When Reality Hits with Jax and Brittany

TV & Film #22

What happened when the cameras stopped rolling for Jax Taylor and Brittany Cartwright on Vanderpump Rules? TRUE Reality hit! Jax and Brittany take you inside their crazy lives as they explore parenthood, marriage, family, friendship, and reality TV. Nothing is off-limits in this candid look at their real lives with tons of fun, lots of laughs, honest opinions, and plenty of special guests!

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Recent Reviews
  • crimeo
    Mildly Entertaining
    Interesting to hear insights about the cast and filming of Vanderpump Rules, but they lose momentum talking about the mundane and trying to revamp Jax’s image. Think this isn’t going to hold listener’s interest in the long run. In fact I’m over it already.
  • Deezzzzzzz nuuuuuttttsss
    Love you guys
    I absolutely love this pod keep up the amazing work Jax and brit!!
  • LeeLizHen
    Brittany - Go solo!
    I would follow this podcast again if it was just Brittany. Jax just annoys me and contradicts himself every other episode. I only check in to listen to the Brittany solo episodes
  • krinklekrinkle
    Rude jax
    The fact you’re rude to your WIFE, employees at your fake owner bar, service people, airline employees -and you both think it’s funny. it’s beyond disgusting. Who do you think you are? You’re not any better than anyone else in the world - in fact there’s actual 10+ years of video evidence of what lying grifting con artists you are. Get some help bc you’re actions are teaching that child that being rude, inconsiderate condescending is ok. It’s not and it’s gross
  • Cornflk
    Love Jax and Brittany
    Whether they are together or not I adore this dynamic duo. They are both so mature and such great parents. I could listen to this podcast for 5 hours straight.
  • akemi.xo
    Entertaining but…
    This podcast is prob the most entertaining out of all the vanderpump cast podcasts (minus stassi’s) but I can’t stand Brittany constantly interrupting Jax and their guests! B, your thoughts aren’t more important or relevant than anyone else’s, please practice restraint.
  • Krystal1331
    Love the show
    Love ur podcast. I hope everything works out for you both.
  • FRob76
    Appreciate you both
    I could never have done this with my ex, so I give you BOTH a ton of credit! Life is hard.
  • JLB511
    This is so bad
  • lauraslag
    To hear both of you laughing over how horribly Jax mistreats his employees and others was gross. Can’t be in such a “weird place” while condoning how bad he treats you and others.
  • Cupcake 51
    Love listening to your podcast, so much fun! But, Brittany please stop interrupting your guest, let them speak and finish what they are saying before you start Interjecting. Can’t wait till the new season of the Valley! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • The Realist14
    Britt wake up
    Jax is such a narcissist. All about him all of the time, this podcast is all over the place.
  • ajma s2021
    New merch idea
    Merch saying “Cruz is #1 guy in our group” Your welcome ✌🏻
  • Murphyyy18
    If you like to hear two people talk over each other just so they can talk about themselves, this is the podcast for you!
  • sur3j4n
    Cancel this like you should have canceled your wedding.
  • Traci Gallagher
    I was pretty entertained until you two couldn’t figure out why people dislike Janet. We dislike her because she’s a horrible human and a stage 5 clinger. Read their podcast reviews. We don’t need Janet on The Valley she’s gross.
  • not a trol, just truthful
    Jax is so much fun!
    Love when Ajax is on. He is so entertaining.
  • kimbersketch
    Just way to strange you guys doing a podcast when going thru what you say you’re going thru?? I will not watch the show now or listen anymore so good luck just hate being lied too! Just wow how these 2 are lying to us just for the show to get ratings and get picked up Jax & Britt totally are laughing enjoying there lives they literally say how doing chores in the house make them fight so there ya go they are Living together still just horrible!! Will never listen to these 2 ever again
  • WifeyforLifey217
    Re runs? Really???
    Pathetic. Lazy show
  • Kat was here
    Love Jax for his honesty, also love Brittany even more for teaching him how to deliver the message nicely. Amazing duo married or divorced. ♥️🐈‍⬛
  • LoriP84
    My review
    Been watching Vanderpump since day 1 . Loved the Valley . No judgment here on the marriage but sometimes Brittney talks over Jax and it gets frustrating.
  • TattooGurlie
    Let Jax talk!
