Roots and Refuge Podcast


Hey there, darling! My name is Jess. There was a time that all I wanted in the world was a little farm where I could raise my family and grow our food. Now, that's exactly what exists outside my door. In watching it unfold, a new dream was formed in my heart – to share this beautiful life with others and teach them the lessons we've learned along the way. Welcome to the Roots and Refuge podcast, friend. I am so glad you're here.

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Recent Reviews
  • L Mobley
    So encouraging!
    Jess, this podcast is such a joy. Thank you for providing biblical and practical encouragement. I absolutely love how you share the significance of “turning your waiting room into a classroom”. Just what I needed to be reminded of today.
  • K Zinz
    “Turn Your Waiting Room Into a Classroom” Changed My Life
    Jess, I don’t even know what to say. This episode has changed my life and perspective in such a positive way. I laughed, I cried, and I reflected, really taking in the message. This message came not just on the exact day, but the exact minute of when I needed to hear this. It is applicable to a large scale dream we are working on, but I found myself thinking of different scenarios or “smaller” goals this applied to. I need to re-listen again and note some key quotes and put them on wall to see everyday. To remind myself that though maybe not right now, that doesn’t mean not ever and to maximize this time to learn. To learn everything I can so that when the day comes I am ready and prepared to embrace the achievement at its fullest. I cannot thank you enough for sharing this message. I am so thankful that I found your platforms. You are such a positive impact on the world. Thank you.
  • bethemily3
    Great Job Dads
    Happy Father’s Day!!!
  • Bay Street Yarns
    Inspiring even for non homesteaders
    I operate on 1/10th of an acre in a city proper that doesn’t even allow chickens, however Jess makes me feel like I can accomplish all my dreams. She breathes life into this wholistic lifestyle and calls all people in all walks of life.
  • vhk yh dd
    Brings such peace
    Have greatly enjoyed this podcast and always love the content and pace. It is easy to follow while still being knowledgeable on many different topics. Happy to have found it.!
  • jlynnap
    So Encouraging
    I have been watching Jess on YouTube for quite a while. She has given me inspiration to garden, confidence that I can start my own business and be successful and seems to put into words feelings I have in my soul that I could not begin to describe otherwise. Thanks Jess!
  • Wannabeflowerfarmer
    As someone who absorbs a lot of cooking/gardening content, I find Jess to be among the most relatable. I appreciate her perspective on life and gardening. I also love that she isn’t pushing crazy political narratives like a lot of popular food media. She’s a breath of fresh air.
  • Elsoybean23
    Jess is the Mister Rogers of my adult life
    April 25, 2024 (Edit: favorite episode for this year so far is “Mine your elders”- GOLD!! I love it!) August 16, 2023 Jessica Sowards, I am SO GLAD you have this podcast now!! “Navigating seasons of overwhelm” is one I’ve listened to multiple times. I’m a painter and it was always hard to follow what was going on as I listened to your YouTube episodes…. (Also distracting because who doesn’t want to stop working to look at tiny baby quail right after hatching??) Anyways, hands down, i don’t want to miss an episode! Thank you for your treasury of knowledge and encouragement!! And Praise God for the truth that is in you! Love from Ohio!
  • mom of 3 🎀🎀🎀
    I have been listening to you for a while and love what you have to say. I just listened to episode 57 and you have lit a fire in my soul to do more, to learn more skills and I am excited! Thank you for that much needed gut punch!! I’m giving it another listen and am ready to get to work on adding skills to my pile!
  • L🌹NN
    Speaking to the garden in our hearts!
    Love this analogy!! It will sweeten my gardening season. Love your vulnerability too, Jess!
  • cindylhg
    Roots & Refuge
    I’ve been following Jess for three years now. She’s very down to earth and relatable- even if you’re not a homesteader or gardener! But come on and sip a cup of coffee and take a listen! You’ll be blessed!
  • teettoot
    A well of encouragement.
    Anytime I skip a video or podcast of Jess because I think it doesn’t apply or I’m not an yet experienced gardener, a title entices me and I fall in love all over again. So much encouragement to start where you are, it’s never too late ❤️❤️
  • Tate.B 💗
    Life Changing
    I came to this podcast to learn about homesteading, but I can genuinely say that the topics that have been shared have completely changed the way I view life and the things I do. So much of God’s character has been revealed to me as well, through it. My absolute favorite podcast to listen to, hands down.
  • Hazel_D
    An Essential!
    Jess’s words are a comfort in my busy world, reminding me to slow down and be grateful for the small steps I make each day towards my homestead goals. She and her guests provide tangible inspiration for next steps or “what could be”, and emphasize grace and acceptance in the day to day work towards that goal.
  • Tolley Account
    Perfect combination
    This podcast is the perfect combination combination of information, inspiration and Chicken noodle soup for the soul.
  • Jl735i
    I haven’t listened very often but the episodes I have listened to bring so much knowledge with a level of peace I can’t even explain. So perfect!
