She Wants More


Are more women having affairs? Or are they finally just talking about it? Throughout history, women have been stigmatized, ostracized, and so much worse for committing adultery—while men have too often been given a pass. But the truth is that women have the same wants, needs and desires as men despite cultural assumptions.

Hosted by journalist Jo Piazza, this groundbreaking podcast series features real women of different ages and backgrounds telling the stories of their affairs, many for the first time. After five years of reporting on marriage in the wildly popular Committed podcast, Jo is now uncovering the other side of monogamy and finding some surprising answers about the motivations behind female infidelity – from sex, to empowerment, to self-esteem, and even love.

In She Wants MoreJo explores the double standard of cheating, unpacking the guilt, shame, and the expectations placed on women. She has candid conversations with women about the affairs that have either strengthened or broken their marriages that will make you feel like you're eavesdropping on an intimate conversation between two friends. These stories will make you question everything you thought you knew about desire, monogamy, and marriage.

She Wants More was inspired by the book A Passion for More by Susan Shapiro Barash.

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Recent Reviews
  • Diem Jay
    Men! Please Hear This!!
    A wonderfully constructed and conceived series. I have never before heard music so intelligently utilized within a podcast to help tell a story. 💛
  • billchouca
    Not worth your time
    I was expecting some journalism, but this seems like from a trashy newspaper column. Imagine the same podcast called “He Wants More” about male cheaters. I doubt anyone would be cheering for it and call that male empowerment.
  • T-htx
    Just some racy stories…
    Don’t get me wrong, I’m listening. But I think the “mission” of this podcast is disingenuous. This podcaster had some good tea to share but instead of just putting it out there, she decided to shroud it in a cloak of female empowerment and sexual entitlement. That isn’t what this is. This is about incredibly selfish people who made bad decisions and then doubled down over and over again. Not journalism. Not science. Not politics. Just tea. Hey, I like tea. I like gossip. But let’s be straight about it.
  • Y2856Y
    Glorifies Selfish and Damaging Behavior
    If your committed relationship isn’t working for you be an adult and be honest with your partner and decide with them to work on it or depart it.
  • Purpskurdurp
    They really for the streets
  • MassachusettsMaggie
    Taboo topic gets attention—great podcast
    You won’t hear or read this content anywhere else! Very important topic explored here. Tell all your friends!
  • puddle2
    One sided podcast if that’s what you’re looking for
    This is not journalism. It is story telling. Good story telling at least, but it’s being sold as journalism. This podcast is not about why women cheat. It’s about why the podcaster thinks it’s okay for women to cheat. Her interview style is one of a girlfriend who asks some softball tough questions but really just supports whatever her friend says. She never asks the direct questions that would probably sound accusatory, such as “why do you choose infidelity over your children and marriage?” “Why don’t you get divorced?” “If you got caught cheating and that resulted in losing custody of your children, would you still feel justified in your decision to cheat?” Perhaps she’s afraid the women will shut down I’m the interview if asked these questions. Perhaps she agrees with infidelity. She never says outright so this podcast never finds its purpose. I can’t believe Malcolm Gladwell endorsed this. He must not have listened to it.
  • Queens to Kona
    I hope this has a season 2
    More than loving hearing from women who are putting themselves first, i loved hearing that it’s about time that women put themselves first. I appreciated the supportive information from psychologists, researchers and others who acknowledge that it’s okay for women who aren’t getting what they want from their partner to find what they need. Please keep sharing these stories…there are more out there!
  • pphuel
    Hedonistic Trashfire
    I’m not sure what I was expecting coming into this, but the portrayal of cheating as an act of self care when all these women admit some sort of pain or general unhappiness correlated to their affairs is absurd. Lost me completely when monogamous same sex couples were equated to the progressive racy lifestyle choice of cheating on your husband for a buzz. Reflective of a absolute low point in modern feminism, if anything.
  • gnrhippie
    A variety of narcissists
    Sugar coated, self centered, hedonistic view of sex through the lense of only the person lying to their partner.
  • Griffin119
    Missing the mark
    Horrible communication ruining relationships is not empowerment. It’s wrong to violate another’s trust regardless of gender.
  • KBDance22
    “She Wants More” is right
    I loved this, but I binged them and now I’m left—you got it—wanting more. I hope there will be another season or another iteration.
