Amy and T.J. Podcast

"Amy and T.J." is hosted by renowned television news anchors Amy Robach and T. J. Holmes.

Hosts and executive producers Robach and Holmes are a formidable broadcasting team with decades of experience delivering headline news and captivating viewers nationwide. Now, the duo will get behind the microphone to explore meaningful conversations about current events, pop culture and everything in between. Nothing is off limits. “Amy & T.J.” is guaranteed to be informative, entertaining and above all, authentic. It marks the first time Robach and Holmes speak publicly since their own names became a part of the headlines. 

Follow @ajrobach, and @officialtjholmes on Instagram for updates.

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  • Tmarq14
    The Dr is in Podcast
    Man!!! I’m so glad you guys had the Dr on the show!!! Especially when talking about any change in heart symptoms!!! I just recently advocated for myself to be heard by my providers because of my change in heart rate and chest pains. I’m overall healthy and don’t have any family history of heart disease. I did get all those tests done and thankfully there are no issues, and may have been due to a big family dynamic change. It was my stress and anxiety from that. I have noticed many younger people don’t get the listening ears of some providers because “we are too young for that”. I’m glad you guys have people on to discuss these things and encourage us to self-advocate, especially when we know something is not right. Keep up the great work you two!!! Luv you guys!!!
  • Tkotoo
    Shedding Shame, June 10 Podcast
    I’d just listened to y’all’s Shedding Shame Poscast and I’m quite certain I’ll never hear a better cast with such genuine reality, and I’ve also realized that it’s my first time recognizing an actual INDUSTRY that has helped people, rather than the so often norm of abuse of total draining of lives especially in entertainment and or broadcasting. It’s simply unheard of. And if your not sure of when you both linked til love, it was happening when you didn’t know or expected, it was when you were saving one another, cuz you simply was too focused on the priorities. It’s what you’re born to do… I reference it as “designed to be, or in the design “. NOTHING CAN CHANGE WHAT’S IN A DESIGN “. It’s UNIVERSAL! - s.jxn -
  • Nati4real
    Intelligent Discourse
    Love listening to you guys for your smart, effortlessly thoughtful and light conversations. I always come away with nuggets. Wishing you all the best!
  • CocoLatte2
    I wanted to like it. The two of them are shallow and deserve to be off the air. I expected them to bring quality topics on air and do what we thought they did best. Please let another quality podcast take this spot.
  • starwars 2005
    Huge fan of Amy and TJ !!! I look forward to all of the episodes every week!!!
  • xoadree4
    Love it!!!
    This is my favorite podcast! Congrats you two!!🎉🎉🎉🎉
  • Brittany42!
    Thank you
    Thank you for just being yourselves. The content is spot on and relatable. You are both amazing and glowing! Keep it up! 🩷🫶🏼🎉
  • Hskrfan64
    Look in the mirror Amy
    You’re on potential husband number three. At some point, you need to look in the mirror and realize you’re the problem. Hope you’re in therapy. Until then, you need to step back from your beloved limelight 🙄
  • juliedaggheart
    ive never missed an episode an get extra excited when it’s a long one. im in love with these two an I love the love they have for one another. LONG LIVE LOVE!!
  • d8050
    The best podcast ever
    I love your podcast. You both are such a perfect blend of equal partnership. Love to see two people that are genuinely happy to be together. Friendship came first which I believe helps to make the relationship solid. I love to listen to your podcasts weekly and just chill on my comfortable couch. 😁. Keep doing you because I’ll be right here watching weekly.
  • blytheboca
    She cannot give her true feelings. He is controlling the narrative!
  • titan fan in TX
    Love love the pod
    I watched you both on GMA, I hated to see you go BUT I found your podcast and LOVE it and both of you. Life happens, things change, and you are both happy. I wish you the best and will continue to listen. Life is too short GLAD you’re happy!!😃
  • E Marie24
    Not a fan anymore
    I really thought this was a fun and entertaining podcast until I listened to Amy and TJ’s conversation about the graduation speech. Amy supports TJ when he expresses his point of view as an African American man living in America (as in the discussion regarding Kamala Harris and Drew Barrymore). But TJ doesn’t support Amy’s point of view as a woman living in America. She clearly had strong feelings about the comments that were made about women. And because TJ didn’t have the same reaction, he didn’t see her points as legitimate. What could have been an interesting conversation turned out to be another example of a man invalidating a woman’s feelings.
