Breaking Points with Krystal and Saagar

News #50Politics #18

Breaking Points is a fearless anti-establishment multi-week Youtube and Podcast which holds the powerful to account hosted by Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti

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Recent Reviews
  • whdncuegna
    Informative & Entertaining
    I really appreciate the different perspectives this podcast offers. I feel as though I get a more complete understanding of political topics and news because of the varying opinions and takes this show offers. I love listening to this show after hearing about events in the news to see how their opinions compare to my own as well as give me further insight that I may not have thought off.
  • muffin-man22
    Brain dead one sided takes
    Sager’s brain dead Ukraine takes make my skin crawl. He sounds exactly like a Russian bot.
  • YOGA999999
    Krystal is insufferable
    There are too many reasons to count why this show has gone from great to downright obnoxious but Krystal is the number one reason of them all. I used to pay for this show but I can’t even listen to two minutes of it anymore. Terrible. Don’t waste your time.
  • 💕brener
    Enjoy daily
    Lately I feel like the segments in the podcast are strung together oddly. Just me? Maybe it’s when it’s released in 2 days parts? Also the ads are nearly unbearable. I understand this is a necessary evil in a way- but there are some of the absolute worst ads are in the very long commercial breaks. From scary AI voice peddling to smug business men blah blah podcasts to borderline ped diaper commercials. Just the worst.
  • Jr0c25
    Please include fact checking…
    I haven’t listened to this show in a very long time, so I decided to give it another try… The latest episode covered Trump, and claimed he flipped his perspective on immigration. His stand was against illegal immigration not merit based legal immigration … if you’re going to broadcast “ news “ to your entire following, please get it right. You need a fact checking system or vet your sources more thoroughly. Unfollowing for now. See ya.
  • b-lake17
    It’s gotten “Ok”
    I really used to like listening to the podcast. This show is truly where I went to get my news because corporate media is biased left or right and this show was a good middle ground which is where I find myself on most issues. With that being said, I have definitely lessened my listening time to this show. I hate to throw the blame all on the shoulders of one person but Krystal really broke me. She really seems to have had some sort of mental break with the Israel/Hamas conflict and her constant talking over Sagar, not letting him voice his opinion without interrupting him, flat out saying he’s wrong, and her very constant high horse-ism is frankly just annoying. My feelings have been moving in that direction for a while with the show and while I still subscribe, I don’t listen nearly as often. I fear that as we draw closer to the election the coverage will move only one way spurred on by Krystal’s desire to talk over Sagar and become unbearable. In short I used to value the opinions and information gained from the show, now I’m looking for alternative sources… again.
  • MarshallInTheMiddle
    Discount Tucker Carlson and his useful idiot
    The show is basically devolved into Store brand Tucker and resident useful idiot pretending to be concerned leftist carry water for Donald Trump, and the worst most reactionary parts of the GOP all while tailoring their coverage (and YT thumbnails and headlines) to garner maximum clicks/$$$. Saagar hides the fact that he has a super pac pretending to be a think tank that’s explicit objective is to re-elect Trump and provide staff to Trump, JD Vance, Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton etc. and his major funders are all around nice guys and men of the people, venture capitalists David Sacks, Scamath, Peter Thiel and Blake Masters. Nice little grift he has going…
  • boob0056
    So many adds!
    It is ridiculous how many advertisers they play! They play at least 20 adds per episode.
  • DazShayd
    Too many ads for too little info, the cash grab is now transparently ridiculous.
    Also Krystal and Saagers little hissy fits at each other are really obnoxious. Never heard two more inflexible people regularly go at it, can’t even call it a debate since they mostly just rephrase their original points at each other in escalating tones of voice. Don’t think I’ve ever heard either of them acknowledge a good point or well thought out logic by the other.
  • annika🦤
    Am I the only one hearing the typing in the background?
    Love the podcast but I can hear someone typing, or doing something that sounds like typing, at random points throughout the show in the last few shows. Obviously I’m listening to the audio only version so maybe it’s normal, but I have to say something because it’s throwing me off.
  • npolitz
    Gone downhill
    I used to listen to every episode, it was one of my first introductions to “alternative media”. For a while now I had found Krystal to be very annoying. This used to be a place where I could at least get lukewarm takes from both sides on a variety of topics and be informed about what is going on and now I just do not think it is worth my time.
  • Dixklicker
    Um. Krystal is misinformed
    Krystal is incredibly misinformed in only one direction when it comes to Israel Hamas. She does not understand way dynamics. Sagar takes it just to be nice.
