Drama Queens

TV & Film #16

Take yourself back in time...back to high school. The ups and downs, the loves the losses, the struggles the triumphs, being together with your friends...feeling every emotion of it.
Is 23 more than just a number to you? Do you respond to people by saying I don't wanna be anything other than what I've been trying to be lately? Do you expect to have life-changing moments while caught in the confetti or the rain?
Are you One Tree Hill obsessed?...it's OK...we're here for you. You can sit with us.
Are Brooke, Peyton and Haley your BFF goals?
These Drama Queens are getting back together!! Bethany Joy Lenz, Hilarie Burton and Sophia Bush are the biggest Drama Queens and they are here with you to dissect every episode, deliver every detail you must know, and devote themselves to you as you rewatch every single scene together.
Join Joy, Hilarie and Sophia each week.
Relive it, Relove it, Rewatch it ...every One Tree Hill minute of it.

Be a Drama Queen.

Drama Queens, an iHeartRadio Podcast.

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Recent Reviews
  • sb610233
    I don’t like the mean girl energy
    Been listening since the beginning. OTH is my favorite show. Loved this behind the scenes look. But at this point, Sophia and Hilarie act like it’s their show and like Joy isn’t there or doesn’t belong. It’s weird. If there’s an issue - say it or talk about it. Or change the format of the show. But to act like someone who was there for 8 seasons isn’t as important as you is odd. It’s catty and passive aggressive and is so uncomfortable.
  • Chelseah511
    Breath of Fresh Air
    This podcast is a fresh of breath air! I love listening to these ladies! I’m just now finding this podcast so I’ve been binging the podcast episodes while watching back through the series and it was been wonderful. I can’t say enough good things!
  • unicorn514
    Hillarie can get over her nepo baby acting son. Give me a break talking about this.
  • Frustrateduser001
    Love the pod BUT…
    I was really excited when DQ started. It was like reliving all the OTH feels when it was running real time. I enjoy listening to all 3 and sharing how it felt like shooting the series and everything in between BUT seriously with the 5 minute ads?!?! I mean I get it they need it but is it necessary to be so long esp on One Tree Thrill? Sometimes the go over 2 questions and 10 ads!!! And for the love of Pete, can you please stop adding WIP and do auto download? Same with the other comments here, if I wanted to listen to it I would subscribe but it’s really being forced on the DQ audience at this point. It’s frustrating tbh. Also please let Joy speak!!
  • staceehiles
    Enough with the Work In Progress Episodes
    Rating one star because there is absolutely no reason why Work In Progress episodes need to be added to this podcast channel.
  • par3516
    I’ve been a fan of the show and the podcast from the beginning. I’ve really enjoyed hearing the thoughts and perspectives. However, very tired of seeing Work In Progress be uploaded. Im actually extremely left leaving but if I wanted to listen to it, I would go find it.
  • cowgirl79
    Love OTH, what’s with WIP?
    Love OTH and Drama Queens. It’s been interesting learning the depths of what went down behind the scenes and I appreciate the insight into crew and support on the show. My beefs are there are way too many ads. There’s easily over 10-16 mins per episode some of the Q&A episodes are 50/50 with content vs ads. Also, why is Work in Progress in the feed? If I wanted to follow WIP I would. I get excited to see something dropped only to find out it’s Sophia’s podcast. I’m not interested, it’s not OTH. I doubt you’d give Joy the same platform.
  • AmyEWells
    Lifelong OTH fan
    Listener since the beginning. Never been more excited for a rewatch podcast Haha their stories/insights are more negative than I was expecting, but so were their experiences on the show. It gets really off topic sometimes, but it also feels like real convos you are having with friends. If that makes sense. Feels nostalgic every time remembering these episodes and hearing their thoughts. Overall I love that the 3 of them could come together for this. ♥️
  • Malena4991!
    Please Actually Discuss The Episodes
    I am struggling with watching because they seem to not actually talk about the episode at all but rather their emotions about a certain time while filming. I really enjoy when they recap the episode and treat it like a job. I want to hear about the crew and costume decisions, the prop guy, the lighting guy, the plot, the writers, etc. That to me is a recap. If you want to do an episode on your emotions or that time in your life while filming, then maybe just dedicate one or two for that but don’t label it a recap episode. Also it would be great if they were organized and consistent with the episode and look at the script or points about the episode before filming. Beth does a good job of not talking about her life but sticking to the show.
  • ninjaj6
    Too many ads. Stop eating
    First. So many ads. I get ads are necessary but there’s like 5 min each ad break. Second. STOP EATING while podcasting.
  • MrsO1105
    I can’t with the political rants!!
