question your objectivity. Plus I don’t want to listen to Business Roundtable’s B.S. The news is annoying enough.
  • Jimmy Pines
    Start my morning with Jake & Punch
    Thanks for the inside scoops to start my day. Keep-up the great work!
  • cmarie929
    Good content, bad audio
    Have loved this pod for catching up on Hill news, but the audio quality has been so inconsistent. Recently, it sounds echoey and as another reviewer said, like the recording is happening in a bathtub. I find myself skipping this each morning now. Please fix the audio quality!!
  • Keystone72
    Too many changes- I am gone
    For the past three years, I have started my day with the Daily Punch and it’s iconic theme song. Now the theme song sounds like it was generated by an AI trained on Musack from the 1980s. And the hosts sound like they are recording in empty bathtubs? Still love the AM edition, and will continue to read. But dropping this pod I no longer recognize.
  • mj87Oz
    Is Jack shocked at the House’s schedule… always YES
    Let me guess, Jack is predicting a government shutdown. — evergreen statement
  • ToddBenzinger
    Terrible audio
    The way the audio comes in and out on every podcast is infuriating. It sounds as if both hosts are continually moving closer to and then further away from the microphone and consequently affecting the audio.
  • bucksin6yeet
    Constant Ads Ruining Show
    Podcasts have advertisements, I get that. But the way this podcast intersperses several ad breaks into a 9 minute show is infuriating. Makes it impossible to skip. When there are other similar shows like playbook that doesn’t pull this stuff, I’m not sure why you would click on punch bowl.
  • pdthorn
    Good listen
    It’s everything you need to hear before you can finish your AM coffee
  • bror
    I can’t anymore with the ads
    I’m all for podcasters putting some ads in to support their work but I just can’t anymore with this pod. 5 ads totaling 3:38 on an 8:58 podcast?? Too much.
  • Blake_The_Steak
    Important Podcast
    I really appreciate this podcast and listen first thing every morning. In a landscape with cable news and YouTube channels filled with biased content this podcast genuinely explains what is going on in DC. My only complaint is Jake will go in to partisan mode from time to time, which if I wanted that I could flip on CNN or Fox. Anna does an amazing job, keep up the great work!
  • Jason Conrey
    More ads than content
    What would otherwise be a good podcast ends up feeling like listening to ads punctuated by content.
  • TaylorSwift1# fan
    Concerned Citizen
    Jake, you are such an annoying Little Drama Queen!
  • radiorentalFTW
    The commercials…
    3 commercial breaks in a 9 minute podcast
  • venerableRR
    Hats off!
    First choice every day… what’s not to love?
  • Loganfool
    Palmer problems
    I have trouble understanding her. I wish she would annunciate a little bit better and slow down some. It’s a newscast for crying out loud. It’s not talk with friends over coffee. actually, they could all remember this. The material is good, but the presentation is not professional. Maybe they could review the script before the show. They seem to be really good for the first time.
  • JNielsen64
    Volume issues
    Very informative podcast and I appreciate their work. Respectfully, I wish Jake would be more cognizant of speaking directly into the microphone. His volume seems to dip in and out fairly regularly, as if he is turning his face away from the microphone. I never notice this when Anna is speaking.
  • 😉💙🙃
    3 April 2023
    Thanks for a quick Capital Hill update each weekday. One of my first go to Podcast, each morning. Thanks you. 🙃
  • GaiaGirlCa
    Awesome show
    This is my favorite morning update. I love that you are so well informed. You are so dialed in to what’s going on. I especially enjoy the way you talk to each other while you’re doing the show. You have great chemistry which adds to my enjoyment.
  • 425w
    Between the Words
    Nice work. Time for a language refresher. Lose the lazy lingo. Try an episode wthout saying: “Bottom line, end of the day, pretty much, well, look, I mean, you know, right(?).” Oy.