  • Sick of the propaganda
    Not afraid to voice it like it is.
    Thank goodness there are still journalists willing to reveal what our politicians are doing. Corporate Media either don’t cover certain topics at all or they load their news with one view point disregarding what we can see with our own eyes or what the majority of the world is saying about us.
  • Wellmandude
    Used to be a huge fan
    Krystal’s just going too far with the Israel /Gaza coverage. A genocide has not officially been determined and a genocide is usually not a result of being attacked, like Israel was on Oct 7th. There’s nearly a constant flow of sensationalized stories when they should really be doing their homework and getting their facts together! I had to unsubscribe as a Primo. Wish this show the best!
  • AuraMar1272
    Kristal has become unlistenable
    UPDATE: Done. Crystal denying rape and pretending she doesn’t understand the type of atrocities terrorists like Hamas are known for is the cherry on top. She’s disgusting. You can be pro palestine without being a rape apologist. This woman has a daughter, i believe??? 🤮 —— I started listening because I appreciated the thoughtful takes on two sides, not the extreme views on each side. I can go anywhere else for that. Like with so many other reasonable people, Zionism broke Kristal and the subtle undertones of antisemitism gleam through her arguments. In her defense, I do not even think she realizes to what extent she’s ideologically captured on this matter and other extreme left causes. Once this happens, it’s impossible to view or express nuance, or even mildly consider the other side. Therefore, this show is no longer what it purported to be. I could go to AOC’s social media and listen to unexamined and downright uninformed ideology 24/7 if this is what I wanted. Good luck.
  • Popesixtus
    Keep it up!
    I listen every day. This show is great.
  • 567scoobydo
    If you want a headache
    Krystal just complains and Saagar takes it! tThe (Friday Show) counter points crew is enjoyable.
  • Marih127
    Used to be helpful
    I used to really enjoy breaking points as I wanted to hear a variety of viewpoints. Now that Krystal won’t let anyone else voice their thoughts on the conflict and completely talks over Sager when he disagrees at all regarding it, it’s very challenging to listen to. I wish Sager would stand up for his opinions and not defer to Krystal as much as he does. I enjoy listening to Ryan and Emily.
  • Sophie's Mummie
    Taking a Break from Breaking Points
    I used to be a huge fan of BP and recommend it to everyone but lately it feels like the Krystal show. I just listened to her repeatedly cut Saagar off while discussing the Gaza war on June 10th episode. This wasn’t isolated behavior from her. I can appreciate that she is very passionate about this issue and she is frustrated with the US response. However, I find myself cringing as she has becoming increasingly high on pitched and emotional. I’m taking a break from the episodes with Krystal for awhile.
  • C C !!
    Once Great, Now Unlistenable
    Krystal has become unlistenable. I don’t have a horse in the Israel/Palestine debate; I merely want news and information in an unbiased manner. This show does not offer anything of the sort. Saagar sometimes feebly tries to talk Krystal into acknowledging some semblance of nuance, but she invariably digs her heels in harder and repeats the same catch phrases that you hear from teenagers protesting on college campuses. I can’t fathom how this show could appeal to anyone besides full-on Bernie Bros.
  • Xoxo79
    It’s really really bad now
    Watched/listened since the Hill. Was excited to find a voice like Krystal’s but watched until I just couldn’t stand her smugness and lack of self-reflection slowly evolve into truly immoral stances I felt disgusted by. At the end of the day she’s an upper middle class suburban mom who thinks she knows best on ever topic. When in reality, she’s actually just another comfort-sheltered and world-ignorant talking head. Done.
  • lmlemanski
    I Tried
    Really loved the show, even when I disagreed. I appreciated being challenged and informed, but the vitriol re Israel is too much. There is no balance at all and it’s disheartening to read Krystal’s comments on social media. I’m cancelling my sub as well. Maybe I’ll try again in six months. I tried to hang on for as long as I could.
  • EdeTM
    Among the Last
    independent voices in journalism worth listening to.
  • trevitzam
    Deeply Biased
    The show has gone off the deep end and spends the majority of the podcast on the Israel/Palestine conflict. Bernie bros and terrorist sympathizers will revel in Krystal’s hot takes.