  • Sharpie9000
    The drama
    Dear God. Drew Barrymore making Kamala into a servant? Really?! TJ’s ability to make nothing into something dramatic is astonishing. And again, Roboch is apologizing. This is impossible to listen to.
  • zad1012
    I love your podcast, except when you get overly racial. Yes. Drew Barrymore’s interview with the Vice President was cringe. In no way do I believe Kamala Harris thought “Mamala” meant “mammy.” My guess is she was annoyed she took a sacred nick name and globalized it. Not everyone thinks the same way as TJ. I think sometimes we can just look at things for what they are in the moment, and not make everything offensive.
  • Beth7609
    Run Amy Run!!!
    These guys are doomed. Amy is obviously insecure when it comes to this relationship and with good reason. TJ wasn't faithful before Amy, what makes her think he will be faithful in this relationship? Run Amy! Mark my words, this is never going to last. And Amy, stop apologizing to TJ when you have done nothing wrong! TJ is toxic. Abuser.
  • ENMesa
    Love Conquers ALL ❤️
    Amy and TJ congratulations on your podcast and the two of you being super authentic. Sharing the “highs” and “lows” it’s very much appreciated. Wishing you two all the best and much success personally and professionally. Praying for y’all to make it personally and professionally 🙏🏻
  • Other Joanne
    Very enjoyable podcast
    I’ve been listening to every episode and I really enjoy you both as hosts and you’re having some really interesting guests and fun conversations and hard conversations too. The only thing that throws me is the Seinfeld-like music in the beginning. I wish it was different.
  • aliciahansen73
    Melancholy TJ
    Seeing a few others comment on TJ’s mood from a recent episode…hope everything is okay! I was waiting for him to just come out and say what was bothering him, but Amy kept the conversation going, even tho he basically disagreed with every topic. They normally share the same energy, but it definitely feels “off” when one of them isn’t up to par.
  • Crayzld
    Unfair penalty
    Michael Strahan does not need a defense from the two of you. He is perfectly fine and able to deal with and tackle anything that unfairly treats him. The two of you might consider suspending your podcast or ending this podcast as it is tricking you into believing that, you are being authentic. What you are doing with this podcast is a performance, and perhaps you are not even aware of it. I have been a couples psychotherapist for 30 years and what I have heard is a performance of the valid and authentic relationship that you would wish it to be. Get rid of your podcast and work privately and humbly on your relationship with a qualified therapist. Find a way for you to work separately because your merging of careers and each other is headed for disaster Arrogance is thinking that you are entitled to defend a friend who does not need defending. Arrogance is thinking that having a podcast is what’s needed for the state of your relationship.. If you listen to the Hollywood award show episode, it is cringe-worthy , embarrassing, forced, artificial and so very very desperate. This is my final episode for sure. Only question, why is this a podcast? Two rambling people Saturated with each other and unable to stop laughing at just about anything. This time I really do give up. Shame on you two . You tackle a fragile soul like Cheryl and Pretend you are interviewing when you have actually exposed a person who is not ready to deal with the questions you are asking. You are relentlessly insensitive, and you must know that this is not an interview meant to be public.
  • phillygirlrunner
    Great Podcast!
    I’ve enjoyed your podcast it’s nice hearing the two of you together wish you were both on Tv.
  • Neeeeeena
    Earthquakes and Eclipses and other worries ~
    Amy ! Faithful podcast fan since you began ~ I’m listening now to the most recent episode earthquake/ eclipse etc but had to comment ! What is wrong with TJ ??!!! He seems lethargic, uninterested, kind of combative? Maybe a slurred speech ? Just not “ there , there “ … you know what I mean ? He also seems angry ? Just concerned…
  • happilyeverafter12¥#%
    TJ is mean
    TJ works very hard to embarrass Amy. He won’t laugh when she says something funny and makes us all uncomfortable by leaving her hanging when she tries to tell a story. He doesn’t like her.
