We Can Do Hard Things


Life is freaking hard. We are all doing hard things every single day – things like loving and losing; caring for children and parents; forging and ending friendships; battling addiction, illness, and loneliness; struggling in our jobs, our marriages, and our divorces; setting boundaries; and fighting for equality, purpose, freedom, joy, and peace.
On We Can Do Hard Things, Glennon Doyle, author of UNTAMED; her wife Abby Wambach; and her sister Amanda Doyle do the only thing they’ve found that has ever made life easier: Drop the fake and talk honestly about the hard things including sex, gender, parenting, blended families, bodies, anxiety, addiction, justice, boundaries, fun, quitting, overwhelm . . . all of it.
We laugh and cry and help each other carry the hard so we can all live a little bit lighter and braver, free-er, less alone.

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Recent Reviews
  • mcsparkcity
    The best kind of conversation
    I am so incredibly grateful to you Abby, Glennon and Amanda - for your authenticity and sharing your conversations with me and the world. I feel so fortunate to have found this podcast. I laugh out loud (Macaroni Grill) cry (Alice’s 1 miler) and find words to put to my complicated feelings and experiences. I feel like, wow, I’m not alone, there are other amazing women navigating life in a thoughtful, introspective, joyful, wholehearted way. I know this kind of public life takes a toll. Thank you for generously sharing with all of us. Your podcast is life affirming and is changing the world one heart and hard conversation at a time. Love you guys.
  • Audsi999
    Always a revelation!
    Y’all have an uncanny way of getting into my brain/heart/soul & breaking it open instead of giving into the shutdown/wall-building I’m prone to. I’m a 40 year old trans guy trying to raise 3 teens/young adults and I just…WHEW!!! My nervous system would not be doing as well in this world if I didn’t have y’all as long-distance-parasocial family. Thanks so much for all you do! All of it. Sharing your adorkable quirks, thoughts, love, amazing guests, and all the things I can’t remember right now. And thank y’all for understanding that too! Soooo much love to all of you magical, magnificent mamas!
  • MsMelissaPennel
    My favorite one (and I LOVE podcasts)
    I turn to different forms of media depending on how I feel. If I want to learn and grow, I might listen to one podcast, if I want to laugh or I’m feeling really tender, I might listen to another. I am a really sensitive person and the type of energy of the host and content of the show can really affect me. That’s the reason that this is my favorite podcast of all time – I can truly listen to it in any mood because it honors all of those parts of me. Glennon, Amanda and Abby are so funny - they can be talking about the most heart wrenching subject (that is also teaching me something) and somehow I will also come away laughing. It feels like these are three of your great friends who are also constantly inviting you to be better people, not through any pressure or scarcity, but in order to live your most true and beautiful life. I have literally listened to this show since day one. Thank you G, Sister, and Abby.
  • NNW1982
    Important Episode - OCD
    Can’t thank you enough for your interview with Alegra Kastens about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I’m 41 years old and one of the few to be diagnosed quickly when I was 13 due to obvious physical compulsions; however, I’ve lived the majority of my adult life shame-ridden and masking to the world what felt like a misunderstood and an unacceptable mental illness. I’m just finally in a season of recovery that feels hopeful. This episode introduced a very important conversation to a mass audience, and it inspired me to share more with those in my own life. Thank you for all that this amazing podcast does to inspire, educate, and comfort those who listen.
  • Stephany524
    Life Changing - TY ❤️
    This podcast has helped me personnel with my own struggles & demons but also has taught me soooo much about others struggles. I’m forever grateful for all three of you.
  • rochester663
    Breast Cancer Screening
    Abby-Great suggestion. I sent texts to all my girlfriends and my sisters. Thank you Amanda for courageously sharing your very personal journey. Thank you Dr. Brem for education. Whew. One of the best pods so far.
  • lolariz
    Love this podcast!
