Inside with Jen Psaki

News #89Politics #32

Jen Psaki draws on her 20 years with a seat at the table – from the campaign bus to the Oval Office – to tackle the most pressing issues of the week, interview the biggest names in politics, and pull back the curtain on the lives of the people shaping every aspect of American life.

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Recent Reviews
  • goodvsevil
    Yeah, and then
    SOTU Joe delivered a great, solid speech afterwards, soooo...
  • Jcgditfkfy
    Have a good night sleep and sweet dream I will
    I’m just going home and I’m just getting dressed so I’m just trying not really too long but I’m not going out for nothing and
  • Buffalo Jill M
    Thanks to Jen!
    Thanks so much for this pod, Jen. Your interviews are as well researched as everything you do professionally. Congrats on a wonderful creation!
  • Mooj58
    Wanted: All Episodes Timely!
    5***** for the show. 1* for podcast admin. Please post the shows!
  • itwasntmesir45
    Peppermint Patty is a commie who lies for a living. What a fool. I'm not sure how she looks herself in the mirror everyday let alone isn't embarrassed by her jibber jabber. So gross.
  • JC3003
    An interesting podcast with a lively host, but the editing is terrible. How can a national broadcaster treat its podcast audience with such contempt? Adverts frequently cut off the host mid sentence or even mid-word, long silences are included that make a listener stop and check the podcast is still working, and rough edits sometimes even include behind the scenes communications with producers. Very sloppy. Amateur podcasters can do better than this. Embarrassing for a corporation like MSNBC.
  • mantis eats
    Zio shill
    Aip ec gaslighter and professional Karen . Faux progressive that is just about you know which people ruling with their lies and zio slave masters pulling their strings . Spouts Contestant lies and untruths about Biden and the Dems . Not a fan of the gop at all but this level of propaganda is unseemly .
  • Debbie in AZ
    Monday night shows - 2nd request
    Please post the shows so we can listen to this wonderful host.
  • jaydoh
    I like the show but…
    Most other MSNBC shows are posted an hour or two after they air on MSNBC, but this show doesn’t get payed for days, if ever, by which timer it is seriously outdated. It would get five stars if they posted it day of.
  • 7 Akbal
    Untimely Late, old news. Have to go to YouTube for current program⏰
  • Jer$ey Boyz
    Repeat Podcast
    I don’t really get a chance to watch the shows on MSNBC so I rely on the podcast versions which are great. Inside with Jen Psaki, in which I also listen to religiously, is also great. Just one small matter. For the second time there’s been a repeat podcast with a different title. Please pay more attention to this.
  • myapled
    Monday ep?
    Where is Monday’s episode? Two weeks in a row now. I thought you had fixed this problem.
  • cathyanne1948
    Great journalism and show.
    Jen is great host for MSNBC. We need to hear from her more!
  • Justkiddng2023
    Not timely
    The show posted for 3/18 is actually the show from 3/17. This happens very frequently
  • 11dalya
    Better editing needed
    Well the episode was marked March 3 but I got a repeat of the previous week's podcast instead, resulting in old news. The same thing happened the previous week. I'm continually aghast at how often she's cut off in order to break for ads. It's very disruptive.
  • loves sudoku
    Are you confused?
    This is about the 3rd week that you guys are posting repeats of the episodes under a different title. You post the Sunday shows after Jen does her Monday show and today you are reposting last week’s Sunday show again. All under different titles. What’s gives?
  • Cat4truth
    Technical problem still happening
    I second the post from February 6 from Babble5blue.. the program details are not available, has repeat program from day prior
  • S Gentry
    Great content, lousy pod editor
    Jen is a great presenter for this subject matter. The range of commentators and guests from various parts of the political spectrum help at depth to what can easily be one sided stories. All in all a great show that I always look forward to hearing. It obvious that everyone involved works hard at making the best show possible. Except for whoever controls posting the podcast. The show being cut off due to weird ad break alignment is forgivable. Sometimes, that’s out of the show’s hands for technical reasons. What is fully in their control though is posting the correct show in the first place! Often, the Monday posting is a repeat of Sunday’s show, even though the title and description have changed. An occasional slip is almost inevitable, but lately it’s upwards of 50% of the time. Worse yet, the blunder isn’t corrected until around Thursday (if at all). I’m not sure if the person in charge is too busy or just doesn’t care. Whatever the reason, please fix it. The fans and everyone involved in production deserve better. Please & thank you.
  • Babble5blue
    Technical issues
    I love Jenn Psaki’s show on MSNBC, so when there is a mistake in posting the podcast of the previous days show, I feel a little frustrated. Not only does she get cut off before a commercial break, unlike others, but for the last two weeks I haven’t been able to hear Monday’s show. Someone posts Sunday’s show instead under Monday’s title. Please bring this to the technician’s attention. It’s very unprofessional.
  • Vote2018
    Is there any way James Carville could be a consultant for the Biden campaign?
  • Carvis22
    She has already promised a Trump pardon if she wins nomination and election. Disqualified!
