The Lincoln Project

News #67Politics #24

The Lincoln Project was formed in 2019 to defend American democracy from Donald Trump and those who identify (publicly or privately) as MAGA supporters. Creators of the most successful and poignant viral ads in the political sphere, the Lincoln Project has a reputation for saying the things others are afraid to say. For nearly five years, the Lincoln Project has waged a relentless campaign of targeted attacks on Trump and his deranged ilk, armed with the most watched and talked-about ad content on the internet.

At the helm of this organization is the host of the LP Podcast, Rick Wilson, a veteran political strategist and former Republican operative who left the party in 2016 after it became clear that Republicans were on a destructive path that would endanger America's institutions. The Lincoln Project podcast features a range of special guests, from the leading political minds to pop-culture icons. Sitting down with noteworthy experts and significant voices of our time, The Lincoln Project podcast discusses various topics, from current events of the week to in-depth conversations about the genesis of a special guest’s career – and everything in between. Broadening out the subject matter beyond just politics and making the conversation more relatable to everyone, The Lincoln Project podcast’s mission is to reignite the political flame in every American and to break down the biggest topics of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

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Recent Reviews
  • fantastic2021
    How to make Biden’s bad night…
    I hope that Biden listens this+++ Appreciated+++ for your words+++ Amazing & a must listen to.
  • GaMtnGrl
    How to make Bidens’s bad night…
    What a masterful piece. Rick Wilson knocked it out of the park. Fabulous and thank you.
  • Prometheus---
    Great Podcast
    Rick, Since you left the dark side, I usually agree with you 150% of the time, but I absolutely disagree with your post debate podcast. Joe Biden will not win 270 EC Votes, he must step aside. I fully realized the ridiculousness and self-sabotage of the Dem Party and the difficulties of an open convention. BTW: up until 1970 that’s how we nominated POTUSs, at conventions……..Biden still has 4 months before the election, that is 3-yrs in dog yrs for Biden. Personally I never thought Biden would win….inflation is a POTUS killer……A fresh pair of governors and all those MAGA issues go out the window. Also stepping aside is in the best interest of Joe Biden whether he realizes it or not The more Biden is exposed to the public, the worse it becomes
  • debllstl
    Great podcast
    Reed, your New Year’s podcast was excellent. Rick, your post debate analysis was excellent. Thank you both for presenting the case so well that we are in a deadly serious fight to re-elect President Biden. We must save our country from the damage Trump and MAGA candidates will do. Trump lies so much that it boggles the minds of many Americans. Thank you, Lincoln Project, for calmly presenting the truth. The pro-democracy movement needs to stay strong, stay committed to our values, and defeat DT. President Biden is old. So is Trump. But that is the only thing the two men have in common. There is only one decent intelligent choice: re-elect Joe Biden and get rid of Trump.
  • In Pa and independent
    Where is Reid
    Rick Wilson is good I enjoy when he is on Fast Politics with Molly but I miss Reid Gallen on Lincoln Project. Is Reid OK? When is he coming back?
  • Mister apple mac
    Show was much better with Reed. Rick is arrogant and hard to listen to. He is turning off voters.
  • meteorising
    Elephant in the room
    Some of your never trumpers colleagues were in hysterics last night crying and and insisting that Biden has to retire now, that the D party is broken and disfuncional. (Names and faces available on Youtube). So the world needs your punchlines more than ever. It’s a herd of crying elephants. Not just one. Help them come to their senses please and do a couple more emergency uplifters before we all sink in despair.
  • 😇😭🤣
    Lincoln Project
    Keep up the good work
  • ravenaside
    The Rick Wilson
    Thank you Thank you for all your hard work. You inspire even with a glitch and or hiccup. Keep it up!
  • We’reallinthistogether!
    Where’s Reed?
    Mostly love the show but it needs Reed back! I found todays show concerning where Rick doesn’t seem to recall(or worse care to state) that there was a bipartisan border bill that Biden was would have signed had tRump not told Mike Johnson to kill it. This could have been the year to get great funding for many of the concerns at the border. Rick Wilson MIA on this one
  • Pudelmom
    Ryan’s story
    Thank you, Rick, for having Ryan tell his family story on the podcast. People can be so cruel. People who are doing the “right” thing in the name of religion don’t think. Legislators who pass laws because they are “right” have no thoughts on the effect of what they have done.