    Initially, I was so excited about this podcast because I am a long-time fan of OTH. It premiered when I was a sophomore in high school so in many ways, I felt like I grew up with the characters on the show. It is so disappointing and frustrating when Sophia and sometimes Hilarie go on their progressive left-wing rants. Sometimes I just have to turn it off. I’m not here to listen to your regurgitated mainstream media propaganda and lies! Based on these reviews, it seems as if there is a large amount of us who would prefer that the ladies would just stick to talking about each episode without the rants! I would go even further to suggest that many OTH fans likely don’t share all your personal views, so it would be great if you kept ALL your fans in mind. Also, the ads…. They are just so ridiculously long!
  • c1.11
    I’m a fan!
    The podcast is far from perfect, but overall enjoyable. Just like OTH, I think the first three seasons of the podcast are the best!
  • JenerationsJen
    Sooooo political
    I enjoyed in the beginning but it’s become Sophia Bush’s soapbox for political rants. Saying mean things about people she doesn’t agree with is not “tolerance.” Please take Work in Progress off my feed.
  • BG0206
    Love you girls and LOVE this show!!! This latest episode made me cry the whole time. We all definitely missed Peyton after this season ❤️
  • Hummumgfdjkf
    Love it!!
    Thank you all so much! I am an OG One Tree Hill fan and this is my favorite podcast it’s a dream come true to hear all the backstories behind the camera and your views on your characters stories.
  • KbCb2014
    Great podcast
    I love this podcast, but please don’t eat while podcasting!! Some of us are triggered by the sound. I really want to keep following and listening, but misophonia is no joke 😕
  • Pezabelle57
    Barely any actual recapping
    When they actually discuss the show, the episodes are good. But they often don’t discuss the episode but go off on tangents about other things. Worst example was the school shooting episode. Fans WANTED them to discuss that one, it’s an insanely important episode and they don’t discuss it at all. Just chat with the guest star about his time on set instead. And if Paul is a guest, they also won’t discuss the episode just talk about being actors and how they work together. And just skip the live shows, it’s just Joy making cocktails for some reason and nothing actually discussed of value. As noted by others this podcast is also just a bunch of ads with random talking mixed in. I’ve never listened to a podcast with more ads. And the sound quality on the ads is terrible as well so it makes it even worse. I used to look forward to this show and now I’m unfollowing.
  • Soapy Rae
    Stay mad
    This podcast rules and everyone who has opinions on how they should run their show can stop listening and go somewhere else! Never stop Drama Queens, especially Sophia! True fans love it all 💕
  • sportsgirl34
    Stop forcing WIP Episodes on Us
    Please stop unloading work in progress episodes to the feed. If people wanted to listen to that podcast, they could go to that feed. I subscribe to the podcast for the OTH recaps not Sophia’s podcast.
  • Molly6690
    Love DQ, but getting unwanted content
    Please no more Work in Progress episodes, that is such a pet peeve of mine when I subscribe to podcasts. 1 as a taste is fine but I didn’t subscribe to WIP
  • Camjam1234!
    The best podcast! I would love if you guys could get chase on again to actually talk about the show!! Also too many ads I swear the whole show takes up like 40 min of ads
  • bamakatie
    I love OTH!
    I wanted so bad to love this podcast and saved it for a cross-country road trip. I could barely get three episodes in and I realize this is more about them talking about themselves and not the show. I need Sophia to stop saying “mmmmmm” to everything and jumping in and taking over all topics. I will keep listening in hopes that it gets better.
  • KenzieOgg
    obsessed to meh
    I’m a huge OTH fan, I’ve listened to every single episode of this podcast and was obsessed for a long time. The ads are getting annoying, and I truly skip every one. Also, stop adding Work in Progress episodes! I listen to that one too, but I’m sick of the double notifications!
  • jjjjjjjjjjjjjacccccccccccccc
    So. Many. Ads.
    The adds are out of control! And please stop trying to make us listen to WIP. If we wanted to we would
  • Lynk09
    More ads than substance.
    I love the recaps and hearing the guests experiences and background of what was happening behind the scenes during seasons. But for every 30 minutes of DW, 12+minutes of it is ads. Cheap Caribbean might be cheap, but I’m still not going. I’m over that! Also agree with others, I didn’t subscribe to Work in Progress… on purpose! I don’t need or want to hear the opinions and stories of a lot of Sophia’s guests. Nice try slipping it in there to get more followers. Didn’t work on me!! Still love the actual show!