    I’m a huge fan of the shows and both of you, but Brittany, please let Jax talk. You interrupt him every single time he speaks. ❤️
  • CarcarTutu
    swim team
    Brittany and Jax First I want to just tell you what great parents you are even though you’re going through the trials of being separated and trying to find your way in your marriage. I’ve been married for 38 years and I know it’s not easy second about the swim team I highly recommend you put your son on a swim team even if he doesn’t stick with it. He will be a amazing swimmer for life because of swim team. I know this because I was on a swim team for a very long time and I was a coach and a swim teacher, so please put him on a swim team at some point soon Much love to both of you, Carla Calvert🌺
  • A sis based in Austin
    Our children feel everything. They are so much smarter than you think…. They are sensitive to atmospheres and stress and anxiety and worry. They feel it all, esp wherever we are as parents in our lives. I pray for this chaos to come into order. It’s not normal or okay for Cruz. Brittany, respect yourself enough to close the door to this dysfunctional relationship. This man will never change until he truly hits a rock bottom. Jax, once again, is eating his whole cake. He wanted this separation. It’s not coincidence it happened at the end of filming. He is loving the attention from the success of the show, and on top of that, he gets to be single through it all. He is your ultimate narcissist and master manipulator.
  • Dr. Gergen
    Broken record
    Jax is a broken record. This was the same song and dance he gave about his bad behavior on VPR. Don’t wake up 20 years later and realize you wasted your heart and love on this man.
  • UnrulyBran👸🏻
    Britt is still speaking for Jax, making sure she cleans his verbal mess up, or adds an explanation to what he is saying smh it's ridiculous. Jax is jason ... he will never get help, he isn't open to it .. its all lies. If she isnt now, she will be moving back in. jax has been doing /saying the same exact things since he stepped on the scene. All thats changed is he has a kid and new show. Cruz has already experienced this negativity. And you both did argue in front of him smh my goodness the deflection in this episode. Just be real. Its a stunt .. you got your season 2, now what?? We shall see .. Brit do better ... not for you but for your son the world doesn't need another Jason/Jax ... harsh i know but it is a real opinion
  • Pmb2727
    Great Podcast
    I have listened since it started, I enjoy it! To the person who reviewed it recently and brought their son’s name into it, you are pathetic! I am rating this podcast on what I hear, not what’s on The Valley, two different things PEOPLE. The have one suggestion, Jax stop interrupting! I know it’s your brain and how it works but you can practice! Keep bringing in the guests and best wishes to you both!
  • Tswift31
    Brittany if you are smart you will run. Get the coparenting app and never speak with Jax again. He will teach your son his same behaviors.
  • bourbon and horses
    You are such a narcissist, you act like you’re the only one that has issues and whines like a immature person. So fake in your your words. Can’t love anyone else until you love yourself. Stop the pity party.
  • Angtowers
    More Brittany Please
    First of all this is the best name for this podcast as reality hit and Brittany and she is doing what she needs to do for her and her son’s well being. KUDOs for being a great mama and allowing your child to see a happy healthy woman- Brittany is shining with inner light now! I love how Brittany listens to her guests and finds positivity!
  • Yherrall
    Cancel Jax
    Get that loser off this podcast! Always making excuses for his behaviors. Does he ever think that his son doesn’t want to talk because he might sound like his no good, loser dad? If Brittany wants her son to have a better life, file for divorce or else Cruz is going to be just like his dad…thinking it’s okay to talk down to women. Wake up, Brittany! Jax has no relationship with his mother. Can you imagine yourself in that situation with Cruz? It’s too late for Jax to change.
  • Trashtvlover223
    Get rid of Jax
    Can we just get Brittany with no Jax? A happy woman interviewing people she enjoys. We’ve had enough Jax. Giving a good rating because we love Britt !
  • Team A44
    The episode with Jason
    I loved the episode with Jax n Jason. Jax you were so honest about your issues and that you need help. You were so raw and relatable. I like that side of you. And Jason is just great he is so kind and level headed. Loved this episode and the last minutes of the Valley finale made me cry. I felt so bad for Jax it was heartbreaking.
  • Brandy’s Two Cents
    Love this Pod!!!