  • cbneae
    Love this Podcast
    For the past several years I have been unhappy and unfulfilled in my marriage. I often feel like there is something wrong with me because my libido is much more present than my husbands. I crave intimacy, passion and affection. This podcast made me realize that I am not alone and it’s acceptable to have needs and be able to voice and acknowledge them. Please continue with the podcasts. You are making a difference in so many woman’s lives.
  • pumpkinprincess99
    -1 star because if i have to hear this theme music one more time
    I loved it journalistically - entertaining, well researched, thoughtful, current! but I had to come write a review because I was absolutely antagonized by the insistent repetition of the theme music. By episode 5 i felt like if i have to hear this 30-second soundbite one more time I was gonna lose my mind! Please come up with more music next time to make the listening experience more pleasant overall. I actually didn’t hate the music it was simply it’s persistence that made me often want to throw my phone out the window. Now this punchy snappy double bass will be burned into my brain forever 🙃
  • Gaog77
    Very cool podcast I like being able to listen this point of view I’ve never considered but even tho I’m very open minded why not just get divorced move on and be with the person that makes you happy instead of potentially causing so much pain to one another
  • Kjaime
    Awful promoting cheating as an act of self care.
  • The Hutchins
    We need more episodes!!! 🥰
    This series is wonderful! It’s racy, riveting, and wonderful wrapped into one!!! OMG!!
  • Olleo2009
    I found this podcast both titillating and fascinating. Love hearing from these women who are taking control of their happiness. Bravo!
  • kihnmm
    Such a disgusting and corrupt take on infidelity. It glorifies lying, deception and gaslighting. Cheating is not okay for men and women and it shouldn’t be glorified or empowering for either.
  • hokiecmo
    Interesting but problematic
    I don’t know how to describe my feelings towards this podcast. At first I was intrigued. Then I give it a hate-listen. Then its entertaining. I don’t know. What I do know is that the people have it all wrong. Yes, you’re absolutely entitled to make the changes you need to feel happy, empowered, and fulfilled. But you need to communicate with your partner. If you don’t want to be monogamous, then discuss that with your partner. If it’s a need for you, and your partner refuses, you absolutely have the ability to end the relationship and do you. But the thing is, relationships have agreed-upon rules. Each relationship is different. During one episode, a guest said something to the effect of “you deserve great sex, and as long as you’re safe and not hurting anyone, why not?” I couldn’t agree more. But when you are in a relationship that is monogamous, you ARE hurting someone. You’re hurting your partner you supposedly love. Potentially full on traumatizing them. So please stop glorifying this.
    We need more episodes!!
    I love your pod so much and I had a terrible surprise that it’s only 8 episodes! Jo, I love your voice and smooth interview style. Do more podcasts on anything please! ❤️ this one is fascinating and so well done.
  • Raven0788
    I love listening to everyones story, I always keep an open mind and hearing the reason why & how women cheat is so eye opening.
  • Redmond W
    The mere existence of this shows how much we’ve lost. We really need to bring back shame as a concept
  • madgonzal
    Insightful, entertaining, problematic
    I am fascinated to learn how and why women cheat. And I love Joe’s personable interview style. I still 1000% believe cheating is wrong and the easy way out vs. facing and doing the hard work to get out of a relationship that leaves you wanting more. Even if the cheater feels like they’re not hurting anyone through deceit and lies, they still are backstabbing their partners and families. The repercussions of cheating could likely be worse than dealing with your issues upfront. I struggle with if this podcast glorifies cheating or simply brings insight to a topic we don’t talk about as women. I believe it does both. I cheated when I was 18 out of spite because my partner had cheated on me. He ended up getting hurt and went on anti-depression meds. Although he hurt me, his mental stability was hurt worse than mine when I cheated. We never know how we’re going to disrupt others lives with our selfish actions. And I had no commitments to him other than our relationship and the outcome was much dire for him. Men and women, before cheating, please consider facing the truth and putting in the work to resolve problems or leave your partner for the well-being and mental and emotional health of your family, them and yourself.
  • DanWStock
    This podcast is an achievement. The haters are unfortunately just the reincarnated ghosts of our Puritan Forefathers.