    This podcast is so insightful and warm, even when talking about the “hard things.” I find so much solace in knowing that I’m not alone based off of your honest and vulnerable conversations. Thank you SO much!
  • BigSurLove
    Hooray Amanda
    Thank you for sharing your journey and the informational segment with Dr Brem. So happy to hear your “best “ news! This episode fired me up to ask for tests that I need 💯
  • margie_woods
    Healing happens here
    Thank you for all you share and for your vulnerability and honesty. It is making a tidal wave of an impact in so many people’s lives.
  • Ange_Mom
    Thank You
    Thank you so much for helping me to understand through the episode with Prentis Hemphill about generational cycles and how we advertently push our own generational trauma onto our children and how it keeps repeating itself from generation to generation. I heard so much of myself, and the things that I did to my children in this podcast. As soon as I finished listening to it, I forwarded it to my three children who are all adults with their own lives, along with a written apology for passing along my generational trauma to them and for pushing it onto them. Thank you so much for opening my eyes and my heart so that I can be a transitional person and change this in my family.
  • Blue Herontarot
    Don’t know what I”d do without all of you.
    I have followed you G. Since I won a contest on your earliest “blog” for writing an essay about why I should win a box of Carry on Warrior and I won! I was so excited and I love that book just as much as UNTAMED in a. Different way! Praying for sister and her healing and thank you for living your fierce brave lives. Anna Van DIs in Durham NC
  • Cohhmu
    I’m so beyond grateful for what y’all are doing. I’ve been able to parent myself in all the ways I hadn’t been growing up thanks to these podcasts. And thanks to you all, I was able to figure out my mental health crisis was caused by OCD and get treatment. I can’t thank y’all enough. Thanks for helping to let the light back in🫶
  • yvejr
    Great interviews but challenging audio
    Really enjoyed the interview with Devon Price. It was a great group conversation. Several other episodes look great, but I can’t really follow with the audio volume varying so much and had to give up.
  • Not Generally a Review Writer
    I love this podcast!
    This podcast is incredibly informative. I love the host. I love the guests - all the things!
  • Julykum
    What is Fun!
    Love this podcast!! As you all are walking through the journey of breast cancer, I love sisters courage and insight. I recently walked this breast cancer path, as a family nurse practitioner when my provider called me, I was stunned to say the least…what I found to be some of the hardest parts was having past emotional and physical trauma’s impacted my healing. Just when a person is thinking, I‘be got this… I‘be done my preparation and trauma work… to have it re emerge was humbling.
  • Dr Purple 2
    Thank you. Hits in the Feels
    As a woman & a psychologist I have been following your journey for some time. So many aspects resonate for me. I also use your journey, books, concepts, and the podcast in my work with women on their journeys!! Yes, we can do hard Things.
  • j9como
    Baby Gay, Late in Life Lesbian
    I am so blown away by your words. I have been an activist for over 20 years, but I only came out to myself and others last year. Why? Religious trauma. Patriarchal societal trauma. I cannot find the words when hate is in front of me. Thank you for the words of healing and your words of strength. I love you both. Your love story has helped me see the Queer inside of me.
  • pegley44
    Thinking of Y’all
    Wishing for all the very best 🙏🏼(maSTECTomy)
  • funnyjewgirl
    Amanda’s surgery quick pronunciation note
    So helpful to all your listeners. I admit being a language stickler and no its not that important, but the word is MASTectomy not MASSectomy. I love the show and as a 66 yo Midwest Jewish lesbian its funny how I started with a crush on Abby and have become all in on Amanda! Wise witty and genuine. Thank you gals.
  • 50 g or less of carbs
    Born male at birth participating in girls and women’s sports.
    I listen to every episode and appreciate your perspectives and discussions related to hard things. Thank you for helping me mentally move the needle in my mind, actions, and words on many controversial issues. As a 71 year old past competitive athlete, and still very active female in senior sport events please discuss on air this controversial issue. Many of my athletic friends, young and old, are having difficulty accepting the legality of males born male competing in girls and women’s sports. Transitioning, or not, is not the issue for us. Born male. Stay in your own lane. End of story. Start an athletic division for these individuals? Are we missing something in our non inclusive attitude regarding this subject? This social issue is definitely one of my most challenging struggles. Thank you for helping us by discussing this very hard thing.