  • Delinooo
    Great podcast but these constant ads truly ruin it
  • jdoruebakeirvrmsiebtvje
    No longer loving this
    I loved this podcast when it first came out. It was amazing. But now…it’s just annoying and boring. I love listening to Hilarie and Joy together. But the second Sophia is put in she completely spins it. I’m over hearing about every single past experience she has had, I’m done hearing about her therapist, I’m done hearing her views on woman and how they should be treated. We get it. We’re not here for that. We are here to listen to recap of the episode and we don’t even get that anymore. I’m really trying to stick it out until the end of all the seasons. But seriously, there are two more seasons left and every episode is a struggle for me. I didn’t even finish the most recent one, just clicked mark as played and went on to a different podcast. I also agree with all the other reviews, enough of the work in progress episodes on drama queens. If we wanted to hear Sophia’s obnoxious political views we would listen to that podcast.
  • punkinpi314
    I didn’t subscribe to WIP….
    So please stop dropping those episodes in this feed.
  • pagingholland
    Nostalgic, but…
    Love listening for the OTH nostalgia, but the ads have gotten WILD. I also do not like Sophia’s podcast auto dropping into the feed. It is of no interest to me. If I wanted her politics podcast, I would have sought it out on its original feed. Disappointing.
  • Customer service is a joke.
    Additional podcast included
    Love Drama Queens but don’t love that Work In Progress has been attached and automatically downloads as well. I would choose to follow that show if I wanted to, and being forced to has not made me want to.
  • Chelmo_BK
    Who needs therapy when you have Drama Queens
    This is not your average rewatch podcast. I was nervous at first. I thought, how is this going to be any different from the rest of the rewatch podcasts out there. I was/am blown away. Come for the OTH rewatch but stay for the meaningful, insightful conversations. I’ve learned more about myself from listening to Hilarie, Joy & Sophia than I have in years of therapy. All three have an uncanny ability to relate the themes of the show back to their own personal lives. One example of this is when Joy discusses parenting. She states “more than your harsh word, more than your discipline, what your child really needs is for you to be ally.” Every episode includes words like these, words to live by. Advice from these 3 strong, beautiful women who also happen to be discussing a little show called One Tree Hill.
  • Flanneryy15
    I genuinely love these three ladies SO SO much!! You guys bring so much light into this world. Thank you for allowing us to be apart of this journey with you guys. And thank you for showing up, being brave and getting in the arena to share your guys story. You three woman have empowered so many of us to be brave and share our stories as well. Keep being brave Sophia, Joy and Hillarie 🫶🏻🤍
  • littlemisswrecka
    Too many ads, but great content when the girls are chatting
    I love this podcast! I really enjoy hearing about what was happening behind the scenes during episodes, and I even like when guests come on and talk about non-episode topics. However, I agree with many of the other reviews. The ads are way too often and too long. It’s ridiculous. I think they should be shorter or less often or, ideally, both! And it feels incredibly disrespectful of your audience to take advantage of the fact that we subscribed to this podcast and use that to automatically add a completely different podcast to our library. If people want to listen to WIP, we can subscribe to it. If we don’t want to listen to it, we shouldn’t have to take on the extra step of deleting it from our library each week. It shouldn’t be there to begin with.
  • @kristennicoler83
    Can’t get enough…
    This podcast has inspired a rewatch. I’m up to season 4 and can’t get enough. I also started listening to Work in Progress because of this podcast and have now been binging that G work!! Love you ladies - I’ve also found some of the podcast episodes to be therapeutic almost like getting advice from a big sister. Love love!
  • Kayjoy131
    Absolutely love it
    You all are doing a great job! I’d love to hear more about Sophia talking about working with Chad or James after dating/marrying them. Just to know how to navigate working with an ex. I also wish there were less commercials, even though you guys do make them enertaining! Paul Johnanssen is the best guest star! So inspiring and insightful! Keep having him! Also, for people that are watching along side with you guys for the first time, you give away tons of spoilers! I would just be mindful of that. Also, I don’t know why you are posting things from other podcasts and not from just the show.
  • Ugogirl311
    This podcast is not work in progress.
    I absolutely love the Drama Queens podcast. Yeah they have way too many ads it’s obnoxious at times, but I love their content. But I subscribed for DRAMA QUEENS, not Sophia’s work in progress podcast. It’s absolutely the worst that you’re pushing new notifications of a different podcast on it. It had nothing to do with the show and most of us don’t want to listen about politics when we came her for a rewatch podcast. It feels like you’ve taken advantage of your audience by trying to push her podcast on us. Big, huge disappointment and extremely frustrating.
  • Hddeadwyler
    One Tree Hill Recap or….???