  • PamelaRow
    New listener
    Hello Jess, I’ve just recently discovered your podcast and I feel blessed to hear your words. Your latest podcast on Eyes-No Eyes really rang true for me. I have had open eyes most of my life, and I have known people who do not. I also liked what you had to say about accepting people as they are, and still loving them despite their beliefs or way of expressing themselves. That is truly what Jesus taught us to do. It certainly is not the easy approach, but you were spot on about all people needing love. By explaining that you love people because of who YOU are and not withholding love because of who THEY are, you have released a tension in me that was present. Thank you! Keep on with your good works, in Jesus name! Pamela
  • HazelnutHiker
    What I needed
    I can only say thank you.
  • The Real Lisa Boyd
    What a Blessing!
    This podcast blesses me so much! I learn and grow so much both in my homestead journey and my faith journey. It challenges my faith and stretches me. I love it always but I especially love when Daniel is on. You can definitely see the ministry partnership with y’all.
  • Central11
    Love and support
    Love the podcast and YouTube channel! Encouraging, informative, enlightening. Just all of the things. Sending Jess and her family love and positivity ❤️
  • KrystalWhitaker
    A Place of Rest and Refuge
    I only just recently found this channel and her YouTube as I am not on other socials but from someone that is trying to be patient and learn in the waiting, is taking her own chicken way- man this is a great place to be. Learning from her and listening to how far she has come makes me feel better about where I am and what God has to come for our family and the little farm we so dream of having one day! Thank you for what you do and for teaching someone like me that this is all part of the journey! God really does put in your life the people you need! So thank God- he is So Good!
  • (Sarah) Ashley
    A great step to # our days with purpose
    All we do, we should do with purpose and in that we need a dream because that is part of our purpose. Jess helps understand the dream from her learning the lessons. So thanks Jess for sharing your testimony/journey of application will bare fruit
  • CalP488
    Food for our souls
    Jess speaks so deeply to us; she connects us by our interests and can relate so well to our dreams and hopes. Jess’s words are like food food for my soul. Her idea of turn your current space into a classroom hits it right. I’ve learned so much from this woman and I believe she was chosen to speak to others so we can feel supported in facilitating a life worth living and working for. Thank you for being here, Jess. You mean so much to so many of us. God bless.
  • ktrap05
    The most beautiful inspiring podcast
    I’m in awe after each episode
  • sujo71
    Love Jess’ spirit
    I too, have followed RRF on YouTube for awhile now. I love her positivity and constructive content.
  • LoonyMouse
    So inspiring
    I’ve followed roots and refuge on YouTube for years. This podcast has touched me so much more than I can express. Starting from episode one I feel so connected and empowered listening to the intro and following their story from the beginning gives me such a great appreciation for what they stand for and what they are trying to accomplish.
  • Alrog72
    I am so happy you guys decided to do a podcast. I love your channel, but never feel like I can sit down to watch it. I was over the moon when I discovered you started Podcasting. I am hoping to someday start contributing to our community with some of the knowledge that I have, and to learn from those that have more knowledge than I. I tend to be a bit of a hermit now that my kids are grown. Lol
  • Katpackjack
    So great!
    I have really enjoyed this podcast - very peaceful with lots of good information. I live in utah - so very different growing seasons 😬! But I like the peace that Jessica tries to instill in what she does. Thank you!
  • myahjojo
    So happy!
    I’m so thankful for this podcast! I’ve followed you for years on YouTube and now I can listen while doing things! Jessica you are a godsend! ❤️
  • Tdtlt
    Expected more
    Just found this podcast and 2nd episode I started to listen to is just the audio from one of your YouTube videos!?! That isn’t what I expected from this or any podcast.
  • qwsaexc
    Love this podcast
    I’m really enjoying this podcast! I’ve been watching Roots and Refuge on YouTube for awhile and this has all the insight, information and charm of their channel and yet it still feels like it’s own thing. Thanks for all you do!
  • ksbdidneh
    Jessica has absolutely changed my life with her unending love and light. Endlessly grateful to have found her. Thank you Roots and Refuge 🤍
  • Teresa Lupton
    Episode 7
    Love Jess and Roots and Refuge! I have learned so very much from her! Yet, after watching for years, I have had my first concern…. From the heart Jess, don’t cast out or look down on preppers. Bug out bags are just that… last resort grab bags to help us get to where we are going. We don’t want to leave our homes, but if we have to, we will. We are preppers, therefore we have no desire to go take someone else’s land. We have a plan, and we know where we are going because we are prepared. And where we are heading is also prepared… We are majority a very level headed group, who can bug-in or out and be just fine. Lots of love ❤️, while I listen and garden.
  • kaylamaes
    Encouraging and informative
    I’ve always loved Jess’s YouTube channel and have recently started listening to the podcast. I’ve been listening to the episodes in order but felt called to listen to her most recent ‘day in the life’ episode today. This was highly encouraging and relatable, I so appreciate her authenticity, outlook, faith and realistic optimism. I’m not a homesteader, but an adhd dreamer trying to keep it together and sow seeds along the way. This podcast is a gem, like getting so much more of something you already love deeply.