    Oh my goodness y’all I am a longtime viewer of both Jax and Brit and am now a first time listener to your pod. It’s SO GOOD! Love the topics, the production quality and how well you two interact with one another. Job well done and will continue to listen!
  • Gilgurlie
    Great job Britt!
    Love the episode with Schwartz!
  • Right v Wrong
    Let Brittany host
    This podcast is taking a horrible turn. I am unfollowing this podcast because it is very upsetting to listen to Jax again making excuses for his narcissistic behavior. Let Brittany take it over. Jax doesn’t let any one person to talk other than him! He is repulsive.
  • mtdaybyday
    Usually it’s fine (ish)
    Jax is awful and the podcast with Brittany and Zach are the two most annoying voices I’ve ever heard in my life.
  • judipen
    Love your pod. Why does Jax use the term “I” so many times when talking about……the Valley, the bar, the podcast. When you call him on it he apologizes and then includes you. I have followed VPR from season 1 and it is very clear that your husband will do and say what ever is good for him then apologize and do it again and again. I know that you have given your all to him. I think everyone knows this. Stay strong my dear girl. Your heart is broken but he can’t be fixed. Oh! One more thing. On the latest podcast Jax told us that you both have permission to date other people. True?
  • Broken Calcaneus
    The Answer for Depression!
    Try TMS for depression and anxiety. It will work! Trans Cranial Magnetic Stimulation.
  • Stacey370
    Fix it, Jax!
    Jax, don’t be a fool. Once Brittany dates other guys she definitely won’t be back. Get intense therapy and give her what she wants before it’s too late. She will have so much resentment toward you for how you’ve treated and spoken to her that she may never be able to be IN love with you again. Get therapy for the sake of your son. Parents who love each other and treat each other with respect is the healthiest for the kids. The Valley is great! Behind the scenes on this podcast make it even better.
  • 2AliciaBV2
    Jax never liked Brittany … she was a storyline from day one. Jax was getting kicked off VPR he had nothing going for him. Brittany came along and he saw money. Covid came he got stuck with her, she got knocked up, he was stuck, he was playing when he dated her and when he got married he cheated!!! He was scared when scandavol happened, but when he saw how that played out he figured who cares!!! He can handle that!!! He is trying his best to let Brittany down gently but Jax has always been Jax … a cheetah lol he has many many many spots!!!
  • Gia Brownstone
    🩷 Brittany
    I love Brittany, but I’m so disappointed in Jax. He’s extremely disrespectful to Brittany. Jax is giving Narcissistic Personality Disorder and NOT loving family man. Brittany deserves so much better. I’d like to say that I hope they can work it out, but I think he’s gone too far. I hope Brittany finds peace, happiness & gets her sparkle back. 🩷
  • Sarahreed28
    Love Brittany!
    I really hope Brittany gets her own podcast! I really enjoy listening when she brings on guests on her own! She keeps it real and I love that she is so relatable! Keep doing what you’re doing Brit!
  • Jola M
    Bravo Chicka
    5 stars with Brit only. 1 start with Jax- he’s such a self centered jerk.
  • VBListener
    Team Brittany ❤️
    Love you 😘 girl…you will get past this because you are a strong beautiful women & your heart is on the right place ❤️
  • priscillaaaaaaa33
    Jax is insufferable
    How is Brittany the most sweetest positive person with someone like Jax?!? He’s so hard to listen to & to watch. he’s literally the biggest hater
  • Swhits6
    Terrible quality
    I really didn’t have much interest in this podcast, but there was one episode that I thought might be bearable, but boy was I wrong. Not only are the hosts hard to listen to because of their stupidity, but the actual quality is hard to listen to. It sounds like Jax keeps leaving the room and screaming from a far and then you have Brittany scream laughing in your ears. I only lasted a few minutes before turning it off.
  • translucent2
    Lose the laughter!
    Interesting podcast but Brit, PLEASE curtail your uncontrollable, constant laughter. So loud and distracting. Decent questions but the wild laughter is a turn off.
  • Carsun18
    Love the podcast!
    Great episode, but missed Jax this week!! 🤩
  • Gmaxbeaudry
    For someone who was coming on your podcast to clear things up, he said a lot of Nothing. He kept saying how he can’t say, so why even bother? Kept repeating how we had so much fun in the beginning but then Nothing.
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