  • PDXSean9
    Worth every minute spent listening…
    …highly recommend!
  • Angela Lo.
    What A Gift
    The show keeps me grounded, sane, and present in the brutiful challenges of life. What I love about this show is that whether I’m laughing or crying, or both, I am always learning and growing. I am a psychotherapist, and I share more episodes of this podcast than any other with my clients, as well as my friends and family. Don’t ever stop, doing what you are doing and being you.
  • piculady
    Inaccurate information
    I would prefer to have addressed this to show host directly, but I cannot figure out how to do that. The information on episode two of the surgery very inaccurate and dangerous information. If your anesthesiologist gives you NPO instructions, it is not appropriate to ask your surgeon if you can not follow those. Amanda said that they told her she could not have coffee and she then asked for surgeon if that was OK. This is very dangerous and disrespectful of the anesthesiologist, which is to keep you alive and safe during surgery. The role is to operate, anesthesiologist role is to maintain physiologic stability and keep you alive.
  • NAHVOL Inc.,
    No way to thank you enough
    After a near death experience I was gifted Untamed and haven’t touched the ground in the three years since it found me. The theory of finding your tree when you’re lost again struck lightning and new neural pathways even?! I love you Glennon and Abby and sister. I don’t return as often as I did but there’s only one pod squad for me. I am a different person, better… for your existing and work. Thank you a billion times a trillion times over. Godspeed!
  • skotreyuk
    therapeutic authenticity
    thank you for staying real, genuine & human. every flippin episode has so many “whoa!” moments, humor, & just reassurance about our imperfectness. grateful that the show and you still feel so intimate, private, comfy & real.
  • 5dognte
    We Can Do Hard Things
    Wonderful show! Kind, wise and compassionate information to help manage the jagged edges in life.
  • pashmbabyyyy
    Thank you so much for this wonderful educational podcast. I’m learning so much from you wise ladies. I wish everyone listened to this podcast and learned how to be a human being. Love you all. Haleh from Crofton, Maryland
  • Peacejoyharmony6
    Dear Amanda, I’m so sorry about your breast cancer diagnosis! I admire you for your kindness, compassion, wisdom and courage! I’m glad that your surgery went well, and I wish you will have a happy, healthy, long life despite this ordeal! I love you, Glennon and Abby! I’m very grateful for the podcast and the three of you! Huiping Xue
  • Kit-mom3
    Jealousy podcast
    Thank you for this podcast. It opened my eyes and my heart to a new self dialogue and some tools. You both speaking honestly about it and how you are affected in your relationship by it was very healing to me.
  • Tyisherenow
    This podcast is truly amazing
    Listening to Abby and Glennon’s podcast for the the first time today and it is truly wonderful. Thank y’all for sharing yourselves & your stories, much appreciated 🙏🏽
  • barefoot gardner
    Sister’s diagnosis
    You gotta gotta hear these episodes about Amanda’s medical stuff, the ensuing dialogue is awesome . I completely resonate with G’s perspective on how it is some of us try to show love to our dearest ones. It’s so easy for people to feel “ handled” or “ “managed “. I really needed to hear this message .
  • Leboove
    We’re all ___er for having listened to this ✨
    Smarter, softer, braver, more heartful-er?? All of the above. Please please just listen. I come to WCDHT like coming to a session with a great therapist or life coach. I don’t devour each episode as it appears. I move around it warily, do other things first, and finally click to proceed, pretty nervous and not having done my homework. But in the end I’m opened and alive. My favorite episodes are 215 with Andrea Gibson and 275 about birthdays, which NOT coincidentally was released ON my 40th f*ing birthday. I love these people, dis my pod squad.