  • jft34
    This podcast episode should be a campaign add for All Americans
    This should be played on every media source nationwide regardless of party
  • b1texqj
    Powerful and Necessary Episode
    Thank you to both Rick and Ryan Hamilton for the moving discussion on this second anniversary of the Roe reversal. Rick’s undiluted emotion in the later-added prologue had me tearing up before the episode even began. I’m a 50-year old woman, but felt it was so poignant - and powerful - to hear two men’s perspectives and experience on this issue. Ryan’s advocacy for his wife, his daughter, and for all women — in spite of his no doubt still-raw pain - is to be lauded. Women and their bodies are unimaginably strong. Not classically, pickup a dumbbell strong, but strong in less visible or demonstrable ways. But beneath it, there is a hidden fragility too many of us have experienced. It’s the existence of a tipping point — a cliff — where our bodies can not slow or stop a raging current that is pulling us towards death. Too many of us have laid for hours on bathroom floors, too weak to move. ERs are forced to call a Code Crimson in many of these situations. And these circumstances or events are in no way isolated to pregnancies. Ryan joked, but was more right than he knows, that few men could tolerate what we do in “normal” circumstances. On this issue alone, the idea that women should be made to suffer more — to have fewer guardrails — is unfathomable. I do hope many, particularly men, listen to this episode and take heed of the unintended consequences and victims of these draconian, inequitable and inhumane policies. Again, thank you. As an epilogue, it’s a privilege to see your personal evolution play out in real-time, Rick. It gives me hope.
  • DaniYogaTT
    Ryan for Congress.
    Oh Rick, Your compassion for Ryan and his wife’s story is beyond words. The trolls have crossed the rubicon. I’m not on social media. For me, it’s where our civil war is active. Ryan’s family should be in the front row at Biden’s next speech. But let’s be clear. Ryan and his family represent the start of the kinetic war against MAGA. It’s on.
  • DrDK2
    The Human Cost of Abortion Bans
    I so appreciate you showing the real human cost of political abortion bans. I admire Ryan’s courage to tell his story and he needs to speak out in every forum he can. I am a physician and I have been defending doctors. But the example here shows a callousness and lack of compassion by those physicians that is inexcusable. They should be held accountable along with the politicians. I went through a similar experience losing a pregnancy but was in a state that immediately provided a D and C. It was emotionally devastating and physically draining, but I was treated with care and compassion by the medical community. I am outraged and saddened that this family had to go through this horrible trauma and loss. Please let them know that most of us have only compassion and love for their family. (PS I’m an atheist Democrat.)
  • Not John Tuttle
    What Texas is not telling you.
    Rick, LP team. Thank you for being just one of what is possibly many stories of this young family. How the Christian Right-MAGA-Evangelical wave has affected how normal hard working true God loving people in America are suffering under the anti abortions laws. My wife and I went through a miscarriage I’ve 15 years ago and much of the detail of the blood and anguish and diaper if my wife was going to die while we waited for an appointment for a D & C. Our child had lost a heart beat at 8 weeks, then told to call the next day for an appointment. Made the appointment for 5 days out. Over the weekend she began to bleed. While taking her back to the ER she felt cold and looked at me with a distant stared and said she didn’t feel good. All the while holding our year old daughter in her car carrier. This brought back way to many memories and emotions but it is necessary to be told and to be heard. Thank you all for sharing. Fight the good LP!
  • shannon.scott
    Vice President pick for Trump
    Great podcast Rick. Had to sneak over to YouTube and catch the video version - because I had to see the new kitten 🐈‍⬛
  • Otis1cat1!harp
    Long time listener, 1st time reviewer
    I’m a long time fan of The Lincoln Project. Today’s Veep Stakes episode confirms what I already assumed. More kitty content, please! 😄🐈🧡
  • Wolfie79
    More of the kitten, please!
    Rick tells it like it is.
  • MylesMoffit
    George Monbiot and Peter Hutchison –History of Neoliberalism
    Amazing show.
  • Brooknj
    Good show
    Rick Wilson tells it like it is; he’s the best and what we need right now.
  • bigspenda313
    Essential listening!
    I learn so much from this podcast!
  • AnneE!
    Love Lincoln Project
    But I miss Reed Galen. Is he coming back?
  • slsssa11
    Like others, I am wondering where Reed went. Love Rick on The Enemies List podcast, but miss hearing Reed over here.
  • Co elk do
    The Mooch
    The interview with Anthony Scaramucci was excellent. I think I am now a Mooch fan.
  • Devin Houghtlin
    Love the Pod!!
    I have been listening to the podcast since November 2021 and it is by far my favorite. Everything that’s discussed is relevant to contemporary politics and VERY insightful and informative. Where has Reed been? We miss him dearly!
  • Jehsjwjsjsjehejejekske
    What happened to Reed? Is there an explanation for his sudden removal?
  • Little Apple Dave
    80th Anniversary of D-Day
    D-Day is rightly celebrated here. However, without 8.7 million Soviet service men sacrificing their lives, along with the fighting ferocity of those who were not killed, D-Day would not have been possible.