  • Redduke916
    Misses many insider points
    To mention Schumer's gamble of assigning Chris Murphy to “negotiate” with Republicans and to NOT mention that Chris Murphy is a radical anti-gun and pro-confiscation advocate is terribly misleading and leaves the audience with the wrong impression that the Dems are actually trying to get an agreement. Then you focus on the right who used a “strong second amendment” Senator in your analysis. How about analyzing the failure of Murphy to get anything close to what their side wanted. The report on the June 9th that Republicans “defending” January 6th is “indefensible” is a ludicrous statement. As opposed to Democrats during the 2020 “summer of love”, not one Republican defended January 6th but quite the opposite. They condemned it as it was taking place. I understand now how good journalism is warped by the washington blue bubble, even Jake Sherman falls prey on occasion. The Trump raid is not about the raid, it’s about Trump “leading the news cycle”. Your beltway slant on news is so telling. Then you throw in the Failed Biden Afghanistan withdrawal was “started by Trump” . Can your reporting be any more biased? Saying a speech is “interesting” and “historic” is not journalism. We all could see that Zelensky’s speech was historic and interesting. We don’t need a washington insider to reiterate the obvious. Your job is to report on things we might have missed, like Zelensky demanding more money to “invest” in world peace while the EU funds Russia. If you were against the Vietnam war, you should be against the US involvement in this proxy war.
  • Treksgirl33
    Excellent podcast
    I love that this is a short and sharp summary of the daily scoop on what’s happening in Congress, politics.
  • bigeagu232323
    Love to hear from Anna
    I love the podcast when Anna is featured. Jake is just hard for me to listen to. His information is good but I wish he would just let Anna read it. He just has a punchable voice.
  • Lee622
    Good content but too many ads
    Got greedy and added way too many ads over the last few weeks
  • jamesxsx
    I’ll personally give Jake Sherman $500 if he can complete a full sentence in at least one episode without saying ummm or ughh
  • Julia3h
    Relevant for Hill Staffers!
    This helps me in my work! I would love it more if Jake didn’t constantly interrupt and talk over Anna. 🙃
    An Inside Edition
    Punch bowl News created this podcast to be the inside scoop that comes with your morning coffee, and it delivers. This is a podcast you are going to want to listen to every morning before you go to work. They have all the insider tea when it comes to Congress, detailed polling numbers, and national news stories with a critical analysis.
  • ClassicCaves
    Best Inside News Before Midterms
    Punchbowl consistently has outstanding coverage of the Inflation Reduction Act and other recent legislation. It will be a must listen for the 2022 election
  • Bigbangfan21014
    Ers, ums and wasted time
    Good information but really - too many hesitations. And, Jake, take an allergy pill. Tighter and sharper please.
  • BB is the new SM
    Look forward to it every day…but…
    This is a great podcast I look forward to listening to it every morning. I’ve listened since day one. Washington headlines in a nutshell. BUT: Jake and Anna used to always do the podcast together. Over the last few months it’s usually been one or the other. It’s a much better podcast when the two of them are on together bouncing ideas or thoughts back-and-forth. Together they are five star, separately they are a three star rating.
  • podmarathoner
    Room for improvement
    I listen because I appreciate hearing the issues they track. However, I get frustrated because they waste time with dead air, “ummm,” and obvious statements. Give me news. Give me analysis when it’s not obvious. But limit it when it’s super obvious and bland. Also, Jake often says he will hand off to Anna and then doesn’t. And then, he interrupts her!! Come on!!
  • rue883
    Fake News Enemy of the People
    All they are doing is pushing the FascoMarxis Anti-Science Pedophilic Democrat Woke Cult propaganda. We have Way too much of that already. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were Real Journalists chasing after the Truth, instead of fools pushing nonsense…
  • Jahmekajersey
    Seems like Jake Sherman forgot how to talk after leaving Politico Playbook Daily Briefing. Lots of “uhhhh,” “ummm,” and dead air as if someone just reminded him to say something and he had to stop to read that reminder. Hopefully he’ll find his footing again but this is pretty bad.
  • BK in ATX
    Jake, modulate!
    I like the show, but if Jake S doesn’t learn how to speak publicly without running out of breath when he speaks, I’ll have to unfollow. I just can’t stand listening to him runout of breath. Unprofessional & annoying!