  • Alessandra di Lampedusa
    Self-Improvement = Self-Help
    I noticed in the local B&N that "Self-Improvement" is the new, less female-coded genre title. It sounds more proactive and probably appeals to more people, including men.
  • Jennifer Carterje
    14 years later…
    Glennon, Abby, thank you so much for creating this space. Just finished listening to the episode with Sloane sharing about her friend Russell. So many of your episodes have shown up in the space I needed at the time and this one is especially impactful. I lost my best friend 14 years ago. She was murdered by her boyfriend, who ended up taking his own life hours after. It was and is a reality I have a hard time facing most days, or feeling like I have a “right” to the loss. Hearing the conversation with Sloane brought me validation in feelings and thoughts I have had over many years. No therapist or book has hit me the way this has. It means so much to me and I thank you.
  • luzmaqc
    So relatable, funny, deep and down to earth.
    Listening to both of you was like being able to get so much confusion out of my mind and heart. I felt validated and not so crazy after all. Jealousy is such a delicate and hard topic for any couple, but it’s true that for lesbians, the boundaries are somehow fuzzy. Thank you so much for your candor. I loved this episode, it was my first time listening to you guys, but it won’t be the last. 🥰🥰🥰
  • Catthomason
    Life changing and soul healing
    I’ve never felt so heard, seen, or held by strangers before. The concepts that you guys discuss feel universal, and yet I don’t know if I’ve ever been engaged in a conversation the way you guys do it. I start every Tuesday/Thursday listening to your voices and absorbing your guests like a sponge! lately I am loving the candid chats between Abby and Glennon!
  • JDancingDragon
    My all time favorite podcast!
    Love the content and the feeling of community!
  • Bri-Ann-e
    Thank you!
    I loved the conversation with Adrienne Maree Brown. I'm hooked and gonna listen to all the other episodes. Thank you!!!!
  • Michelle the Change Architect
    Thought provoking, raw, and vulnerable
    We can do hard things is a reality and challenge! It sets the stage by the vulnerability of the hosts sharing their own stories; the good, the bad, and the ugly, to encourage and move us into action in our own lives. Every episode is worth a listen!
  • Jennacorwin
    This podcast is as helpful &cherished as therapy
    I’ve been listening since this podcast was released! Such important and healing conversations. I love every one in the pod squad! The episode with Reese gave me chills on a hot summer day. And made me tear up. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this podcast. I can’t say enough great things. ❤️
  • Wangel20
    It’s just too self absorbed for me
    I’d like them to step more outside themselves.
  • roobalaboobie
    Strangers turned Family
    I found this podcast during the hardest time of my life. My husband was having health issues due to addiction and I was home with my young son who did not understand what was going on. On top of that, I was keeping everything to myself to try and keep my husbands privacy. I looked to podcasts to help me cope with what I was going through. This podcast has really helped me reflect on my life and MYSELF. It’s hard to live a beautiful life, it takes lots of work. Finding a show that makes you feel like you are loved, worthy and uplifts you and push you to continue to do the things that need to be done has been life changing for me. Thank you Glennon, Abby, and Amanda for the many lessons that you have taught me and I wish you all the best. I will be praying for you and your family and a million thank yous forever💖
  • ChasingSunset
    Thank you Glennon
    Just listened to today’s podcast. I am you. You are me. I have spent 90% of my almost 57 years doing exactly what you talked about today. I have struggled with eating disorders and codependency for years and felt “connected” to you from the moment i first followed Momastery and read Love Warrior. As you grow - we all grow. Thank you for your honesty, and your vulnerability. Currently I’m reading Mother Hunger for my husband who just lost his narcissistic mother. I was plotting how to get him to read it until i listened today. I need to start reading for ME! lol! I have enough issues to deal with. I love walking this walk with you!! FYI - i work with new moms in the hospital learning to breastfeed and often tell them that they CAN do hard things. Mahalo - you are changing the WORLD! 🌎