  • ritasunshine
    Great pod episode
    This is a must listen. Ken Burns tells it like it is.
  • wooidchips Mom
    Great thoughts!
    Everyone should have to listen to this until they truly understand the significance. My Dad was on Utah beach.
  • Mimi110278
    Do Not Miss the 6 Months Out Episode!
    Preach, Rick & keep on doing it! Rick spells out exactly what’s happening in the polls, what’s happening in the campaigns & the absolute disaster that will happen if Trump is elected. Listen to this & then do it again! Share it with everyone you know. Rick breaks it all down more simply & more succinctly than anyone else I’ve heard. We are in the fight of our lives. How to carry it out begins right here!
  • Rod_Fischer
    Great insights
    This podcast is one of the best. The host does a great job of leading the discussions.
  • Sally Lips
    Rick Wilson’s the best.
    And that’s all I got to say about that. Listen to him.
  • Klingrid
    The Lincoln Project
    Where are you? Haven’t seen you since May14.
  • BK in ATX
    A pod, with info you can count on
    Reliably intelligent and well-delivered, I count on Mr. Galen to inform & enlighten. Keep up the pod for all of us! Barb in Austin
  • A UK fan
    Donald is a mob boss
    How embarrassing that your people would choose such a person
  • Che Block
    Love the guys who make their little speeches before asking a question
  • Andi434343
    Loved pod with Mondale Robinson
    Thank you for having him on!!!
  • MC 1957
    It was once said the opposite of Love is not hate it’s indifference. To those who choose to continue following a fascist down a rabbit hole then you deserve every pox that comes your way. The LP is a beacon of sanity and truth, don’t let indifference obscure rational thought meanwhile the GQP and its cult followers destroy nothing of meaningful value except their own demented fantasies.
  • jkbrks
    trump trials matter
    The trump trial matter. I need justice. I am glued to it and will be until I see justice.
  • Andyin92677
    Mondale Robinson episode
    Great discussion with Mondale Robinson. He tells the hard truth about the root causes of voter apathy, particularly among black men. Like most issues in the U.S., the root cause is poverty and economic inequality. The Black Male Voter Project sounds like a great organization and I just donated. Thanks LP for all your efforts.
  • Happy healthy fit me
    Now More Than Ever
    November here we come to save democracy. LP: Keep up the great work… interviews, perspectives, suggesting actions we can take. Look up Zander Moricz. Watch Sarasota County - home of Moms for Liberty (yuk) - and how they inspire a counter-movement at the School Board, Hospital Board and local county and city politics. Sarasota is turning purple if not BLUE. In FLORIDA. LP inspires. Reed. Stuart. Rick. Tara.
  • rancid brew
  • Stephanie 063017
    Great Topic & Guest
    Reeds topics and guest.. plus I really like the theme/opening song …
  • ElizaCost
    What Trump and Biden have in common
    Besides old age. Trump is a career criminal. Anyone with half a brain understands that. Our justice system has never held him accountable because the law doesn’t apply to those with money. Biden has become a vicious criminal, having cast his lot with the horrible Netanyahu and providing him with every bomb and arms and money that he can do that there will be no house left standing for 2 million people minus the million who may be starved to death soon. Too many war crimes to mention. Biden flaunts US and international law, so zealous is he to feed the Israeli and US genocide against the Palestinians. Totally disgraceful. Neither of these monsters deserve to be president.
  • AbbyNemo
    Longtime Follower and Admirer
    I discovered you a few years back on Twitter and happy I found you have a podcast. Thrilled that Americans like you are exposing the truth about TFG. I talk to everyone about the necessity of voting — from the local level to the federal level. Loved this episode with your ex-Seal pal. Democracy takes hard work. My motto is “never become complacent,” when it comes to protecting our country from those who want to tear it apart. Does your X/Twitter account have information on how to donate? Thank you.
  • cecegrrl
    Veterans for Responsible Leadership
    I love the show, Reed! I support you by spreading the LP message and by subscribing. I so enjoyed your guest, today, Daniel Barkhuff, former Navy Seal and VRL creator. Mr. Barkhuff helped me better understand returning wartime veterans with complex vulnerabilities, the loss of status & belonging. It’s not a far cry at all for those veterans to be captured by the right; not in this cultural climate, anyway. Thank you both for your good work and dedication. ❤️‍🩹
  • WattLond
    The Lincoln Project
    Among the first to sound the alarm about the dangers of Trump and still going strong
  • itwasntmesir45
    This is the biggest grift on record. I am shocked how many listeners these angry men have. They lie to take people's money and need to resolve their obsession with DJT. Get over it guys.
  • MiamiDPT
    Thank You
    For the content.
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