  • qwerty_slurpy
    Much needed journalism, with two thoughtful people
    The show premise is the two hosts with different politics discussing issues of the day and giving different perspectives (one of the left and one of the right though they are both pretty moderate) with each other and often agreeing with each other. Well at least it start out that way, and it was a pretty good show, but as it grew things started to change. Krystal became even more left leaning and really had more made most of her arguments based on emotion and three reasoning out the window. Not only that but her takes got worst and worst and started become more of an elite progressive. What’s worst as Sagaar didn’t push back and often let her interrupt him or throw a fit over something that she was clearly in the wrong. All of a sudden it seemed to be a completely different show. They brought on Ryan Grimm and Emily to host their other show with the same idea but on every other day (1 show per day). Emily has become the best host in the show, not afraid to speak up to Krystal with reasonable and nuanced positions. Ryan is your classic righteous democrat that thinks he is a lot smarter than he is. The dude just has bad takes and often comes up with them in debates all while pretending or actually thinking it’s a headshot when ever one else can see what it really was. Long story short a show that had great potential and started off as a 5 star show in my book has lost all it had going for it as the host have become captured all while touting they corporate media bad, while they themselves are just turning into another version. Sagaar and Emily should leave and start their own shows!
  • OB Whale
    Only one point ever breaking:
    Everything Israel does is bad, if anyone says otherwise they're lying.
  • Sweatpants00
    Became what it claimed it hated
    Saagar has left and right leanings. Crystal was generally fair but has become a LOUD southpaw. Post 10/7/23, this show has become more one-sided and intentionally blind. Emily is a logical soft-spoken conservative. The guy who whined about not being on the Bernie Sanders interview has a god complex. That’s all fine, but this show is supposed to be objective with sort of a “point counterpoint“ longform style of just-below-the-surface reviews of the news along with rational non-hyperbolic takes on the events of the day the related politics on each side. This show is not supposed to be hypocritical, have bumper sticker/T-shirt political rhetoric, or interrupt guests in favor of the interviewee. The point of the show is supposed to be long form fairness and putting all smart opinions from each side out there for the audience to decide regarding the topics discussed (i.e., the opposite of cable news). When an interviewer repeatedly interrupts a legitimate presidential candidate the interviewer becomes a bloviating talking head. I’m not listening for that. Maybe I’m not the audience for this podcast any longer. If this podcast is gonna be media producing content for the sole purpose of self-advertising, thanks for making it clear so I can put this on the ash heap of history. The Affirmative Action debate was cringe-worthy embarrassing. I actually stood up and stopped what I was doing when Crystal said she believes the government is “only there to make policy and not opinion”. Delano quickly added that that’s what the bully pulpit is for. And the Biden administration engages in opinion pushing more of than most in controversial ways. The guest in favor of Affirmative Action (Michael Starr Hopkins) sounded like my overly emotional sister after 1 semester at junior college. He was on the early spike of the Dunning-Kruger. The basis of his argument was affirmative action (a.k.a., systematic racism in favor of blacks and Hispanics) is economically beneficial to the economy as a whole than without it - logic, morals, merit, and fairness be damned. He supports systematic racism against white and Asian people until schools in Anacostia resemble the marbled schools of Chevy Chase, Maryland. He seems to think all white people are the Clintons. His retorts to logical counterpoints were ‘What Abouts’ and logical fallacies. “What about Trump?” F Trump. Stop with the TDS. Address the points! Debate merits of the policy not Citizen Orange Man. “Well what about legacying?” I don’t like legacying but it’s a practice any identity can benefit from and separate issue. Get rid of it. I don’t care. But take a Xanax and stay on topic. The guy was a mess. His opponent, for lack of a better word, Delano Squires, had to herd the cats of Michael Starr’s Black’s bad points as well as Crystal bellowing with hypocrisy. And THIS would be a step up from the one-sided Israel hatred. And I’m not Jewish, Israeli, or a “Zionist”. I’m a fairist.
  • Snoodicted
    So sad to say goodbye
    I’m very sad to unsubscribe, but the show has been unlistenable vitriol in regards to Israel. I can’t do it anymore. I hope to see more balanced content in the future. My prior review is below: This is my daily must-listen show! Krystal and Saagar always have interesting takes on the news, and work to be very informative. Thanks for a show that offers multiple perspectives and keeps discussions healthy and friendly!
  • jquincymazz
    Israel non-stop
    I used to love this show and was a paying subscriber but I can’t stomach the Israel/palestine bonanza that breaking points has become. It’s been uncritically all about this “genocide” since Oct 8. Not a fan of Israel here, but the moral clarity everyone seems to have on this issue is simply sycophantic.