  • ECCT64
    TJ dark mood
    Wow, was TJ in a nasty mood today or what? God bless Amy for putting up with him!
  • JimBeRLeY’s
    Lisa Swayze
    This interview is bar none Amy and TJ’s best!
  • neecierox
    The Best
    I love Amy and TJ! I have been a fan of TJ since he was on NBC in the Bay Area; and when Any was on GMA. The both are SO WELL SPOKEN, SO ARTICULATE, and SO FUNNY. I’m sorry for what they have gone through to be in love, but SO HAPPY they are together. I Love there “SO easy to listen to” Podcast. The only drawback that I had/have is it seems that TJ is not willing to listen to, or learn to accept Amy’s music. She has accepted his, and has made a few comments to confirm that she listens to his music, and whether she likes it or not, she has said it good. TJ talks about how he doesn’t like “Yacht Rock” and other things that she listens to. Amy commented about him arriving at her house and she not getting to the music quick enough to turn it off. Why should she have to turn it off! Why can’t he listen to it, and learn to like it, or accept it? If they get married will she never be able to listen to her music. I am a black woman, and I feel very “cultured” when it comes to music, but I had never heard of yacht rock. I put in my Apple Music and found some really GREAT selections, and now have a playlist, and plan to make more. Every one of the songs that played, is a song that I like. All I am trying to say to is TJ is, you are a very intelligent man, and should widen you horizons, and learn to accept Amy’s music. It is the fair thing to do. Other than that, you two are AMAZING, and I love you to pieces. Next step talk show please!!!
  • YOPEACH724
    Love youns
    I love Amy&TJ I quit watching GMA 3 when they got rid of them. You could see the Love that they had Between them before they even realized it. I don't know if I can Curse on this, but people need to let them be who they are IN LOVE. People mind your own business, coz you don't know when this will happen to you. FACTS
  • FrankButler1
    Adultery on the air
    Isn’t just like America to think they did nothing wrong. The consenting adult is only the woman, so it’s Amy in this case. He thinks with his pants as, he did 2 other times. They really deserve each other. On the Dec 18 show they said things got started in early summer. Both of you were still married . That’s Adultery, you may not think so , but it is. Look it up . Your no holds barred formats are really scripted so you do not answer to something like this. You should really enjoy your family life with your kids so you can brain wash them and prepare them for what there friends call you two.
  • maylaughon
    Today Episode
    Are you two so important that you think we want to know all about you two ? Do we hv to listen to your dribble about your relationship!!!! Boring!!! Oh and you are so above Marshall’s……….its so funny to hear you mock where most people shop. Sorry all you have is you two. Glad you are together!
  • DTWSfan
    The dynamic between Amy and TJ is uncomfortable to listen to. He’s a narcissist who’s openly arrogant, condescending, belittling and a typical toxic abusive man. As an outsider listening, Amy sounds like an abused woman trying to appease because she’s afraid of the backlash. TJ is entitled, self absorbed, disrespectful and you can hear how he puts her down. Amy, you sound like you have insecurities that need addressing. This podcast focuses on their unhealthy dynamic versus anything else. They need therapy and mostly Amy. Emotionally mature relationships are not what these two sound like.
  • Bodhi9528
    Amy, he continues to minimize you.
    Amy, please leave him and reestablish your life. He ruined your career and many relationships. He is hanging you out to dry. He exclusively loves himself.
  • rtsimmel
    Thanks for having me on!
    I enjoyed being on the show. Thanks for having me and for talking about the positive impact of running on mental health!
  • Nonna PB
    Breast Cancer Podcasts
    Amy and TJ, thank you for the two podcasts on breast cancer. Love, love, love these informative segments, being a three year breast cancer survivor myself. Would love for you to do a show on people diagnosed with lung cancer, even though they were non smokers, like my husband. I hear more and more people in the same situation. Look up Carol Silva. Inspirational retired news anchor with stage four lung cancer and thriving!!
