Good Inside with Dr. Becky


Join clinical psychologist and mom of three Dr. Becky Kennedy on her weekly podcast, as she takes on tough parenting questions and delivers actionable guidance—all in short episodes, because we know time is hard to find as a parent. Her breakthrough approach has enabled thousands of people to get more comfortable in discomfort, make repairs after mistakes, and always see the good inside. You'll gain the tools to embody your authority while developing a stronger parent-child connection, helping you become the parent you want to be and helping your child develop the skills necessary for life success.

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Recent Reviews
  • SunmerKay
    You can’t go wrong with Good Inside
    My #1 source of parenting information. Dr. Becky’s approach is unique but feels so right. I love that she is speaking to parents on such a human level and is able to connect our own psychology to how we then move forward with our children in a positive way. She doesn’t expect you to be perfect by any means and genuinely feels like that special Aunt or big sister.
  • Yingying Zhu
    Love the book and one comment on the period episode
    I love the book with its emphasizing on belief in yourself as a good parent. Eye opening on how to handle kids and partner with different personality from oneself. After listening to a couple of episodes (I still plan to do more), I feel some of the content is a tad trying too hard to keep positive. The episodes about father death and period are mostly about how to look for the silver lining and remove taboo. But I would love to hear about difficulties that is almost unsolvable but we still have to co-live with. For example, the issue that I found hard to discuss about period is not what it is and medically what it means. It is that why it feels so uncomfortable, moody, sometimes painful and messy, inconvenient to plan sport/travel/important life events around and why half of the population doesn’t have to deal with any of it. Do I tell my girls that you just drew a short straw? It is not all covered by period meaning you are in good health state. There are women who don’t have periods for genetic and medical reasons and I have only heard good things about how they feel about not having it. There are contraceptive pills to be taken which might stop periods. Should we really be talking about the freedom of not having or minimizing the inconvenience, instead of accepting it happily?
  • FA- Southern Cali
    I love good inside
    I look forward to all of her episodes and can’t get enough. Thank you for sharing all your insights and wisdom. Every time, it’s just so informative, interesting and makes me think! Love it. Thank you!
  • EurekaPants
    an oasis for the ears
    listening to good inside makes me feel so much stronger and better resourced. it makes me feel like I’m a better parent NOW. like it’s helpful and the tips are great, but it reminds me that I’m doing better than I think. she’s the real deal. no toxic influencer nonsense here!
    Jonathon Haidt
    Thank you for this episode. I frantically wrote down so many helpful tips as I was listening and can’t wait to read his book. Sending my 6 year-old to walk the dog by himself and we will be following the rest of Jonathon’s 4 rules with our two kids 💪🏻
  • blackberrybrambles
    Dr Becky
    Dr Becky has changed my parenting (and my life) so much for the better! When I listen to her podcast/workshops consistently, the overall dynamic in my household improves in a very noticeable way. She gives me so much hope and confidence, and I use her tips and skills everyday.
  • Nicole132Rodriguez
    Bast parenting podcast
    NEW REVIEW - The newer podcasts with interviews aren’t as impactful as the old ones. It’s really disappointing that so much helpful content was removed. I hope something changes and the older content is brought back on. It’s such a powerful tool to turn people onto Dr Becky that is not being utilized. It’s also much easier to access podcasts on this platform rather then having to log on to the member site. OLD REVIEW - Dr Becky blows my mind with her thoughtful and impactful ideas. Because of her, I’m showing up in more powerful ways for my children. So thankful for this podcast!!
  • Vi1994668835272828935
    Dr. Becky Rocks
    Quick meaningfully information easy to listen to.
  • Nicole0107
    Bring back the old episodes!!
    Why was so much content removed?! I feel like almost all of the good content is gone now and I don’t see anything I resonate with as I scroll through the list. Really disappointed as there is almost nothing for younger kids now as opposed to before when there seemed to be a healthy mix. :( please bring back the old episodes!
  • Truzquilla
    So many old episodes deleted
    I have been listening since the podcast started and I’m the person who is always sharing the best episodes with friends and family. I’m sad that many of my favorite episodes have been removed.. sometimes I want to re-listen to something I found insightful or when a friend is going through a hard time, I don’t always have the right words to say but I always had the right podcast to recommend to them. I feel lost when I see the current list of episodes. Almos looks shorter and shorter every time I see it.