  • Balboa09
    I love Breaking Points would be 5 stars but Krystal seems to hate the United States. She seems to have lost her mind over the ICC stuff. I’m close to not listening anymore. I almost became a premium member and she ended that thought. What happened to seeing both sides and talking it out?
  • Jonthevaginaclogginggiantcock
    Please get back to what made you awesome
    First podcast review ever and find out many others feel the same. Prior to 10/7, this was a well balanced, informative, and fun show. I only listen to Emily & Ryan now bc they sound like K&S used to. I support what they’re doing here and want more independent media out in the world but K&S is nearly unlistenable at this point. Please cut down on the holier than tho shrill preaching and get back to letting Saager contribute to the show.
  • O-Pac
    I’m out.
    Hey Krystal (and Saagar if she gives you permission to see this), long time listener, new un-subscriber here. Been enjoying the show for a while now and I really appreciate all you guys do! One small complaint though; I just wish I could get Krystal’s opinion on the Israel/Palestinian conflict for once. I keep waiting for her to bring it up but it just never happens. Sarcasm aside, it has gotten very hard to listen to these constant one-sided vitriolic harangues lately. A situation as complicated as this deserves our best attempts at objective scrutiny, something this show used to be known for. Sorry guys, I don’t think I’ll listen again.
  • Fl OT
    So so
    Listened to the show for a while now and appreciate the divergent views. I enjoy Sagar’s pace and cadence when giving his viewpoint, which I don’t always agree with but appreciate nonetheless. However, I find my mind wandering when Krystal is talking. I’m all for promoting my fellow women but perhaps toning down the aggressive nature would be easier on the ears. Every word she says comes off as hyperbolic and feels daunting to listen to. I would be a billionaire if I was given a dollar every time she said something was “extraordinary” or “let me be clear”.
  • onthedont
    This used to be one of my favorite show’s but Krystal has become too full of herself and talks over others consistently, I would prefer Emily and Sagar. Ryan is good too.
  • KevinantiwokeB
    Sagar please delete this lying fool. He lied for an hour. Otherwise great show even though I don’t agree on everything and crystal is growing on me.
  • eddiep25
    Star wars
    Saagar is like a real life c3 -po………..
  • sfr79
    Enough Krystal
    She’s too negative now. She has become nails on a chalkboard. I refuse to listen to the show now. Too much Palestine content. It’s 247 on this show now.
  • brutcolo
    Started good but went downhill
    I loved this show in the beginning but the more I listen the more find myself turning it off before the episode is over. I realized I listen to the whole show when they have quest speakers on. It’s really Krystal at this point. I agree with her on most points but her style of reporting is simply annoying. I don’t agree with Sager a lot of the time but I enjoy listening to him and more importantly I want to hear what he has to say. I just can only listen to Krystal for about 10 minutes then have to find a new show. Sager needs a new cohost.
  • NotHollywoodJ
    It's become unlistenable
    Used to be the biggest BP fan and supporter. Recommending it to everyone who would listen. Its not morphed into Krystal throwing temper tantrums every episode and the show has lost its charm. I tuned in to hear open minded and nuanced perspectives in the midst of civil conversation. That era of BP is unfortunately gone. Krystal is unbearable to listen to and Saagar has apparently lost any interest in asserting his perspective. I'm not looking for mean spirited comebacks but for the love of God speak your mind dude and push back on the insanity that Krystal spews every episode. If you agree than so be it but you've become a doormat. We understand she isn't a fan of Israeli policy but her inability to listen to any criticism/critique of her position on the Israel/Hamas conflict is so off putting. She's gone full Jew hater and I just can't. Hope Saagar is able to break away and do his own solo show or find a liberal cohost who adheres to the original intent of the show. Until that happens I'm out ✌🏻
  • RDumkaCEO
    Make Krystal A Journalist Again
    When I started listening to the show back when they first launched, it was a refreshing place to get straight news that took the time to explain nuances of both sides of a position. Since the war and Gaza the show has become borderline unwatchable. Krystal assumes the worst motives of people who disagree with her specific positions on the conflict, the college protests and unfortunately Saagar doesn’t push back as much as he would like without her assigning dishonest motives to him. Gone are the days where she presented the news without assigning the worst motives to people, including her listeners, that have a different opinion without assuming there in support of genocide or thousands of people dying. Her interview with RFK Jr was also a total embarrassment as she would ask questions, then wouldn’t let him answer and if she didn’t like the answer he gave or disagreed with it, she would filibuster and push to move to the next topic. In the same way that Daily Wire has lost credibility post-Candace Owens, I feel Breaking Points is doing the same where they were able to capture an audience on the platform of being fair and unbiased and giving straight news but as time goes on clearly demonstrate they have a bias and a disdain for dissent.