  • Oldfashionedgal42
    Wonderful and refreshing!
    Well good grief. You two about made me cry on that latest episode. I have followed your YouTube channel for a while, but just discovered your podcast. It is absolutely wonderful. It has me in awe how you make your audience feel like family. God is definitely moving through you two. Thank you for doing the work to make your dream (and God’s!) come true and inspiring the rest of us to take those steps too.
  • Kritter1973
    A Beautiful Soul
    Jess has very beautiful heart and soul. I love her raw passion for God, life and gardening. One can learn a lot from Jess on many levels. “ turn your waiting room in to a classroom. “
  • Jessica Rasdall
    I’ve been quietly binging the YouTube channel for awhile now and absolutely LOVE Jess’s approach to all things homesteading. Excited to be able to soak up her wisdom and empowerment via the podcast while in the garden 💜
  • Allison8469
    Good Stuff
    Not new to this lifestyle- but I always get something good from Jess’s podcasts! Always worth a listen!!
  • nicole shep
    I adore Jess and Miah
    I have been following their journey for a few years now and she has such a passion that makes a podcast so enjoyable to listen to. If you want to fall in love with so many things we are created to love, your in the right place.
  • Kennybrooke
    Soul refreshing
    I binge listed to every video, and I am very much looking forward to future episodes! I have a lot of the same history, same health, same situation (their earlier years), and same big dreams. I am blessed to have followed the R&R page in FB and IG and now this Podcast. Y’all keep on being amazing and thank you for sharing your dreams and lessons with us!
  • Puddlepusher33
    I can’t recommend this podcast enough
    Jess has been the source of so much inspiration in my life. I went from causally interested in gardening (bored during 2020 and looking for a homeschool activity) to full on homesteading (garden and livestock included). Not everyone who listens in will chose to homestead, but everyone can learn something from Jess. She such a great teacher and well spoken person, and I love listening to just her or her conversations. I always learn something and I can’t recommend this podcast highly enough.
  • TD7174
    I Love LOVE this family and podcast
    Jess and Jeremiah alongside their band of youngsters have poured their heart and soul into education of new homesteaders ready to get their hands dirty. They have been immensely helpful in my journey and I’ve become a content consumer on 3 different platforms now: YouTube IG and podcasts alike. I can’t get enough of what Jess has to say. I especially enjoy her devotional sections on YouTube. “Make your waiting room a classroom” - Jess Sowards. Thank you.
  • milklady22
    We love R&R!
    My family and I watch every YouTube video, and are patreon subscribers. Jess’ voice is so calming and peaceful.
  • TDBush
    Love this family!
    Edited to add I wish they would fix the uploads. There have not been any updates or podcast episodes since February first. I have tried to send messages to them but they don’t get them or respond. I will not listen on Patreon and will not listen on their website because the player doesn’t keep the time and super inconvenient. These kinks need to be worked out or an explanation or announcement and not the radio silence like currently. Awesome family sharing a wealth of knowledge on homesteading, gardening, home life etc. love their YouTube channel too but also Love being able To listen on my way to work! Thanks Jess and Miah!
  • headhancho
    Honest and Humble
    Long time fan of your YouTube channel. My wife and I will watch a few episodes every Sunday. We’re not homesteaders but we do have chickens, ducks, and rabbits in the backyard. I’m impressed by everything you guys have accomplished and continue to do. What means the most to me is your sharing of God’s love. You’re very inspirational. Love you guys!
  • Let's get Growing
    Listening while I Garden
    I have been watching Jess’s videos on Roots and Refuge YouTube for years. I have often listened to her videos while working and wished that they were podcasts. When Jess announced they were making a podcast I was delighted. I have listened to every episode of their podcast so far and I love it. I put it on speaker and work in the garden while listening. Sometimes my twins (8years) will work with me and listen without being board. I listen to about 10 different garden podcasts every week and this has raced its way to one of my top favorites
  • Goldieschlager
    Really excited to have Jess and the fam on this platform. She’s incredible at content creation that matters and has depth. Love it!
  • Sew Good and Trendy
    Uplifting, Informative, Educational, and Just Lovely
    I am such a big fan of Roots and Refuge Farms. I have been following their journey via Youtube for two years now. I have learned so much about gardening from Jess and regularly feel motivated to try new things in my garden, kitchen, and in my walk with Christ. My favorite part of Roots and Refuge is that Jess is always encouraging us to grow something lovely. And to learn new things Thank you and keep up the amazing work.
  • AngeliqueMcN
    Usually I Don’t
    Usually I don’t listen to podcasts. Vlogs - yes. Yet, I find myself listening nonstop. The truths spoken and the moments shared connect in such a way that I find myself thinking about each topic in my own life. Thank you for the inspiration.
  • revllee
    Great information, easy to understand. Inviting and natural, a breath of fresh air in podcasts. Inspiring.
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