  • MD Pug
    Support for parents
    For the most important hat I wear, I love having this support. It helps me have grace for myself, which is something I need to practice. It’s nice having such an excellent coach and regular bite-size reminders of how to be kinder to myself.
  • Jessi_rose
    Tween episode
    Today’s episode was something I definitely needed to hear. I’ve been dealing with the same type of issue so to hear this was so helpful. Thank you
  • lbmc422
    Episode with Dan Harris
    This episode is amazing! I have listened to it multiple times. It has really helped me with my anxiety. I loved the ending ; great reminder to be kind to yourself.
  • hehc j da jfjjj be
    No just no
    Dr B honestly the episode on not punishing your kids for bad behaviour?! They’re never gonna learn! I’m a single mom and my kids mess up they going to be cleaning the whole house but not punishing them at ALL oh h*ll nah. If you don’t give them discipline they won’t learn discipline! You wanna teach algebra you gotta learn algebra.
  • Ana48C$
    The best
    If there is one parenting podcast worth listening, it’s this one! Lots of valuable advice and insights. It helps me become a better parent.
  • boyoboyitsfun
    Wow, I'm a DFA with a DFK
    My wife turned me on to Dr. Becky and the episode on consequences made me completely rethink parenting. Why am I as an emo dad fighting his own amygdala treating my child in a way I would absolutely hate to be treated? Dr. Becky uses such amazing analogies to put these kid problems into adult world context. So illuminating. Thank you.
  • Kaiters318
    Such a good podcast to make me look at parenting in a different perspective. Also powerful when I hear things that I’m doing as parent is such a huge impact for my kids.
  • jamiegotahose
    Better podcasts
    One of the very few I listen to
  • Dellyree
    This is what I need to hear
    This podcast teaches me in such a way that I am not upset about all the ways I fail as a parent. I find the advice to be very helpful, easy to implement, and it calms me down when I’m stressed.
  • Noguiltmom
    Feels So Easy To Take Action
    Dr. Becky has a way of explaining situations with kids that just make sense. Through stories and examples, she helps me have more compassion during those trying times and understanding for what’s happening. Love episode Jan 1st episode on How Dare You Speak to Me That Way where she separated what a kid said from the feeling the child was experiencing instead. Highly recommend this podcast!
  • KatieFloyd09
    The best parenting podcast.
    I was in a deep hole with my 5 year old . I felt inadequate as a mom . In desperation I just started googling parent podcast. Dr.Becky’s came up - I listening to it and I feel so seen, heard and understood as a mom . It also made me realIe I AM doing my best and trying to help my son in all the ways . So thank you - Dr.Becky !!
  • podcastjunkie321
    Love this pod!
    So many great insights !
  • baby mama Aubs
    Crying in Aldi
    Just listened to the episode with Cleo Wade and feel like someone has finally put to words what postpartum depression felt like. Wow. Just crying in the cheese aisle at Aldi feeling a little less alone with my experiences.
  • Dr. Dre Mata
    Great Convo!
    The “How to Talk to Kids about Politics” episode was awesome. Dr. Becky, Beth, and Sarah provided practical nuggets throughout the conversation. My kids (twin 7 yo, 5 yo) love the book, “One Vote, Two Votes, I Vote, You Vote.” My husband and me use it to get their minds thinking and then we answer their questions.
  • Pikles taste good
    FAVORITE parenting podcast
    This podcast is wise, compassionate, insightful, and supportive. I recommend it for all parents! Dr Becky is an important touchstone in our house when we are thinking about how to be the “sturdy leaders” we want to be.
  • Boulder Mom 789
    Thank you!
    Thank you Dr. Becky for this wonderful resource. I love the format of the episodes and the content. The most recent episode resonated with me so deeply. Thank you! Thank you!
  • Carolflyjs
    Self caring is the best parenting
    This is one of the key things I learned from Dr Becky. When I was growing up, I never learned that feelings and emotions should be pinpointed and expressed. I always thought the best way to deal with emotions was to deal with them internally, get over them, and move on. It was causing lots of internal stress, low self esteem and awareness, wanting to escape from difficult emotions which eventually leads to more explosions and meltdowns later on, etc. On the surface, Dr Becky is teaching me how to parent. Deep inside, Dr Becky is teaching me how to deal with myself better, which is the first and foremost thing to deal with a kid having a hard time. I recommend everyone who has a crying child inside to listen to Dr Becky and read her book. It won’t be a magic pill that solves all the problems at once, but it will help you start the healing process, which is what is truly good for you.