    I grew up watching One Tree Hill while it was actually airing on tv. I have been obsessed with this show since then, I have rewatched probably almost 10 times. I am very late to hearing about this podcast, and I just got to the middle of season 3 episode 17 podcast and I’m just done with it. They rarely talk about the actual episode. I was really looking forward to learning more about episode 16 of season 3 but they didn’t talk about it at all. What am I listening to? And FORGET IT if they have a guest on an episode. The episode turns into how many kids the guest has and what movie/show/business the guest is up to. If I wanted to listen to a podcast about 3 women complaining about everything under the sun, I would find one. I really think it’s a slap in the face to fans, all they talk about is how stupid a story line is or how cold it was to shoot something. If y’all hate the show, why even do the podcast? Also, the ads, my god. Over 5 minutes long intervals of ads, 3 different times in the podcast, minimum. What a waste.
  • KBsch0801
    So many ads and stop with WIP podcast!
    I love drama queens but the work in progress podcast is super annoying!! Stop putting that in, if we wanted it we would go listen. And the 5 minute ads every 15 minutes makes this podcast so hard to get through. It was much better back when they started. It’s become about money and ads and promoting Sophia’s podcast. It’s a bummer.
  • vivianx45
    Kate’s “LIKE”
    Take a shot every time Kate says “like” 🥲 every sentence lol
  • Bfawn
    My teenage self is so happy!
    To the people complaining about the “unwanted” episodes: y’all realize you don’t have to listen to those, right? Personally, I love supporting my favorite drama girls. Also, you can take 10 seconds to skip the ads. It’s not that hard. To give them a 1 star rating over that is crazy. Girls, keep giving us great content! The real ones support you. I have thoroughly enjoyed rewatching OTH & listening to the podcast! It’s so fun to learn the BTS stories and learn more about the cast. I truly could listen to these forever!
  • Housequake99
    Unsubscribing because of WIP
    I didn’t subscribe to Work In Progress but it’s being force on this podcast. So I’m unsubscribing to Drama Queens
  • p1nomore
    Sophia is so liberal
    Stop pushing your liberal agenda into a one tree hill podcast…..
  • KayleneEason
    Love the show, but please do better with ads and cross posting
    I really really enjoy this show. I have re-watched OTH several times, and it’s fun doing the week to week watch with the girls. I love the guests and behind the scenes snippets. HOWEVER- these are my suggestions (unsolicited I know, but I think it needs to be heard!) Chill on the ads. There are like 15-20+ minutes of ads on a 1hr episode. There are usually about 3 minutes of ads before the pod even starts. If revenue is an issue, you should start a Patreon and post ad free versions of the eps there or something. Stop cross posting Work in Progress episodes. We love Sophia, but her pod isn’t what everyone is looking for. It’s annoying to have to delete every week. On weeks with guests, please just post two episodes that week! I hate never knowing if I need to watch the episode or if it is just going to be a guest interview. Post the guest one day, and the episode rewatch later on or vise versa. We know they’re recorded at the same time. Love you guys so much!
  • Oaoooejb
    Enough with the politics
    I was excited to listen to this podcast when it first came out, because like everyone else, I loved OTH. Recently it has been nothing but political options from Sophia. Now, her work in progress podcast is getting pushed into my feed here. I listen to podcasts to get away from every day current events, I don’t need them pushed during a rewatch podcast. It’s been too much I’ve barely been able to listen to the recent episodes. Plus the ads are insane. Over three minutes of ads multiple times throughout the episode, it feels like I’m listening to more ads than the actual podcast. I wish they’d go back to just the rewatch of the episodes
  • KelsoWash
    Sophia needs to let others speak/get off soapbox
    Truly agree with most everything Sophia says, but she talks so much more than the other two and talks over them sometimes. Listening to the Honey Grove episode (4x17?) and they are talking about sexual harassment/assault and Joy asked some good questions that were entirely dismissed.
  • sarahelodia
    Drama Queens - not work in progress
    I really enjoy listening to the Drama Queens podcast since one tree hill was one of my favorite shows. It is getting a little annoying trying to navigate around all of the work in progress/non-Drama Queens episodes they have added. I wish they would only include drama queens episodes as I have no interest in listening to Sophia’s other podcast.
  • Megan1192619101
    Ads and WIP
    Very long ad breaks and random episodes of Work In Progress in my feed. Not impressed.
  • a.ellis
    Great podcast, EXCEPT….
    I love the podcast, it’s nostalgic to go back through each episodes and hear from cast members. However, it’s VERY annoying to have Work In Progress being uploaded to this channel. If I wanted those downloaded on my phone I’d go subscribe to that show. Please stop doing this!
  • hasks12
    love this show but my god the ads
    love the show so so much but be prepared for ads every 15 minutes that last 5 minutes each. i know they only wanna share companies they support but it’s frustrating that its like 1/4 of the show :/
  • Built by S
    Annoyed by work in progress
    Love the Drama Queens but really annoyed that another podcast is popping up. If we wanted to subscribe to that… then we would!
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