  • Hollywood Yogi
    Thank you Amanda for sharing🥹🩷
    My 2 chosen sisters were diagnosed with the rare form of breast cancer 1.5 years apart. This path connected them in a loving and supportive way. Sharing your diagnosis with such fierce courage, authenticity, and clarity gave me a small glimpse into what my sisters may have went through. I know it touches each woman in different way, and the reality of recurrence for them is always a possibility. I wish for every star to shine brightly on you and them, and to give you every ounce of energy and health you need to live your life. Sending you peace and love❤️
  • Carolg1965
    Amanda’s diagnosis and what has to change
    THANK YOU for this episode! I’m dealing with several people in my life who have issues they know about, that I have tried to help with and this episode has truly made me realize that it isn’t, nor should it be , my responsibility to solve. Particularly when these folks are not ready to h lo themselves,
  • Susancara
    Part 2 Amanda’s diagnosis
    I envisioned all of us everywhere with tears rolling down our faces as Amanda talked about going to the HS and running outside the fence with her daughter. Everytime I listen to this podcast I’m overwhelmed, educated, heard, inspired, motivated and filled with joy. Wonderful people, Glennon, Abby, Amanda sending all the peace and love thru the ether❤️
  • Snowchic801
    Liberal politics
    I am so excited to listen to your podcast, that was until I heard your guest mention the dangerous orange man and immigration, yet it’s obvious you don’t actually care about legal immigration because the border is a mess. I am so sick of politics influencing mental health. Focus on helping without bringing your political beliefs. You failed us. The people who desperately want help, you failed us. Stop being a victim. I am an Iranian American and yet I feel grateful to live in a FREE country. That doesn’t make me a white privileged supremacist. Your podcast is only separating us and creating hate. Do you want to be a good humanitarian? How about trying to follow what you preach, inclusivity to ALL. That includes the Jesus followers, the we the people, the dems, the rich, the poor, the fat, the fit, the independents, the codependents, etc Your inclusivity is fake.
  • Holycol50#
    Thank you
    Hi thanks for having Dr Schwartz on. When Amanda said she felt like she was faking I could relate.I believe my brain gets impatient so it provides an answer . Amanda I am sorry you are going through this.
  • 65GiraffeGirl
    My dear girlfriends…
    Oh, to be alive in the time of Abby, Amanda and Glennon. It’s as if you’re sitting at my kitchen table and saying and asking and responding to your guests as if it were me…total divinity! I just listened to Devon Price, also a new BFF, and how is it possible for someone that young to be light years ahead in their evolution!?! Brilliant! (Pssst Abby), my (highly productive) spouse has ALSO been right all of these years about naps, rests while I (Pssst Glennon) flit about with bulging self-righteousness for not stopping, denying myself a break because I may die if I stop. W.t.f. Ok, Devon solved that for us 🙏🙏🙏🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼 for having him on your show! When I listen I always seem to hear exactly what I need to on any given day. Did I mention I love you all? 💓 Peace, sisters
  • Cloud1008
    Wow, I just have to say as a fellow breast cancer survivor who took breast cancer into my own hands (literally), as you did too Amanda, and saved my own life, as you are doing this episode really hit home. Please keep talking about how to help other women advocate for themselves. Coming from a daughter of a Mom who was too ashamed/embarassed to take care of herself enough to fight this stupid disease, and diagnosed way too late for any treatment, I would just want everyone to know it doesn’t have to be like that. I now live my life as a 45 year old daughter without a Mom, and my kids don’t have her as a grandma and it’s heartbreaking knowing we could have helped her through it all, if only she had just been able to take it into her own hands and take care of herself the way she took care of everyone else. I love all of you and I am so thankful you are talking about this. I hate that you’re going through it Amanda, and I am sending all the good thoughts your way. I know you have an amazing support system, but I also know how it feels to not be able to know how to deal with this within yourself…❤️
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