  • Noodlewoodle
    Almost never a reason
    I get trying to support women and sure you could do a whole podcast on women serial killers and humanize them, try to justify their lives and talk about the inequities of their treatment vs men but they’re still killers and don’t deserve the same kind of sympathy you gave to these heart breakers. It’s just cowardice whether men or women. The answer is easy. Get out of your relationship that you aren’t fulfilled in then find someone. Don’t get me wrong, abusive situations where someone needs support to help get them out of the abuse is more understandable but just because you found your pediatrician sexy, etc... But this podcast really is just another example of outrage culture sending roots out. Good luck with your focus on promulgating outrage for attention. Worked for Trump I guess.
  • Ordinary Human 40
    I’m a guy and this is fantastic!
    I recently listened to the "She Wants More" podcast and I must say, it was truly enlightening. The host, Jo Piazza, is an excellent interviewer.The discussions are always deep and insightful, and I always come away having learned something new. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a thought-provoking and informative podcast. To all the closed minded people who left 1 star reviews especially Cici0127 who is completely clueless and had to bring politics into it there is a 100 percent chance your partner is cheating on you, how could they not be!
  • TollyM
    Enjoyed this!
    Loved this series. The negative comments here are really proving the thesis of the show, huh? That women are judged so harshly for having an affair. I didn’t catch the part about women thinking of cheating as an act of feminism, and I also didn’t get that from Jo. If anything, open conversations like these allow for more transparency, so that options like non-monogamy can be on the table. I’m not advocating for affairs, but I think Jo and the women on this show are pretty brave for speaking up. Thanks Jo and your team for doing this.
  • Babyb0310
    Love it.
    Love the topic and the conversations.
  • LeslieTyler
    Leaning into the gray areas!
    Jo (and others interviewed for this series) approach this complicated topic with compassion and curiosity, and it is done in excellent taste! Not all affairs are black & white, and they cause an infinite range of emotion outside from hurt, and to more people aside from of the scorned party. These stories show all sides! It is a taboo and intricate word that these episodes handle with care. Bravo for telling these bold stories, and most importantly for not shaming the women who shared them.
  • Cici0127
    Way to glorify crappy character, commitment and betrayal. The left has literally lost their mind. Disgusting.
  • Djehuti11
    Reality Check
    I hate everything about this. 10/10 will never commit to a relationship with a woman.
  • Jazzmanfla
    Nothing new
    It is fascinating to me that cheating wives call themselves “feminists.” I suppose that they mean that they are now financially stable and they can do as they please. But, are they aware that, to the men who service them, they are no more than a booty call? I know this because after my divorce in 1999, I had sex with only married women. Many, many traipsed up to my door for the “sex fix” they can’t get from and don’t want from hubby. They are wet even before they can get in my front door. The beautiful thing about sex with wives is that 1) they crave sex more than single women hands down; 2) unlike single women, they are not looking for a “commitment” or “relationship.” Of course not! They already have one of those! They want exciting sex with a man who is absolutely discreet. Finding a virile man they find sexy is the jackpot for these women. One woman was married. She is on the internet claiming that she is a “pioneer of feminism.” Yet, she comes to my place with steaks to cook for me. Paid for by hubby. Sexy lingerie and heels that she’d never wear for hubby. After we eat, I service her and she leaves! Perfection! Doesn’t bother me that the touts her pioneer feminism. Makes me laugh. So, I think that it might be a good idea for this podcaster to interview the men who are doing the cuckholding. I’d volunteer!!
  • AnnC430
    Pretty disappointed
    After knowing Jo’s work with Committed I was looking forward to more of that quality…not so much. These women aren’t feminists! They're deceitful cheaters and worse. Last weeks episode made me so angry! She’s too sick to work but not too sick to cheat. Not listening any longer.
  • dhahsoxo
    Loved Jo on Committed
    I listen to every episode but honestly as a hate listen. I consider myself a feminist woman, but it’s hard to listen to the hypocrisy and lying and justification of such as “feminist”
  • rockinalf
    What everyone is thinking about or doing
    and Jo Piazza brings it to light. Love this podcast.
  • SG901348
    Glorified Ignorance
    For anyone who has had their life unfairly ripped apart by the infidelity of their partner, this podcast is harmful and sickening. With an assumption that “all men cheat,” this show clearly glorifies infidelity, as long as it’s committed by a woman. ANY cheating is wrong and can have lasting traumatic effects on children and partners, MAN or WOMAN.