  • Kelsey__
    Worth a listen for everyone
    I don’t have kids, but this podcast has significantly changed the way I think about my relationship with others and myself. It honestly is a game changer.
  • karamel2k
    Repeatedly Valuable
    There are so many episodes of Good Inside that I return to over and over in my work with kids of all ages. Long story short, Dr. Becky’s strategies WORK. And best of all, the perspective shift that comes from practicing these strategies regularly helps ME stay more centered more often, which I am just endlessly grateful for; it has changed how how I interact with others and how I am as a person. I recommend Good Inside to everyone, because the really valuable stuff you get from Dr. Becky is applicable to all humans, not just parents.
  • Healing childhood
    Such a great podcast!
    Reconnection after disconnection is such a powerful tool in parenting and relationships in general! Thank you for the helpful advice along with scenarios for us to practice during the opportunities to do so!
  • Hollerbackgirl
    Great Advice and Guests
    Dr. Becky has helped changed my view on parenting in a healthier way. Her podcasts are easy and quick to listen to with guests that are struggling just like other parents. She changes the idea of “advice” on stopping a behavior to how to help my child deal with their emotions that are causing the behavior. This is so eye opening.
  • Long time fan, meh listener
    Thank you
    Thank you so much for the content you provide. Your book and now your podcast are amazing and must-consume resources for any parent.
  • Sherry Ann Marie
    As a momma & a seasoned preschool teacher you are SO spot on and have a way of keeping things simple. Appreciate how aligned you are to our school philosophy! Will you do an episode on separation anxiety for parents of preschoolers? Your chapter in your book is great but these parents are busy!! Listening might be more accessible. Thanks
  • Debooroar
    Sandwich Generation
    Oh wow. Spot on. I have been caregiving in both directions since having my first son, 7 years ago. I feel like “my life” is on hold a lot. I LOVE caring for my loved ones and I am so tired. Was a relief to hear about another’s experience.
  • SakuraySol
    Back to School Anxiety
    Thanks, Dr. Becky, for your pertinent and timely episode on back to school anxiety. My child has been very emotional about going to child care as I return to work and it has triggered my own doubts and insecurities. I love the quote about being the pilot of the plane. Thanks for these scripts/mantras I can use in my own scenario with my own child.
  • Lucky Lucky Lindy
    How to talk to your kids about money …
    As the host of my own podcast called, How To Teach Your Kids About Money, I was not expecting the recent episode on this topic to be as truly profound as it was. Dr. Becky opened my eyes in a way other parenting podcasts haven’t, especially around the idea of money. We focus on helping breakdown the walls that keep parents from talking about what they often feel is difficult. We focus on tools to help. But I so appreciated Dr. Becky’s take on the focus we parents need to have on self-worth with regards to these conversations. I appreciated how she discussed the important aspects of making sure our kids are getting satisfaction from within, and how the importance of downplaying comparisons between what they have, and what others have. In fact, I’d love to have Dr. Becky expand on these ideas on our show! Our audience should hear her take, and I would love to hear for my own home!!! Kudos to Dr. Becky and team …
  • NinaChristine14
    Best parenting podcast 💕
    I am a pediatric psychiatric provider, business owner, and a newly single mom of a 4yo. As both a parent and a mental health provider myself, this is hands down the best parenting podcast and moreover, the best foundational approach to parenting. I think the simplicity of it and scripts she gives make it so much more realistic and doable than many of the other more complicated programs out there meant to address various concerns. As a provider who has read all the books in the pediatric mental health section, I think Dr. Becky does an exquisite job of teaching parents how to find that perfect balance of empathy and validation while also setting firm boundaries. I think this is where so many parents classically struggle as they tend to feel you have to pick one side or the other. As a mom myself, I use so much of this with my own child on a daily basis and can vouch for the short and long term benefits. The circumstances and events following my divorce have been hard, including ongoing concerns about what happens at his dads. I know all I can do is continue to be the stable, loving parent I am and do my best to teach my son the language and skills I know he needs to build resilience. I love hearing my 4yo speak these words and come to adopt these approaches in his own way. I don’t know if there is any greater comfort to know he has these skills and thought process already. Hearing him get curious and start to verbalize things that didn’t feel right about various events that happen, especially at his dads, and knowing I’m creating a space where he is comfortable to do that is such an invaluable gift. I know it undoubtedly contributes to the amazing bond we continue to share. It also gives me permission to be human, which I think every mom in America needs right now. Recently, we were playing the always fascinating role reversal game where he was the parent and I was the kid (highly recommend it) and I was pretending to have a tantrum and making threats to hit him. His continued response was “I won’t let you (hit me/throw the toy)”. He even said it in the same authoritative but calm voice I use. He also has shared many examples where he set limits with others in situations where he knew what he needed despite others not liking it. Many of which would have been hard for most adults to do. For example, recognizing he needed space from a younger cousin at a family reunion, telling her that, and then going in a different room and shutting the door when she kept following him, even when she stood crying outside the door and other family members were trying to say he should play with her AND feeling solid in his decision when he told me about it later. Absolutely amazing. I could give 100 other examples. Highly recommend for every parent. What an amazing world it would be if every kid was raised with these skills 🌎💗😊
  • Hotwheels44
    Immediately relatable!