  • mina7979
    “eXspecially.” 😲
    Anna Palmer said “eXspecially.” 😲😲😲
  • YesheCH
    Thumbs up for Jake Sherman’s zeal
    I agree with others that ads are annoying, but probably needed to support the podcast. I don’t understand the negative comments about Jake Sherman. I find his manner quite entertaining. He seems genuinely interested in the stories he is reporting. Whenever he is not on with Ana, it feels like there is something missing. I try listening daily. I like that it’s short which makes it manageable to keep up. We, the general public, do not pay enough attention to what’s going on in congress. Jake and Ana make it interesting.
  • Conner3669
    Good but too long with ads and dragged out talk
    Unfortunately while it has some good information more and more this podcast is getting long with ads and a host that self debates himself
  • JPinDC2021
    Leave it to Anna
    I hope the creators are also reading the other reviews that sum up a lot of frustration with Jake. Jake has made this podcast insufferable. He doesn’t report, he would rather make slightsagainst Republicans. He’s also incredibly smug for someone who comes off as if he hasn’t prepared his thoughts and remarks for the podcast. Anna is actually enjoyable and informative to listen to and the episodes she reports alone are the best.
  • zavodvirus
    Too many adds for under 15 minutes
    It is a good summary. However, you can get similar content from NPR with far fewer ads.
  • MannishBagel
    Time Filling is the Priority
    Facts and analysis are ignored in favor of well paced, carefully pronounced sentences that bear little, if any, relevance to reality. This podcast could pass for a NPR parody if one was not aware that it is just a poorly executed attempted news show.
  • Clownvis2019
    Jake Sherman is Insufferable
    He’s obviously a great journalist with a storied record, but wow he is unlistenable. I make attempts to listen when possible because of the nature of my work and the relevance of the issues discussed herein, but the smug, arrogant demeanor of Sherman makes it exceedingly difficult to do so. By contrast, Anna Palmer is warm, intelligent, composed, just as informed (if not more so) and comes across as someone who isn’t actively rooting for chaos, unlike her co-host. I celebrate when I get the rare Anna Palmer solo episode, while immediately turning it off when I get the more common Jake Sherman solo episode. I keep trying, I really do, but Jake has got to go. He’s a good writer and journalist, but he’s not a podcast host.
  • RedwoodTantrika
    Thoughtless, Pol-Driven Reporting
    An extra star, because they do appear to have lots of sources. What they lack is any serious consideration of how DC affects Americans. It’s never good when I feel as if I need to explain to Jake & Anna (ie., the voting rights vote was important, if only to put on record which Senators believe preservation of the filibuster trump’s preservation of democracy).
  • WD3600
    What Can I Say—Really Jake?
    I like Punchbowl News. I am a paying subscriber. I am listen to Anna Palmer all day long. Jake Sherman is beginning to get on my nerves. It’s like he does t do his homework, doesn’t come prepared for class. In Friday’s podcast he offered some vague generalities about the Senate stalemate and then dropped “what can I say?” It hit me all wrong. I can say that but Jake it’s your podcast so YOU HAVE TO HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY, it has to be a well developed argument with facts,
  • Austinnorton
    I loved listening to Anna and Jake every morning at Politico because their energy and enthusiasm really motivated me for the day. However, I am disappointed to see the quality really slip with punchbowl. There’s a lot of rambling and non sequiturs. I find myself struggling to follow/find the point and appears like no one is reading from/ referencing notes. I hate to leave a bad review, but hope you can bring it back to where it was!
  • Textdgh
    Good but…
    I found this because of listening to Jake on on the Hugh Hewitt show. The hosts slip some lefty language in there, but it’s good information for the most part. I have subscribed and will continue unless the bias bleeds through too much. Edit: Jake apologized for calling illegal immigrants illegal. Lost a star for the ridiculous apology. Just another bunch of folks from kneel to PC and not the truth. Also, the lady was talking about how Biden‘s nepotistic judicial picks were very qualified and seemed to apologize even mentioning the nepotism, although of course, she did not call it that. Oh well, leftist media is the media and it’s the way it is. The honorable institutions of the military and police are generally conservative and the media, academia, and the like are generally leftist. It is what it is. EDIT: After listening to the January 7 podcast, I am on unfollowing. Too much lefty language woven into their so-called unbiased reporting. Too bad. I started listening because Hugh Hewitt talked about the show and has Jake on sometimes. I love Hugh, but he has a soft spot for some on the left.
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