  • FanPhan
    Love Hearing Others Perspectives
    This podcast came at the right time for me. I love that this is a podcast where women really get to speak their truths and have a sexual desire that is beyond what was considered “normal” for women. So insightful and at the same time, I feel like I’m being heard and understood.
  • SmokinAces____
    This is really nasty work
    A podcast where women are going to justify affairs and the host cheers it on as empowerment and self care….
  • Tillifesend
    Just one Question
    I’ve gone through all five episodes, one after the other discussing women having self love, empowerment etc. Cool, I agree and feel the same and would wish that for my twin sister my Mother my daughter and Wife. I certainly have many thoughts as I’ve played the role of pro and antagonist throughout my younger dating life. Along withbeing raised entrenched in good ole southern religion I have a deep rooted belief that marriage is sacred and the fun and games though morally questionable should never step into that “blessed union”. Saying that I will refrain from allowing those thoughts and opinions to any more flow freely then I’ve already allowed. However I do have a question, maybe I’ve not listened well enough to catch it but I must ask. The host, has there been at any point of this series where it was asked of these women how would you feel if you husband was the one in fact cheating? With multiple women, long term and short term affairs, in your home in your bed. Or have it explained to them by their husbands that they cheated due to the fact simply said “you aren’t soft where she is”, “you never made me feel wanted or appreciated so I cheated”. “She lets me perform sexual acts on her that you stick your nose up at”. I keep hearing these sentiments being shared by these women but what if the shoe were on the other foot? And I understand it has been this way and as I’m typing this I can guarantee there are men cheating on their wives and I feel just the same towards their actions. I have my opinion and I feel morally it’s wrong on many levels regardless of who is perpetuating these acts. But to each their own, it’s not my household so I could care less what individuals do. But I do wonder if it will be asked and how the response will be received and responded to. Thanks; listening in has definitely been eye opening and I will continue to do so.
  • ColdbrewABP
    Wasn’t sure what to expect
    An insightful, fun, smart, and at times shocking podcast about women’s needs. Without shame or judgment. I’ve never heard anything like this before. I love it. I want more.
  • Frying_pan12
    Absolutely enthralling
    Such a fun and intriguing listen. The podcaster is gentle in her interviews and I sometimes wish she would push the women more to really answer her questions but it is a touchy subject and she is so respectful of those telling their stories. Honestly, I love it and wait very impatiently for each week's episode to drop.
  • Worty9r
    Lessons Learned
    Lesson Learned
  • Asha from Maryland
    A must listen!
    One episode in and I’m already hooked. Everything in this podcast is what I needed to hear.
  • Different_Drummer
    Not What I Was Expecting …
    I was expecting a documentary of the reasons why women cheat, and was disappointed. The first episode of this podcast was an interview with a woman that cheated on her husband because he wasn’t satisfying her sexually, and then inadvertently fell in love with one of the many men she was cheating with. Personally, I found this episode disturbing. It wasn’t so much the hedonistic attitude of the main character - that I could understand. It was the callous lack of concern for other people in the story like her husband, her children, and the family of the man she eventually fell for. As much as I found the main character’s unapologetic selfishness repulsive, the supportive, enthusiastic, and lascivious attitude of the host was even more disgusting. At least the main character seemed to have a sort of naïveté to her actions - but the host seemed to be using this story to push an agenda that “it was okay for women to cheat because men do”. If the host wanted to objectively explore this topic, she shouldn’t hand pick tacit stories to support her point of view. She should introduce statistics of what proportion of men cheat, and what proportion of women cheat. If she wanted to prove cheating was good, she should look far beyond the “honeymoon period” of a relationship with another cheater to see if they have a meaningful relationship in 20 years. My bet is this would show the host’s point of view to be myopic.
  • Googleheadboy
    A bit problematic
    The show is interesting, no doubt. But there seems to be some glorifying of cheating. I understand that there’s double standards and stigmas, but the first episode seems to imply that there’s nothing really wrong with cheating, if it’s a female doing it. The first episode really didn’t give even a hypothetical point of view from a male perspective. Okay sure, Nicki wants a more fulfilled life, but why is there pretty much no discussion over how it will effect her husband? I’ll check in for episode two, but for now it seems a bit icky. I hope there aren’t woman out there listening that are getting ideas to cheat on their spouse for decades and keep them in the dark. That’s pretty messed up.
  • Grace in boston
    This is an automatic download for me. Love all of Jo Piazza’s work (books and pods)!
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