  • Tswift31
    Love both of you and am happy to listen to your podcast every week. Amy you are so beautiful and such a light in this world.
  • anneoneill
    Sometimes TJ comes off as too aggressive towards Amy. It appears judgy and not compassionate
  • LaMamiLkd
    Amy, please get the lab done!
    Don’t feel alone about doing this . I am also a breast cancer survivor and have fears as well … Ask TJ to take you…. Sending love to both
  • Hurley_gurl848
    More air time please!!
    A DAILY dose of Amy and TJ to get us through our days would be fabulous!! 🤔. Love you two! Keep doing you and being your authenic selves!!!
  • cFjlztjrzlkjfz
    Move on to your profession
    I keep waiting for you both to be more professional and do interviews with others. Getting so tired of hearing about your lives. Your constant laughing at each other’s comments is awkward to listen to.
  • Reymagana
    TJ you don’t get it.
    TJ you don’t know what authenticity is. Listening to 1/22 podcast you sound like you want out of this. Your just waiting for Amy to say done. Your not on the same page and I’m sure when you play at work it’s fun in games. Now this is real life. And you can’t handle real life love. You two should play back your podcast and LISTEN to yourselves. You question every thing Amy say. The problem is you TJ is you don’t listen, you don’t hear what Amy is saying. This podcast sounds like two high schooler.
  • north silver
    Twisting the truth
    So disappointed, Amy brought up the shocking death of the UGA student by an illegal criminal, that slipped and slid through our broken immigration system. So misleading wanting to talk about how women joggers must be careful, just as the associated press did as well. However let’s get real, President Biden and Kamala Harris have repeatedly said our borders are secure, not until 87% of American people are so fed up with this administration not securing our borders did it become political since it is an election year. This administration has totally failed the American people, yet mainstream media including you continue to protect the democrats. The blood of this young women is on this administration and their total failures, period! This person who took the life of this young women was illegal, not undocumented, stop with the sugar coating. I was rooting for you, unfortunately you are no different than all the other so called journalist. Journalism truly is dead, so sad. Bye, no longer going to waste my time with your podcast.
  • cweugene
    Race Card
    Everything on this podcast relates to TJ and race. The man is a total narcissist! Run Amy run!
  • Retiredinthedesert
    Great chemistry
    Wasn’t sure what to expect but have been pleasantly surprised how much I enjoy their conversations, even the argument. I look forward to listening every week.
  • robertRyan08
    These celebs are so full of themselves…you got fired from your job for breaking the rules..we get it…move on already…every chance they get they bring it up. In this episode they actually bring up that they went into hiding because of it…Sheesh…next thing you know they will have awards shows for themselves..wait…
  • Podcastlivr
    TJ is a red flag
    This guy is not nice to Amy….condescending, sarcastic…,hard to hear and gives me flashbacks of an unhealthy relationship I had in the past.
  • nickname1234569870
    This has potential if they could just move beyond themselves
    If you’re so in love and have survived the toughest part of the relationship being made public (and the fallout), you don’t have keep going back to analyze it over and over. The first two episodes of review were plenty. The episodes with guests are better, because it at least adds dimensionality to the dynamic. Even in those episodes though, you return to the “what happened to us”/woe is me vibe. Tedious.
  • AnnieKozz
    Please be kind
    It is not all about you TJ.
  • lshaw444
    Yikes, girl…you need to leave him immediately. From the outside looking in, it’s easier to see. TJ is repulsive. Hard to listen to because it sounds so emotionally abusive and manipulative.
  • Mic52Inspired
    Love the show
    Love the podcast! At what age did you both start running? I’m inspired by you both!
  • acovert59
    Tom is one of the most disliked reality cast member. Try having Ariana on your show. She is currently in New York appearing on stage in Chicago with rave reviews!!!!!
  • goupooooo
    Love this podcast
    I look forward to listening to each new podcast. I am rooting for you too. I think the sky is the limit for the both of you. Keep up the podcast got a lot of listeners and five stars for you both.
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