  • Dongman310
    Used to be a fan but lately the show has devolved into a platform for Krystal’s antisemitic views. She needs to be canceled immediately.
  • AKavaj
    Haven’t been able to listen to a full episode in weeks
    Long time listener but this has basically turned into a podcast on nothing but the Israeli war. It’s unlistenable these days. I get they are “At the mercy of the news” but I promise you, there ARE other things going on in the world. Every pod for the last several months is 50min Israel.. 10min for the countless other news items. They teased us for months that they had some exciting news and new content coming.. turned out to be an extra episode on.. you guessed it.. debating the Israeli war. 🙄
  • Mehr.husain
    Best political podcast
    I love this podcast. I can see a lot of people are saying they are turned off by Krystal but I think she is amazing and is always on point. I like Saagar too. Overall all 4 of them are pretty great. I don't agree with them about everything but it's good to hear different perspectives. Keep up the good work guys!
  • Kym14528
    Favorite podcast
    It’s a good listen. Free Palestine!!
  • Bama247365
    Way too Pro-Palestine
    I used to love the show till the October 7th attacks happened and Crystal started simping for hamas every show.
  • Going the Hemingway
    Nancy Grace has found a home in independent media
    This show used to be something special. They used to cover niche topics, have intelligent discussions, and provide a fair analysis of current events. Those days are gone… The Israel Hamas war has truly broken Krystal. She’s turned into a pompous, arrogant, condescending, cynical new age MSNBC pundit. The average percentage of the show covering the conflict is anywhere from 60-80%. In that time Krystal lectures the viewer in an effort to make sure anything and everything is solely cast in the light of the war. The good faith debate is dead. Krystal gets super worked up, refuses to see nuance, and gets aggressive all the while Saagar tip toes carefully around the sarcastic clown show on the other side of the table. The icing on the full transformation to legacy media cake is the now 4 minutes of ad segments interspersed through out the show. Counter Points is the last remaining bright spot in this show. Ryan and Emily still have the spark of journalists who are passionate about the material but are willing to engage in good faith conversations and present the facts as is. They host a long form episode on Fridays, but of course the second episode was a debate on…you guessed it, the Israel Hamas war. One day this war will end and hopefully the show will harken back to its roots. In the time being, unless you are a staunch anti-Zionist, best to steer clear of breaking points.
  • Ottodb098
    Krystal is so shrill and emotional… calm down
    These long winded rants about Gaza are repetitive and boring. We get it Krystal, you’re obsessed with Israel’s supposed “genocide”. It’s becoming intolerable because nothing you say is insightful or new. You repeat yourself every time you are on air. Her favorite line is “babies are starving” 🙄. I can only get through the episodes where she is absent. Apologies to the others still keeping this show going, being reasonable and keeping the dialogue interesting. Update: listened on May 6th — Krystal is still awful!! I took several months off listening to this podcast. Luckily, Sagar still has his head on straight and steers their narrative in the right direction. Seriously, when are you all going to get rid of her? She’s ruining the podcast.
  • gregorious1
    Used to be a great show
    I used to love this show and have watched or listened to basically every episode. I can’t take it anymore. Each episode seems to be about 80% Israel/Palestine from different angles. It’s not even that I’m not interested in the subject, I still listen to other shows that are covering it. It’s that one of the hosts has become completely hysterical and repeats the same points over and over again. If you want to be lectured at (borderline yelled at) about a genocide for an hour and a half a day, this is the show for you. Counterpoints is still good though.
  • Boba Phat
    I miss the balance this show used to have
    This show used to be about the facts and balance and now it’s a little too emotional for me. Sad.
  • Mchuza18
    Love the show. But….
    One of your recent episodes it was supposed to be a debate over the Israel, Palestine conflict… Instead of saying it’s Omar Baddar vs Destiny… You should have said it’s Omar AND Ryan vs Destiny. Ryan was clearly biased. Destiny made some compelling points regarding hamas and their background of mass casualty to innocent people and children that was simply glossed over by Omar and Ryan. Would have been nice to see Emily recognize this and could have raised some of destiny‘s points, looking for an answer from Omar.
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