    I just put on the clean plate club episode and I was sobbing before the 10 minute mark feeling like you were reading my mind 😭😭 the advice that followed could change everything for me. Thank you for this 💞
  • fxscare
    Not just insightful but actionable
    Compelled to write a review since this is a fantastic podcast with not just insightful examples but actionable scripts for everyday scenarios that as parents you would otherwise just react to. Lot of mindfulness to put them into practice but at-least I have a starting point.
  • Katlyn @ Run-Resilient
    Actionable guidance without being preachy
    Listening to the podcast and now Dr. Becky’s book is on the top of my booklist. Her guidance is actionable and parent action focused. She manages to deliver her message with some light humor and in a reassuring way that even our not so hot moments as parents are all part of the process. The guest interviews keep the topics fresh and I loved the recent episode with James Clear.
  • Surviving somehow
    What I’ve spent years looking for
    This podcast is absolutely amazing. Every episode I listen to feels like therapy/parenting guidance/effective strategies/emotional support/my village all wrapped up in one invaluable experience. There’s literally an episode for every single struggle I’ve had in my 8 years of motherhood. Every parent should follow this show. In the 3 weeks since I’ve discovered it and been binging the episodes, my outlook on my life has improved drastically and I feel so much stronger emotionally and mentally. Dr. Becky and her team are truly amazing. ♥️
  • ZKEH27
    I love this podcast! I listen to Dr. Becky every morning on my way to work, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have learned so much about parenting and myself through listening to this Podcast. Thank you Dr. Becky!!
  • Jenni Franz
    I love this podcast as a professional & mom of 4 … perfect podcast
  • Sneedle
    Best Parenting Podcast
    Dr. Becky models the behavior she is teaching by not only providing scripts but also by showing empathy and compassion to her listeners’ parenting struggles. 10/10 recommendation from me!
  • Nely Guzman
    Easy to follow and implement
    I love listening to your podcast! Thank you for providing easy to follow examples that we can do.
  • no nicknames joanna!
    Dr Becky is a resource that I wish I had when raising my children
    Dr Becky is a wonderful resource for parents, grandparents, really anyone who comes in contact with children. As a new grandmother I’m trying to have a beginner’s mind with my granddaughter. As I’m learning new ways of having a relationship with my granddaughter, I feel closer to my adult children.Thank you Dr Becky!
  • Mamma Bird2
    Good for Nana too
    My daughter and I listen to you regularly and I marvel at the tools she now has in her toolbox as she raises her own daughter. Thank you for allowing an option to give a gift membership bcz I just gave one to her. I wish I had this info 34 years ago when she was born but it’s never too late to refine my own parenting skills and help her as she reparents and raises my granddaughter.
  • 15hcooper
    A big thanks
    Navigating being a solo-working-mom without a village can be hard. Thank you Dr Becky for all of the advice and help! XOXO.
  • cathpopp
    Reparenting with the in-laws
    Such a good listen and so informative for my husband and I as grandparents and trying to learn new strategies for our terrific grandchildren! Great way to change the world one family at a time. LOVE Dr Becky.
  • Tiffany Dameron
    Healing and insightful
    I love this podcast! I find that Dr. Becky puts parenting on such a way that makes it relatable and honest. No one is perfect and embracing all the good and learning from the bad while trying to be our best selves is an honest, approachable and attainable way to be. I’ve cried listening to this podcast on certain topics because it reaches my inner child and says the things I always needed to hear. I hope to do that for my children and following her advice moves me in the right direction.
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