  • Wisscrabbler
    Love the show & have IMPORTANT SUGGESTION!
    Love your show. I highly recommend we STOP saying “threat to DEMOCRACY” & instead say “threat to constitution” or to “the republic”. A LOT of people directly associate ‘democracy’ with the Democratic Party. I know it’s hard to believe but it’s very, very true. Iowa is such an example. When someone says “threat to democracy”…a lot of ppl think that means the democrats!!!
  • JazzBass13
    Great show!!💖
    Sometime ago, just after Jen had started with MSNBC, I had written a review somewhere (maybe YouTube MSNBC) of the Jen Psaki show - I had written a review... In that review, I said that Jen had great potential with MSMBC, but I had seen (and enumerated in the review) several potential "stumbling blocks" in her presentations at the time, which I was also critical of - a thing I never do - except for people who I see as having more than the required talent and experience for whatever it is they are doing, but could do better (imo) by making some "adjustments" day to day. After watching AND listening to today's show/podcast I will absolutely retract my "suggestions" (although I can't possibly imagine that Jen had actually seen any of what I had written). She is currently doing her show with full use of her personal and professional experience in government work, continually delivering prescient, well informed, excellent reporting. She is also making full use of the folks she has as guests - both in the choice of guests and in the conversation she has with them and the topics that are explored. Definitely already one of the very best shows out of ALL of the MSNBC regular line-up of shows! 💖
  • King of a
    Persecuted press, Mehdi Hasan Julian Assange Eric Snowden
    Hola Jen, good job, you omitted Mehdi Hasan Julian Assange Eric Snowden when listing persecuted press today, Marco the tucson cowboy
  • Hopfen und Malz
    What appeared to be an independent political viewpoint turned out to be nothing more than a israeli talking point machine. Mildly entertaining but mostly biased. Bummer. I really liked her as WH spokesperson.
  • zombie0651
    Omg gag me
    There is no one, NO ONE, worse than this woman in politics. Her face turns my stomach
  • Dirty Bird 66
    Why is there no Monday podcast?
    There is no Monday podcast currently available. Why is this?
  • mothertoall
    Keep up the good work
    There are not many shows that I would watch on my politics free weekends. Yours is one of the few exceptions
  • superfan 2.0
    Almost perfect
    My one problem is that the earlier episodes are no longer on the podcast. I missed a few that I wish I could go back and see. Also, the episode for October 15 hasn't posted after 2 days. I am a Trump supporting Republican but also like to hear from the other side so that I can be an informed voter. I value this show because you truly seem to believe in what you say.
  • Loganfool
    I am a fan, but…..
    Do you have to talk so fast? Is there a time limit? It seems that when you get to talking so fast, you stumble over your words.
  • UpScience&Truth
    Hi Jen!!
    I found your perspective authentic and faithful to the job your should do in your position in the society. Is simple if everyone just do his job the best way possible the world around us improves exponentially. Of course it is just a theoretical approach but like our dream guide us that dream is also valid. Just a general comment that I would like you to consider and if so, divulge and let expand, In may view the best play to select as Speaker of the house is Liz Cheney… it would be really unifying!! Don’t you see it likely? Thank you so much!!
  • Bexterjohn
    Too much trump
    Stop with the trump cuts. No one wants to hear him. Stop playing him.
  • Retire21
    Jen belongs at noon on MSNBC
  • Tarzjani
    Hit back to Governor Sununu
    Love the show and your excitement you bring in. I was wondering how come you didn’t ask him if there was something wrong with VP Harris when he said vote for Biden is a vote for Harris. I think she stands a neck and head above Nikki Hayle. Thanks for all the hard work
  • Meg Reynolds1983
    Love how clear it is
    Jen I love how clearly you communicate! You are such a clear communicator. I also appreciate that you can be tough!! I would love it if you started releasing 2 shows a week! Keep up the great work you are awesome and helpful!
  • Taralainee
    Lots of love
    Jen is! 🔥🔥🔥
    Love this so much
    I am a loyal fan girl of Jen Psaki. So love this podcast as I don’t watch cable news!! After Biden won the 2020 election I started listening to JP’s press briefings to listen to normal politics being normal in the best way possible. One note for the editors the editing for podcast commercials is a bit awkward and JP deserves perfection. 🙃🤓
  • Grace54
    Clear/concise/as usual
    BravoJen Im following you. It needs to be 90 good!
  • Funwithbarb
    Now I never have to miss a show
    Walked my dog this morning and caught up with Jens Show. It’s clear, concise and fine to earth. I’m so glad it is a pod cast now too!
  • *007mom
    You rule girlfriend - get after it! 👍
    I’ve been trying to catch Jen’s show from the minute it was announced. Thanks for finally making it available as a podcast!
  • mcart137
    Thank you Jen!!! ❤️😊
  • Beams of Light
    Excited for Psaki’s podcast
    I have been hoping Inside with Jen Psaki would become a podcast and here she is! I think she is a valuable journalist during these troubled days.
  • andi kreamalmeyer
    I’m so excited about learning from Jen. She asks such good questions and doesn’t let anyone disrespect her. Thanks Jen for being an amazing journalist.
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